
Relationship Repair Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"I've ruined our relationship, but I really want to regain your love if it's not too late."
"Most people don't want to end bad relationships; they want to repair them."
"When parents are tearing up because they're not liking their kids anymore... that is often cause for thinking about what can we do to help this child do better."
"I am waiting for my ex to come back and fix our relationship. He's a Taurus; I'm an Aquarius. Will they come back? Six of Wands, yes."
"Is there anything that he can do to repair the relationship? What would you like to be seen? I'm not upset at anybody but you know what it is what I said is what I said."
"Both of you can find a way to mend this connection."
"This person wants to make amends, they want to put things right."
"This person is serious about commitment, they want to come in and they're going to take action to make it right."
"Giving myself and them the opportunity to repair the relationship."
"There's always a way to repair that if you're willing to acknowledge your partner and you're willing to listen."
"Instead of just lamenting it, make those reparations. Reach out, say hey look I want things to be better."
"Value life, be happy, spend time with your family, fix some relationships."
"If you've done something wrong with your kids where you've over-punished them for whatever reason, it's never too late to reverse it."
"Your person is determined to make the changes necessary to bring this back around."
"U-turns are permitted in situations when you wronged somebody."
"Trust is the glue that holds a relationship together, and once that's broken, it really will take two willing partners to fix it."
"They want that reconciliation, they want to make amends."
"This person is coming in to try to communicate with you."
"I love you Stella and I want to mend our relationship."
"I just believe that if we went back I think we could fix it cuz I'm gonna go on a limb."
"He knows that he needs to make a move and he needs to apologize."
"It's interesting as they're trying to like kind of fix the relationship that they've been forced on."
"Let's talk about repairing the relationship instead of attacking."
"They will express what they need to tell you... and they want things to rekindle."
"You're manifesting communication with someone who you need to forgive or they need to forgive."
"There's a chance to repair an estranged relationship with someone from the past."
"They want you to know they love you, they miss you, they want to fix things."
"I'm so sorry for what I did. I hope you can forgive me too."
"I wish I could take back the hurtful things I said. It was wrong to take out my frustration on you."
"What can they do to get you to trust them again though?"
"I definitely think there has been friendships that I've been able to mend."
"Some relationships after a breakup can be brought back together."
"Please trust me again, so they want you to give them a second chance."
"You're starting to get in your feelings about each other, and this person is wanting to fix something."
"I've thought about it, and I think what's between us is worth repairing."
"There's definitely going to be an honest conversation between the two of you that's going to allow a new beginning to happen."
"Effective communication can patch that up as well."
"There's happiness here, it actually looks like there could be a successful reconciliation with you guys."
"I'm sorry I hurt you. Please be patient a little longer."
"What's better than a repaired relationship with somebody you chose to be with forever?"
"If I feel like I've done someone wrong that I want I want to fix that."
"Communication is the bridge to reconciliation."
"I've been working on it since I hurt you last."
"Putting down the next person is not okay. I messed up and for that I wanted to sincerely say that I am sorry for the way I treated you."
"If we're going to find our way back to each other, vulnerability is going to be that path."
"That's just like them saying, look, we know we've burned this bridge, we now need to come with a fully constructed bridge to show you that we've done it."
"Acknowledging when you've hurt your spouse and asking for their forgiveness, and then also being the person to extend forgiveness when you receive a heartfelt apology, a sincere apology can go a long way."
"There's somebody here who wants to clear the air with you."
"Go straight to your adult kids and say, 'I really regret that I didn't do more.'"
"If you've got any hope of saving this relationship, now is your chance to come clean."
"I'm sorry. I love you. And, um, it will never happen again."
"He just turned around and was like please take me back."
"There is good intentions here to mend things between you two."
"They feel like they really made some kind of mistake about something and they're realizing that their true happiness lies with you."
"They're gonna come right in and handle this situation because they don't want to lose you."
"Repairing communication is the first step towards rebuilding."
"It takes a real man to really just say to himself like, 'Okay, I'm gonna do what I gotta do, cherish this girl, and try to repair her.'"
"They want to rebuild after some sort of falling out... wanting to make something right again."
"Our approach to reparations is different from repairing relationships or reconciliation."
"They want to rebuild but are avoiding chaos."
"They want to work this out with you at some point. I'm going to predict at some point they're going to try to work this out with you."
"What I want to gain is trust from her again, and she means so much to me."
"They stopped basically, they sabotaged their chance with you in the past and they know that and they want to try to make a comeback."
"Maybe this is something that could, in the end, bring them back together."
"If you do that the first time around and honor the request regarding what they say it will take to earn the trust back then you can build a strong loving long-lasting relationship with them."
"The Taurus wants to work it out. They want to rebuild with you."
