
Signal Processing Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"Your brain is being bombarded with signals from all of those sources and when it's making meaning out of any signal, it's doing it in an ensemble of other signals."
"So much of the modern technology that we have today, such as wireless communication, GPS, and in fact anything related to the vast field of signal processing, relies on the insights of the FFT."
"The overall signal was generated by a human being."
"This spike you're looking at here above the winding frequency of five is the Fourier transforms way of telling us that the dominant frequency of the signal is five beats per second."
"There is literally only one mathematical solution for the bandlimited waveform."
"Real world is full of signals which are inherently noisy and irregular but which at the same time have a certain structure."
"The source of the signal is almost immaterial; the brain will figure out how to use it."
"Creating a different signal with lower noise characteristics."
"The difference between frequency and resolution... frequency is how often you update the value, resolution is how precisely you can communicate the value."
"It's pretty easy to just follow the signal chain and figure out where you are to edit the parameters of a specific module you just press it."
"It will send a pulse width modulation signal out of pin 9. The pulses will be between 1 millisecond and 2 milliseconds in length."
"So, basically, we can tune everything all the way down right over to here, right? So, we're going to get lots of sensitivity if we, you know, say feed a signal into the loop antenna."
"...ignoring that massive fast-changing common mode signal."
"For most cameras, increasing the signal or the gain or the ISO to improve the signal to noise ratio before sending it through the camera Electronics is better than doing it in processing."
"That's pretty cool right? I mean, that we can think of the DFT as producing the correlation between our time signal and a bunch of different frequencies."
"So, for many signal processing applications, like answering our 60 HZ question, you don't need a real and imaginary component to determine that. You just need the magnitude."
"One of the main reasons for making this transformation is because the features of a signal that we're interested in are not always obvious in the time or spatial domains."
"Why do we sometimes just look at the absolute value of the FFT? Well, recall that the FFT produces a complex result, and the way that we can interpret this is that the real part of the FFT is how well the time signal correlates to a cosine wave of a given frequency."
"A matched filter is used to determine if a known signal is present in an unknown signal."
"Determining range, velocity, and direction depends on the radar's ability to receive the weak reflected signal and pull it out of the noise."
"...this tells us that the sound coming out of our eq plug-in is already clipping it's already distorting our incoming signal was peaking at negative 0.6 but as soon as we boosted the eq on one plugin we're now clipping as you can see by this red indicator light."
"Now we're first pitching the signal, then we're putting in a delay, then we're putting it in a reverb."
"An important concept of mixing consoles is buses. A bus is a signal path that allows you to route an incoming signal to another destination."
"By using EQ before a compressor, it will affect the results of the compressed signal."
"Now, we might think that the bandwidth we're interested in is however far out this tail goes, since all of those frequencies are included in some way."
"The important part I think is understanding why the math is the way that it is and what are we actually doing when we take the Z transform of a signal."
"Signal processing, in some sense, is just an inference problem."
"The beauty of parallel processing is that you can pick and choose what you want to enhance without affecting the original signal too much."
"If we mount a high gain directional antenna on the receiving radio transceiver, it would take the weak signal propagated from the distant low gain omnidirectional antenna and heavily focus the signal into the receiving transceiver just as the telescope did with the eye."
"The noise floor is the background noise for RF."
"...it's a lot softer than that so why would I want to gate this signal the main reason would be actually because I want to shorten the length of the snare sound in the closed mics..."
"Wavelets has changed how we compress and represent signals in the digital era."
"...and also I don't really want to mix my audio signal with my 404 signal, generally audio engineers like distinct channels for the different incoming audio..."
"Now, these effects couldn't hold a candle to like a dedicated stompbox guitar pedal..."
"It escalated the signal, accepted the signal, discarded the noise, producing a higher signal to noise ratio."
"The limiter is always the last thing in the signal chain so while it's the first thing that I deploy, it's the thing that's at the very end that gives me that safety."
"Your ability to detect a signal depends upon the noise, the detectability, and your psychological states."
"Creating a plot with a sinusoidal signal can be achieved using Python functions."
"DMD is essentially what you would get if principal components and the Fourier transform in time had a baby."
"A powerful amplifier cannot inject or create sound out of thin air that isn't already present in the signal. It can only amplify what it's given."
"The network is constructed forward from the data, it doesn't pre-empt signals, but just data provided for it."
"Defender for identity is going to add in the ability to gather signals, process, and understand what those signals may be."
"So this probably speaks to some limitations of my actual implementation of this, then a limitation of a signal itself."
"The Z transform is equivalent to the Laplace transform but just for discrete time signals."
