
Monotony Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"You're not meant to just wake up, go to work, come home and like chill and watch TV because you're bored from work, and then go to sleep and repeat the process."
"I feel things are getting quite repetitive not just on TA Outdoors but on YouTube in general. It's time to do something a bit different."
"Happiness in one's work correlates with having a job that's difficult and complex enough to not be monotonous."
"It doesn't matter what job you have, it doesn't matter if you have the ultimate dream job in the world, you do it long enough and we're all human, it starts to become monotonous at times, it becomes burdensome and discouraging at times."
"It's not really some passionate type thing, and it's cool that you're like that but that's why I feel like more of the same sound keeps coming out."
"If everything's the same and perfect balance is achieved, I think it just ends up being a bit boring."
"Judge knew well the drudgery of office life."
"In a sense we die, but looking at things from another angle, are we even really alive anymore? This place, it's nothing. It's absolutely nothing. It's just the same thing constantly forever."
"Current events feels like a treadmill, like a hamster wheel."
"There is no blueprint, or else the world would be pretty pale and pretty gray."
"Boring, safe, and repetitive game design is the Kryptonite of Call of Duty."
"As soon as you have some success in one type of role, people want you to keep doing that thing. Which I think would just be... boring."
"Having a big three would be better; it becomes very boring when the same person's winning over and over again."
"My life is a little bit repetitive and boring right now."
"If we lose sight of that and if life becomes this monotonous slog of nothing to look forward to, what is the point?"
"Every day seems like 'Groundhog Day'. If 'Groundhog Day' was a movie where Bill Murray wakes up every morning to a global pandemic."
"Actually, the demons are really boring. It's the same stuff over and over again. It's the stuff that you hear about the saints or about God or about our Lady that just motivates you."
"We sometimes get so caught in our day-to-day monotony of life that we sometimes forget to live our lives."
"I feel like this is it, just gonna keep hitting the wall here, gonna break up the monotony of just continuing to hit the races back to back."
"Accepting monotony is known as maturity, being an adult."
"I feel like it was just sort of people standing in a room over and over and over again. Star Wars prequel vibes."
"It's the opposite of the stuckness and the drudgery and the boredom that you feel all day long."
"A town is dreadfully boring; any break in the monotony is a welcome reprieve."
"Somebody parks a humvee in this same spot every single day."
"Eating a banana every day can get pretty boring. What you need is a little variety of flavor."
"Doing the same thing over and over again can be boring."
"Whenever Stinger Flyn talks I have a real hard time listening to him cuz he's just monotone."
"If all work is wholesome and sweet then it will be very much boring."
"Playing the same game day after day can get insanely boring."
"A lot of the message that we say is very consistent and maybe even boring sometimes."
"It's like you know it's like you you need something you know to mix it up."
"The slow pacing, sense of frustration, and monotony are integral to the game's story."
"Life needs to be an adventure and not running the hamster wheel."
"The game becomes a slightly less annoying monotonous grind, but it's still very much a monotonous grind."
"Live every day like it's your last? Eventually, that would just mean live every day the same."
"They've really taken the joy out of sandwiches."
"It's like I'm living in some weird void or something, doing all this stuff but what's next?"
"Life seems to be passing Nancy by these days, it's the same thing day in and day out with nothing to really show for it."
"It's the same but I just got tired of it, it's kind of like earth, like I like earth and you know I would play it like every time I was up, then after a while I just got over it."
"We thrive off of unpredictability, crave the drama, and dislike when things get too monotonous."
"People just want you to live in one little time moment forever, and just do the same bits for the rest of your existence. Imagine if we never left that house and all we were just doing the same bits in the same house forever."
"It's the same thing over and over again... it's boring, it's repetitive, it's monotonous."
"Everybody has to be equal and everybody has to be doing all the same stuff and that's bad, how boring is that?"
"If the first five minutes of every match is exactly the same, then why are you playing it?"
"Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, okay all right."
"The world has nothing new to offer, the devil has nothing new, and I don't want to keep living my life year after year doing the same thing."
"It's boring to have the same players getting beaten by the same players over and over."
"It's just like playing the same Call of Duty for your entire life it's just like this is kind of boring."
"I don't want this league to just become every single year at City, City."
"I think a lot of mac and cheese can be super overrated and very one note. This is not that."
"It feels like we're about to go into a low; this feels flat, nothing's exciting anymore."
"When things are the same, you got no surprises."
"I don't want the same Groundhog Day over and over again."
"Life in general is something of tedious and a bit wishy-washy."
"The actual content of these articles was all the same."
"Honestly, nothing really happens."
"If you can find a man that accepts that life gets a little bit boring, you're onto a winner because what happens is men that accept life can get monotonous, they say 'We'll settle down, make you feel secure.'"
"Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms."
"But quiet lives? That's boring as [ __ ]."
"It's just gonna be a workday today."
"You wake up every day being told that the way to live a life is literally wake up, go to work, sleep, repeat. Repeat, repeat, repeat."
"It's all playing the same note to me."
"Sometimes I've been seeing things and I say, 'I see this every day, the same thing, nothing changed.'"
