
Inventory Management Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"If you're gonna give me an inventory big enough to hold seven weapons and all the ammo I want, put me in these situations where I need to fight for my life."
"Preferred item slots allow you to automatically put them in their correct slots."
"God of weapons is primarily a game about being British because on a daily basis you will be forced to use complex mathematical theorems to fit as many knives in your inventory as possible."
"Inventory turnover is a measure of how efficiently we're collecting our receivables."
"Checking stock at bin level: crucial for inventory management."
"It is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this."
"I highly recommend one with the Deep Pockets mod so that all weapons you pick up from now on will be half as heavy."
"Fast travel to your ship if you're not over encumbered. Also, don't forget to claim your new ship."
"Inventory is super important to track, right? And obviously the lower the inventory and the more constricted inventory is, the more prices go up."
"I've got quite a bit of crates left, let me check."
"Toyota inventory levels are so low... customers are getting frustrated."
"This place was so stacked, but with great loot comes great inventory problems because I was once again struggling to stuff all of these shiny things into my inventory. I was like a caveman."
"Having an inventory system that's based on date will help you never lose an item."
"Simply right-click the backpack to open it up and you can store things in it."
"Things we can clear out of our inventory... as much as I love it and the bow which I'll just combine into another thing."
"Inventory overhaul: making inventory management much smoother and intuitive."
"My inventory was absolutely bursting, and I had to convert my iron and gold to blocks just to save some space."
"Making the guns suck is one thing, but making ammo for each one take up its own unique inventory slot gets maddening."
"This risk is a bit greater to dealers, in part because strong recent demand means manufacturers still have the task of refilling dealer inventories to keep them busy in the short term."
"I have a baseball bat in my inventory and I don't know how to drop it."
"She gives people advice on how to scout locations, what your margin should be, how much product to order."
"We're making sure that we kept out the smallest items."
"In a truly revolutionary move for the series there are no item boxes in the game at all instead players can simply drop whatever items they like wherever they are and they'll simply remain there."
"Inventory is the driver of these moves, so pay attention to that inventory statistic."
"They could have balanced the inventory system."
"You have to be intelligent about how many units you order."
"Clearly, they can adjust Luxien's inventory anytime they want."
"It's a little but it helps, also no more trash. I'm sick of catching trash. It's a waste of an inventory slot."
"Bundles allow you to store 64 of one item in one stack."
"So, let's click it and there we go, nothing happened, but you will notice in my inventory I did receive a book that says learn to glide."
"That's excellent. Basically invalidates me having to always sort by last picked up to see what items I recently got."
"Items are packaged in large quantities, but there is a relatively small number of products, often called stock keeping units or SKU's, for the unique barcode attached to any unique item."
"Alt-click it to equip it directly to you, if you control-click it, it will go to empty space, and if you alt-click, it will go to empty slots on your character."
"Essentially, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars into inventory without knowing if it's going to sell."
"Associates won't have to continually comb the store to replace products running low on the shelves."
"You can rename chest to help organize your loot."
"Walmart announced that after its current inventory is depleted, it will..."
"Kanban is a tool for Kaizen. It's a means for us to make things better. It's the tool for Kaizen, it's not just an inventory control tool."
"Hollowness will be whole again... completion percentage viewable in inventory."
"What will be really fascinating is if an increase of inventory will happen."
"We do one for 2020 now. Are there any left from last year?"
"We need to stock the place with a bunch of junk food and pizzas and hot dogs and donuts."
"Auto vendors... makes it so so much easier to clean out your bags after you do actually anything."
"Any extra inventory is a blessing as far as I see it."
"Inventory space matters, you don't want to leave stuff behind."
"We've finally got literally the best stuffable item in the game."
"It's a more pleasing inventory Loop especially better than the approach the expansions took where they were often really miserly with the powerups and with ammunition to try to even out the difficulty and keep things tough."
"You're not gonna waste any ingredients that you already have because you have your kitchen inventory."
"I managed to get over four stacks of iron, that's insane."
"Level emitters are powerful for keeping essential building blocks on hand while maximizing space efficiency."
"DC Universe Online has a fantastic transmog system where it saves every single piece of armor that you've ever had."
