
Naturalism Quotes

There are 449 quotes

"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference."
"The violation theism proposes something other than the natural world. How do we test for, identify, or confirm something other than the natural world?"
"Science relies on methodological naturalism. It doesn't say the supernatural doesn't exist; it says we don't get to make appeals to that because we have no demonstration that it exists."
"We are not precluding the possibility of miracles; we are observing that the universe appears to be naturalistic until evidence proves otherwise."
"Cannabis is a plant that grows from Earth naturally."
"Watching the Tyrannosaurus individuals search for mates, reproduce, and raise their offspring really makes them feel like real animals."
"I don't feel that way now, I think there are a lot of people living in a more naturalistic view."
"I'm fine with the idea that the natural world may be all that exists."
"For me, naturalism is very easy... everything is explicable naturally."
"Don't be afraid to cover subjects you really like to make things look natural or just to improve the painting as a whole."
"The universe is natural, not supernatural, and there is no God."
"There is only the natural world, so how do you explain things like purposes and meanings?"
"Corporations do not exist in nature. They are a governmental construct."
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit paranoid?"
"I like everything. I like a vibe. I like when something is natural, everything genuine."
"There is nothing wrong or shameful about the naked human form."
"I just don't get this hippie dippie movement. We're all moving towards... you know, you shouldn't wash yourself with anything unless you found it on the ground in the woods."
"Paintings look best when they don't look like they've been painted when they look like they've happened."
"The secular worldview is built on things like naturalism, that nature is all that there is. There's no supernatural."
"If you couldn't give an adequate naturalistic explanation for those phenomena, then I would reluctantly but modestly conclude that naturalism as an account of what goes on in people has its limitations."
"You want it to feel like it all just naturally happened on its own."
"Nature does it best. Natural materials age beautifully and gracefully. Surround yourself with nature-inspired spaces for timeless beauty."
"The human body functioned fine without it for the past X thousand years I'm not gonna run on the introduce it for no reason."
"Naturalistic explanations for the rise of life on this planet are far more compelling and awesome than any kind of supernatural explanation."
"He conveyed the naturalistic in an organic and believable way."
"I love things that nature Made not not not that or God made not that man-made because they tend to be more problematic."
"Anything not natural opens the door to dark entities."
"If somebody decides to go natural, I think they should be given a second chance."
"Any pacing can be enjoyable if it's being effective to the story...it goes bad when it tries to force the story or characters or the reader to conform to a rhythm that's just not natural to the situation."
"Naturalism is far and away the winner when it comes to cosmological explanation."
"Good writing: natural observation, natural progression, natural dialogue."
"I think it's so much nicer having rivers that just seem consistent... sometimes lead down to the ocean but sometimes just connect two areas of land."
"Everything happens naturally and effortlessly."
"I am a firm believer in setting up my animals as naturally as possible."
"Miracles can disprove naturalism if they're authentic."
"I'm not a naturalist, I don't agree with you on this falsification principle."
"There's no such thing as the supernatural, there's just the natural."
"Our bodies are designed to process plants seamlessly."
"What naturalists did, what real scientists did, is they observed nature."
"She kept the performance as naturalistic as possible."
"I want my body to go in decompose and get it over with."
"The subtle reflections make it look more natural and inviting."
"But they thought I was even crazier when I said I was gonna mimic my whole garden after a natural forest."
"The more we examine it, the more we see a natural world with no need and no justification to evoke a supernatural creator to explain it."
"Women are emotional beings, men are logical and calm. That's just how it is, blame nature."
"I just think you eat what you're supposed to eat and your body's going to work the way it's supposed to work."
"If you feel the same way don't wear a bra, grow out your hair if you want to, it's natural like I don't care as long as you're hygienic, good. I don't care as long as the hygiene is messy you know that that's different." - Asia
"Don't be afraid of getting some of those shadows in there because you are gonna need the shadows in the contrast for everything to look natural."
"The simplest view turns out to be some form of naturalism."
"Naturalism is not literal, its answers to Origins does not fit with the way the world actually is."
