
Quality Over Quantity Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"It's about being the quality of father you can be, not having a quantity of children."
"You don't need a lot of friends... if you have one or two really close friends, you're doing okay."
"The quality of the growth that matters sometimes not the amount of growth. It's the quality of the growth that matters."
"All representation is not good representation."
"Cherish those around you... quality is more important than quantity."
"It's okay to not have a lot of friends. Having one or two solid friends is really all you need."
"It's better to end up with, for example, five really high-quality, perfect, really stunning photographs than 100 mediocre ones."
"We're gonna be like Target, but we're not gonna do our quality. We will always take quality and get rid of quantity."
"I'm not a money grubber...to me it's not quantity, it's quality."
"Personally, I have made the decision to own less clothing, but spend more money on quality, and more time on making things myself."
"I, in my personal life, have become a lot more happy in rejecting that consumerist mentality. When I spend my money, I spend on quality items that are going to last."
"50 of something meaningful is a load better than 100 of nothing."
"Sometimes you gotta make a decision that better is better than bigger."
"What type of fans you have matters more than how many fans you have."
"The only way to win the culture war is simply higher quality."
"It's not a matter of quantity, it's a matter of quality."
"I would rather have four quarters than 10 dimes."
"Even if it's just one or two people, that's all that matters; quality over quantity."
"I want to take my time with videos. I don't want to have to post something that I don't feel like I've put my whole heart into just to kind of make more money."
"The success of a relationship should be measured by its depth not by its length."
"Buy once, do it right. Quality over quantity."
"Friendship has nothing to do with the amount of time spent together."
"It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Build meaningful projects outside of coursework."
"Friends should be like books, few but hand-selected."
"Better to have 40 of something fabulous than zero."
"If economies were instead to focus on pursuing economic growth through producing goods and services of higher quality, then hard resource limits wouldn't be an issue."
"I would rather buy like one or two really, really good things rather than a bunch of cheap things."
"Save a whole year just to buy one jacket instead of buying a whole ton of cheap stuff."
"Bigger is not necessarily better. Better is better."
"Buy less, buy better quality if you can afford it."
"More often than not, quantity isn't an indicator of quality."
"Having fewer items, but items that you feel your best in will often make you feel like you have more abundance than having too many items that you don't love."
"Quality is always more important than quantity."
"It's better to have fewer things, nicer things."
"Depth not width. Focus on a few deep relationships rather than a million surface-level ones."
"It's all about the quality, not the quantity."
"My mindset is I'd rather do fewer things really well... and then we can always grow from there."
"It is better to have fewer loyal, really, really close supportive friends than knowing a hundred people who don't really care about you that much."
"This is official tissue, I know something I gonna say the price is kinda high, quality over quantity, when you buy this case, six months later, it's still gonna look like this."
"Quantity does not equal quality, and Blue Eyes is one of the archetypes which better exemplifies this rule."
"Far better to have a few consolidated rich provinces than 60 garbage provinces."
"Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to creating the perfect capsule wardrobe."
"I'm always a fan of doing less things that are better than lots of things that are worse."
"Eat less but the best, drink less but the best, smoke less but Davidoff."
"Quantity does not automatically equal quality."
"More is not necessarily better, best is better."
"Quality is far more important than quantity."
"I prefer having one nice pair of pants that I know lasts, rather than having a hundred things that I can't wear everywhere."
"This is the part that is going to position Disney hopefully to get back to its core, to start focusing on quality over quantity."
"People only care if that writing is beneficial to them. The amount of writing I did within that year doesn't matter. The quality and results gotten from that writing is what matters."
"It's never about quantity in trading, it's about quality."
"I think everybody should aim to buy quality."
"I would rather have one or two pairs of jeans that cost $140 than 20 pairs of jeans that cost $20."
"I don't care about that. I care about like the people who really give a [ __ ] about me and I'm fine with the numbers being smaller if it means like I matter to those people."
"Swinging missing with a great swing is better than contact with a poor swing."
"Quality and authenticity over mass-produced luxury."
"You aspire to have valuable possessions, really worthwhile possessions, not just cheap goods."
"Progress: It's not about how much, but how well."
"I'd rather a smaller house that's built really, really well than a bigger house that's poorly insulated."
"It's not the amount of trees, it's the quality of the trees."
"I like having a few quality things that I really focus on that I really keep up."
"I would rather have a solid 15 hour game as good as God of War or Half-Life 2."
"At the right hands quality will win over quantity every time."
"Stick to the basics and learn how to buy better quality items than quantity, and trust me you are going to love that because they will be so much easier for you to mix and match."
"Ultimately, what's most important is what we see in this card: sometimes fewer but better when it comes to friends, chosen over maybe your DNA family."
"Even if he doesn't have that quantity, screen time, he has the quality screen time."
"Sometimes quantity is not better than quality."
