
Rhythm Quotes

There are 2431 quotes

"It's all about momentum, keeping the rhythm."
"Animals tend to respond more to sounds within their own vocal range as well as rhythms that are relative to their resting heart rates."
"It's not about how fast you are; it's about maintaining proper rhythm."
"Your meditation or your stillness is gonna come through rhythm and balance, not through sitting still."
"When you dance to your rhythm, sing to your own beat, the rest of the world will find the same beat with you."
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
"Far below, life-laden shadows pulse to the unrelenting rhythm of a beating heart."
"I got good rhythm; I used to play the drums and the guitar."
"The backbeat is the heartbeat of the whole song."
"Participating in rhythmic synchrony, or keeping together in time, powerfully affects bonding, making people trust one another, cooperate, and feel more similar to one another."
"It's day five and I'm feeling alive, and today's practice is all about rhythm and cultivating a sense of listening so you can really be true to your own rhythm, to the beat of your own drum."
"If you practice cultivating a graceful rhythm on your yoga mat, you're gonna be able to have a graceful and more connected, amazing rhythm off your yoga mat."
"And practice moving gracefully at a rhythm that is really true to yourself."
"To be alive, this is what it means to feel alive to me, is to really have this listening and this awareness of, oh what's my rhythm like today? What's my natural cadence like today?"
"Everything vibrates; everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; rhythm compensates."
"Philadelphia right now, man, they have found their rhythm."
"Take for example the musical element of Rhythm... Diller deserves credit for hacking not just the drum machine but the very fundamentals of musical Rhythm itself."
"Dying Light creates an intensely satisfying and self-sustaining rhythm of play."
"When you're trying to utilize the energy, there's a rhythm in order for you to be able to smoothly flow through the energy field."
"Scatter may sound excessive depending on what your style is but there are over 190 scatter effects so there's a lot to explore and to get rhythmic inspiration from."
"Our world has a rhythm; we all sense it everwhile."
"That was good, I liked it. I like the beat and everything."
"I enjoyed this song. I enjoyed the content, the beat, the production."
"I liked the lyrics, the beat, and the rapping."
"The theme that they are doing variations on is the theme is the rhythm that Kevin Conroy was playing."
"Love could be kind, exciting, fun, unlike the pain they've known."
"Let's focus in on the music because it has a rhythm to it, it has Cadence, and it's part of the non-verbal information that we're viewing."
"Basically no percussion for certain sections in the song, and then he's singing these incredibly complex and hard rhythms over no percussion and he lands exactly where we all feel he needs to land."
"Everybody's riding their own Tempo and it was right. You can kind of be doing your own thing, but no more than your Tempo zones."
"They have a natural rhythm just like we all should have."
"Each piece in the collection...takes on a new organic form while maintaining a distinct sense of rhythm."
"It's a formula, a cadence, a rhythm that a lot of people want to dance to."
"A good beat carries you, but sometimes lyrical lyrics will carry you."
"It's a shared responsibility, you find a rhythm."
"Your storytelling is like songs... there's comfort in the rhythm of it."
"It's a thrill like no other, your car flows through the targets, it's like music, you find the rhythm and then dance with gain on the edge of control."
"Everything I do is to a beat... everything to the beat."
"You gotta give them the beat and you gotta give them time to tell the story."
"They play with rhythm throughout the whole song; it's such a nice dynamic that keeps you engaged."
"Michael Jackson's relationship to the beat he was the beat honey he was the beat let's get it right he was the beat."
"I try not to mess with him. I don't want to be around him. I don't want to get him out of his rhythm because when it comes time to get dressed and it's time to do engine heat, from that moment on, I mean, he is locked in 100 on what he's doing."
"Reggae music has that heartbeat that's why everybody loves reggae."
"Feel the rhythm, you don't need to play a lot. Space is a note too."
"It's always important after the holidays that you come in the rhythm and you're playing a lot of minutes when possible."
"He's just got such a smooth rhythm to it, it's like he's dancing through the corners."
"This song really has a pulse and super catchy."
"When we make this choreo, it's not about the punch, it's about the rhythm."
"This road in this car is all about rhythm. Rhythm of the flow of maximizing the RPM, the torque coming in and out of the corner, selecting the gear and then throttle response."
