
Thermodynamics Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The first law of thermodynamics says that matter and energy, or material energy since they're both the same thing, can neither be created nor destroyed."
"Energy is conserved. That's the main idea behind the first law of thermodynamics."
"Heat naturally flows from hot to cold. It's a spontaneous process."
"For most natural processes, the entropy tends to increase with the disorder."
"Refrigerators and air conditioners work in the opposite direction compared to a heat engine."
"The second law of thermodynamics: Entropy tends to increase in closed systems; it doesn't go down."
"Anytime you use thermodynamics to explain something, that explanation may last forever because the laws of probability are not about to change anytime soon."
"The universe goes from cold and old to young and hot, not following the common physical principles of cause and effect."
"The law that entropy always increases, the second law of thermodynamics, holds the supreme position among the laws of nature."
"The Law of Equivalent Exchange is basically a roundabout reference to the laws of thermodynamics."
"The atomic picture provided a deeper, more profound understanding of where these thermal laws came from."
"If your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."
"As the universe inches closer to maximum entropy, there will be no temperature difference to motivate a thermodynamic process to occur."
"Heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a hotter body."
"The back work ratio for this cycle: the work of the pump divided by the work out of the turbine."
"Even though it's all internally reversible, the Carnot can't be beaten."
"Entropy moves the universe from structure to chaos."
"Boltzmann had shown that the journey from order to disorder was in fact a journey from the improbable to the probable."
"Spontaneous processes increase the disorder of the universe."
"Delta G for this reaction is positive 27.7 kilojoules per mole."
"One important aspect of our study of thermodynamics is based on an important conservation law from physics - conservation of energy."
"Entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, dictates that the entropy of an isolated system left to evolve naturally can never decrease."
"Thermodynamics dates from the same period as getting fossil fuels out of the ground. It's universal. It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other."
"People have done experiments through the ages, and they've accumulated the knowledge from these experiments, and they've synthesized these experiments into a few basic empirical rules, empirical laws, which are the laws of thermodynamics."
"And that's really the power of thermodynamics, is that it takes so little information to get so much information out. So little data to get a lot of predictive information out."
"Define the initial state. Define the final state. Define the path. Get all of these really clear, and you've basically solved the problem."
"The second law of thermodynamics debunks the vacuum of space."
"So if you ever hear anyone misrepresenting the second law of thermodynamics or the concept of entropy in general, you now know how to correct them."
"If we increase the temperature, we put energy into the system."
"The notion we discussed earlier, that life might be an inevitable consequence of heat dissipation and entropy, is certainly an attractive one."
"The only way to make something colder is by making something else hotter."
"Everything wears out, the second law of thermodynamics."
"For any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases."
"Election is more like this: I choose Christ and whoever is in Christ."
"Warm water will not freeze, and it melts ice."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"This is the maximum entropy configuration that the gas can go into."
"From a science that began as the byproduct of questions about steam engines, thermodynamics has had a staggering impact on all our lives."
"It's precisely because of the second law that all this exists... it's possible to harness this natural flow from order to disorder..."
"This course challenged me to see how the formula for entropy which is essentially hammered into you as an undergraduate actually extremely natural."
"1850 ish sort of big point... the first law of thermodynamics."
"Providing your pushing energy through a system and since our sun is pumping energy into earth all the time, we can have high high order in our localized environment even though in the solar system as a whole we're moving towards disorder."
"Because life is spectacularly good at converting low entropy into high entropy."
"Enthalpy is very useful for understanding whether chemical reactions need heat to occur."
"Enthalpy can be viewed as the heat content when pressure is constant."
"Entropy of the universe always increases. Heat will flow from a hot coffee cup into the table."
"The second law of thermodynamics: If your energy has changed from one form to another, doing that change, some energy is gonna be waste."
"It's like the metal has a brain and it has like a memory that gets like Snapped back when it gets in hot water."
"The argument from the second law of thermodynamics is refuted with every breath it is uttered."
"I like to think about the first law of thermodynamics: no energy in the universe is created or destroyed."
"The X-engine is not a Wankel engine, it has a fundamentally different thermodynamic cycle, architecture and operation."
