
Emotional Independence Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Being emotionally and mentally independent means that you don't need that approval from others."
"I don't do enemies. I don't give people that kind of power over how I feel."
"Relationships are never designed to take the place of God."
"You've started to recognize now that one, you don't have to give your heart to everyone. You can be selective."
"It's okay for me to be happy when somebody that I love isn't. It's not a betrayal."
"You don't allow other people's behavior to be the controlling thing of your emotions in your life."
"Your happiness and your emotional fulfillment is yours, not anybody else's. That's why you don't need to share with anybody else."
"Get in touch with self... learning how to be your own best friend and not feeling like you have to depend on people for your emotional stability."
"If you want to starve a narcissist, stop focusing on their needs, flying monkeys, and social media posts."
"If someone judges you or says something nasty about you, it has nothing to do with you. It's something within them."
"I don't care about their feelings. That's not my problem, that's their problem."
"Self-love keeps you from needing to fall in love."
"There's definitely independence that's shown up here, which is telling me that the two of you are not in each other's physical presence, but you are connected through this, whatever this is to you."
"I see you being happy, being okay whether love works out for you or if it doesn't work out for you."
"If you never liked me, then why would you matter?"
"Never rely on anyone else... how you feel is up to you."
"You shouldn't emotionally attach yourself to people based on their mental health issues."
"It's because you don't even love yourself right now man you're gonna love yourself you have to be able to be emotionally independent."
"The moment you fully feel deserving, worthy, and full of love within yourself, you're going to stop looking in your reality for it."
"Wanting someone and needing someone are two different things. You never need anybody."
"As long as you are emotionally independent, you're unstoppable."
"If you have no expectations and you're emotionally independent that energy is very attractive."
"You're stepping into my favorite energy, emotional independence."
"Maintain your emotional independence and happiness. There's massive potential for success here."
"Emotional Independence means that your emotional state is your responsibility."
"Don't wait around for someone who's not waiting on you."
"Hopefully, it will get more women to a place where they do have this emotional independence."
"Emotional independence does not mean depending on someone else for fulfillment."
"Emotional independence means I don't need a relationship to make me feel happy, whole, fulfilled, and complete."
"You're not letting someone make you feel a certain way."
"I will not equate my worthiness of Love or belonging or respect on how willing someone is to give me those things."
"You mean I can be happy because I said so you mean it's possible to be happy and joyous and carefree and be in a good mood no matter what."
"Don't put so much of your self-worth in other people."
"Don't give anything too much power over yourself."
"Roses are all about self-love, not about being given love from someone else."
"You have to give yourself those things you want validation. Give it to yourself."
"Resent people who try to make you feel needy. Have a personal vendetta against neediness."
"You cannot allow your mind to conceive that a person is so important in your life that you cannot live without them. God is all you truly need."
"You don't need the other person's assurance to be assured of your own feelings for someone."
"You're the only person that can make yourself feel complete."
"Closure happens in your heart. Don't give somebody your power like that. You get closure."
"I'm gonna be so filled with love myself that it doesn't matter if you love me back." - Rachel Hollis
"You don't owe anyone an explanation for your pain."
"Confidence is being okay with pain and not deriving your happiness from external stimulus."
"You don’t have to feel good in order to work and you don’t have to feel good in order to do good work."
"Forgive others... you don't need their apology to forgive them."
"Do not give the remote control of your emotions to someone else."
"Nobody can ever make you feel bad about yourself unless you let them."
"Outcome independence is key; know your worth and focus on self-improvement rather than being needy for validation."
"Let's treat each other like independent adults who don't need to have strangers curate their [ __ ] feelings."
"For those that I have connected with down personal readings for, connecting with you is really, it's an amazing experience, so continue to engage the channel, continue to reach out to me, and yeah, thank you."
"You literally went from this place of 'God, I hate being single, I feel so lonely, I feel so abandoned' to 'Oh God, this is great, I love this freedom.'"
"You won't be looking for others to fill in the blanks when you're connected to yourself. Love starts within."
"They're feeling this way but it's not in a really codependent desperate kind of way. It's not like a healthy way, like they just miss your presence kind of thing."
"Forgiveness is a 100% act for you and only you, it has nothing to do with them."
"You are no longer responsible for other people's emotions."
"You're more about moving on, whereas they're still keeping tabs on you."
"Self-discipline has nothing to do with emotion or even motivation, it just has to do with action."
"In the end, whatever you do, whoever you are, you just gotta get it, man. You gotta be a go-getter if you want it."
"As much as I love Lisa, it'll be hard, but I will survive. We're whole individuals."
"Attaching your own happiness or sadness to somebody else's actions is the quickest way to lose."
"Don't base your happiness on something that was never yours."
"The quickest way to be unhappy in life is to let somebody else dictate your emotions."
"Your heart wants what the heart wants, okay, and nobody but nobody can tell you any different."