"I've got to keep that rhythm and that tempo very, very consistent."
"The minute you start adding accents, it kind of makes it sound more like a groove instead of just a total mess of noise."
"He didn't hit me, he didn't beat me, he was patient, he taught me how to do it in rhythm."
"He said, 'Let's get out of this town...' The three words are smoothly connected, there are no breaks between them, the sound just flows right through that phrase."
"I think great play callers have a rhythm, they have a flow, they have a cadence."
"Each change effort is going to have its own rhythm to it."
"Polyrhythm has multiple rhythms played at the same time, even if they're based on different subdivisions of the beat."
"She danced graciously, gloriously, and rhythmically."
"You want to be right in the pocket. Your flow is going to sound the best."
"Literally she with bang though, I like the song, the rhythm is so good."
"This is your time to just dance to the rhythm of the world."
"Once you've got into a rhythm with these things it really doesn't take all that long to build them up."
"This is both a razor-sharp twin stick shooter - and also a rhythm game that lets you physically feel the beat of the music."
"With rhythm, you have, I mean, we're robots, you have rhythm that's not totally into the metronome, you slow down, you quicken, it's quite elastic and delicious like taffy."
"Once you learn to run to that beat, you got it."
"The axe you drag behind you makes a clanking sound as it hits the concrete with every one of your steps. It's the most beautiful rhythm you've ever heard."
"They make their heart go boom Diddy boom Diddy bump bump."
"Justin Chancellor's bass lines have a lot of sixteenth note funk about them."
"Let's start with the knee up and then externally rotate good so just get that rhythm and then from there if you want to add the hop okay add the hop."
"He mixes up his rhythms a lot, a lot so one thing he's really good at is he'll have a certain rhythm he's employing and then he'll switch it up."
"Silences are just as important as sounds when it comes to rhythm and creating patterns."
"It's fun to do stuff like that, so now we have a more irregular thing going on with a beat."
"Your speed, your Tempo, your Rhythm, how what frequency of time you tap into that clicks you into the right head space."
"It's a good day, it's a good day, I just want to move to the rhythm of my own."
"You going to get down, down, down, down, down."
"Repetition, routine, rhythm. These are the bedrocks of the Gilmore Girls world."
"Humans are innately connected to rhythm and beat."
"I like his style, I like how he changes his tempo, he speeds up, he slows down, he's fast, he's smooth."
"Listen to the beat of your heart and keep on dancing."
"Most people's heartbeat hits at 72 beats for a minute; they want to match music that matches the heartbeat."
"Once your daily disciplines have become a routine, you want the succession of those steps to create a rhythm."
"Envisioning your success as an unstoppable locomotive may help you stay enthusiastic about getting into your own rhythm."
"There was just something about the actual rhythm of Ska that just got to people."
"I'm marching to the beat of my own drum, and I'm loving the sound."
"I'm dancing to the pounding of your heartbeat, your eyes sing the sweetest melody."
"Gregory quickly gained a reputation for his unique style, characterized by smooth staccato rhythms, impeccable timing, and an uncanny ability to speak volumes through his feet."
"You never see a figure skater go tuck, tuck, untuck, untuck. It's coordinated arms moving in and out together."
"In the rhythm of the rain, the earth sings."
"You followed your own rhythm and because you followed your own rhythm, you won't be led astray."
"If harmony is the way we organize notes in pitches, rhythm is the way we organize the notes in time."
"She had rhythm, one critic noticed that Drake's wiggling torso kept the beat of the music better than even the conductor did."
"Right foot kicks one one double hop one one double hit go pop pop beautiful nice and light bounce it go."
"The Freeman's are taking care of the slap and rhythm."
"His body should move with the beat."
"It's all about that base, no treble."
"The pendulum-swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates."
"The principle of rhythm embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and from movement, a flow and inflow."
"It's all rhythm and dynamics. As drummers, we don't have melody and harmony to deal with, we have it extremely easy compared to other instruments."
"I live in circadian rhythms of a shooting star, the mannerism of Raphael, I can heal and give you art."
"The space between the notes makes the music."
"There's a rhythm, a natural pulse to life, a kind of harmonious dance that doesn't rely on force or strain, yet achieves the seemingly impossible."