"Oh my God, it's in my inventory so I just go Boop. Oh nice level six baby."
"The ultimate solution to the price problem, to building value, is inventory."
"That means that those extras that didn't sell in this quarter are probably gonna be in next go hang on a second."
"I've got enough stock to last through the end of the year."
"The key to success is five scars in your inventory."
"I actually advocate for inventory management systems in games."
"There is a good focus on the items, my inventory did fill up really quickly but everything feels kind of useful."
"Understanding how the game handles an unexpectedly high number of key items and badges in your inventory."
"Inventory is absolutely surging with a 40% growth rate in inventory year over year."
"Every time I pick up a new item, I frantically open up my inventory to see what I've gotten. It took a system that used to be a simple numbers improvement which was ho-hum and boring, it made it into something really special."
"Backpack will take your inventory system and expand it from five slots to ten slots."
"I hate that rule that you can only have one in your inventory at a time."
"The external storage block makes any block in the world's inventory part of the grid. It's like magic!"
"I died and immediately as I died, I grabbed the egg. It didn't remove the egg from my inventory."
"Take inventory to find duplicate items and products you didn't even remember you had."
"More inventory slots: cloak for extra space, inventory expansion."
"I do think though at the very least we should put some of the things that are clogging our inventory like beetroots into their own drawer."
"Stay as flexible as possible... stay flexible with your business, get rid of your dead inventory, try something new."
"Inventory management is key in any business... manage your stock within the confines of your store the best you can."
"Stay organized, see your inventory, plan ahead. Always be ten steps ahead."
"Shulker boxes, when destroyed now drop their contents as entities."
"Backpack upgrades are critical for inventory management."
"This allows you to have any kind of mounts in your inventory being allocated to your infantry while traveling on the campaign map."
"Power armor frames weigh 10 pounds, store armor pieces and fusion cores for easy carry."
"Reduce stash weight with bulk items and by avoiding storing heavy ammo types."
"I wanted to keep my new car inventory under 90 days old so I wanted to be turning my new car inventory more quickly than most dealerships did."
"Never ever ever pick out of stock or damage."
"Managing beauty inventory can be a little more finicky than with other products."
"Inventory management can be largely about making our build."
"You got the burnt pan, I got space in the inventory."
"Why was there no list of stock? Why was there no price list?"
"You have to declutter first. You have to lower the inventory."
"So I made seven million from that and I also have in my inventory a ton of ancient rally crystal shards."
"Why do we put it away? We did put away the enchanted bundles, okay."
"Don't forget about your character's quests items; they can give you a slight edge."
"That's the secret to testing. You want to order just enough, around 20 to 30 percent of what you anticipate on selling monthly."
"Inventory slots need addressing in this update, no matter what."
"I feel like it'd be more useful than just laying it around in chests."
"One of my favorite items from the previous version is the portable hole..."
"New perks in the mountains? Extra pocket space would be a game-changer!"
"The ability to move all items from one inventory to another is now in the final internal test sweep."
"Start a drop shipping e-commerce store and sell products without managing inventory."
"The wall rings from the bundles will overstack."
"Bags are essential; you'll quickly run out of inventory space."
"Power armor frames could not be put into the inventory but Fallout 76 changed that."
"This takes up less inventory and saves me runes so it's just free real estate baby."
"Inventory design is its own puzzle with infinite answers."
"Literally like an RPG video game, like Skyrim all over again, except your inventory doesn't get full."
"For the first person I managed to catch who isn't doing inventory management. I mean, I love me some inventory management. I don't have a problem with that."
"Adventure was released in 1979 and went on to sell over a million copies. It was the first game in which the player had an inventory that they could manipulate without resorting to a text parser system."
"The name of the game here is organization, know what you have, know where you've put it."
"Let's stick to the things we're excited about and move through the inventory I already have."
"It's too much inventory and not enough organization."
"Inventory assembly would be if I have raw materials as inventory parts and then I want to bundle them together into a single final product."
"Shopify kind of acts as an inventory manager for you as well."
"The amount of quantity that we bought was meant to last us six months but it sold out in six weeks."
"What's going on, did you go to the store and just pick out your entire inventory?"
"What I recommend is buying things that have a 100-day sell-through rate or quicker."