"I want to make sure you're happy, and I've been careless with your heart, I promise to fix this."
"They're wanting to just come out and honestly work anything out with you. They do have really honest intentions."
"Two of the things that Watt said his research uncovered on the subject of relationships ending: sometimes when you have children and your relationship starts to deteriorate, a child could help repair it."
"They want to apologize to you, they want to come correct this time."
"There's a real transition period, an opportunity to heal and repair relationships."
"Let's give it another try. Let's work past what happened in the past. I'm sorry I hurt you."
"You learn the most from people who struggle and repair."
"They want to heal this situation, yeah they've been healing, they're moving forward, they're ready to move forward here to heal things with you."
"They regret leaving you out in the cold, they want to come back and make amends."
"Taking a risk and reuniting, having a new beginning in a relationship where you have tried really hard to make things work."
"A man sincerely sorrowful asks for forgiveness and proves his words through actions."
"If your spouse has cheated, insist that they go through counseling... it doesn't go by wishing it away."
"You two are trying to avoid a full fallout. I think you got really close to the bleeding end, but you're trying to come back in a loving and expressive way."
"They want to compromise with you and make things right."
"This person wants your forgiveness because they've realized how much they've damaged you."
"I feel like there's still love here, definitely some stuck energy, but these are things that can be worked through."
"There's gonna be a chance to reconcile with someone that there's a big rift with currently."
"Surrender the past, fill in the negative energy between you guys."
"I'm willing to work on my anger issues with my wife if she's willing to wait for me to fix the issues that I do have."
"Your person does want to mend things with you."
"I decided to give Kaden another chance to rebuild our relationship."
"The mending of black relationships... It's one of the most critical achievements that we will accomplish."
"This person's coming back in and fixing things with you."
"There's still a lot of work that needs to be done to repair these really fractured relationships."
"This will allow you to fix things with Regina."
"They recognize they need to apologize and they've got a lot of regrets here."
"They want to reconcile with you and give an apology."
"They actually want to heal the connection, they actually want to make things right with you."
"They want to reconcile with you and make this work."
"I think that was a really good apology actually."
"They were about to blow it, but now they're fixing it, calling in their soul mate."
"Repairs are a way to just shift the energy and reconnect and to show that you love each other."
"Every time you get angry, until you confess it and until you ask forgiveness in that person, your fellowship with the Father is broken."
"It's not a given that they'll forgive, sometimes they won't, but it does create a greater possibility."
"A person who messed up has a much greater chance of being forgiven and repairing the relationship."
"Repairing a broken relationship requires humility. And we are born, we come into the world resisting humility."
"There's very little in a relationship you can't fix."
"It's always possible to recreate trust, even stronger trust than before the whole thing happened."
"You do more than you did to lose the trust to rebuild it back."
"I'm so sorry about all of this, you're 100% right, I was horrible to you."
"Remember that what you are doing is seeking reconciliation with God in God's created order, a repaired relationship."
"I did you wrong, and I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"
"I am committed to getting better and hope to mend as many relationships as I can."
"An effective apology is not just about saying the right things one time; it's about doing the work to show up and be present with them."
"There's good news here, the good news here is that during the Mercury retrograde, it's going to give you and this person time to really think about what needs to be fixed in the connection and relationship."
"Your own heart must be restored if you want your relationships with those most precious to be restored."
"She was hoping to repair their relationship before he left."
"I am hoping to find peace and bridge whatever it is that's broken between the relationships I do have."
"The personal growth while you're in no contact is absolutely critical if you're going to repair things."
"We were determined to face any potential infidelity head on and work towards repairing our relationship."
"To have let you out of my life was a sin, and I hope you'll forgive me for it."
"He needs to know that there's gonna be baggage that comes along with getting back together, and he has to help you unpack that baggage because you guys are a team."
"Rebuilding trust can be a difficult thing."
"Even if we save Marcy, can we really save this friendship? But we have to try."
"The reparations of those three relationships and then learning how to keep them repaired and grow them is sobriety, is recovery."
"Kids don't need you to be perfect, they need you to be present and willing to repair ruptures."
"What you do in response to estrangement very much matters and can make the difference between a prolonged estrangement and a healed one."
"I treated Lisa badly; I tried to make it up to her."
"I've made an eternity's worth of mistakes, but please let me spend the rest of my days making it up to you."
"We need to repair our relationships amongst each other."
"Our fractured relationships can be mended and even restored."
"They want to get back in your good graces, they want this opportunity with you back."
"This person really wants to repair this connection and prove that they care about you."
"If it's to fix your marriage... your marriage is the number one thing."
"Forgiveness, mending relationships, and heart healing are essential."
"Damage is done, one person feels a certain way, and so an apology is in store."