"If I don't like this balance if it doesn't work well for me with the basic rhythm instruments I can then do this over again make this balance any number of times that I want to achieve the desired emotional effect."
"The games expect you to understand Rhythm."
"These games are at their most basic core identities pattern Rhythm games."
"They're so fiercely independent that when someone else is in their space and not doing, you know, doing something in the opposite rhythm or the opposite flow they can get flustered by it."
"Even though I was so clumsy, usually the beat of the music somehow made my body movements really coordinated."
"It's described as we're in heart coherence. The rhythm of our heart actually changes."
"Follow your own rhythm, it is the number of change."
"If you don't rap to the beat, you trash to me."
"Don't start slapping off beat now."
"The rhythm of this song is just insanely good."
"There's a great Rhythm to the dialogue you kind of learned to trust your own handwriting where you put your notes that also becomes really important."
"Music is not the notes, music is the space between the notes."
"Ventricular fibrillation is a rhythm that originates from your ventricles."
"Playing in time is more about how you're able to feel the beat than what your hand is doing."
"I said yo Charlie slow, yeah, let me play my music."
"I always have rhythm. I still have rhythm."
"Everything is going to be to the beat of the music here and this is a lot harder than you think so get ready. I'm ready."
"This is a really good way of figuring out if I'm on beat or offbeat."
"Tick-tock dancers to the club, yes."
"He was just like, 'This is perfect. This is the kind of cadence you don't want to start riffing. It just wouldn't match the vibe. It's almost like a piece of music.'"
"Every relationship of substance is built on rhythm and spontaneity."
"That classic beat the way that beat when you hear the guitar then you hear Ringo playing the drums."
"She's got a ticket to ride we call those sextuplets six notes six tuplets one two three four four six one."
"She loves you starts with a Ragtime filled and then it goes over to the floor tom."
"But you'll also notice that that's reminiscent of Gene Krupa and the great Louis Prima song sing sing that Gene Krupa did with the Benny Goodman Orchestra."
"When I hear that I just go yeah yeah you could pretty much put a metronome to that and it's right in the groove."
Gotta love the classic "follow the rhythm" Toy Story!
"if you have a rhythm and a system that makes you grow mhm and it fits your space yeah that's all you need to know."
"Never since Elvis Presley first sang blue suede shoes had I been so carried away on a tide of rhythm."
"I think knotting is one of my favorite techniques. It's very cathartic, it's rhythmic."
"I've done so many and I've got, you know, a fairly good rhythm that I've created."
"In the cycle of life, even chaos finds its rhythm."
"In the symphony of life, every beat counts."
"He just swings the club so beautifully rhythm has always been sort of a thing that my swing was always based around."
"The story has depth, tension, fun, and most importantly, it had a rhythm that most plots fail to maintain."
"When you adapt that rhythm and you win it, it's like, oh, that was smooth."
"Man it's tough to find your Rhythm you know on the putting green when you're a newer player in big moments I bet or just in any moment."
"Boxing's a dance, boxing, all those things. People don't understand, everything is a rhythm, everything is a dance."
"But I fill in that space of the holes between the kick and the snare with emotional space, and that makes me feel, to lay that kick back just a fraction, and it gives it attitude, and spirit, and meaning, and it makes people feel it."
"I really appreciate being able to have the downtime in Winter and then the rev up in the spring and summer that resonates with me I really like that part."
"Whenever you find your rhythm and that rhythm is working for you and yielding results, then you go with that flow."
"The beat's very important in music."
"It's just such a nice rhythm, it's very calming for me."
"Every Bell in her place striking tunably hunting up hunting down dodging snapping laying her blows behind."
"He starts to kind of get off rhythm and his footwork gets messed up."
"There's no such thing as balance per se, only Rhythm."
"It's helpful at the beginning when you first start doing this kind of idea that you keep the strum on beat one."
"He promised a lot of action early well, he's really been working on that one-two rhythm, and that's a key in bare knuckle. You gotta fight one-two, not one-two-three-four."
"...and our final rhythm today is what we can call shave and a haircut two bits."
"Let the club drop and flow and trust your motion."
"Dialogue is a sound effect, a rhythm, a vocal chorus in the overall soundtrack."
"He's definitely a rhythm fighter. He finds his rhythm, establishes pace, then creates opportunities and openings."