"I just feel like we all can tend to get caught up in the hamster wheel of life just going through the motions."
"Endless repetition. It would not be over with."
"It'd be like being on autopilot for your entire life."
"Can you imagine if everything just went perfect all the time? How boring it would be."
"Overwhelming strength is so boring."
"I found myself being bored at the same time."
"The endless expanse of the ocean with its unchanging Horizon can sometimes feel like a Relentless unbroken cycle."
"Every day feels the same to me. Every day is Monday."
"No, I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually getting really sick of candy bars."
"I'm sick and tired of eating the same things over and over again for lunch."
"It feels like they're just kind of clocking in and just going through the motions. It feels like they can make a million songs a day in the studio and put them out and the songs won't be bad but they'll just be okay."
"This is so boring now, like you said, everybody talks the same, thinks the same."
"If every MCU thing for the rest of time is the exact same thing, then that is boring and I don't want it."
"If you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered, that sums it up for me."
"Life is the same way. You come into work, you go home, you fall asleep. Where's the excitement?"
"Happy that everyone made it back safely. Hopefully this was a nice change of pace in terms of video like scenery and other [__], you know? I feel like it's just been the same old thing for the last like five months but it's nice to change it."
"It's just another day, you know? Routine."
"It's the same repetitive day-to-day work, the only freedom I received from this monotony is when I have to transport harvested grain to any of the nearby cities."
"...she was in the bedroom, she's always in the bedroom, sat on the floor on the mobile phone, right all the time, yeah it's weird how people's lives are just like...it's like that groundhog day thing."
"You know, the hell with it, I don't really care, all the days kind of blend together now."
"I start to feel like I'm starting to burn through my resources of stuff to do, and I'm starting to get a little bit kind of like bored, right?"
"It's a pretty good setup because working outside really breaks up the monotony of being stuck at a desk all day."
"I'm sick of painting walls white. Like, you guys think you're sick? I'm sick of it too."
"It's about time for something different than the same old, same old."
"It's the monotony that's right. We need routines to put pins in our day, guiding us through the choices we're making."
"The lifestyle here is so boring because you get to work, work, and from work, you go home. Before you can even meet your friends or family, you have to call, you have to arrange because every single person is busy. It's just really boring."
"You're just stuck in this rut of what we call everyday life."
"It's like Groundhog Day in Hellraiser."
"Sometimes like being good and all that, it gets boring."
"Super long title reigns start to get stale and become predictable."
"We have boring days, but we never have boring years."
"...this zombie mind mode of just like the day after day after day."
"So incredibly boring, oh my gosh so incredibly boring."
"Sometimes when you're in the house or office it just gets so repetitive, yes, you know what I mean."
"Sameness creates ruts that inhibit your ability to grow."
"I felt like the formula was pretty good but it's just a little bit boring to me."
"After all, it was pretty much the same as all the previous months, except that there was now nothing on the television anymore."
"Everything, from now on, is just going to be boring."
"Ever gotten this feeling that you exist without really living? That life is nothing more than an endless, mundane loop of routine?"
"And then, you know, their next deployment is somewhere like the Arghandab and it's just dull and full of dread and horrible."
"The endless ocean of cornfields seemed to go on without end."
"The only bad thing about nothing ever changing is that we never see any new faces, new people to meet."
"I feel like everyone's talking about the same stuff, and I'm tired of it."
"I'm so sick of everyone having choreographed dances."
"It's crazy... once you start working it's like okay you look forward to six to ten or six to twelve when you sleep and then it's the same cycle the next day."
"Life started to feel dull, and even sleep became a torment."
"It's like a nightmare Groundhog Day deal. Teller, yeah."
"It literally felt like a recurring Groundhog Day, but like in a nightmare."
"Another week with the boxes it seems."
"The river wide, mutable, always different. There could be no monotony on this river."
"Driving's never monotonous, monotony in life would drive me mad."
"Tuned in for the most boring status, the whitest show on the internet."
"The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom."
"It just happens, you know, you just get into the routine."
"Ah, how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable."
"The years I spent with that Abby were long and dull. She was an invalid, but it was I who kept the house running."
"It's the same [ __ ] over and over."
"No one wants to sit around counting things, that makes it boring."
"That's remote work for me. It's like groundhog day, waking up to the same situation every day."
"This whole thing is the next day is the same. It's like groundhog day."
"If your whole model looks kind of the same color, has the same effects over the entire thing, it can be boring."
"The monotony, what he's dealing with, he doesn't feel a satisfaction with."
"You can only watch the clock so many times, and the walls are only so interesting."
"Life can be a bit boring sometimes, right? Like every day we're kind of doing the same thing, but when you drive this, my gosh."
"It's incredibly boring, unironically."
"Boredom and routine had taken over the enemies of discipline."
"Life in that monotony of get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, get up, go to work."
"Could you imagine being here every day, every day, every day?"
"If you could, you would eat a flavorless protein brick every day that just gave you nutrients."
"Years go by and the carefree festive spirit of our protagonists will give way to the hard work and monotony of their life as a couple."