"My happiness comes from myself and I do not let anyone have any control over my happiness."
"The joy that I have, the world couldn't give it and the world can take it away."
"If the responsibility of your happiness is in somebody else's hands, get ready to be disappointed again and again and again."
"I've got joy, and my joy no longer needs a reason."
"You've probably already done this, you let this man go... see how they act after you let them go... you cut the cord, they become that way, they have to face the monster that they really are."
"Stop being interdependent on people that don't give a [ __ ] about you."
"You don't need a replacement mother, you had a mother who raised you."
"The most important relationship I have is with myself."
"Of course, I think everybody gets lonely from time to time however I've always spent a lot of time alone and I'm perfectly comfortable with my own company."
"If someone else's happiness takes away from yours, then you didn't possess real happiness."
"We will not bow to what emotions say, what circumstances say, what Society says, what the flesh says, or what religious people say."
"Once you walk in righteousness, you don't have to have feelings to validate that God heard you."
"Maintain your sense of emotional independence, make sure you got you."
"I don't want an apology from anybody. An apology means I am sorry for what I did to you."
"I love you, but who cares if I love you? The only thing that matters is if you love you."
"When you receive this highest level of love, you don't even require it from other people anymore because you've finally given yourself the space to give it to yourself."
"Stop trying to find the love outside of you to validate the love within you."
"Like, I'm not tripping, I'm not stressed, I don't need to feel like... I don't need to be... I don't need to feel like I want him, I wanted him to like me how he naturally liked me."
"Love yourself when no one else will. Can't help it, they're just selfish."
"The happiest you will feel is when you no longer need this person."
"I've let go of them and I'm totally okay without this person in my life anymore."
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."
"As soon as you have that confidence to walk away from this person and be like you know what I don't need you, they come on in and they really need you."
"I'm grateful for what I already have in my life and not letting other people get to me."
"The way someone feels about you is not your problem."
"You're recognizing how much better you feel without this person, place, or thing. Now, you're recognizing that happiness doesn't come from other people, it genuinely comes from within."
"You have independent confidence and you'll see that you're able to feel good no matter what."
"If somebody doesn't honor you, somebody doesn't respect you, if somebody doesn't love you, it's okay to break free."
"Someone's getting a lot of confidence in themselves, learning to trust their abilities, learning to trust their heart, and following their heart accordingly, regardless of what other people say."
"People don't validate me to make me feel good. I validate me."
"You cannot allow yourself love to come from other people. You gotta give it to yourself."
"I don't care anymore because I'm happy myself."
"Finally releasing and letting go of something, aren't you? Stepping into your own power, your own emotional integrity."
"You can't walk around with other people having the power over your emotional states like that, it's weak."
"What someone else thinks about me is none of my business anyway."
"You're already doing what you need to be doing. However, you do need to work on finding your own sense of emotional independence."
"Immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering."
"Lesson number two is, don't let anyone with your chi. Don't let anyone's opinion affect how you feel."
"You give yourself closure, self-worth, self-love, those feelings, and nobody else does."
"Wait until you know that you own your self-confidence. True confidence comes from within, not dependent on external validation."
"This is called the abundance mindset. There's nothing she can give you that you can't give yourself."
"No one can make you feel anything without your consent."
"Your emotions are not dependent on what's outside of you."
"We cannot control how someone else is going to feel and we cannot alter how someone else is going to feel."
"Show them that boundaries are up. Don't put your life on hold for this person."
"You are not responsible for how people feel, you are only responsible for yourself and your own emotions."
"I don't need you to make me whole, you don't need me to make you whole, we've already done that work."
"When you're emotionally independent, you become irresistibly attractive."
"Don't place the key to your happiness in the hands of somebody else."
"Love yourself first before expecting love from others."
"Don't let other people determine how my day goes or how I feel about things."
"At the end of the day your life keeps going with or without them 100%."
"Extract the feeling of love and harness it independently from circumstances."
"Your own validation is all that matters at the end of the day."
"Stop trying to earn their love. Let them earn your love."
"Make them earn it, don't do the opposite, stop trying to earn their love."
"Learn to love your own. That doesn't mean learn to get good at being alone, there's a big difference."
"I feel simply more powerful, I feel like there's an aura around me that, I just, I'm immediately less concerned with most things."
"You need to free yourself from placing your sense of self-worth on other people's actions towards you."
"Closure comes from within, not by other people."
"By letting go, you become more free and realize that you can fill up your own cup."
"We're more so now in the anger stage of the breakup where you feel more independent and are like f**k this, I'm gonna have a hot boy summer now."
"Do it for yourself, not just for them. Who's gonna love you more than you? No one's gonna love you more than you."
"You don't need closure, and you don't need nobody to give you, you can have that yourself."
"You owe no one an explanation about how you feel."
"You cannot heal someone else's heart and you cannot give someone something you do not have so you have to heal yourself."
"Your happiness is not my [ __ ] responsibility."