"Whenever he has questions related to stock quantity discounts and so on, he uses a software which is built on top of this MySQL database."
"For those of you where time is everything and there's only so many things you can get done in a day and you need help managing your inventory, List Perfectly is perfect."
"Inventory really is one of the things that you really just have to understand as an investor if you want to make strong informed decisions."
"I've cracked the code at planning, producing, displaying, conversing, and selling out of all my inventory at these markets."
"...phenomenal restock over here at Meyer."
"My car is coming and going with all kinds of inventory pouring into it and out of it."
"...opening your inventory mid-game doesn't pause anything so you need to find somewhere safe and alone to organize stuff."
"Only list the things on the fresh sheet that you know you have a lot of."
"...currently there's a 500 and some odd day supply of these things currently in the network."
"Imagine having access to real-time data on prices, inventory levels, and promotions across different websites."
"The shelves were very empty and it was because they were putting in all of this new black shelving. I guess it fits more inventory 'cause they were on more shelves."
"So one of the coolest parts about list perfectly is it does help you keep track of all of your inventory."
"If you're not sure if your books are going to sell, this is a really great way to test a product and see how well it does in your shop before spending money on a large quantity of stock."
"This is such a great way to get started with your first online store because it means you don't have that big upfront cost of having to invest in loads of inventory. It's a much, much cheaper option."
"Sometimes items that have sat in the store for a while, maybe not terribly valuable, we'll list these things on auction, maybe 100 or 200 at a time for 99 cents or even one cent."
"As far as the plan goes I think I'm gonna stick to the thousand dollars a week of inventory."
"Technology like RFID and barcode systems revolutionizes inventory management, providing real-time visibility and improving supply chain performance."
"Real-time visibility: the key advantage of technology in Inventory management is real-time visibility."
"Implementing effective Inventory management practices will not only benefit your organization but also contribute to your professional growth within the industry."
"Understanding inventory management is going to be essential for all supply chain professionals regardless of their specific roles. It is the foundation in which successful supply chain operations are built."
"Sometimes people think they need to enable FIFO to make sure they're picking the first expired product first, but quite often that's just going to cause you pain."
"Safety stock is not the ultimate solution. It's used to cover root cause problems such as poor inventory management policies, poor forecast accuracy, unreliable suppliers, logistic issues, and more."
"You just might have to have a larger inventory or you're going to have to accept an even smaller margin and you're going to have to make the best listings as humanly possible because you need to have your items stick out in the sea of saturation."
"Organizing my inventory in this way has helped me find my items much quicker."
"You can also allow for back orders."
"Okay, well, I don't even know what I'm gonna put things in and out of your inventory faster. It is so useful."
"Nail down your best sellers retail can be a little complicated but there's some things we do out there that are incredibly simple once you know something's about seller for goodness sakes never run out of it."
"If you've got shelves full of boxes with different items in each box, you'd better have a system for finding the item you're looking for."
"Craftybase is indispensable for tracking raw materials, inventory, expenses, orders, and more."
"Count your inventory before the show, count your inventory after the show, and keep your inventory separate from your other selling platforms."
"With IBP, you're expanding the cycle from demand to inventory to managing your supply."
"IBP allows you to eliminate waste within your supply chain and minimize inventories."
"Create an accurate forecast for higher sales service levels and lower inventory levels."
"So if you're selling in the U.S., you're gonna have to have inventory stored in the U.S. If you're selling in Canada, you're gonna have to have inventory stored there."
"The more SKUs, the better. More SKUs, more listings, the better."
"It's not easy; most of the company you don't have a clear list of what is obsolete."
"If you are very much interested in this particular inventory management topic, you should know the calculations."
"So in this case, you have three sizes, right? Small, medium, large. But you also have three colors. And then you also have three sizes or styles. And then three different types of packaging, like you know, like a two pack, five pack, and eight pack, whatever."
"Imagine you own a store and have an inventory of loads of different items. You can build a chatbot that will essentially look through all of your inventory, tell you exactly how many items you have, and even search for similar items."
"The goal of [Just in Time] is to reduce the carrying cost of the inventory, less inventory on hand means you pay less on storage and insurance but it also requires less cash in the short term."
