
Dermatology Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Both drugs objectively improve sun damage in the skin on biopsy, suggesting healthier skin, and both can remove sun damage that would otherwise lead to skin cancer."
"With the help of feedback from dermatologists, it seems both parents and kids are more informed on what skincare is child-safe."
"I love Curology. I think they're a great way of giving people access to dermatologists and resources."
"As a dermatologist, I have the benefit of taking care of other people's skin all day long, year after year."
"Petrolatum, arguably the most important oil in dermatology, is not comedogenic and has been used since 1837 in personal care products for its ability to reduce trans-epidermal water loss significantly."
"For people who have dry skin conditions like eczema, petrolatum is incredibly valuable for healing and skin barrier repair, facilitating healing of cuts, ulcers, and acting almost like a second skin."
"Silicones, known as astringent emollients, are advantageous over petrolatum for people with oily, acne-prone skin because they're shine-reducing and don't feel greasy or heavy on the skin."
"Azelaic acid... is anti-inflammatory, helps improve hyperpigmentation, and also has anti-acne effects."
"Salicylic acid... can help reduce oiliness, impart acne control, and break up clogged pores."
"Retinoic acid, found in prescription tretinoin, is at the top of the food chain for vitamin A derivatives, well-studied for its anti-aging and acne control benefits."
"Tretinoin is the gold standard of anti-aging."
"Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in the United States."
"So often, we're doing more complex repairs on these areas. So, dermatologists actually do flaps and skin grafts to try to, kind of like Humpty-Dumpty, put the patient back together again."
"Topical retinoids can work in the deeper layers of the skin when used consistently and over time to help boost collagen and matrix formation, help the skin appear smoother and more supple, and impart anti-aging and anti-wrinkle benefits."
"Your skin is the largest organ in your body."
"Seeing a board-certified dermatologist can improve collagen synthesis through various procedures."
"Pay attention to the skin because it's the window to your physiology."
"If you are confused on what you should be using on your skin, please go see your board-certified dermatologist."
"I think the amount of education that all dermatologists go through provides them with a huge foundational knowledge base. And then it's just how are they going to apply it to you."
"This was the fastest anti-aging I have ever seen without going to a dermatologist's office to have like my face laser or something."
"Acne scars or another term for it is post inflammatory hyperpigmentation...and it's really tricky to get rid of."
"Going to the dermatologist is probably one of the most important steps."
"The biggest side effect that comes from using these topical retinoids and retinols is dryness, irritation, and peeling of the skin."
"Popping your pimples is so much worse than fragrance."
"Retinol is the gold standard anti-aging ingredient."
"These will all help with pores but also brightening because it's resurfacing the skin."
"I probably shouldn't have believed people that I knew had nothing to do with Dermatology."
"Hydroquinone is safe, but a lot of dermatologists advocate its removal from the over-the-counter market."
"Retinoids are more effective they have more reproducible results."
"Silicone scar gels and sheets are recommended for reducing the chances of bad scar formation."
"LA Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5, containing centella asiatica, is effective for scar healing."
"Alpha hydroxy acid is a group of acids... glycolic acid... probably has the most amount of science... used by most dermatologists."
"Retinoids can do a huge amount of things... decrease sebum production... decreases inflammation... antibacterial."
"Your skin is such a powerful organ because it's like telling you what's going on internally. I mean, it's basically a window to what's going on inside."
"As a dermatologist I'm suspicious that it's gonna be any different that's just based on my clinical experience and the studies that we know we actually have studies not using a moisturizer it the more expensive it doesn't make a difference."
"Keep going to the dermatologist... taking care of your skin."
"Seeing a derm once a year for a head-to-toe total body skin check."
"The skin is really something that you manage on your own shape is what plastic surgery addresses."
"Stimulate collagen, decrease pigmentation, increase hydration, decrease oil production, exfoliate the surface of the skin."
"If acne isn't controlled after six weeks, see a dermatologist."
"Bleach baths are great, bleach baths are powerful and can be really helpful."
"Retinoids are single-handedly the most evidence-based ingredient for improving the visible signs of photoaging."
"While Jim didn't get the photo he set out for that day, he still got quite a name."
"Neutrogena got to being dermatologists' number one recommended brand for a similar reason."
"Chronic irritation around the lips can lead to darkening of the skin... that is driven by the Sun."
"Skin cancers on the lip are incredibly common, disfiguring, and difficult to treat."
"The Vani cream lip protectant... this is one that I tell patients about."
"If your goal is to get healthier skin they won't just prescribe you one product that should help with your skin they will try and get to the underlying issue."
