
Emotional Availability Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Fathers are your first example of provision... they provide, even if not emotionally available."
"Knight of Cups is about emotional availability. When we can be in this energy to be soft in our heart space, let our guard down, we then open up space to welcome in somebody who might want to serenade us and offer us their cup of love."
"You're not emotionally available to yourself, so you can't be emotionally available to other people."
"If you're dealing with someone who is dismissive or you know someone who's emotionally unavailable, they could come across as very cold and aloof, but deep down inside, they do want to be loved."
"Try to be consistent, available, responsive, and present. Be that secure base for your child."
"Being emotionally available doesn't necessarily mean being emotionally vulnerable all the time."
"Women love emotionally unavailable men because it gives a perception of strength, mystery, and the chase."
"Learn how to look for someone who does have emotional availability, someone who actually wants to be in an intimate relationship."
"Emotionally unavailable men are not ready for relationships."
"An emotionally unavailable man refuses to take accountability or any form of responsibility."
"A lack of vulnerability from a partner is a sign of a lack of love."
"They see you as someone who's wanting to give to them, someone who's wanting to be there for them."
"Men can't miss what they haven't lost, and they don't value something that's too available."
"Despite what you're feeling, despite what shows up on your side, on their side, in the connection, there is the energy available for things to work out in time if love comes forward."
"This person has been in a dark place, this person couldn't fully be there for you or express their emotions to you because they're in a place of depression or going through some difficulties."
"Finding a spouse that's emotionally available is so important, and also finding true friends that you're not trauma bonding with."
"Money can buy love, but not the love of someone who is not open to loving you."
"A loving father, good husband, emotionally available, stable."
"If I can't give you what they never gave you, that's not my issue."
"Love is always available to us, but we have to put ourselves in the position to allow it into our lives." - Be proactive in seeking love.
"The best thing you can do is remain emotionally available to yourself."
"You have so much love to give, but not everyone you encounter is ready to receive such a great love."
"They do still have hope with you though still, but they're not allowing themselves to be emotionally available."
"Can we please normalize actually putting energy into someone who's emotionally available?"
"The best relationships are with two people who can receive love."
"Men who are not over their exes will never be able to love you."
"He's going to be willing to listen to you, mentally and emotionally."
"You got to forgive yourself for those times where you weren't available for them."
"It's here it's safe for you to love there's there's genuine love here so somebody needs to ask why are you not making this offer or allowing yourself to receive it seriously."
"My area of expertise is teaching you how to vet for emotionally available men."
"Emotionally unavailable: pushing others away."
"If the chick doesn't want to cuddle, I don't think she cares for you that much."
"If you're not emotionally available, that's a big red flag."
"There is real love there for you, whether you're in a relationship or single."
"I really don't but they just want to be honest about... if they're not ready they are gonna step out... at least emotionally... like I'm working on it but I'm not there yet."
"It's Netflix for feelings, Netflix for families."
"I am very open, my heart is very open to new relationships, it's open."
"Even if they're still working through this, they're going to be ready for somebody new."
"I'm Rory and I am emotionally available for people that are emotionally unavailable."
"Love comes when you least expect it, but a relationship can only happen when you consciously enter into it."
"Someone's emotionally available, stable, and not holding back their feelings."
"People who aren't emotionally available shouldn't occupy your time."
"They love you, they may have been emotionally avoidant but now they're willing to come to the water and go somewhere."
"All I ask is for you to be there for your child as far as mentally, emotionally."
"Me getting a partner is being well-rounded and mentally healthy, emotionally available."
"They will come to you on their own when they are ready."
"If you're not over your ex, I don't think you should be in a new relationship."
"I want an honest guy, someone that actually wants a relationship, someone ready to commit, someone emotionally available." - Bree
"Be the best version of yourself, stop obsessing over women, get a hobby, make guy friends, be willing to be vulnerable when it's the appropriate time and place."
"The answer to finding love is to simply eliminate the blocks to the love that's already there."
"They're determined to start again with you, but emotionally not fully available."
"You're protected in love, don't build a wall or barrier to the beautiful love that is on its way for you."
"There's abundance coming towards you, someone that is emotionally available."
"Be emotionally available. Look for those little magic moments."
"Let it come to an end if it's already on the end, allow this person to work towards you, come towards you."