"Keeping an inventory will keep you in check so you're not missing ingredients or gear when you need them."
"Anytime we get like a big bulk inventory day, it always really motivates both of us to get listed."
"We've wanted to get just significant inventory that people would be really excited about."
"Our inventory management software includes an auto inventory replenishment feature, predictive demand forecasting, and a management dashboard."
"Part number is a pretty useful I property, very important."
"Beginning inventory plus purchases equals goods available for sale."
"You can keep track of your inventory using a free plan as well, which is one of the reasons why I love Airtable."
"It's amazing how fast you can turn inventory if you do your research and buy your items right."
"Don't overbuy. You don't want to be sitting on inventory forever."
"In order to profit from seasonal products, you should be stocking up your inventory a couple of months before."
"I would propose a solution that includes a centralized inventory database, integration with ABC Corp's existing ERP system, and a user-friendly interface for managing the inventory."
"The famous news vendor problem in supply chain management is really the basic model of inventory theory and is of that form."
"Disqualifying the stuff that you aren't able to find profitably and tracking the stuff you are able to find profitably as quick as possible is the name of the game."
"By taking pre-orders, you can continue selling your products when they are out of stock, allowing customers to buy them with the expectation of receiving the product at a future date."
"I've been doing inventory on secret layers."
"A catalog and an inventory binder will absolutely keep in check how much you're buying and how much do you really need."
"We are essentially the retailer's stock room; if we haven't got it, they can't buy it."
"It is important that when food is stored you should follow the FIFO rule: first in, first out."
"The FIFO method ensures that older stock is used before newer stock, reducing the risk of spoilage and waste."
"Big retailers like Walmart or Target are just amassing a tremendous amount of goods."
"It's important to inventory items right away, and that's a habit I want to create for myself."
"I have basically very recently expanded my office to where I can hold twice the amount of inventory."
"It gives you real insight into your inventory, your cost of goods, your stock counts, and so on."
"This helps you reduce the risk of selling expired items or make sales decisions like discounting items about to expire."
"Thompson sampling is extremely powerful, especially when you have very few units of inventory."
"I use Air Table to keep track of all my Stampin' Up inventory."
"Consistency works. Listing good items with a good margin with a good sell-through, all of that works."
"The more listings you have, the more items you have for people to purchase, the more sales you're likely to get."
"Redundant stock is oversupply in its current location; there is a potential demand for it but just not where it currently is."
"If you are in control of the inventory, you solve everything."
"If you're growing your business, it's all about having inventory to sell. That is running a business."
"I focus heavily on efficiency and process to limit inventory."
"A system to keep track of inventory is essential for any effective inventory management."
"Responding to customers' demand as fast as possible might require building up inventory or providing surplus capacity to avoid queuing."
"As a best practice, make sure your products have a SKU or stock keeping unit."
"If you find yourself struggling to manage your inventory, I would definitely recommend checking out Inventora."
"SellerBoard is a lot like Inventory Lab in that you can see your profit, how much inventory, how much sales potential you have."
"We usually try to be preemptive and order a lot of the common parts... so if we run into problems on long lead times, we always have the recurring parts available."
"The grid container displays elements in a grid, most used for things like inventories."
"This is really important because you want to make sure that you are always in stock."
"You will understand what you need to do to actually find profitable inventory in your supplier's catalog."
"Everything is automated, including prices and stock, so if the price or the stock status changes on any of your suppliers' websites, the same changes will also be implemented in your stores without you having to intervene."
"We're going to talk about legacy replacement parts here, we're going to talk about digital inventory."
"Using the NetSuite inventory counts has helped our warehouse tremendously."
"Make sure that you're managing your inventory because you could have four towels that you need to do, and next thing you know, you get another four orders but only two towels left."
"One of the most powerful things about selling digital products is that you don't need to have inventory."
"With a value stream vision, you know what to improve, then you can become more flexible and reduce inventory in the process."
"Product availability means that a customer is going to a retailer and how many times the customer demand is satisfied from the available inventory."
"The optimum level of product availability depends on the cost of overstocking the product and the cost of understocking the product."
"The optimal level of product availability is where my total expected profit is highest."
"Drop Shipping is really just a logistics model rather than a business model where you don't have to warehouse any inventory upfront."