
Youth Empowerment Quotes

There are 623 quotes

"Whatever the motivator, kids wanting to take on responsibility should be encouraged."
"We're taking this amazing group of young fantastic kids, who were just dealt a bad hand. It's no fault of their own."
"If you treat young people right and give them what they need to be successful, you'll be successful as a team."
"The most important part of it is like taking away the stigma and also the harm that prevents young people from attaining their dreams."
"The importance of young men thinking for themselves."
"A better, stronger, safer future is one where our youth and our communities have access to the tools and resources they need to thrive."
"At 14, I decided I wasn't going to just let things happen to me. I was going to take charge."
"Young people of color, understand that we are not starting at zero; we are starting at negative 1,000."
"At 22 years old, we're opening a school up. I started this program at 19 years old, so in just three years, we were able to make this happen with an idea that I had."
"Young people, you have the world in your hands."
"The purpose of this event is to inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM."
"Our mission is to build safe and supportive communities where boys and young men of color are valued and have clear pathways to opportunity."
"We need to take back control of our lives, to call out the pimping of our youth, to stop mindlessly scrolling across the endless amount of nihilistic, banal distractions that serve as filler to our hollow lives."
"We gotta teach young people how to really take ownership of their life."
"There must be leadership in addressing climate change because we, and especially your generation, can't afford for things not to change."
"If the truth is told, the youth can grow to learn to survive until they gain control."
"We're playing for Junior Achievement, the world's largest organization dedicated to helping young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to own their own economic success."
"The Prime Minister spoke directly to young people, calling on them to lead by example in this crisis, saying they can shape the future we live in not just with their choices but with their leadership as well."
"He was a tireless advocate for the young people of this city and of this world to lift them up with the possibility of not being in prison by where you come from or past mistakes but the possibility of what comes in the future."
"I quickly realized that there was work to be done, and I felt obligated to give these young people at least an opportunity to excel."
"Young people have the power to change our country for the better, and it's up to us to make sure that no matter where they live, they have the tools to chase their dreams and succeed."
"We really want to...support and empower these youth, not to limit their participation in activities in sports and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state."
"The Black History 365 textbook and curriculum are making history. Through our product, we want to empower all of the youth who get to interact with our project."
"The first response is to take young people seriously and not ignore their justified concerns and demands."
"It's in the younger generation's hands the direction of our future society. The more we enable and help them to understand these technologies, the better we serve society."
"I have no doubt that our younger generation will make Prime Minister's dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat a reality, if only we give them a platform to make it."
"That courage and confidence you give that kid and wanna make it out goes so far."
"Skateboarding is one of the most powerful things you can do for a kid."
"He's got such a bright future, he's so smart."
"You're here. You guys are gonna be ruling the universe. You're gonna be running the Supreme Court, gonna be running Congress, you're gonna be running the presidency. If the people in this room are gonna be running the world."
"Make it heard, don't be afraid to have a conversation with these young voters and support these organizations that support the youth because ultimately as Whitney said you know the children are our future."
"The best way to affect change right now today is for young people to start a company or join a company."
"Teaching this generation how to be more than just athletes and entertainers."
"For my cousins, Queens is a web-based series for young women of color."
"I believe that youth itself is a very powerful community. Although we are young, we have so many tools and we have so many things that we can do in this world. It's not only about the adults and the older people, it's also about us young people."
"Work for the young people, invest in them, making sure they're good."
"I think bringing up the Next Generation, so long as that person's got passion, interest, and like, they're showing the work ethic, I think it's always worthy to give them a shot."
"My message to those young people is: you have the full capacity and power of the federal government. Your government is going to work with you."
"I want an army of hundreds of thousands of young people in the next generation who are trained on the basics of mine real estate on the basics of starting businesses the basics of investing."
"We're going to teach young black kids in this country that they are in control of their destiny."
"As the younger generation coming up, you unfortunately have inherited a pretty chaotic and problematic world but you also have the power to change that way more than adults might tell you that you do."
"I firmly believe that we're not the generation of tomorrow, we're the generation of now."
"I want young people, regardless of where they are in the world, to be able to look at me and be like, Oh, if she can do it, then I can do it too."
"The choices you make around how you shape the world that you want to grow up in that you want to succeed in starts right now."
"I think it's just gonna motivate even younger people."
