
Academic Excellence Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Imagine you're in high school with a 4.8 GPA, and because of your grades, you can go to UCLA early to pitch and to go to school."
"I made a decision that I would do whatever it took in order to graduate with a 4.0 GPA."
"In a true meritocracy, we should not be apologetic about stretching the most academically able to the very highest standards of excellence."
"Despite these tribulations Mugabe excelled as a pupil. Contemporaries remember him as a serious student, though aloof and inscrutable."
"He has never seen such an amazing student before."
"We have the best universities on the planet. They're great ones elsewhere but these are the best."
"What we ultimately want to do is write an IELTS 9 letter. This deserves an IELTS 9. This letter is perfect, perfect in every way."
"She was also a noted patron of scholars, excelling in her Latin learning beyond what would be expected of a European royal in the sixteenth century."
"The scientific endeavor that is evident here is something to be applauded, frankly it's a beautiful thing."
"Judge Barrett is the best student, the smartest and most talented person to ever come through the University of Notre Dame Law School."
"Max has put A stars on the board, seven A's and one B. That's it. Hasn't scored lower than a B."
"Set high personal and academic standards for yourself."
"Bust your ass, get that 4.0 if you can your first year."
"This lake provides some impressive scenery, and it is clearly inspirational as the Faroe Islands has the highest ratio of Nobel Prize winners per capita of any country in the world."
"He has this amazing ability to just get you straight to the goods and expose you to artistic principles you never even took into consideration."
"This course is just amazing. You can't get lucky to get that score."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"Build a strong mathematical foundation. That's what sets apart all the 165+ scores in quant from everybody else."
"I'm passing every test. I'm the ultimate Brainiac."
"Home to Harvard University, widely considered one of the best colleges in the country."
"MIT has been named the world's number one university for the seventh straight year."
"Asian American children are the only race to score far above proficient in math and science testing."
"I was pretty much like a straight-A student."
"U.S. schools take eight of ten top spots on U.S. News's best global universities list for 2020."
"All of your training, all of your late nights and exams you powered through, when they announced that you as the top student, you knew your efforts were paying off."
"Helene Prizzinski: A bright and intelligent student."
"Strive, work harder, be better, get a 4.0, there's nothing stopping you."
"Merit means prioritizing the Excellence of scholarship."
"So the scene in this movie took place in Harvard University, one of the top universities in the world."
"Teachers loved them they are the teacher's pet sign they always knew the answer before you they were always prepared for the pop quiz."
"She achieved top grades in her NEWTs and OWLs and showed powerful magical ability from a very young age."
"This is India's sort of best and brightest. People get in here, and after they finish their undergraduate, I mean they're sought after by all kinds of companies - Google, Facebook, the banks."
"The Rhodes Scholarship is probably the highest academic award you can earn as an undergraduate student."
"She's been number one in the whole school since the day she got enrolled."
"He excelled academically; he loved to read."
"He even broke records by getting the highest score at the University and everyone noticed him."
"We all had to maintain an Institutional GPA of 3.0 or better to stay in the program; we averaged 3.8."
"He was the best student in the faculty."
"She was a woman of sparkling intelligence, having scored the highest on her board exams in the oblast."
"...if you are aiming to seriously get into a college like MIT...you have to in some way show that you are academically and overall a proficient student and worthy of studying in the best university in the world."
"I think I just need to pick two of the three: I'm going to pick academics and golf."
"The boys were really, really, really together, we're friends and then we're also co-workers. But now it's time to boss up and be like, 'Hey, let's kill these sciences that we have coming up.'"
"Stanford now stands head and shoulders above the rest."
"Well, I've never heard of anyone scoring full marks in such a short amount of time. Unreal."
"Not answering the questions in math class 'Cause I answer them before boys like you."
"We have a ton of school spirit, which is really fun. Academically, it's a really good school."
"So congratulations to Reagan, the top GPA for all the student athletes here participating at the Final Four."
"She takes that high academic IQ and transfers it right to the volleyball court."
"The University of Cape Coast also ranks first globally for research influence."
"He completed his aerospace engineering degree with a 4.0 GPA, a feat many professors in the field said is extremely difficult for a non-student athlete to achieve."
"They're about twice as likely to produce a kind of top 1% paper by citation count."
"He's gonna graduate summa laude, it's the highest honor."
"If Rockefeller University were a country, it would rank fourth in the world in Nobel prizes after the United States, the UK, and Germany."
"University of Michigan always has been a First Rate Academic School."
"Mathematics, astronomy, botany, history, philosophy, and jurisprudence were to be mastered in Spain and Spain alone."
"We were two of the brightest lads in our school."
"I graduated summa cum laude because I had to have perfect grades; like everything has to be a certain way."
"Xavier University of Louisiana is celebrated for its academic rigor, supportive community, and commitment to social justice."