"Look at nature. Everything moves according to its own rhythm. Whatever necessities are there, they're there and therefore they need to be worked around. Hard work is an added extra romantic step."
"That's going to give me the groove."
"Drums are the foundation for rhythm, they're so important in music, and a lot of times when you're producing, it's really helpful to actually start with drums."
"Just go with it. Rock back to the rhythm and just flow with it."
"Love that rhythm, imagine hearing that through speakers, it would be like lifting you off the ground."
"When you have the hiccup, just go with it. Rock out to the rhythm and just blow with it."
"God is closer to music... the divine process is a rhythm, it's a beat which continues manifesting itself in sequences over and over again."
"It's great and then the rhythm starts, all this stuff, you know, heralding the fact that you should pay attention to this cool song."
"We're going to have these spurts of focus, you know what I mean?"
"The waves in the sea go in and out, in and out, in and out. The waves in the sea go in and out all day long."
"Trust in your own timing and rhythm."
"I'm mildly impressed by this guy's ability to rock, considering he looks like someone who's got the rhythm of Santa Claus."
"His drum parts, he always had the pocket, he always had the groove."
"Cheich and Chong always approached comedy like music, with its rhythm and beat. They knew exactly when to deliver a punchline and when to pause for maximum impact."
"... it creates a feeling of unease by missing a Beat It makes the choir much more jarring by changing the Rhythm almost like the choir is a pang of emotion"
"The interplay between the kick and the snare drum can really change the context and feel of a riff."
"You just need to find your rhythm."
"I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet got no rhythm."
"The beat is also working with their emotions."
"Once you get into the rhythm of a bike tour, it really comes down to moving and breathing and eating and taking care of your safety and your health."
"The level stays the same, but the volume just goes down. So your tone remains the same pretty much at whatever level, whether it's great rhythm or you're playing a solo, which is more natural."
"'Pyramid Song' contains an unsuspectingly complex rhythmic pattern which alternates between two beats of three, a beat of four, and another two beats of three."
"I think this is really important for a few reasons: one, it's going to help you rethink Rhythm as we know it from the Western perspective, but also it can easily turn itself into actual music."
"Nothing feels better than realizing that you found your rhythm in your stride."
"I hear the beat, we hear the rhythm, we're all together. I don't have to look back, I know they're there."
"The way you would count as a DJ is you go 1 2 3 4 new bar 2 2 3 4 new bar 3 2 3 4."
"One, two, three ... Two, three, four, five ..."
"Rhythm. That's what happens in my kitchen."
"Metronome, metronome, metronome. I can't say it enough. A couple of these techniques that Ariel showed me deal with practicing to a metronome and warming up to a metronome."
"Easy and especially when the majority of your shots are getting from the outside and they're also contested shots, it's hard to develop a rhythm."
"The other missing piece is the rhythmic aspect, yeah, the phrasing of it."
"Let them stay ghost notes. Let it stay. You don't have to play the exact same thing every time. You just play it so it moves, it goes with the body, it goes with the flow."
"Take off the one had the flow you can just hear what the door he got that stutter flow."
"This is such a perfect combination of gameplay Styles, moving and shooting but also trying to time your shots and attacks to the beat."
"It's almost like it's got a heartbeat of its own."
"Forget about the crazy song and feel the rhythm of the fruity rock."
"Finding that rhythm is what really you're looking for. You want to put every single odd in your favor."
"Rhythm is important in abstract art because it adds a dynamic quality to your artwork and it engages the viewer."
"Rhyme, rhythm, harmony... is what makes your blood go right, makes your heart pump right, makes you live for a long time."
"Everything is built around the tempo of the song."
"Okay, so now this is the beat you've been waiting for."
"You don't really know why, but the groove is like strange, it starts to compete against itself."
"We are all about love. We obey what we love. Whatever fills our hearts dictates how we act."
"Rhythm doesn't stand for anything it can't be proven to be in any privileged relation to the unconscious and the same is true of melody."
"The ontology of function utility signification and meaning was thrown into a minor crisis by rhythm."
"You listen to any record that wasn't cut to a click track and if you try to grid it, you'll find that they all speed up and slow down."
"We hit you with that brand new funk"
"LSU has found its rhythm, looking like a top 10 team."