"All right, I hope this has helped you understand the differences between these three frequency-response plots."
"The degree of clipping is proportional to the input voltage, therefore it works like a compressor limiter."
"The discrete Fourier transform takes me from data to frequency coefficients."
"We're representing our function as a sum of sine waves. This is the basic idea of a Fourier series."
"The Z transform represents a mathematical relationship between a function of Z and a function of N."
"This combined thing... it's a fake, it's not a pure derivative. It's a derivative followed by a low-pass filter."
"The S parameter each is literally the ratio of the sine wave coming out of some of those ends compared to the sine wave going in."
"Welcome back, so I'm really excited today to tell you about the Shannon Nyquist sampling theorem."
"It's really important especially when we think about signal processing control systems."
"A band limited signal with maximum frequency Omega B can be perfectly reconstructed from samples if the sampling frequency Omega S satisfies Omega S greater than 2 Omega B."
"Digital signal processing is a really key and critical component within an embedded system."
"The differential amplifier is able to only amplify the differences between the two channels and ignore the common mode signals."
"We see then we have both of our cores both sending signals to each other, then waiting for those signals coming back and then running their particular processes."
"By making your zero percent signal four milliamps, you know when there's a difference between a zero percent signal and some kind of failure in your system."
"The Hilbert transform is actually very straightforward if you understand the Fourier transform and the purpose of negative frequencies."
"The gain of this inverting amplifier is going to be the feedback resistor divided by the input resistor."
"We trade time for frequency information."
"Let's write down a cookbook procedure then of how we can go ahead and sketch and understand the Bode plot of a more complex transfer function."
"The biggest advantage of the differential amplifier is that it tries to eliminate the common mode signal which is common to both input sides."
"We're also trying to optimize our signal-to-noise ratio; signal is the stuff you're trying to record, noise is the stuff you're trying not to record."
"Time frequency analysis is taking your signal and chopping it up into individual bits and for each individual window that you've chopped it up into, you're going to apply a spectral analysis."
"That is the idea of Fourier series."
"The Fourier transform will let us have insights that are completely analogous to the Fourier series, except they now apply for aperiodic signals."
"If I stretched time, I compress frequency."
"This is called the sifting property."
"By adding lots of wavelets together, you can make up any signal you like just as you can with Fourier’s Sine Waves."
"It's had a profound influence on the development of signal processing as a discipline."
"This is a pretty fundamental tool in signal processing."
"By representing it in the frequency domain with the help of the Fourier transform, it becomes trivial."
"The window method of filter design is fairly easy to understand and is actually an approach that one could use with pencil and paper to design filters by hand."
"The integral of the magnitude squared in the frequency domain is equal to the sum of the magnitude squared in the time domain."
"This minimizes the average squared error between the desired and actual frequency responses."
"With the Kaiser window, it's possible to do a fairly systematic design procedure using the window method."
"The noise part of the signal has been reduced considerably."
"There is a computational cost when you use a higher order filter."
"Any series can be explained as a weighted form of signs of different frequencies."
"Fourier transform actually transforms this point series to this frequency domain."
"The S-parameters are defined by looking at the signal that we put into the device, and then the signal that might be reflected from the device."
"The computer software can dig those signals out of the noise, sometimes you can even see messages being decoded where you can't even see the waveform in the waterfall."
"Fourier theory states that any well-behaved signal can be expressed as the sum of sinusoids."
"Bit depth primarily affects the noise level from quantization error and thus the signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range."
"The Fourier transform is complex because it needs to hold both the amplitude and the phase of the sinusoid with frequency u."
"The low-pass filter allows only a low frequency signal to pass while filtering out all the other noise."
"The Fourier transform represents a signal f(x) in terms of amplitudes and phases of its constituent sinusoids."
"You actually have two discrete amplifiers that signal process each channel independently, which is phenomenal."
"We define signal as that which is common from trace to trace, and noise as everything else."
"In a single line of code, we can look at the amplitude and phase spectra of the periodic components that are present in the input data."
"A sparse signal is a signal where only k out of n coordinates are nonzero."
"Functions that have higher frequencies will have nonzero elements that are further out in n."
"Signal processing, image processing, machine learning are all about identifying this structure and exploiting it."
"The problem we have is a very low signal-to-noise ratio; the signal is small, the noise is large."
"Averaging is a simple technique that can help us get rid of any electrical activity or voluntary activity that is not time-locked to stimulation."
"The triplexer will combine or split our 3 main signals depending on their frequency, a little bit like a prism would do for light."
"Analog to digital conversion is converting an analog signal to something the processor can read and understand and manipulate."