"Morehouse College is lauded for its rich history, strong sense of brotherhood, and commitment to academic excellence."
"Spelman College is renowned for its empowering environment, nurturing community, and commitment to academic excellence, sisterhood, and social activism."
"Both my girls are unbelievably successful in their own right; they're good kids, they get good grades, they're on an incredible path of their own, and they're thriving."
"My best friend is muggle-born, she's the best in our year."
"She was not just a grateful and loving daughter and granddaughter, but also an excellent student, team member, sister, and friend whose infectious laughter and kind heart could light up any room."
"My sister went on to graduate as the class valedictorian and went to Cambridge in the UK for undergraduate and graduated magna laude."
"I made all A's in school, I love to read."
"London School of Economics, why not learn from them?"
"She's getting excellent grades, she's a positive asset to the classroom."
"My excellent undergrad grades qualified me for this research assistant position."
"Prince Martin's educational achievements are a testament to his dedication and intellectual prowess."
"I was the valedictorian of my class."
"Carnegie Mellon is ranked 22 in the U.S with the CS undergrad ranking as number one."
"Oxford is synonymous for its high quality of education and high-flying academics."
"If you're the top 10% of admitted students into Tulane, you're actually accepted into the Honors Program automatically."
"Asia was really good at school and she loved science, she loved math."
"Villa Soleada will be the most bilingual village in the entire country, and it will have the highest academic rate in Honduras."
"She just always had very good grades, and she took her studies very seriously."
"Her academic achievements are unparalleled with almost anyone who has been appointed to the Supreme Court."
"They're always good in education, they're always good in studies."
"They've done an unbelievable job in a classroom."
"He's a guy who graduated the top of his class."
"You are an A student, you are extremely gifted, and you could do whatever you want to do."
"She was an honor student at TW Josie Comprehensive High School and won lots of achievement awards."
"This is an actually very good student... so you will see that the prediction here was 0.94, they have a high chance of being admitted to the university."
"If you're going to this prestigious school, then you should be held to a higher standard."
"This prestigious program is an academic initiative that embodies the 450-year-old Jesuit ideal of service through professional excellence and personal integrity."
"Congratulations to Martin Anderson for getting a score of 100 in every exam."
"Jack Campbell also won the academic Heisman; this is a guy that is sharp as a whip, character off the charts."
"He's so quick, the 40 time 4.39, the GPA also 4.37. How about that combination?"
"Surrounded by some of Mexico's most intelligent students, Gregorio's academic achievements were outstanding."
"I was great at math class, that was the only class that I was like, I went up to the board and I did all the math problems."
"I got into my state's business and marketing Honor Society during my last year of high school for having a 98 average in all five of my business classes."
"We're very proud of this legacy that LSE has, that we had these incredibly innovative, smart people as part of our faculty."
"The quality of education here is unparalleled, attracting families willing to invest in their child's future."
"Merit scholarships mean if you are an academically good achieving student... you stand a good chance of getting this merit scholarship."
"It's such a shame because he is obviously an exceptional shinobi or an exceptional student."
"Been a long time admirer of Purdue as an outstanding institution."
"Europe is still fantastically performing in education, in the academic basis we have powerhouses of research, we have renowned universities."
"BYU must serve the kingdom as an educational ambassador, and we cannot do that if we do not produce superb scholarship."
"The unique combination of meekness and academic excellence will set Brigham Young University apart from all other institutions of higher education."
"If you can master it, if you can put in the effort, then you will shine."
"Elijah is one of the brightest in this class and also the youngest."
"If colleges meet the standard, they can apply directly with the NSA and become a Center of Academic Excellence."
"He's proud to be at Coastal, he's even more proud of this, he's got a 4.0 GPA here at Coastal Carolina."
"I was always at the top of my class in math and art and won several awards in high school."
"She's a straight A student, dependable, responsible."
"Dartmouth's stellar academics and focus on undergraduates attract some of the most talented students from around the world."
"Come check out UConn for yourself and learn why this year saw the largest number of admissions applications in university history."
"Ohio offers a broad range of honors and scholars programs from academic programs like the honors tutorial college, where students dive deep in their majors and personalize tutorials to a wide range of multicultural scholars programs."
"She was a good student, the type of person if you met her, you'd never forget her."
"If Tom Heston can do it, you know he's an international movie star and he got a double first in Classics at Cambridge."
"Who are the top three students in the school or in Gryffindor?"
"He is number one in the city and popular universities are fighting for him."
"I made the president's list for having a 4.0 GPA in college, so that's exciting."
"The Nobel prizes are awarded each year in the areas of peace, physical science, literary works, chemistry, and medical science."
"Igarashi son graduated at the top of his class from college."
"I finished the semester with all A's."
"All throughout his schooling, he was on top of his class, achieving perfect scores, especially in math."