"Successful treatment of hyperpigmentation means that you've identified the actual cause or else you're just going to keep getting more hyperpigmentation."
"0.1% tretinoin use. Prescription strength. Consult with treating healthcare provider."
"Niacinamide improves collagen production and strengthens the skin barrier."
"Your acne is going to improve; your dermatitis like the red rashes on the skin will improve."
"The three biggest body concerns that I see in clinic are crepey skin and sun damage, keratosis pilaris, and back acne."
"We know a lot about what happens with acne. The problem with most traditional dermatology is you're attacking it from the outside in. But it's actually an inside-out job to fix."
"Salicylic acid is a great treatment for warts because warts have this big mound of sticky skin cells on top of stratum corneum and salicylic acid helps to start to dissolve some of that."
"Salicylic acid is also a great treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa, those painful bumps in the groin, armpits, under the breasts, it can help in controlling the bacterial burden on the surface of the skin and also reducing inflammation that drives that disease."
"Dermatologists are constantly talking about the benefits of incorporating some type of retinoid into your skincare routine."
"The point of this video is to empower you with the tools at your disposal so that nobody not even a board certified dermatologist can pry on your insecurities or take you for a ride."
"Blackheads on the nose are actually pretty common."
"It is my dream as a dermatologist to help every single person find a sunscreen that they love and will use consistently because we know sun protection has so many benefits for the skin."
"Dermatologists are becoming influencers as well, which again, I love."
"I would like to take that first dermatologist who is so freaking patronizing with our concerns and shove his face deeply in his own butt"
"This brand is rooted in science and dermatologists so we love it."
"Retinoids are kind of as close as we get in the world of dermatology to a magical treatment."
"It's all about the skincare game and that's why I feel like this video is very personal to me because I have it and also just very important because it's information that you could use at home without going into the dermatologist."
"Would you believe me if I tell you that the mites on your face are causing these red angry looking bums also known as rosacea?"
"La Roche Posay sunscreen is probably the most recommended product from me to my patients day-to-day in clinic."
"Every product is extensively tested for safety with a minimum of 400 applications under the guidance of dermatologists."
"The gold standard Holy Grail treatment for melasma is a combination topical that has a retinoid typically tretinoin as well as hydroquinone."
"A lot of the mistakes that I see as a dermatologist when it comes to treating melasma and seeing a ton of melasma patients is either mistakes around the expectations to have around melasma, how to protect yourself from melasma, or not optimizing your treatment interventions."
"As a dermatologist, I want as many people to have access to dermatologic care as possible."
"Urea is such a great ingredient that again is so underrated as a dermatologist."
"Dermatology Universal tint SPF 46 sunscreen is hands down one of the best sunscreens I have ever encountered..."
"There's nothing like speaking to a dermatologist who suffers from pigmentation who knows how to treat it."
"Do not self-diagnose, always discuss with your dermatologist."
"It's so great for sensitive skin and it's recommended by a dermatologists so I don't know you know those trustworthy products that's one."
"A stretch mark is the most amenable to treatment when it is in the striae rubra phase, meaning that it's brand new, red, and raised."
"Tretinoin actually thickens the epidermis."
"If you really struggle with oil production and you also have acne it may not be a bad idea to talk with your dermatologist about prescription medications that can help with oil control and acne."
"Everybody should have access to dermatologic care."
"If you are gonna be seeing a dermatologist, don't go to the visit wearing nail polish."
"Now when it comes to dermatology, a lot of people have this idea that all we see is acne, eczema, and then we do maybe some Botox and filler injections."
"It's also the ingredient that has the most studies on it so we know the most information about tretinoin and I think it's one of the reasons why dermatologists really love it."
"Sunscreen is important and it does affect your skin health."
"That's micro needling. Now, we have Microcoring. Microcoring is just that, you take microscopic cores of skin out to tighten and essentially shrink wrap the skin."
"Don't forget to get regular skin screenings from your GP dermatologist if you can."
"Senile lentigines are age spots that are normal in older patients."
"For our children, we have to be a lot more vigilant with acne than for caucasian skin."
"I think that Dermatology just nails it with the texture and consistency of their products."
"Neutrophone is the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement."
"It's often not the case...sometimes you have actinic keratosis that jumped straight to invasion without ever becoming squamous cell carcinoma in situ."
"Skin care is a science, so getting dermatologist-trusted products is key, and that's what you get with Geology."
"Dermatomyositis is very high yield in pediatrics."