"It's not the quantity; it's the quality of the flash. That's very accurate."
"The rare pirates lack quantity but make up for it in supreme quality."
"There's more value in two or three of these guys' videos than there is in a hundred of these guys' videos."
"It's not about getting a million developers, it's about getting a thousand good developers."
"It's not the number that counts, it's how strong that resonance feel is."
"Getting more matches on a dating app does not equate to getting quality matches."
"Don't focus too much on like growing in member count you should focus way more on the community."
"More does not always equal better."
"I think it's not important to have many friends; it's important to have a couple of good friends."
"You don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you're certain of."
"Financial freedom is a huge gain by planning what we buy and putting quality over quantity, helping us save money, get out of debt, and have experiences that matter to us."
"The finest things in life come at a price, but aiming for simple can really hit the spot."
"It is more important to have a small number of users that love you rather than a large number of users that like you a lot."
"The best way to get views in my opinion... It's better to really, really focus on quality. If you're a very small YouTuber and you can upload a video a day, and like, all the videos be average... None of them ever pop off."
"You're dropping too much. Focus on quality, not quantity."
"I'd rather have five good songs than one good song."
"That's why it's better to have one friend that you hang out with regularly instead of having a big group of friends."
"...having quality friendships over quantity is so important."
"Assess the people in your life, and even if it's a small group of people, that's okay. I would rather you have one to three solid people than 20 flaky, shallow friendships."
"I'd rather have one nice thing than 10 not nice things."
"...buy the right stuff...if you're going to buy stuff, buy the right stuff."
"You're better off doing ten really good ones than 50 sloppy ones."
"You gotta go for quality, not quantity."
"It's better to sell one thing a customer will love than multiple they'll regret."
"Thicker isn't always better, I think."
"Blasting out a thousand resumés and hoping for something to hit is not a high-quality series of tasks."
"More isn't always better, sometimes more is better."
"This workout today is not about as many reps as you can, it's about the highest quality rep, most challenging rep."
"I really want to try and get back on track with it. But equally, I would rather put out one video I'm happy with a month than four that I just feel unrushed or aren't very me."
"...I'd much rather buy good quality stuff and take my time doing doing it then rush into things and just get cheap stuff."
"I want to make sure I can maintain a decent level of quality, and I never want to sacrifice quality for quantity."
"It's better to find one than 10 than 100 like we sometimes think."
"More is not always better, less can often be more."
"These aren't going to be big pieces by any means, but the pieces that are here, I guarantee, are going to be incredible."
"Having a couple really good friends is way better than having 50 so-so friends."
"I would rather have a few really good pieces than a lot of them that are no good because then it's just gonna make my home look cheap."
"It's not about the more trades you take, it's about the best quality trades you take."
"Disney needs to stop making so much. Stop producing so much and maybe just, maybe when you're not producing so much, then the things that you are making, you can concentrate on making those things better."
"Less is more, meaning that you should look for quality trades."
"I've ended up here on YouTube talking about my love of beauty but also doing it with a bit of a quality over quantity bent."
"It's much better to have two or three families that you're close with than 100 families you interact with."
"Five great reps is better than 15 turkey jerky reps."
"There needs to be a mind shift. It's not just about quantity, getting people out there on the street. It's how well are they trained?"
"It's better to have two really great friends than ten thousand friends that you don't really know."
"We're not going to measure by volume but by weight."
"Allah never judges a group of people by their numbers he judges them by their quality their substance"
"You’ll always be judged by your worst piece, so be critical of your work. Less is more, and it’s better to have five excellent pieces, than 20 that are all over the place."
"If you can settle for fewer nicer things, then you can make purchases that are better in every way."
"I'm not selling it by the hour. I ain't got an hour for you. Got seven minutes. You got to go quality, not quantity."
"I've actually made a conscious effort to stop buying quantity and focus more on quality."
"The selection is small but it is mighty."
"...the slogan is the greatest songs you've never heard so you know we're about indie we're about stuff up and coming stuff that you would expect maybe at some point you could hear and so the branding and the messaging there is all about quality and quality over quantity..."
"It's not necessarily quantity, it's more about making sure it's something that you actually would enjoy using and having and playing with, and that's what you should be spending your money on, not just to have a billion gifts under the Christmas tree."
"Instead of buying three cheap lights, go out and spend the money and invest in one really, really strong light."
"I would so much rather have a few really great friends."
"We need to emphasize less quantity and emphasize more quality and joy."
"Quality first, then quantity. You can make lots and lots of posts, but if their quality is rubbish, you're not going to get anywhere."
"It feels like your friend group kind of shrinks but in a good way. You have a smaller group of friends, but it's a lot tighter."
"I focus on the quality, not the quantity."
"You don't need a huge group of friends."