"We now have, literally, the most powerful high-performance computing facilities of any UK university."
"Stanford has actually moved up to number two in the world."
"Leeds has a very good reputation in terms of academics; it's part of the Russell Group."
"She was a straight-A student with a love for music and always wanted to help others."
"He was extremely smart, straight A student, he was an incredible musician and he was really well respected by his peers and even by his teachers and other instructors."
"Becky graduated Summa cum laude from Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences and received the faculty outstanding senior award."
"Getting a perfect score is no easy feat, but it's not impossible."
"The median score was 100 percent on the first question, which is very, very impressive."
"What do 700 plus students do that other students don't?"
"Achievements: if you were top of your class, if you're coming out of college, you're top of your class."
"My girl, extra credit A student, we're talking valedictorian here."
"It's foolproof; you can use it going forward for all your data analysis questions and it can help you achieve the top marks."
"He was also very good in school; he had a very high IQ and he excelled in pretty much all of his classes."
"He's one of the only few honors students."
"We are gonna get set up for the final round and when we return, one of these gifted students will become the 2018 National Geographic Bee Champion."
"He excelled in his schooling, taking a particular interest in history, biology, and science."
"My dedication to research and academic excellence is embodied in my emergence in the top one percent of my graduating class."
"Brilliant young man, a 4.0 academic All-American student in biological sciences."
"Education is a gigantic thing, and it deserves to have people of all political persuasions studying excellence."
"All the resources which I've talked about, I've used them genuinely, and these are the resources which have actually helped me get two gold medals and nine distinctions during my 4 years in college."
"I was top of the class; I used to get nine and ten, which is like A and A pluses."
"I took eight subjects in IGCSE and I got an A star in all of them."
"This is one of my favorite, if not my most favorite class in the country, regardless of conference."
"The top players are also very good in school; they're good in academics, they're just really good at time management."
"In the 30s, our math department was the best in the world."
"I've got mostly A's and A*'s at A level throughout my mocks."
"He got an award for having the best grades in class."
"Use the data. Students in paper two who do the best make relentless use of the information they're given to support their arguments."
"You would be accepting an exceptional student."
"I was able to obtain all seven distinctions with 100 in mathematics."
"For those for the highest marks in that criterion A for understanding, then you have to be able to link the purpose of the text to the author's context."
"Performing well in IB means consolidating many skills, including organization skills, critical thinking, perseverance, and your academic skills."
"Exceptionally bright and matriculated from high school with six distinctions and an average of 85 percent."
"The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level integrated study programmes that award scholarships annually to the best-ranked students worldwide."
"You have to work your ass off, and you have to make sure that you are in the A range so that you do not drop back to a C range."
"I never get anything lower than an A, ever."
"He's got a 4.6 grade point average, all of the classes he takes are accelerated."
"Jim was good at study, especially math, he kindly supported disabled friends and was always on the class committee."
"The number of awards associated with the academic program is about two point nine five six times greater than the number of awards associated with the general program."
"He graduated Summa cum laude and was Ray Mapen scholar."
"She was incredibly intelligent and during her school years, her grades were well above the national average."
"We are going to move holistically to ensure that our children are getting a world-class education."
"New Hartford High School in New York is nationally recognized as an institute of academic excellence."
"This is an excellent paper and the fact that it's written by a Year 11 student is absolutely amazing."
"I was a straight A student, I was actually so involved with my books."
"Quiz average of 85, that's on the first part of the course."
"At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality."
"I want you to make A's and B's; yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am, be respectful to your elders and always treat people kind."
"Addie is doing excellent in school; she's well adjusted."
"It's very important for us to master this chapter in a way that we can score high marks that will boost our confidence going forward."
"He's the head of the student council, always at the top of exams, and a source of pride for our parents and teachers."
"Everyone can excel in math and science and reach for the stars."
"Showing why she's the three-time professor of the year and Olympian."
"The academics of these FA schools are the best you can get in the world."
"I was usually among the first ten, and that was a certainty; it doesn't matter if the class was a thousand or whatever."
"I've been an achiever and honor student since the first time I went to school, and I think, you know, I made my parents proud or happy."
"UK universities have the best academic standards in the world."
"They were straight A students, they played instruments, tennis, participated in dance class, Girl Scouts, and were really just bright and well-rounded girls."
"An upward growth trend in your grades or a consistent score of 90% plus is definitely more than enough when applying to these top colleges."
"Each one of your children seems to be ahead in his or her studies, that is a sign of children to be of sound mind."
"Academic excellence is one thing in life, and this I am telling you because I have excelled in academic excellence, and I'm telling you that it is not all in all in life."
"We went to state competitions and national competitions for history fair and we did really well."
"We are the best university in the world, students and athletes and professors achieving at the highest levels."
"Cal Poly's academics are really, really, really good with its learn by doing philosophy; it's unmatched in my opinion."