"Dermatomyositis is most commonly seen in children while polymyositis is most commonly seen in adults."
"If you want to learn more about dermatological conditions please check out my dermatology playlist."
"He's not going to get the scarring that yeah yeah exactly so in the right hands you always want to discuss the issue of accutane with your dermatologist because it is not for everybody."
"Your money would be better spent on dermatological procedures."
"Dry skin can be kind of a door by which the allergy pathways get activated."
"Once I noticed that my hairline was moving, I got an appointment with my dermatologist."
"I want you to talk to your doctors about that, okay I want you to talk to dermatologists I want you to talk to your cosmic you know your cosmetic plastic surgeons or whoever you go to but make sure there are skin expert on skin cancers."
"Dermatologists say that the longer you have acne, the more it affects your mental health, and I really genuinely do believe that."
"Basically, all of this data suggests that red and near-infrared light promoted skin rejuvenation."
"Laughter is the best not only medicine but the best Dermatology."
"Dermatologists always recommend this for people who struggle with skin picking"
"Rapamycin has profound effects on skin changes, like reversing wrinkles."
"The FDA approved the first topical version of rapamycin as a cream."
"It's very important to visit a dermatologist if you're going through an extreme skin issue."
"It's related to eczema, which you can't change structurally. I mean, like you can of course ask your doctor, but from what I understand, having asked my dermatologist."
"Dermatopathology is the pathology of the skin, making diagnoses based on what you see."
"Immunodermatology focuses on how the immune system affects the skin."
"Wear your sunscreen and get your annual skin checks with your dermatologist."
"Mycosis fungoides is the most common form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma."
"That's a perfect history for Grover's disease, or transient acantholytic dermatosis, which often presents as an itchy, kind of papular rash usually on the trunk."
"Patients with multiple facial trichilemmomas make you always think of Cowden syndrome."
"Fundamentally, it is a disease of Skin Barrier dysfunction... but it's a disease of inflammation, and I'm not just talking about inflammation on the skin, I'm talking about deep systemic inflammation."
"That is the most helpful slam-dunk feature to support a benign hair follicle tumor such as trichoepithelioma."
"There's a lot of pigment in this lesion but the melanocytes are actually not doing anything inappropriate."
"Antioxidants, including coenzyme Q10, are of great interest in dermatology because potentially they could serve as adjuncts to what sunscreen does."
"The best way to go about solving any skin problem is to see a board-certified dermatologist."
"This is a beautiful clear cell acanthoma, or as some people like to say, pale cell acanthoma."
"Beautiful full thickness epidermal keratinocyte atypia, so Bowen's disease or squamous cell carcinoma in situ."
"Stretch marks are caused by excessive stretching of the dermis."
"Having like a rock star dermatologist on speed-dial, that's a really good way to live young."
"Permethrin is most likely going to be the treatment that is prescribed to you by your doctor or your dermatologist."
"It will hydrate the skin, plump up the skin, draw water out of the deeper layers of the skin into the stratum corneum, as well as prevent trans epidermal water loss."
"The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the first line of defense against invading pathogens."
"Dermatology is so competitive because it's the best; everyone wants to do it."
"The more oils on your scalp, the happier the Malassezia yeast are, the more flakes you tend to see."
"Sebaceous glands discharge a lipid secretion known as sebum."
"The heliotrope rash is just sort of that blushing rash that you get on your eyelids and your cheeks."
"If you don't regularly check your skin, please do consider going to the dermatologist for at least a yearly check."
"Day 25 on accutane and I have two words: miracle drug."
"Thank you so much for being part of my unsponsored Dermatology skin science family."
"Dermatologist recommended, it's perfect for a sensitive skincare brand."
"Azelaic acid is often like a real backbone of any acne treatment pathway that I put together for patients."
"Retinols and retinoids help massively with cell rejuvenation."
"The American Academy of Dermatology says you should apply it at least 15 minutes before you head out."
"Hyaluronic acids are your humectants and those are the products that are going to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized in the deeper layers of your skin."
"It is a very realistic expectation if caught early and if you are able to see a dermatologist that you can enter adulthood with little to no acne scars."
"If you have any questions, please see a board-certified dermatologist."
"Having your skin checked every year is really important."
"This gentle soap-free cleanser was originally formulated for dermatologists."
"I feel like if you're really at your wits' end with your acne, you should go to your dermatologist."
"They may not work as quickly as over the counter remedies or remedies you may receive from a dermatologist."
"Tretinoin has been proven with years and years of research to help your skin to actually generate more collagen."
