
Wish Fulfillment Quotes

There are 694 quotes

"Maintain gratitude as well and to live as though you've already been given your wish fulfillment."
"Imagining the wish fulfilled brings about a union with that state."
"Your wishes are being answered, and you're going to be realizing your true potential."
"The winter wishes tradition is about making students' wishes come true, no matter how big or small."
"Nanika can take control of Alluka to grant one wish for someone, and there is likely no limit to what she can do."
"You've had a wish on your heart about what you've wanted in your love life... and now finally the wish is coming through."
"Broly is the MVP, and he gets to pick the wish... Rowley is a righteous person after all, a morally sound intellect."
"I wish was to see my sister a million times again. You will, I promise."
"That wish fulfillment of seeing somebody like you become something better... Spider-Man caused himself by being selfish." - DJ Woolridge on the appeal of Spider-Man
"Wish fulfillment coming in, manifesting results."
"Keep pursuing what you want, even if you're uncertain. Your wishes will come true if you stay persistent."
"Your wishes will come true, what you put out there will reap."
"Your wish coming true in the form of something else or someone else."
"Destiny will involve themselves in this, destiny fate will bring you back together and this relationship can reunite and it can be a wish fulfillment."
"Fortune gratification wishes, something is happening this week Pisces for each and every one of you that does feel like a wish fulfillment of sorts."
"It's about violent J biting a genie lamp and getting way more than three wishes..."
"A wish is coming true for you and a lot of this is based on the layers of yourself that you've been letting go of this year."
"Shazam is such a fun character, he's all about wish fulfillment."
"Ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you."
"Hopes and dreams coming true, wish fulfillment."
"Nine of cups wish fulfillment... everything you ever wish for coming true."
"Focus on your happiness; this is going to be wish fulfillment for you."
"Be careful what you wish for because at some point in this life journey, it's going to happen."
"I feel like there's a wish coming in for you."
"Did anybody ever tell you the story of the little boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted? Now what happened to him? He lived happily ever after."
"How far would you go to have your greatest wish granted? How much would you destroy to get your way?"
"Luck is on your side stop stalling on those plans you've been worrying about and the universe will grant your wish."
"Something you've wanted is now going to happen."
"A wish is being granted, your dreams are coming true."
"You're their wish come true, emotionally very fulfilling."
"There are no malicious demands after a healing wish."
"We're ready for you all, I'm asking for all that's on my wish list in season six."
"Be careful what the [ __ ] you wish for because you might get it."
"There's something that you've been wishing for, it will be delivered."
"A time for wishes, new beginnings, and manifestations."
"Beware what you wish for, grants your wish, protects your most valued possession."
"When it comes to love, I do feel like there's someone here that you are their wish fulfillment."
"The star is healing and it's wishes coming true, a very healing connection, maybe romantic, maybe family, maybe community."
"To me the wish is like can you say it in a sentence in one breath you know that's the wish you that's the magic of it right it just happens it's it you've mastered reality to that point."
"This was the first wish to be granted in Dragon Ball Super."
"They're trying to put it all out there because they're looking at you like their wish fulfillment."
"Your healing is required in order for you to obtain the wish come true."
"Your wish will be granted... whatever you want is coming your way."
"Invisibility: being invisible is a popular power as we've all felt like just disappearing at one point or another in our lives."
"Hopefully, this is going to suit your needs and beat all of your potion brewing wishes."
"Be careful what you wish for because the reality can be so much harder than what you think your dream scenario is going to be."
"You always had the power; reclaim it, believe your wish, make it come true."
"You don't need a fairy godmother; you can do it yourself, make your wish, believe, make it come true."
"You guys are going to get some sort of wish fulfillment here in your connection which is beautiful."
"Shazam is wish-fulfillment, it gets its characters so right."
"The nine of Cups means a wish or desire is fulfilled... a card of success."
"You deserve the best. Open up your heart and let the universe bring you some sort of beautiful wish."
"For some of you, this is a wish fulfillment or a manifestation fulfillment coming into fruition."
"The syrup grants you whatever you desire most."
"Apophyllite brings mental clarity and helps gain wishes."
"2021 is the year for wishes to come true, especially for those born in the year of the ox."
"Make sure what you're wishing for that you want it."
"The James Bond franchise was something that provided wish fulfillment for everyone - men wanted to be Bond, women wanted to be with Bond."
"A girl meets an entity who tells her to make a wish and she'll become a magical girl."
"Oh man it's like my oh man it's like my make a wish yes literally is like my my my make a wish."
"It's pure wish fulfillment and it gives audiences a glimpse of the kind of power that a hero like Bond wields, and it feels fantastic, which is why we love watching it."
"The worst is over and now you are ready for your wish fulfillment."
"Star is definitely a wish coming in for you, healing from something with the star."
"Make a wish and kind of get the things that you desire out of this situation."
"Get ready for some sort of beautiful news that is a wish really granted to you."