"Pulse Code Modulation is the basis for almost all the digital hierarchies which came from PDH onwards."
"The more counts you have, the less noise you have."
"We were taking noisy channels and imagining fixing up those unreliable channels by putting an encoding system in front and a decoding system after the channel."
"The Delta button lets you listen to the difference between the original and the compressed signal."
"Filtering comes up all over the place and it's one of the most important applications of Fourier techniques generally."
"This is like saying I have \( W_n^r \) and \( W_n^{r + \frac{n}{2}} \), and this guy is just equal to negative one."
"Thinking about the signal according to the frequencies that are in it makes a lot of sense and can lead to insight."
"It's had a profound influence on development of signal processing as a discipline."
"If the original signal is band-limited, then it's possible to sample in a way that preserves all the information."
"Signals that are band-limited can be sampled in a way that preserves all the information."
"Sampling preserves all of the information."
"The unit sample signal is the simplest possible non-trivial DT signal."
"The bin values are complex numbers because they represent both magnitude and phase."
"OFDM is essentially a technique for dealing with dispersive channels."
"Combinational logic or non-regenerative circuits: the output at any instant of time depends only on the signal present at that instance in its input."
"A DAC will then create an analog signal by running a virtual stylus through this virtual groove and placing it at exactly the correct location--and thus generating the appropriate voltage level--as defined by the samples."
"If we have a continuous-time signal and we have equally spaced samples of that signal, the original signal is uniquely recoverable from the set of samples."
"The convolution of two time functions is the product of their Fourier transforms."
"The convolution property is the basis for filtering."
"The Fourier transform of the output is the Fourier transform of the input times the Fourier transform of the impulse response of the system."
"The magnitude of the frequency response falls off with frequency, which tends to attenuate high frequencies and retain low frequencies."
"The Fourier transform is powerful and beautiful, playing a role in filtering, modulation, and solving differential equations."
"The concepts involved and the properties involved lead to very important and powerful notions of filtering, modulation, sampling, and other signal processing ideas."
"It's a very simple way to calculate the output signal; it's the transfer function multiplied by the input signal."
"This is the output \( y(t) \) of a linear time invariant system if these are the inputs and this is the impulse response."
"We're shoving frequency components all over the spectrum, but the advantage of that is that I get a signal that's very robust."
"If you have a sinusoidal input, there's going to be a sinusoidal output at the same frequency."
"An all pass doesn't change the magnitude, so what's it good for? It changes the phase."
"The Laplace transform is a reversible beast; it's a reversible transform from the time domain into the S domain."
"Adding noise to a system sometimes makes the signal stronger."
"The DFT is identifying the presence of sinusoids."
"One of the very important aspects of finite impulse response digital filters is the fact that they can be implemented to have exactly linear phase."
"The window method is basically a method based on the strategy of beginning with a desired unit sample response and applying to that a window."
"The green quantized waveform looks very similar and it's a good estimation of the original signal."
"Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is sending multiple signals at the same time on different carriers."
"Convolution is probably the most important operation in signal processing."
"Deep learning is able to process audio or image signals well."
"A perfect sinusoid plus its channel-induced echoes into any linear time-invariant system yields an undistorted sinusoid at the output."
"The Nyquist sampling theorem states that for analog to digital conversion, the sampling frequency has to be at least two times the highest frequency contained in the original analog signal."
"So we naturally get two waveforms out of this, we get a triangle wave and a square wave."
"We'll hear there's a broadband noise and there's a frequency which is the content we're actually interested in."
"The t statistic can be thought of as like a signal to noise ratio."
"In fact, this is such an important problem in signal processing for example, that the fasts Fourier transform is considered by many to be one of the most important and consequential algorithms ever discovered."
"The goal in this whole process is to reproduce the original signal as accurately as possible."
"As long as there's no aliasing, we can recover the original signal by ideal low pass filtering."
"The important conceptual thing to think about is this notion that we take the aperiodic signal, form a periodic signal, let the period go off to infinity."
"The concepts of filtering and modulation will very strongly parallel the kinds of developments along those lines that we did in the last lecture."
"The notion of decomposing signals into complex exponentials was very intimately connected with the eigenfunction property of complex exponentials for linear time-invariant systems."
"This particular expression, in fact, will correspond to what we'll refer to as the Fourier transform, the discrete-time Fourier transform of the system impulse response."
"To take a Fourier transform means to decompose a complicated function into a series of simple sine waves."
"What Fourier said, which was essentially his brilliant insight, is that, if I have a very general periodic signal, I can represent it as a linear combination of these harmonically-related complex exponentials."
"It is necessary to write the equations as a function of the circular frequency."