"Entropy can be described as a measure of disorder or randomness of a system."
"Entropy can only increase if it was small to begin with."
"Entropy is a measure of the dispersal of matter or energy in a system, and the second law says that the entropy of the universe increases for any spontaneous process."
"Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system."
"The ideal gas law, all it really means is as the volume of an ideal gas is compressed, its pressure and temperature go up."
"It's all about heat transfer. We're transferring heat by thermodynamics."
"We don't destroy heat, we simply take the heat from inside and reject it over here to the outside."
"We know why the universe is so smooth and simple, and the reason is essentially the same as the reason that the gas in this room is homogeneous. It's thermodynamics."
"Heat that increases the temperature of a substance is called sensible heat."
"For an endothermic reaction, you can treat delta h as if it's a reactant."
"But we're getting closer. We've figured out that we can use thermodynamics in a useful way to manipulate matter to achieve an outcome."
"If you've looked at pressure enthalpy before, look at it again with a fresh set eyes because it's really... it's addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and it's really just... it's powerful."
"There's a thing called the thermodynamic arrow of time, which is really the statement that the asymmetry between the past and the future in the universe is to do with the special state of the Big Bang."
"Entropy is not a relational phenomenon there is for any given system you know for there's different systems of course but a given system in a given course screening is just at high entropy or low entropy full stop."
"Anything that's positive for entropy is a good sign; it's a feasible reaction."
"Even if Delta G is zero, if Delta S is bigger than Delta H, the reaction is not feasible."
"Reactions like this, with a negative and negative, are only feasible at lower temperatures."
"At a higher temperature, the reaction just becomes feasible."
"Fairly straightforward: the minimum temperature required is 385 Kelvin."
"The laws of thermodynamics alone aren't enough to explain why there's so much complexity in our world, such an intricate and apparently ordered structure."
"Heat leaving our body is actually calories leaving our body."
"Biology chooses to ignore the second law of thermodynamics."
"If only one of the factors is favorable, the process will be thermodynamically favored only at certain temperatures."
"Made a significant contribution to the field of thermodynamics."
"Developed the second law of Thermodynamics."
"Don't be confused by being able to reach very cold temperatures on the cold side, that doesn't mean that you can remove a lot of heat."
"If we lower thermal losses then we lower energy losses because a thermal loss is an energy loss."
"Temperature is an emergent feature of large collections of particles. There's no such thing as the temperature of a single particle."
"There's undoubtedly true that thermodynamic or statistical mechanical considerations come into this question."
"Change is the only constant. #second law of thermodynamics."
"This turns the first law of thermodynamics on its head."
"The second law of thermodynamics is a tool in God's hands to eradicate evil and suffering."
"Carnot saw that to make any heat engine more efficient, all you had to do was to increase the difference in temperature between the heat source and the cooler surroundings."
"The first law of thermodynamics reveals that energy is never created or destroyed; it just changes from one form to another."
"Flow of heat was a one-way process that seemed to be built very fundamentally into the workings of the entire universe."
"The second law reveals what entropy really is and why over time it always must increase."
"Left to itself, the universe will always get messier, moving from order to disorder."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. Our universe is dependent."
"The temperature of the surroundings increases as heat flows into it."
"Spontaneous processes tend to flow in a direction from low entropy to high entropy."
"...things move from low entropy to high entropy."
"Gibbs free energy equals Delta H minus T temperature Delta S change in entropy."
"Entropy or Delta S is a measure of disorder in the system."
"It's impossible for a self-acting machine denoted by any external agency to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature."
"If you can find the highest entropy state for a system you can reliably say the system is going to approach this state given enough temperature and enough time."
"The field of black hole thermodynamics provides some insight."
"The eternal cycle of life, which corresponds with the law of thermodynamics, that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred."
"At the core of all industrial and computational processes is thermodynamics, and how efficient those are."
"Positive entropy is going to be thermodynamically favorable."
"Evolutionary principles taken in their broadest sense... are as fundamental as the second law. In this sense, one can think of the second law as a demon favoring patterns of matter that favor increased entropy."
"The entropy of a system in exactly the same microstate is the same as the entropy of either box."