"You are completely emotionally available, that's what you want."
"It's time to be open to possibilities, open this situation back up, open your heart up to someone that's deserving."
"You deserve someone who is emotionally available."
"It's almost like this person wants to beat out the potential competitors by showing you that they're not only the most emotionally available option but also that they would be the practically right choice for you to make."
"One of the reasons we can end up in relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable is because of our own emotional unavailability."
"People you've been meeting have not been emotionally available to offer you the love you have on offer yourself."
"You're attracting someone with your vibration, someone emotionally available to offer you the love you truly deserve."
"Either he came ready to be vulnerable and emotionally available like you, or he needs to go somewhere."
"Children need so much love and attention, and they need the parent to be emotionally available."
"Every minute that you're obsessed with somebody else, is your emotional availability not there for your primary job, which is being the parent to your kid. So first of all, I just like that all got lost in the story."
"I'm emotionally unavailable, but you know, I do feel like you're unlocking this person's heart."
"I'm not emotionally available enough to receive any constructive criticism."
"Everyone wants to find love, even people who are seemingly emotionally unavailable."
"I need to know going forward, are we just dating each other and I can also date other people because I want to be in a committed relationship with someone who is emotionally available."
"When a man chooses resignation, shuts that thing down, and gives you none of his heart and emotions, you don't want to arrive."
"I think there's nothing more uncool than a man that's emotionally unavailable."
"Please don't stop being the sweet, emotionally available man you are. Don't let a few hood rats ruin it for the rest of women."
"Just know that this person might not be fully emotionally available to give you all their cups of love."
"If they are so emotionally unavailable and this securely attached relationship demands a degree of emotional availability and momentum and growth here, we may see the dismissive avoidant attachment style sabotage."
"There's something about a happy home or a marriage with someone who's emotionally available."
"Emotional availability and safety would be amongst the two... it was right off the top, those are like huge differences."
"Go for emotionally available people. Don't go for emotionally unavailable ones."
"This guy seems perfect, conveniently like everything you may have wanted and also emotionally available."
"My dad was kind of a vaguely emotionally unavailable man, but he was not an absentee father by any means."
"Love is everywhere, it is abundant, it is never scarce."
"The characteristics that are necessary for long-term sustained friendships would include things like a genuine interest in who you are and availability."
"No more emotionally unavailable losers, just period."
"I am ready to love, I am open to love."
"Your ideal partner is emotionally available. They're not coming straight out of a relationship; they don't have so much baggage that they can't open up."
"I will always be there for you, whether it can only be in a friendship capacity."
"Warmth is about being available for you, being emotionally here for you."
"I'm able to love, I'm able to give."
"I have worked my butt off at becoming emotionally available enough to receive this life."
"Your ex may be emotionally unavailable for a certain period of time and then work on whatever it is they need to do to get into a good emotional state."
"You deserve someone who's actually going to be emotionally available to you."
"You deserve to be in a relationship with somebody who's gonna be emotionally available to you."
"I'm looking for someone that's sweet, very sure of himself, knows where he's going in life, someone that is honest and strong mentally, someone emotionally available."
"The more availability that you have to yourself, the less susceptibility you have to emotionally unavailable men."
"You're not dealing with emotionally unavailable people anymore."
"You will find that happiness with someone who will be emotionally available."
"Don't make the same mistake again and hang on to someone who's emotionally unavailable."
"You are looking for someone that is emotionally available, someone that doesn't have any blockages."
"You're ready to be emotionally available, to open your heart."
"You want somebody who's emotionally available, that brings you that emotional stability."
"You're emotionally available, still very loving and giving."
"The Ace of Cups represents true love, even if you don't want love, it's there."
"You will have an opportunity to be in a relationship with someone who is emotionally available and who really cares for you."
"You're ready for love, you're definitely ready, you're emotionally available."
"You're loving yourself first. You are ready for love, you're emotionally available."
"If the energy is not there, I'm just like... I'm not emotionally available the way I need to be to be in a relationship."
"There is a better person out there, specifically someone who is emotionally available."
"King of Cups: Somebody that is emotionally available, caring, loving."
"You want someone who's emotionally available, you want to be happy, emotionally fulfilled."
"They are emotionally available, keeping their emotions in check, keeping themselves balanced."
"You want this love, this fresh new start, you want this person who's emotionally available."