"It's all about quality when you want to look put together and expensive. Don't focus too much on the quantity but you want to focus on the quality because if you have really good pieces it's going to take you a very long way."
"It's better for you to get the right person than it is to get a person right now."
"10x is fundamentally about quality not quantity."
"...think it's nice to keep the old ones of course add new people but don't feel pressure to make so many new friends it's great to have one great friend you don't need 50 one great friend ogf one great friend."
"It's better to have fewer people who are good for you."
"You do not need a ton of friends."
"It helped me realize more pixels, doesn't always equate to better footage."
"One of the reasons why I didn't do a full cut is so I can spend the money on the top stuff that I wanted and not have to settle for something less."
"It's about the quality, not about the quantity in the reading experience."
"Don't stress too much on the quantity of mock simulators, but rather focus on the quality."
"You're better off with one good show than a dozen crappy ones."
"I would much rather have a small, really high-quality group of friends than loads of friends that I didn't feel that close to."
"...it really is about quality over quantity which is the opposite of media companies, at least many that I have been at."
"Five months with Billy is better than 12 months with any other man on Earth."
"At a certain point, it becomes a complete dilution. Big doesn't always equal good, right?"
"I think that's a sign that newer and bigger doesn't always mean better."
"It's better to hand in immaculate work that you are proud of, even if it's a little late, versus something sloppy just to meet a deadline."
"...you don't need to post every week...I think it's more effective to focus on the quality of your videos."
"I'd rather focus on quality than just pumping out content to pump it out because that's when it becomes more of a job and I don't want this to ever feel like a job."
"I would rather have a small collection of really great plugins versus a large collection of plugins that I'm most likely never going to use."
"...so I would definitely say this year focus on the quality of the piece don't worry about the quantity girl you don't have to have all of the things but I promise you if you invest in that quality piece it's going to make your outfit hit s 100 times more."
"Eating for wellness means focusing less on quantity and more on quality."
"I'm living life to the fullness, and I think that we should be more interested in quality of life than longevity."
"You don't need a lot of people, you just need a few wise people."
"Be happy to pay more for quality food but eat less of it."
"Never increase quantity at the expense of quality."
"It is better to be involved in a few meaningful things than a bunch of things that were superficial."
"Quality is much better than quantity."
"The quality of something and not the quantity of it, that's how I was raised."
"It's the quality that's important, not the quantity."
"The quality of your cholesterol, not just the quantity, is really much more important."
"More stress is not necessarily better if it's not the correct stress."
"Better to do a few things really well than lots of things badly."
"I value the preciousness of few as opposed to the surface experience of several."
"I don't actually have a lot of girlfriends... you just need two or three good friends."
"You should buy less and buy better; never buy poorly made clothes, always buy well-made durable clothes."
"You know, it’s better to spend more money and buy right the first time, than to buy something you don’t really want."
"I rather have four quarters than 100 pennies."
"It's much better to buy the best."
"It's always better to have a few good items than a load of crap ones."
"I would rather actually know three people than not know three million."
"It's very simple pieces; it's how you put them together and the quality that really counts."
"Fit is more important than fashion; quality is more important than quantity."
"Quality should take precedence over quantity."
"But what we did buy, even though it was more expensive, we spent more, got less, but the quality is like 7,000 billion times better."
"I would much rather you have 12 quality pencils than 100 cracked pencils."
"It's not the quantity, it's just the quality."
"It's not about quantity, it's about efficiency."
"I choose a quality of existence over a quantity of existence."
"It's more quality over quantity, isn't it?"
"One quality woman is better than just 20 random women."
"You want not a length of life but a fullness, a depth; you want to have lived life as fully as possible."
"It's not about the quantity, it's about quality."
"It's just worth it, you know, in the long run, I think, to spend a little bit of extra money and have higher quality hooks that are gonna last longer too."
"You don't need to have 30 friends to say 'I have a bunch of friends' because if those 30 friends suck and they don't care about you the way a friend should, I would rather have none."
"I'll take like two real friends over 20 fake friends any day."
"Quality is much more important than size."
"Quality is a lot more important than quantity."
"Live by quantity, die by quality."
"I've cut down on the quantity in favor of quality."
"Kanoha was successful in so many wars not because of quantity, but because of quality."
"Less but better, meaning owning fewer things but owning higher quality, better things."
"I can't post 10 videos a day because I want to post quality vids."
"Don't waste your money on cheap stuff."
"It's not always the quantity but the quality."
"I don't want quantity, I want quality."
"You'd rather have one butterfly than a hundred bugs."
"Having less but better is definitely the way to go."
"Quality sometimes would just go past quantity, so you just give your best at whatever you have."
"I think having a few really really close friends is better than more."
"I personally would recommend buying better quality items than cheaper because you're going to have to replace them anyway."
"We are reaching a point where we are buying less but better."
"Friendship should not be measured in quantity anyway."