"You create a culture, you create some kind of inspirational system and a place in a platform and a community in which you can cheer on young people and make them feel good about themselves."
"I'm doing this tonight because an 11-year-old wrote me. His name, Sebastian, says, 'Because of you and your material, I'm starting my own company this year.'"
"To all the young people who are here today, your generation now has more power than anybody to change things."
"I think we got to start teaching our young people at a young age how to be entrepreneurs, how to think about ownership."
"Certainly, her willingness to use her voice and her platform to speak directly to young people is quite powerful."
"It's our time now. This country was founded by people that were your age or younger yep like it's our time you want the world to be fixed step the up that's what it's going to take."
"I think that it's time that we give these kids a platform to actually show their worth and their talent."
"Just because she's a woman and younger doesn't mean she's not capable."
"Sometimes a hero can be a young boy with the courage to stand up."
"Kids should meddle, dogs are sweet, life is groovy, and if something scares you, you should confront it..."
"I want our young people to become entrepreneurs and business owners so they never have to sacrifice their integrity."
"The message that I always give to the young people is just don't forget that every day you live, you make an impact on the planet."
"My goal from the very beginning is to help younger people achieve their goals."
"I'll never forget the feeling when I knew that my future, the future of young Americans everywhere, was finally guaranteed."
"Captain Trower expresses his commitment to raising awareness among young people and safeguarding them against manipulation."
"Youth will prevail. I've been saying it since the young buck started."
"I appreciate the back-and-forth that we have... But it's the fact that we have young people coming up now who are bold, who are strong, who are opinionated and do their research."
"Teach them that their agency matters and they can do great things if they are good people and virtuous."
"God wants young people who will stand up like that for him don't follow the bad example of older people around you."
"I feel like a new different society would definitely emerge if every young person was able to just go out there and use their full potential."
"So, that's my final message to young people as First Lady. It is simple."
"Ultimately, there is a tremendous awakening amongst young men particularly in this country as to what they've been up against. I'm far more hopeful that we have seen the worst days."
"We just want to make sure that they know they can be young black in America and still go make it happen regardless of the stereotypes they give us."
"I truly believe my purpose is to inspire young men to be confident and positive."
"Young artists are powerful. That is complete, absolute power."
"We will turn a youth bulge into a democratic dividend rather than today's harvest of time-bomb violence, insecurity, from uneducated, unemployed, and marginalized youth."
"If we just said every black boy is going to learn how to start a business as a rite of passage from before he's the age of 12..."
"Young kids should be listened to more than they are."
"Youth rising to higher heights than their predecessors, recognizing and casting away the unnecessary aspects of tradition."
"I'm actually trying to promote a positive environment for black kids so they can have the same experience I had."
"The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gains over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end."
"Young people just like you following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms."
"The entrepreneurial experience not only helps them discover that entrepreneurship is a possible career option, it also helps them realize that there's more potential for them as young people."
"An entrepreneurial mindset helps kids discover that they can make the world a better place."
"Let's help them use their special talents to put their mark on the world."
"Congratulations to the kids, man, as much as money as y'all can get, go get it."
"There's so much more they could be doing with their talent and opportunities."
"Empower a generation to walk Christianity as a lifestyle."
"Supporting young people to move beyond just tolerance into celebration, acceptance, participation, and also liberating."
"It's about empowering the next generation... we need a critical mass of young people to change the world."
"You deserve to live in a world where you as a young black boy are allowed to exist."
"You are the future of this country, you are the Catalyst for change."
"The most important thing we should be teaching the young girls today is leadership."
"Haters can talk but they can't cancel the kid."
"Young people should not be in a place where you're being intimidated by fear; you should be living the best life you can."
"Your children will be the business owners, the wealth builders, the job creators in the next generation."
"The constitution empowers us, especially us young students, to build our own destinies."
"You guys and girls are literally the future of America. You are the next leaders of America."
"Claiming your 20s is one of the simplest yet most transformative things you can do for work, for love, for your happiness, maybe even for the world."
"I want to be part of the generation that says enough is enough."
"We need more kids believing in themselves, we need more dreamers out here."
"Being a part of this network spirituality gives young people a sense of fighting back in a way that only they know how."
"Don't be offended because I'm young. Don't be insecure. Your opinions of me mean nothing to me."