"Boltzmann's extraordinary contribution consisted in understanding that the perspective offered by the kinetic theory of gases allowed for a convincing explanation of the apparent contradiction postulated by the second law of thermodynamics."
"The second law of thermodynamics: by this natural law, order tends to degenerate."
"Actually, I use in particular this one course thermodynamics. I use it like basically every day."
"Entropy is not just a property of a system... it's a property of a system together with your state of knowledge about the system."
"Realizing I trust my life every second to the reliability of the second law of thermodynamics, it would simply be irrational for me to put naught but even greater confidence in the message of this book we call the Bible."
"Entropy dictates how we define time."
"The second law of thermodynamics... explains absolutely everything."
"Delta G's negative value tells us that this reaction is feasible."
"Positive value for entropy is good because that means we get a reaction that's feasible."
"Hess's law means that no matter what you do to get from A plus B to C and D, provided you start with that and you end with that, you are going to have the exact same enthalpy change for that reaction."
"When people talk about having a spontaneous reaction they're usually nine times out of ten probably talking about Delta G and when Delta G is negative, ie less than zero, a reaction is spontaneous."
"Negative temperature doesn't mean it's going below zero. It's just that the thermodynamic arrow is pointing in the opposite direction."
"Freezing water is an exothermic process."
"A reaction is just feasible when Delta G is zero."
"Even if the thermometer is only in one beaker, the temperature rise occurs across both solutions mixed together."
"Displacement reactions will always be exothermic reactions."
"More molecules in general, as long as they're all in the same phase, mean more entropy."
"Gibbs free energy is the energy available to do work."
"Thermodynamics is to energy as question mark question mark question mark is to intelligence."
"So this is the steady state temperature distribution for fixed temperature end caps."
"Coolness and its convective powers would carry off the warmth of the spacesuit far more quickly than radiation alone would do."
"...as you change the volume, change the pressure, change the temperature, and change the temperature, make the temperature go up, it increases the rate of those nuclear reactions powering the Sun."
"The thermals were the biggest thing that surprised me."
"The entropy of a system is a measure of the volume in Phase space that the system occupies."
"Entropy typically increases when a solute dissolves."
"If Delta H is negative and Delta S increases when a solute dissolves, then you're going to have a spontaneous process."
"The evaporator's job is to absorb heat."
"The evaporator's job is to absorb the heat."
"Absorbing heat, generating heat, rejecting heat."
"Basically, its body automatically sucks the heat from around it."
"Increasing our pressure increases our temperature, which is exactly the reason that you need an intercooler."
"The greater the temperature difference between two points, the more efficiently the energy can be utilized."
"It took me a really long time to wrap my head around the fact that you could pull heat out of air that is like freezing cold."
"Overview of the refrigeration system: it's closed-loop, it's about differential temperature, and it's about differential pressures to make the system function."
"The heat energy will move from where it's hotter to where it's cooler; thank the Lord that that's the way He made it."
"The enzyme doesn't change the thermodynamics, it only changes the kinetics."
"The first law of thermodynamics shows \( \text{dQ} = \text{dE} + P\text{dV} \), which means a small change in the total heat content of a system is equal to the energy input plus the pressure times the change in the volume of the system."
"Jello is one of the few things that is thermoreversible."
"The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum."
"Heat always flows from the hottest to the coldest component in any system."
"Thermodynamics and heat transfer is a very interesting subject."
"The third law of thermodynamics states that at absolute zero, the entropy of the system will reach its minimum value."
"This completes the proof of the second law of thermodynamics."
"The entropy S becomes now a function of E."
"Energy will flow from the hotter, the system of higher temperature, to the system of lower temperature."
"If you can figure out a way to harvest energy from the universe, you haven't reached the heat death of the universe."
"Entropy is just a word which means the amount of running down of the universe."
"The best way to derive the Einstein equations from some fundamental hypothesis is through Jacobson's thermodynamic idea, the Einstein equations are an equation of state."
"Together, energy, momentum, and pressure participate in the requirements for energy conservation."
"Exothermic means 'gives out heat energy,' and endothermic means 'takes in heat energy.'"