"You are healed, my friend. It's time for all those wishes that you've been putting out there, all the dreaming you've been doing."
"This is wish granted, Gemini. This adornment, like I said, it's a reward, it's a gift."
"I'm so excited! This has been on my Amazon wishlist for such a long time." - Alexi
"Focus on new hopes, new dreams, new wishes... you're going to get your wish."
"This person really wants their wish fulfillment, and to have the star and the nine of cups come out. This person is really like a believer in wishes coming true or manifestations."
"The wish-fulfilling that's coming in, I'm just gonna say it clear as day, is happiness."
"This is a wish that's granted... something you wanted."
"Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive efforts and attitude towards your life."
"The nine of cups is the wish card, wish-fulfillment, being extremely happy."
"A huge wish fulfillment is coming through for you."
"Wishes coming true, intuitive breakthroughs."
"Boss Baby's wish came true! Creek saved him from the mean Bergen Chef."
"This will be any Star Wars fans dreams come true."
"When the dark energy falls to earth it's going to give you what you want."
"Your wish is coming true, and it's coming quickly."
"If there was a time where you could have whatever you want, it's now."
"Prismo resides in the time room at the center of the multiverse and has the ability to grant almost any wish asked upon him."
"You will have a magical moment. Your wishes will be fulfilled."
"Send your wishes and desires to the stars, if you are sincere enough and accumulate enough merits, your wishes will be."
"Touch the sacred witch tree, then the Zodiac Gods will take turns turning wishes into reality."
"Definitely, we see wishes throughout this. Miracles, nine of cups, wishes."
"Ask and you shall receive kind of to a fault."
"There's something so tangible about it in that revelation of 'you're the one who actually deserves a wish.'"
"You are definitely meant to have a lot of life lived, a lot of experiences, a lot of wish fulfillment."
"Look at the wishes coming true, nine of Cups here!"
"A perfectly disciplined person lives in faith as if the wish is already fulfilled."
"You're getting some sort of wish, some sort of amazing opportunity."
"You're getting a wish, you're going to get something you've really wanted for a long time."
"Psychotronic power: attract others, change circumstances, make wishes come true."
"Wish fulfillment card, but this one has a snake on it."
"The wish is fulfilled, emotional contentment, fulfillment."
"If you could have one wish come true today, what would that wish be?"
"Step into a new season of your life where most to all of your wishes are just gonna come true."
"Happiness is headed your way and it's everything you wish for."
"Your guardian angel is gonna give you pretty much whatever you want."
"This individual will get a chance to go towards their true love, hence their wish will be granted."
"Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled brings forth realization."
"It's wish-fulfillment fantasy of the first order."
"This truth is going to set you free and allow you to go towards wish fulfillment."
"It's almost like a wish is going to be granted."
"Phenom Coolin: a sacred mountain where Lord Buddha grants wishes."
"The star is all about your guiding angels nurturing you, watching over you, and granting you one wish, something you've always wanted for the longest time is going to be granted very soon."
"Wishes will come true... you have put out a lot of good energy here."
"The rainbow represents wish fulfillment and hope."
"There's a wish fulfillment on the way to you. The universe has heard you."
"Your wish is coming true... it's gonna feel like magic."
"You're on the way to the nine, all your wishes coming true."
"If I could grant you one wish right now, what would it be?"
"Whoever gets the most subscribers in 10 minutes will get a magic wish."
"It's like some sort of reward coming in for you here, card number three. So I feel like this could be like a wish or wish fulfillment coming in for you."
"This is wish fulfillment, finally a change of events, finally equal give-and-take."
"Praying that I get one of these two pyro characters so we can deal with the electro witch, and my prayers were answered. Do not be."
"Could you make my father love me?" - "I sure can."
"There is some kind of major victory here. Your wishes are coming true."
"Your wish is coming true, you are here for big change."
"Wishing on a star makes a return in New Horizons and it looks prettier than ever before."
"Feels a bit magical, I see a wish coming true here."
"Wishes do come true, I feel like this person manifested you."
"This is an energy of wish fulfillment, but it's also an energy of being emotionally happy and emotionally content in and of yourself."
"A sincere wish will be granted, and a change is coming."
"Be careful what you do ask for because you're about to have a wish delivered for you."
"Good luck to those summoning, and I hope that all Kuki wanters become Kuki havers."
"Seventeen's wish means all universes said oh he raised four back."
"Your wish is granted; something you've asked for is coming true."
"There's gonna be something quick that happens between you and this lover, it's a wish that's granted."
"Wishes are coming true; all wishes come true."
"They really do know that you will do everything in your power to make those wishes come true and to manifest those wishes."
"A big cosmic yes from the universe, gorgeous wish fulfilled."
"A wish is coming true and I feel like there's going to be a lot of healing that comes your way."
"Be careful what you wish for, it's coming true."
"The divine is going to keep stepping in to ensure that you still have wish fulfillment."