"This is some sort of neutrophilic dermatosis."
"Stretch marks are a tear in the skin's elastin fibers, which really means it's a dermal problem."
"It's my aim to guide you through the crazy and confusing world of skin care and dermatology using some real scientific facts."
"Rosacea affects both men and women, but it's three times more common in women."
"I specialize in treating pigmentation for skin of color; I've treated over 30,000 cases with a 95% success rate."
"Understanding the skin, hair, and nails is crucial as they play a vital role in protecting the body and maintaining homeostasis."
"Hair originates from hair follicles in the dermis, and nails are composed of the nail plate, nail bed, cuticle, and matrix."
"Atopic dermatitis is complex, multifactorial, and has historically had limited therapeutic options, but the landscape of this disease is now changing rapidly."
"I really like the intricate diagnostic puzzles, and atopic dermatitis is not necessarily one of them."
"Eczema may or may not be easier to diagnose than some other ones, but the real magic comes in the treatment."
"Most patients have daily itching, and it sounds like a minor symptom, right? But it can drive people absolutely crazy."
"He joins us today to give a talk on atopic dermatitis."
"As a dermatologist, it is my goal to help you achieve your best skin."
"Retinoids is always what dermatologists recommend; tretinoin, in particular, also known as retinoic acid or Retin-A, is the gold standard ingredient."
"As a dermatologist Mohs surgeon, this is something that we see almost every day."
"There's really good impetus to treat the field cancerization or the field acting damage with either topical therapies or photodynamic therapy."
"I'm excited to see what my dermatologist says."
"Hi, my name is Dr. Jenny Liu, I'm a board-certified dermatologist, and welcome back to my channel."
"Hyperpigmentation is my specialty, specifically for skin of color."
"The gold standard up to now has always been hydroquinone."
"Reminder to get your skin checks at your dermatologist every year."
"It provides effective treatment for seborrheic skin without drying out the skin."
"Treating the skin makes people really feel much better."
"If you have the rash of dermatomyositis, you're said to have definite dermatomyositis."
"We believe it's better to call this the anti-synthetase syndrome with or without a rash."
"Higher molecular weights have been found to be better at reducing transepidermal water loss, while lower weights have been shown to improve skin elasticity and decrease wrinkle depth."
"We are beginning a really exciting era for new treatment paradigms for atopic dermatitis."
"It's great for people who have eczema, dry skin conditions."
"They are clinically proven, dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, they're cruelty-free, they're vegan."
"The dermis is 25 times thicker than the epidermis."
"I think the best way to find out what your skin type is, is by seeing a dermatologist."
"Skin disorders and diseases are fascinating and complex subjects."
"Dermatology is the branch of medical science that studies and treats the skin and its disorders and diseases."
"The natural moisturizing factor has the ability to bind moisture into the skin."
"It's possible you're on the rosacea spectrum."
"Hi, my name is Dr. Jenny Lou, I'm a board-certified dermatologist, and welcome back to my YouTube channel."
"Topical retinoids are really one of the holy grail products that dermatologists love recommending."
"There are six major types of skin: oily, combination, normal, dry, sensitive, and mature."
"Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions are exemplified by contact dermatitis."
"Psoriasis is a non-contagious autoimmune disease."
"I love skin, so I definitely went into the right field."
"Visual DX is a point of care reference tool I love it for dermatology because it's really like a digital atlas that you can use at the bedside."
"Diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions affecting the skin, hair, and nails."
"Passionate about atopic dermatitis and digital educational resources."
"These skin diseases—acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis—they can really impact people's lives, particularly things that are on your face."
"Retinoids and retinols... can actually inhibit some of the signaling pathways that tell the skin cells to make pigment."
"The field of dermatology needs to change."
"It seems to me that it's very important that this whole field of dermatology catches up because it's been unfair to people with black and brown skin."
"Be careful with what you're doing, and make sure that you're going to a licensed dermatologist."
"Tretinoin is helpful not just because it helps make Minoxidil more effective; it also is possible that Tretinoin may have its own benefits as a hair loss treatment."
"Tretinoin might help fight hair loss on multiple angles."
"The stratum corneum is what you're touching; this is what you're seeing; this is what makes you beautiful."
"Every Kate Somerville skincare product has been developed in the clinic by an experienced dermatologist, scientifically tested and scientifically proven to create dramatic results for your everyday skincare routine."
"I've seen it in the real world, having patients come back to see me with really clear skin, glowing skin."
"Korea is like world-leading, world-class leading in facial skin dermatology."