"Being crappy on the Internet can be very rewarding."
"Amanda Serrano inspires multitudes of young girls every time she fights."
"We make it a point to inform our young people of how special they are, how precious their lives are."
"Teaching kids about money early on makes them unafraid and empowered."
"It showed how people can have serious beefs and put their problems aside and put their family and their creativity and their music first and educate you know these youth out here."
"There will be a Revival amongst the young who will be given a supernatural impartation of my spirit so that even children shall preach."
"We like to highlight young people who are doing the right thing, not just the people doing the wrong thing."
"Within 3 short months that young man, not only did he change, he went on to complete his schooling."
"Hope is the youth for me, and hopefully, Don Fletcher in that role can bring that forward."
"God is empowering the next generation to rise up."
"It's our job to try to help these younger generations learn true investing."
"I hope this helps a lot of resellers out there... I hope this tells the younger generations trying to start a business one day."
"BTS: Beyond the Scene. The new door-inspired logo symbolizes youth who don't settle for their current reality."
"Forget me, forget my accomplishments, let's clear the decks, let's encourage more young people."
"BTS stands for Bangtan, Korean for bulletproof boy scout. It means to block out stereotypes, criticisms, and expectations aimed at adolescents like bullets."
"Father I thank you in Jesus name that you're raising up millennial heroes right now for the millennial generation."
"I believe and I hope that this will be also the moment when youth... decide to do something to unite for something and to change something."
"This barn has a program where kids who normally wouldn't afford riding and showing weekly have access to equipment training and showing."
"Stay woke, young Elder. We are proud of you."
"Go be a go be a you're only gonna be this young once you're only gonna be this hot what."
"Enjoy being 18 and start working on your credit now, the younger you are, the better."
"Take that money and just put it all into the city of Chicago and build up the city and give kids opportunity and outlets to music or whatever it is creatively."
"The future of our world depends on young people willing to rise up in truth."
"Don't let no man no man discourage your youth, go out here and gather the kingdom for the 12 tribes, that's right."
"Some adults that haven't went through all six stages of development, and if you find a kid that has, we should reward them by having a voice in society."
"Make your first investment as early as possible. There's no such excuse as too young to invest."
"I just want to make sure that young guys could and girls whatever could give themselves better options in life."
"Your research was phenomenal in equipping young people like myself to take a stand against evolution in our secular schools."
"Don't let anyone tell you you're too young to get a job or you're too young to be making millions of dollars. That is absolutely not true."
"We have to think long term, and that's something only younger people have the courage and unique position to do."
"If you do really want to make videos, then practice. You can start now. I've seen some kids that are like 10, 11, making full livestream videos that they've all done themselves."
"We really need to close this digital gap, equip our kids with options, and necessary foundational skills."
"I want the community to get behind the STEM stars, to support our young kids and give them a way to compete and shine through."
"And give them opportunities even in small ways to do that."
"The future of the world belongs to young people like you."
"So, props to these kids because they're fighting not just for themselves, but they're fighting for everyone in the state of Montana."
"It showed me the power of community believing in children, believing in the black youth."
"Young people feel powerless to change the status quo amidst social injustice."
"I would argue that we need to make sure that our young girls are exposed to a wide range of possibilities from a very young age so that their view about what they can do in the work world is much broader."
"You're putting value in the youth, reminding them to get successful at a younger age."
"I want to switch it up, inspire the kids to do something different with their money."
"We will get to the root causes of the problem and invest in our young people in jobs and education, not jails."
"We should be setting our young people up to win, not cutting them off at their knees."
"Rap music can be a genuinely viable route out of the streets for these young men born into these challenging situations."
"A country that doesn't give 25-year-olds a pass to the future, is a country that has no future."
"Innovation is really beneficial to investors, but it's also beneficial to the economy as a whole."
"Empowering a new generation of young leaders."
"I don't take that lightly and that's part of the reason I started my nonprofit is because it takes courage and our young ladies need to be equipped with courage to lead well in life."
"Don't ever think you're too young to be able to do anything you set your mind to."
"We want a country that gives every kid opportunity."
"BTS Army: passionately defending and preserving the ideals of today's youth."
"Technology is the way of the future... we have to start teaching young people about jobs around technology."
"God is using anything he can to reach his people."