"The star is like a wish come true, so whatever it is you're visualizing with clarity, by the end of December you will have clarity."
"Lucid dreaming can act as a sort of wish fulfillment."
"This ending puts you on the path to a wish come true."
"There's a genie inside and if we set him free he grants us three magical wishes."
"There's a wish that's going to be granted for you. Yeah, there is. There's definitely a wish that's going to be granted and you're gonna have better times ahead."
"You're gonna find your wish, you're going to finally get your wish."
"It's like your core vitality, your ability to be out in the world, and we've got granting wishes, the 11th house. So there is something that you have either put on the back burner or you actually felt that you it would never ever come true for you."
"Hold that hope in your heart... wishes being granted."
"Things are changing, your wishes are coming true."
"Does everybody in the world have their wishes come true?"
"It's time for you to make your dreams come true, get your wishes."
"Your wish is coming true, concerns fading away, you feel more stable emotionally."
"The stars are aligning to bring you that wish."
"Something that you've been wishing for is coming your way."
"As much as this show has some wish fulfillment element, it's actually very realistic at points."
"You're about to get your wishes fulfilled."
"...something that you've been wishing for or asking the universe for is starting to show up for you."
"Any of her wishes can come true without any drawbacks whatsoever."
"This seems like wish fulfillment now."
"Your greatest wish, your greatest prayer, is coming into form and coming into manifestation."
"It's a little girl's wish fulfillment fantasy."
"You know how much fun the game of basketball would be if you could jump that high, dunk that hard?"
"This wine doesn't grant the wish itself; it grants the wish in your heart but puts a twist to it first."
"Once I get all seven Dragon Balls, I can summon the dragon and he'll grant me a wish."
"This is a major wish fulfillment, this is when everything falls into place and the stars align."
"Whoever your future spouse is, your parents are going to see them as someone who they always hoped for you ending up with."
"This is such a wish fulfillment for them because they know you are going to be with someone who they have a good feeling about."
"I guess a part of it is just a little bit of wish fulfillment for me. I don't want relationships to be perfect; I want to see the drama, but I kind of also want to be able to root for all the people at the same time."
"You're getting a wish fulfillment, especially in the regards of healing."
"I'm getting a wish coming true, satisfaction, emotional stability."
"You're getting a wish granted as far as something you've been working on coming in."
"This person is getting all of these messages, they're seeing signs, they're seeing synchronicities that this is a wish being fulfilled for them."
"Neil wishes everybody had as much food as they want which should solve world hunger"
"Wishes do come true, you're their star."
"This is the wish come true card, something that you're wishing for is coming true around this time."
"In November, a big wish fulfillment for you."
"This is the type of person or relationship that you wished for."
"Lowkey I also kind of want to rewrite wish. I've already started rewriting it."
"Remember, there are other Dragon Balls out there."
"Somebody's heart desire is ready to come true. Your wish is coming true, and that's what your angels wanted to tell you here today."
"Someone's wish being fulfilled. Bless. I'm seeing somebody's heart desire is ready to come true."
"They feel like meeting you changed their whole life, we have the queen of air here, somebody could be your air sign Gemini Libra Aquarius we have the star you are their wish fulfillment, they're healing right now."
"Whatever you've been wishing to manifest, here it comes."
"They see you as like their wish, you know? We could want to have children with you."
"They're thinking about how much they love you because they see you as a big wish fulfillment."
"Your wish just came true! The light will guide you into the night."
"This has the potential to be a wish fulfillment for you."
"I really hope they find exactly what they want, someone that makes them truly happy."
"Someone heard your prayers. There's some kind of wish being fulfilled. Like I said, whatever this truth is, it's about something you feel pretty strongly about. It's going to hit a hardc."
"They feel you're their wish fulfillment, like your wish come true to them."
"This is a magical moment, make a wish and enjoy its manifestation."
"Spirit wants you to know a wish fulfillment is on the way for you."
"A wish fulfillment is on the way for you."
"This fourman scramble is very, very special because we are teaming up with make a wish and the Fanatics Golf Classic to present you with this epic fourman scramble."
"Your wish is being granted. The stars are aligned for wish fulfillment. Have hope, believe, have faith."
"Superhero stories are stories about wish fulfillment, not just the wish to fly or be strong, but the desire to fix your life."
"My birthday wish came true. Prim came today."
"This person might have felt like seeing you there was almost like a wish come true, like they were hoping so deeply that you were there and then you were there and they got to see you, and that was so beautiful to them."
"They even got their unofficial wish of wanting a bunch of Pies."
"A sincere wish will be granted. Something really good is happening."
"She remembers that she had subconsciously asked to exchange lives with her sister and rushes to the lady's house."
"Your wish fulfillment will see an impact."
"Wow, a pink unicorn! My wish came true!"
"Once you accept things how they are and you trust and have faith, that prayer, that wish will come true."