"If there's a natural solution, why the heck wouldn't we use it?"
"It moves away from the rigid symmetrical designs that had previously dominated to an idea that landscape should look like a natural landscape of rolling hills and lakes dotted with little follies."
"If there's a natural way, and things that God has put on the earth, that we can do to heal ourselves, we want to get to the root of that."
"The healthy adult savage and the healthy infant of civilization both breathe in this manner, but civilized man has adopted unnatural methods of living, clothing, etc., and has lost his birthright."
"...I'm a naturalist, I think nature does what it does because it is what it is, it acts is..."
"Philosophy wants to talk about the things that are meaningful and give us guidance, without appealing to the supernatural."
"The methodological naturalism...eliminates the possibility of Minds playing a role in anything."
"It does actually feel very naturalistic and real despite it being exaggerated."
"The natural world is all there is, and that is a philosophical, not a scientific statement."
"Being naked is so natural to me. I think the human body is a really beautiful thing."
"Finding highly theatrical means to create a naturalistic landscape."
"Working through the world through its natural means is what it is to be a human."
"In terms of the value of the pieces, Fuertes is a highly, highly collected naturalist artist."
"There is no foundation on a naturalistic worldview for the moral values and duties that we both want to affirm."
"If you want bulbs to look natural in grass by far the best way of doing that is just chuck them on the ground and plant them where they land."
"The universe is knowable, and one need not appeal to mystical magical forces to account for things."
"Don't feel ever especially when doing like an autumn leaf type of display that it has to be one solid color it looks much better when it's not one solid color it'll look way more organic in nature."
"We need some gravel for the bottom of this pool. As you guys can see, you know, this pool is looking awfully blue. It doesn't look that natural, and we want it to look as natural as possible for, you know, these epic bad monsters."
"Perennial naturalism is particularly popular among those who take a high view of modern science."
"We don't have to posit some kind of Supernatural layer to reality."
"There were a wide variety of atheists, but they all in this particular study, they weren't say, for example, a Buddhist atheist. They had to adhere to or self-identify as someone who believes only the natural world exists."
"Naturalism believes that this universe is a closed system of cause and effect, but it isn't, of course, it isn't."
"By choosing these tortoise species you're able to set them up in a naturalistic manner where they can live as naturalistic of a life as possible."
"The atheist is not saddled with that position and instead can adopt a much more reasonable position that reductive naturalism is false and no part of atheism whatsoever."
"It's all random. Any world we see is exactly the world we'd expect to see according to naturalism."
"What I would really want is for my body just to be left out for animals... that costs nothing, free."
"Cognitive science is taking the naturalistic imperative in cognitive science, it's how do we fit back into this world?"
"The alternative to naturalism depends on the resolution of the tension between the absolute simplicity of the one and its explanatory adequacy for the many."
"Platonism and naturalism represent a conflict in Western philosophy."
"The better naturalist you are, the better bird photographer you're going to be."
"We've got to be the better naturalist we are, the better bird photographer we're going to be."
"Their basic argument is we can explain design as an illusion and we can give a naturalistic explanation."
"Naturalism offers a simpler ontology that offers just as much explanatory power as theism."
"There is a development towards naturalism."
"If you think that you've ever done something truly wrong or truly good then you should conclude that naturalism is not true."
"Epistemological naturalist need not be a metaphysical naturalist."
"Metaphysical naturalism is so contrary to reason and experience as to be absurd."
"Radical health is something you were born with."
"The closer to nature, the better. If it wasn't food 100 years ago, it's not food today."
"I also use a little bit of wood in my enclosure for a natural look."
"Your body knows what it needs. You don't need anything artificially at all. So, in general, I'm completely against any kind of artificial ways to lose weight."
"The challenge was to make this feel as naturalistic as possible but also giving my commercial flare."
"We wanted to elevate the already naturalistic look of the sun and we wanted just a consistent sun to be in the background."
"This is not a super contrasty look at all. We wanted this to feel bright and airy and naturalistic."
"Every discovery made by science has excluded a supernatural constituent in that explanation."