"...if everything was quiet the whole time okay if everything is medium the whole time okay if everything is just loud all the time okay that's a lot of just the one thing."
"It's not who you were, you know, living inside that box is so boring."
"Life here can be quite boring for your eyes sometimes. Driving, I get to some place and go under to get here. And it's because you're not really looking where you're going while driving."
"I've been really unmotivated as well as probably you guys because every day is kind of the same."
"Now that everyone's going back to being themselves again, it's really boring."
"Life would be boring if it was all the same, wouldn't it?"
"Every day of my life for the last year has felt like this."
"Enough is enough. We can't keep on complaining about the lack of shades. It's boring."
"Men's bios on dating apps are usually so boring or repetitive."
"It's kind of nice to have a track. It just orients you about how far you're going and stuff, so it is really boring."
"...it's a chore, it's a chore, it's a chore."
"Elle's constant monotonicity is iconic."
"The boredom of it just the repeating the same thing over and over again."
"Life in general finds a way to surprise us with how boring everything can be."
"War Thunder isn't fun anymore. It's a Grind."
"All work and no play makes for dull senses."
"You can run from dullness and predictability. You can run from the moments that all merge into one gray hole and years spent doing the same old thing day in, day out."
"Interactions with our hosts have become tedious."
"My life is monotonous," sighed the fox.
"There isn't much going on here, though I assume that could be said for pretty much anywhere that isn't Disneyland."
"I was afraid it would just kind of all be like the same color."
"Being trapped in the same house for all of eternity probably gets a little boring."
"It's always on the same thing, you can be like, 'oh, are you free on the 13th?' and you're like, 'that's a Thursday,' you're like, 'no, but then your birthday is the same day every year, that's kind of boring.'"
"It's Groundhog's Day over and over again."
"Cities can grow and grow until the lives of the inhabitants... become tedious."
"The biggest battle, aside from hunger and illness in internment, was really monotony and boredom."
"You might find yourself in a high space in terms of the overall composition but in the boring middle ground of a specific instrument."
"Ritualization gets dull and boring."
"It just goes on and on and on like that."
"Oh, come, come, come, come, come. One would believe to hear you talk that you lead a very uneventful life. Oh, but I do, Doctor, I do. Why, I never get any surprises."
"It's the same song over and over again."
"Leaving the house becomes less fun every time."
"Isn't Paradise going to be boring if you're just talking to the same people?"
"You kind of turn into a zombie and you're going through everything and making your towns you're going to the gym, you know, you, you trained do all your stuff you show up at the building you work your ass off and it's off to the next gig and that's, that's just life."
"It's always the same story, it never changes and it never will."
"I feel like summer work days, in a way, there's just nothing really all that different."
"It's actually just another Groundhog Day."
"The real world is black and white and gray, and everyone's boring."
"It's like the same chapter of a book for two years."
"Money management itself is really boring and it should be."
"Life most of the time is just routines."
"Well, you know, one here, you've seen one, you've seen them all. A couple of inches here, a couple of inches there, in between."
"Every time I told you, it must be the constant drone of my voice. It's sending your body to sleep again."
"It almost feels like I'm living the same month over and over with some very, very minor plot twists."
"If a lorry crashed in a ditch, the men would come from all over to see it pulled out again. Anything to break the boredom."
"My life is super like repetitive and the same. I'm thankful and I'm blessed that it is that way. I'm not complaining but it's like I wake up, I go to work, I come home, I eat, shower, skin care, body care, go to sleep."
"That's the only interesting thing going on around here. Nothing else ever happens here."
"It's weird how games about monotonous tasks can be fun."
"Nothing really happens, you just keep on living."
"...not having that fun, not having that rush of emotions...can get really dull and monotonous..."
"I'm already kind of dreading and getting back to the monotony of daily life."
"I see crowds of people walking around in a ring."
"I feel like my life... felt really monotonous... everything feels comfortable, but I think I'm also at the age now where it's like I don't really want to settle quite yet. I want this sense of adventure."
"This kind of culture... It's boring, you know. It flattens people and makes them sound like robots."
"If you're painting and you know exactly what's going to happen all the time, it's boring."
"Things become repetitive, you know and once it repeats too many times you need to have a reset, you need to get a new challenge and off you go."
"...the animation equivalent of an office job. It's unpleasantly dull to look at."
"If we're always just trying to replicate things, it tends to get stale."
"Unfortunately, addicts just need to learn to be okay where life is boring a lot of the time. You need to just learn to be okay with it. And it's hard. It's a daily thing."
"Doing the same thing every day, taking the same road, seeing the same people every single day, it just expanded my mind, it just made me want more basically."
"I know nerd life can be a little bit hard and sad, but it can also be boring."
"We're able to just do boring repetitive tasks over and over and over again."
"It just feels like your day is just being repetitive over and over again, it's the same thing, and you gotta switch it up sometimes."
"Hours of tedium interrupted by brief moments of exhilaration."
"I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony."
"You'd be surprised how far an imagination can carry a child, even through the most monotonous of situations."
"Why get on the same old roller coaster all over again?"