
Giraffes Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Giraffes are a favorable prey for lions in the wild."
"A well-aimed blow from a giraffe can break a lion's spine or even kill it."
"Giraffes are ruminants and spend most of their day browsing on leaves, flowers, and fruits from trees, particularly favoring the acacia tree."
"Its prominent neck accounted for close to half that size at five meters - that's almost three times longer than the neck of the average giraffe."
"For the first time in discovered history, scientists have observed and recorded dwarf giraffes."
"The giraffes were feeling chilled out enough to actually get pregnant and have a baby giraffe."
"A herd of giraffes is actually known as a tower of giraffes."
"Giraffes were thought to be mute but they make low frequency sounds at night."
"The main thing we want to see this trip is the giraffes, isn't it?"
"The greatest threats to giraffes today are poaching and habitat loss."
"To wake up every day to giraffes, zebras has been unforgettable."
"I like giraffes too, I think one time my husband and I were on a little safari ride in the local area here."
"It's crazy that giraffes are real creatures, they're so cool."
"A group of giraffes is called a tower."
"The last stronghold of the Rothschild giraffe is Murchison Falls National Park."
"The giraffes appear calm, cool, and collected despite the bumpy ride."
"First of all, I had no idea that giraffes have different patterns according to their subspecies."
"It was nice feeding the giraffe; the giraffes are lovely."
"We think giraffes are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet."
"Baby giraffes come at a 6 ft tall while the females give birth standing up."
"Giraffe Manor located in Langata is a boutique hotel that offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience for its guests."
"The highlight of any stay at the Giraffe Manor is the opportunity to have breakfast with the giraffes."
"Giraffes sleep about 4 and 1/2 hours daily."
"Giraffes have long necks to reach the sweetest topmost leaves of the trees."
"Giraffes can fight too; they can defend themselves."
"Giraffe's a strong play; everyone likes a good draft."
"This baby giraffe is a baby but it's as tall as me, that's pretty amazing."
"They love leaves, plant material, especially having such a long neck, eating all the plants at the very tops of the trees."
"When you turn that corner and see the giraffes, you're always like, 'Whoa!'"
"The giraffes demanded answers; they beckoned and called each other to fight."
"We have a beautiful journey of giraffes, you can see a little calf there just walking with one of the females."
"All giraffes are of one species; they do lie down to sleep and contrary to popular opinion, they are not mute but can indeed bellow and snort."
"No two giraffes will ever have the same patch pattern; it's kind of like our fingerprints."
"The poor giraffe had really been through a lot lately. Giraffes aren't supposed to be living alone on islands."
"We really need to come together and, you know, stick our necks out for giraffes."
"Giraffes are incredible, can we see more giraffes just in general around the internet?"
"Each giraffe coat is completely unique, a bit like a human fingerprint."
"Did you know that a giraffe can gallop up to 30 miles per hour?"
"Giraffes have spots, a long neck, and four long legs."
"Female giraffes enjoy bonds that last years."
"Okapi are relatives of giraffes, believe it or not, and not horses or zebras like you might be thinking."
"Giraffes are the tallest land mammals in the world."
"Giraffes are the tallest mammal on earth, with the loftiest individuals reaching a height of almost 19 feet."
"Giraffes are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet."
"Giraffes are not easily hunted by predators."
"Giraffes have long, and I mean it, black tongues."
"Giraffes... they only sleep for about four and a half hours a day."
"Giraffes don't actually sleep only half an hour; it's just a myth many people still believe."
"A group of giraffes we call them a tower of giraffes."
"So giraffes are the tallest land mammal we have."
"Giraffes are also known to have one of the longest tongues in mammals."
"The giraffe will move on, stop and look back, and just making sure all is good."
"Giraffes are the animals that can look higher and further."
"Giraffes, the tallest animals in the whole world."
"The giraffes we call them the Masai giraffes, just like where we are in an area called the Mara triangle."
"I think that's one of my favorite things about giraffes, just how random they are; they come, they go, they spend some time together, and then I could get cool, I'm done, and then they head off."
"Giraffes are amazing animals close up, and you have an opportunity to hand feed them here at the park."
"A group of giraffe together is called a journey of giraffe."
"Giraffes are very good in defending themselves."
"I have seen a giraffe kick a lion almost to death."
"Giraffes are about 18 feet tall, they're the biggest ones that we get out of all the species of giraffe."
"Giraffes have the same amount of vertebrae as humans, they're just really, really big."
"He's got some marvelous looking eyelashes; definitely, giraffes have still got the nicest eyelashes I think in the community."
"Look at him go, guys, check this out, it is a little baby giraffe."
"It's nice that we have a strong giraffe population at the moment."
"We're going to quickly get into position for the giraffe coming down to drink."
"Giraffes are one of the more wonderful animals to track of course they're very very tall so they've definitely got the height advantage."
"Now they are probably one of the most elegant animals when they walk out here."
"Giraffe standing is by far the tallest creature that we have out here."
"Each giraffe, of course, has a unique system of patterning."
"The reason their necks are so long is because it allows them to feed where other animals can't."
"You don't often get to see galloping giraffes."
"Giraffes have spots to break up their outline. It is a form of camouflage."
"This is, I think, the highest number of giraffes I've seen together in Juma."
"There's something about giraffes that makes me smile, and I don't quite know what it is."
"Giraffes have really really extra thick saliva, and it actually helps to coat those thorns so that they can swallow them really nice and easily."
"About 50% of giraffe numbers have been obliterated in the last 50 years."
"I like giraffes; they are one of my favorites."
"Giraffes are so tall and their eyesight is just so incredible."
"Giraffes live for about 25 years... in captivity, they've been said to live for about 30 years."
"It's not easy for a giraffe to do what they're doing."
"To stop all the blood in their body from rushing into their head and popping their eyeballs out of their skull, they've got a net a fun net of capillaries just behind the way their."
"It keeps their blood pressure steady in their head by allowing one platelet through at a time."
"I love watching giraffes swish their tail from side to side."
"Giraffes are just incredible, they're just wonderful things to see."
"Giraffes have seven vertebrae like us humans, only that theirs are elongated."
"I love giraffes. I really, really love them."
"Giraffes are actually listed as vulnerable, so their populations are not stable, they are in decline."
"Baby giraffe are born with their ossicones... they lie flat against the baby's head and then within the first few weeks of life they pop up."
"Giraffes are one of the animals that feed most of their day of the day, spending over 20 hours of a day just eating."
"Of course, giraffes don't make burrows. They live above ground all their life."
"Big changes can be made in little steps for giraffes like Isla."
"The reason giraffes have long necks is basically so that they can reach up into the trees and get food."
"Giraffes can get up to about 6 meters tall, all the way up to the ossicones."
"They're the beautiful creatures of the world, and the tallest land mammal."
"The population of giraffe stands at less than 100,000 in the whole world, so we are in very great danger if we're not careful."
"They're not territorial and they don't really have a set herd structure; they're quite social creatures."
"A giraffe's tongue is quite rough... it's purple in color thanks to the melanin deposits which apparently help to protect it from the sun."
"They can see far and there is a posture that a giraffe can portray which can send a signal and a message to everybody around that all is not well."
"Why is a giraffe's neck so long? So they've just kind of changed over time to be able to reach high up into the trees."
"Watching giraffe drink has got to be one of my favorite things."
"Giraffes got one big advantage that all other animals do not have."
"I don't think I've ever met anybody that doesn't like to see some giraffes."
"Wild giraffes are highly gregarious animals. They do enjoy spending time in groups."