"You're walking away from lies, games, and [expletive]."
"Let love find me, but in the meantime, I'm gonna be okay with myself."
"We all need to know that nobody knows how to love us better than we know how to love ourselves."
"Updating your identity to no longer be needy is crucial."
"You deserve to be happy, your happiness doesn't depend on that person."
"Misery loves company, but you're finding your own song."
"We are in control of our happiness. We control our happiness. Don't let anybody else control your emotions."
"You're not being that open lotus flower for everybody to see, you're closing up, you're being your own superhero."
"Conflict is an agreement you have to both agree to. If you are emotionally independent and you're standing tall in your integrity, conflict won't happen."
"The outcome... you may start... noticing soon that you don't feel tied to it as much as you did."
"A man is not the source of his wife's unhappiness."
"Make you respect yourself in a manner that you never did before, go ahead man. And when you understand what love is, you'll love yourself so much you won't be begging looking for it in the wrong places."
"This joy that I have, the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away."
"Recognize that it's not your duty to make anybody else feel better, especially if it's not a two-way street."
"You do not ever need to prove your feelings or experience to anyone."
"Open yourself up to receive that love; it doesn't have to come from this person."
"He needs to be loved but he doesn't need to love you back."
"You can either feel needy, or you can feel needed. That's the choice. That's it."
"I don't need permission to feel the way that I do."
"Understand that the number one thing that women hate is an emotional clingy desperate man."
"Joy is something in the heart. It's not smiling, it's not external exuberance because that depends on temperament."
"The second one: don't take anything personally."
"True confidence is being okay with pain and not deriving your happiness and self-esteem from external stimulus."
"...you don't have to be your thoughts; you don't have to be your emotions."
"Stop attaching your happiness to another person."
"You can't make someone happy that doesn't want to be happy."
"I'm not allowing external emotions coming to me anymore."
"Emotional autonomy... they really realize that I don't have to feel something just because my mom or my dad feels it."
"Do you not know that you can love somebody without having them in your day-to-day life?"
"Enjoy your call, quit connecting your joy with people."
"Nobody can own you anymore because nobody can make you angry."
"If somebody is controlling your emotions, you need to just leave."
"You didn't give me my joy, so you can't take it away."
"I need to live my life for myself and not let my emotions suffer because of someone else that has not taken my emotions into consideration."
"You have happiness within your soul, independent of circumstance."
"It doesn't make intuitive sense that accepting your whole child and guiding them towards emotional independence will lead them to harm anything, even themselves."
"The best revenge is a happy life, it's not giving this person any more control over your feelings."
"You're entitled to your own grief, I don't need yours too."
"Letting go of the things that hold you back, you're able to proceed in a much stronger state of emotional independence."
"If we're trying to source our wholeness, safety, love, and security through others and holding them responsible when they didn't provide it for us, it means that we aren't as yet a generative source of these things to ourselves."
"Emotional self-sufficiency is a powerful reminder that our serenity and inner strength should not depend on external factors or the approval of others."
"I am not a puppet on a string, I am not a yo-yo, I am not on the roller coaster of emotions any longer."
"It's very natural and it's in fact very important for kids to break away from their parents at this age; this emotional separation actually helps them to adjust into becoming adults."
"Your walk away game should be so strong that you don't even remember walking away."
"Not being so triggered and affected by other people is freedom."
"Don't let other people's feelings that you have no control over trick you out of your blessings."
"Love don't love nobody; you got to love yourself."
"Being alone does not mean that you're lonely."
"The less you make their feelings your problem, the healthier."
"Healing makes you realize it's not your responsibility to regulate their emotions."
"You can't force someone to treat you well, and you can't force someone to be happy."
"Emotional independence is when my quality is not dependent on their behavior."
"At 25, you're here to relate more your emotional stance on things... you can't live your life for others at that point."
"Just having some sense of self-awareness and self-discernment and not expecting somebody else to make you feel okay."
"A lot of you are really working on self-love, feeling emotionally satisfied yourself, focusing on making yourself happy rather than relying on someone else to make you happy."
"Why would I allow it to control me like that? I care about it, but it's not that I need it."
"I'm happy in and of myself, I love myself completely whole and okay emotionally on my own."
"Don't rely on that partner to make you happy because the happiness should come within."
"You have to forgive people on your own, without their impetus, without their exchange, without their action."
"Don't let anyone control your feelings."
"Become a soul traveler, move your soul along a timeline from being dependent, fearful, and needing support to being independent and in control of your feelings."
"Once you can stand on your own two feet emotionally again, that's when the contact is re-established."
"Take care of your money; don't let emotional connection to people distract you from what you need to do for yourself."
"You don't need others to validate your emotions or how you're feeling because in your mind you're independent emotionally."
"Stop allowing people to control how you feel about what they're saying and what they're doing."
"Understanding yourself better, becoming more and more emotionally independent."