"The idea is to characterize your system—whatever that system is, a physical system, a mathematical system, a computational system, whatever it is—think about it by the way it transforms an input signal into an output signal."
"The basic shape will be preserved and it will only be distorted by a linear scaling in the frequency axis."
"This is the key equation in the OFDM which describes the OFDM system model."
"As soon as a waveform becomes periodic, we can decompose that into a Fourier series."
"In the class average, the signal to noise ratio is much higher than in any individual image."
"Linearity and shift invariance lead us to the convolution sum representation."
"If you put in a complex exponential, you get out a complex exponential with only a change in the complex amplitude."
"The magnitude of the frequency response represents the change in the real amplitude of a sinusoidal excitation."
"We need a more robust definition of the Fourier transform that will allow us verily to work with the signals that society needs to function."
"Fundamentally, the goal of today is just to kind of show you how to think about things in the Fourier world when you're processing images."
"The maximal ratio combiner... maximizes the SNR at the receiver in a multiple receive antenna system."
"To extract frequencies, you just run a Fourier transform that'll tell you what frequencies are present in your signal."
"For a linear amplifier, if we apply a sinusoidal input at frequency omega, the output will also be a sinusoid at the same frequency omega."
"This is an incredibly cool fact of sinusoids. If you take two sinusoids of the same frequency and you scale them up in any which way and add them up you also end up with a sinusoid."
"Welcome to today's master class on working with time and frequency with MATLAB."
"This is meant to be fairly introductory, but hopefully there will be some stuff that's useful to people who maybe already are using MATLAB for some signal processing."
"Our approach is going to be to use some signal processing techniques like spectral analysis, digital filtering, finding peaks, and thresholding to make that happen."
"A small differential input signal gives me a change in the output which is proportional to the change in the input."
"A localized Fourier transform in time or in space, depending on whatever domain you are using, is called a spectrogram."
"Convolution of your input signal with different kinds of pitches will reveal the notes."
"The synchronization error turns out to be almost perfectly coherent with the message itself."
"The function sine Omega capital N over 2 divided by sine Omega over 2 is the discrete-time counterpart of what we usually find in the continuous-time case as sine x over x."
"Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing very efficiently overcomes the inter-symbol interference in a wireless channel."
"Once you take the FFT and convert it into the frequency domain, the circular convolution becomes a multiplication."
"The inter-symbol interference challenge is, at the receiver, you need to be able to try to recover the x's which are the input data symbols."
"The Viterbi algorithm is less computational complexity than trying all the possible sequences exhaustively and it actually though gives the same result."
"Sampling followed by quantization... converts the message signal into a stream of digital information bits."
"The complexity of a speaker verification system comes into play when you consider channel variations and the need to remove these variations."
"...the big thing that happened there was the epsilon times E and the mu times H which were convolutions in the time domain become just simple multiplications in the frequency domain."
"The Fourier and Z transforms provide us with a set of important analytical tools for representing discrete-time signals and also for dealing with discrete-time systems."
"This ends up being really, really important in the field of signal processing."
"The wavelet is great for signals that have jumps, that something happens suddenly at a certain time."
"We checked against a threshold on the magnitude of the different bands of frequencies in the FFT."
"We can think of the t ratio as a signal to noise ratio."
"The output of the system Y(t) is the input X(t) of the system convolved with the impulse response H(t) of this system."
"The autocorrelation of Y(t) depends only on the timeshift, therefore it is stationary in the autocorrelation."
"We wish to have a short duration window to be responsive to rapid amplitude changes."
"As long as the circuit is linear time-invariant, you're thinking about a linear combination of these currents and voltages having a general relation."
"Two linear shift invariant systems in cascade can be cascaded in either order without affecting the overall transfer function of the system."
"You always want to pick a sampling rate that is more than two times the highest frequency component of your signal."
"It's what we call the Discrete Fourier Transform."
"Let's start some simple denoising on that noisy signal."
"So now that we have this formalism, we can take a much bigger running mean of eleven values."
"Differential amplifiers represent the input stage in operational amplifiers."
"The Fourier series and discrete Fourier transform are fundamental steps for understanding what a signal contains."
"Sampling is converting an analog signal into a discrete signal."
"We can reverse engineer, we can recover the effect of the channel and reconstruct the signal in its original form."
"This demonstrates an important application of both signal processing in wireless systems and the principle of combination of Gaussian noise samples across the various receive antennas."
"In my playground, it's all about e to the i j Omega t."
"If the input power spectral density is \( S_{XX}(f) \), the output power spectral density of \( Y \) is \( S_{YY}(f) \)."