"Islam to me is a natural religion. If you behave naturally, you'll be following Allah's instruction."
"If it's not a whole plant found in nature if it's manufactured in the plant if you can't make it in your own kitchen my advice is not to eat it."
"Naturalism is the view that the only things that exist in the world are the things that natural science tells us exist."
"Inequality for Locke is natural and beneficial for everyone."
"If you genuinely want your plants to be healthy, to put it very simply, nature takes care of nature."
"Plants are able to survive and thrive in the wild because the balance within the soil or substitute isn't being artificially altered."
"Plant people are looking for ways to incorporate Mother Nature into our bodies to keep ourselves healthy, strong, and possibly cure infirmities, diseases, what have it."
"Definitely the more natural approach and it's great because I get to keep it simple."
"No heat, no filtering, treatment-free, holistic beekeeping practices to keep the bees and you healthy."
"I prefer planting in the native soil and not filling up the planting hole with a whole bunch of other amendments."
"Focus on yourself and remember there are natural alternatives."
"For one day you will realize how natural, how spontaneous are all facts of existence."
"Everything can and indeed must be explained by three things: time, chance, and the laws of nature working on matter."
"It gives it a natural look, natural feel of what's going on there."
"If it's got a barcode on it, don't eat it."
"That's how we were designed to live, at least how we're designed to eat and be in the Sun and be outside."
"The audience is completely immersed in a natural, non-sensationalized world."
"The film thrives off of from the very beginning: naturalism."
"We should all, in part, be naturalists."
"Not just a better photographer but a better naturalist as well."
"The sense of depth of his figures, the sense of naturalism, the uncontrived spaces."
"I'm really focused on that mobility and doing some exercises that get us back to our more natural state."
"The more natural flavor something has, the more natural medicine it contains."
"The naturalizing element is absolutely vital, it means to root what you do in the natural sciences."
"We use the natural movements what you can see outside by young horses playing on the fields."
"This kind of rugged, sort of very naturalistic stream habitat resembles more to the natural environment of a guppy than our fish tanks."
"Our bodies are miraculous, and we don't always need to throw supplements at it; we often need to just change our lifestyle."
"We're naturalists whether we're pathologists or botanists."
"...the greatest naturalist the world has ever known."
"I'm proud to be a natural bodybuilder."
"Do everything as much as natural as you can and work with what you have."
"It made the scene feel very natural, and I think that is the kind of genius that you see a lot in Smith's work."
"When you follow the natural way, the natural law, it's more effective, it's faster, and you enjoy it more."
"Following the natural law brings more peace, peace inside of you, feeling peaceful and calm."
"A mix of statement flowers and wildflowers creates a gathered, organic feel."
"Gardening is the most natural thing in the world, and we are so much more capable than we believe that we are."
"Natural light over artificial light any day."
"It's natural, and whatever is natural is right."
"I like giving it some variation to the line work, which makes it feel more natural and almost hand-drawn."
"I only eat all natural, whole grains, nothing processed, plant-based food."
"Humans with idealized features in very naturalistic human renderings."
"You always want to draw through, it leads to a much more natural looking effect."
"As we come toward the tropics, we find fuel foods less required and we find the people naturally inclining towards a vegetarian diet."
"Isn't it crazy if we just let our bodies do what our bodies are meant to do, we thrive."
"Everything arises naturally from intuition and inner wisdom rather than being solely based on past rational thinking."
"They're going to feel like they're in the wild."
"In my world, you would take these things out of the zoos and put the animals in their natural habitat, the circus."
"We're not going to the store, we're not buying modern food, we're collecting the foods that are available in our environment."
"I want my body to be resilient on its own, without the use of exogenous things."
"All of the evidence points to the conclusion that we need to look for natural explanations."
"This naturalistic style of living and acting quickly became a huge influence on other breakthrough stars."
"It's the most natural presentation a fish can see."
"My philosophy since the beginning has been sort of focusing on nature, eating the natural human diet."
"My commitment to naturalism isn't some dogmatic closed-mindedness; I will embrace supernaturalism if you could show me how to measure it."