"Empowering trans youth is crucial, especially in states like Texas."
"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young."
"We're not going to do that. We're going to stand up to this little group of 10-year-olds and we're going to tell them that you don't need a Stanley Cup to be cool."
"We have the power. My generation has to live with some of these problems for the next 60, 70, 80 years and we're not going to allow it to happen."
"What's going to really change the landscape of politics is when a YouTuber realizes they have political power."
"I really want kids and hip-hop to learn how to code and really build like they own shit."
"Teach your children to be bound read sovereign strong young adults."
"Everybody must be who they are. Young people, don't ever let anyone make you something that you're not. You have the right to be who you are."
"Everybody look at the students and they ask what we want, and before they didn't even ask what we want, they didn't understand us. Now they are trying to understand us."
"I teach tennis to kids and I let kids know that they're perfect the way they are and that they're really, really good."
"I make sure that no kid ever will feel exactly the way I did, and that's my mission today."
"If we could bring them together to articulate their positions, what they think is wrong with the world and why they think we need urgent solutions."
"The ultimate resource is people—especially skilled, spirited, and hopeful young people endowed with liberty—who will exert their wills and imaginations for their own benefits, and so inevitably they will benefit the rest of us as well."
"My main purpose is to inspire the youth, inspire young black people, young Hispanics, young white people."
"Young people have solutions. Trust in the young people."
"If us dumb kids don't stand up for each other who will?"
"Here's what it is, it's an opportunity, it's an option, they don't have to do STEM, but they'll have these tools, no matter what they choose to do."
"But the other thing we haven't always been is victorious but so far this group of young men have given us a journey at a time when we needed it most."
"If you're under 25 and you're doing it, go at it. You're going to learn something."
"These kids can make incredible educational gains."
"Jersey City whiz kid who offers free financial advice to thousands online."
"Changing the mindsets of the children is where it's key. They have to know their worth, they have to know where they're going."
"The future of this nation is in your hands, young people."
"A rise in teenagers leaving schools and getting their GEDs or high school diploma equivalents, or just creating their own self-employed small businesses."
"Our hope is not only to provide support where it may be felt deepest but also to empower young adults to embrace the gift of giving."
"This is the exact kind of energy I want my children to have in their souls."
"Game with no debt and a pile of money in the bank, dude you're going to be light years ahead of your peers, that's the plan. Thank you."
"Life would not be half so hard if youth were taught the power of an inflexible resolve."
"The Phantom Thieves all individually confront the adults they feared so much and break through the hypothetical chains that once held them back."
"We're investing in students in the Next Generation, and I'm really excited to see what comes out of that project and the films that these young women will produce."
"I think it's always inspiring, yeah, kids who want to kind of, you know, change your world, you want to get them empowered inspired and get them riled up and get them thinking I want to go outside and get dirty."
"Your story is giving me hope for the future that more and more young people can avoid these companies."
"Give these young people the necessary skills so they could go out and get good paying jobs in the future."
"Dick brains unite! If you're having to find your own way now, it's tough, but you'll grow up to have the most brilliant and creative adult life."
"I want black people to realize that while we're running around here doing everything for clout... we need to be magnifying our young graduates."
"This story is for the kids that maybe wake up one day and want to completely reinvent themselves."
"Every black male in America, if you have a son, your son must be trained to be an entrepreneur."
"Young people have the power to change the world."
"When we invest in young people, when we provide them with the tools and opportunities to make a difference, they can truly change the world."
"Youth have the ability to cross the barriers of political boundaries and distinctions of race, religion, and other factors and I think if they were to join hands and really start a major effort globally then it will sensitize all of humanity."
"My seven-year-old daughter said, 'Someone at camp said girls aren't tough.' Well, what'd you say to that?"
"You have more power than you and I ever had when we were their age."
"Bring on the youth talent, we've got an abundance of it."
"It's the ultimate equalizer, no matter what else happens, because I plan on spending over 15 billion dollars to provide for opportunity for young black entrepreneurs."
"I have a nonprofit where I work with kids and I give back to the community."
"Young people are capable, when aroused, of bringing down the towers of oppression and raising the banners of freedom."
"An amazing ability to distill truths, challenges, and solutions of adolescence through a powerful channel of peer education."
"Don't underestimate young people, young people care about the future."