"Well, there's always going to be heat loss to the surroundings, so rather than using a glass beaker, you could use a polystyrene cup with a lid because that is a better insulator."
"The main ones that we're gonna focus on today are for Gibbs free energy and the Nernst equation."
"Nature tends from order to disorder in isolated systems."
"This is the evolution of hot gas inside of the cosmos as time evolves."
"Thermochemistry is a branch of thermodynamics that deals with the study of heat exchange and work by the system and surroundings."
"Enthalpy is a state function, meaning that it doesn't depend on the path taken."
"Support for this law consists mainly in the failure of all efforts that have been made to construct a perpetual motion machine of the second kind."
"The laws of thermodynamics, especially the second law, are more fundamental than anything else in physics."
"Every life is on fire, how thermodynamics explains the origins of living things."
"Rising air cools by expansion, sinking air warms by compression."
"We're going to talk about the perfect gas law. We're going to talk about warm air and cold air rising and sinking."
"Heat likes to flow from hot to cold."
"This point where the three lines meet is the triple point where all three phases can exist simultaneously in equilibrium."
"The ideal gas law PV equals nRT explicitly spells out the relationship between pressure, density, and temperature for the gas phase."
"And if there's ice cream in the thermos, the space stops the heat that's outside from getting in, and that's how a thermos keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."
"A hotter motor will be less powerful than a cooler motor of the exact same specification."
"A black hole is a thermodynamic system which will come to thermal equilibrium."
"Black holes have entropy, they have energy, they have temperature, they behave like a bucket full of warm water."
"Thermal energy is always conserved, that's the bedrock principle of science."
"Gases have far more entropy than liquids or solids."
"Heat will always flow from warmer to cooler."
"We're doing the same thing with the heat; the heat's absorbed, the refrigerant's absorbing the heat in the evaporator and that's boiling off and that gas is getting carried back to the condenser where a change of state will happen again."
"That's the latent heat of vaporization but if I'm cooling down and changing them back into a liquid, that's the latent heat of condensation."
"Hot water will turn to ice faster than cold water."
"The heat change of a system is equal in magnitude but opposite of sign of the surroundings."
"The energy per unit surface area radiated by a blackbody per unit of time is directly proportional to the fourth power of its temperature."
"It's actually harder to make things cool than it is to warm them up."
"That's a good thing, right. That improves our thermodynamic efficiency and maximizes our benefit, minimizes our cost."
"If you compress the star, the star gets hotter, creates more energy, and pumps itself back up."
"The heat equation is a partial differential equation. But it's not as complex as it seems - it's really just a simple energy balance."
"The specific heat capacity is the energy that needs to be absorbed by a unit mass of a material to raise its temperature by 1 Kelvin."
"Kirchhoff's law states that the absorptivity is equal to the emissivity."
"The sum of the view factors must equal one, a reflection of conservation of energy."
"Intensive properties are properties that are independent of the mass of the system."
"The logarithmic connection between the entropy and probability was first stated by Boltzmann."
"The entropy of the universe can only increase."
"The truth of the second law is therefore a statistical, not a mathematical truth."
"Entropy has an absolute value that one can calculate from the properties of the molecules in the material."
"Gas returning into liquid, liquids turning into solids, solids turning into gas."
"Like all black holes, they have temperature, they have entropy, they have all the thermodynamic properties of black holes."
"Entropy is minus the sum over all configurations of the probability of the configuration times the logarithm of the configuration."
"This is just one of the ways that physics, specifically thermodynamics and meteorology, disprove the fable of the global flood."
"The heat capacity will depend on the path through which the heat is added to the system."
"By using hot photo-generated carriers to produce higher photo voltage or photo current, the thermodynamic conversion efficiency of the solar cell can even beat the Shockley-Queisser limit."
"The zero law implies the existence of some kind of empirical temperature."
"Thermodynamics is a phenomenological approach; you essentially look at something as a black box."
"Water absorbs heat with only small changes in its temperature. That stabilizes water, organisms, and climate."
"All gases seem to have the property that pressure times volume is linearly proportional to this new temperature scale, measured with this new origin at absolute zero."