"These actors... there's so much naturalism in the way this is shot."
"I prefer natural and true to life photos with more details."
"Don't assume that natural is good or unnatural is bad, or vice versa."
"Becoming one with nature was natural."
"I felt like the whole time watching it, I was like, 'This is how it's meant to be. This is how animals are supposed to be.'"
"You want your paintings to look soft, natural, and organic; you don't really want any hard edges where they're not needed."
"Training a reigning horse is always better to exploit the natural ability of a horse rather than to try to mechanize everything."
"Embracing the silence and waiting for things to unfold naturally."
"We decided to combine a couple of different substrates because we wanted it to have a natural look."
"Not over editing your photos is key; keep your things more minimal, more natural looking."
"I prefer using a darker shade of green for shading, it gives a more natural effect."
"It kind of takes our control away from us and lets the paint be applied in a bit more of a natural way."
"We want all of our stuff to be as natural as possible."
"Naturalism is the view that ultimately you can understand logic simply by understanding the naturalistic laws which govern the development of consciousness."
"Middle Ages have been moving more and more towards the direction of greater naturalism in art long before the Renaissance ever came along."
"Watermelons don't care; this is natural, this is permaculture."
"We see an increase in naturalism, an increase in monumentality, but we also see a development of portraiture."
"I'm not too worried about accuracy; if anything, I try to make the ends look a bit more jagged and different with each other to keep it natural."
"It's far more likely that you take the naturalistic answer because that is the one that you can actually test and that actually happens."
"It's got to feel totally natural; if you don't notice the backgrounds, actually we've done our bit."
"The natural world clearly exists and until there is evidence for something beyond that, we don't get to appeal to those things beyond the natural."
"Natural doesn't always mean better."
"I like to do things the way that nature does them; that's just me."
"Science doesn't deal with supernatural; it's limited to natural explanations."
"These are real colors; if you go out into nature, these are the kinds of colors you're going to see."
"It's all a moot point if you make something that looks natural and looks awesome."
"You can't force it out, you just gotta wait for it to come, just like fishing."
"On screen, Cooper was the tall, lean American cowboy, soldier, baseball player who embodied the ideals of duty, honor, and integrity in a beguiling natural acting style."
"I just make it because that's just how eyes are; I'm not trying to be artistic, I just follow the lines of what nature has already intended."
"I like a more natural feeling Juniper, and that's what I'm trying to do with this tree, to keep that wild element to it."
"We are not freaking hairless amphibians; we are female adult mammals. We grow body hair; it's completely natural."
"I am charmed by this ideal of clothing with only natural materials and buttons and lace-up closures; no zippers, no elastic, none of that ugly modern crap."
"Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's good, and just because something is synthetic doesn't mean it's bad."
"If I'm going to eat stuff, I want it to be as natural as possible or organic as possible."
"I love to focus on natural organic movement."
"Here are my ideas for organic movement in posing."
"The goal was to make something as naturalistic as possible."
"Stick to things that are natural."
"The body was seen as something natural, as a vessel of the Divine."
"I find that doing a lot of natural remedies saves time, it's better for your hair, it saves you a lot of money."
"Whereas Cuarón had an innate understanding of the mentality of young teenagers and was able to use that to make their interactions organic and natural."
"This tank looks like a piece of jungle, it looks very natural, and it looks very biotope style, and I don't really want something that doesn't fit into this picture."
"True religion is based on a knowledge of nature, the elements, the rules and laws of nature."
"That is the best way for them to live, and we can replicate that with good naturalism."
"It's far more important to enact naturalistic care."
"Benefits of walking barefoot are humongous."
"The point of governing is to help things follow their natural course."
"It's about being a naturalist, one with nature."
"Leaving leaves and letting things just kind of happen a little bit more naturally is a good thing."
"Monet's goal was to paint directly from nature, to record as faithfully as possible the look and feel of a particular place at a particular time."
"That is a better and true spirituality which is natural, as natural as waking from sleep, which is unforced because not the result of following technique and practicing exercises."