
Parables Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the leaven are parables of encouragement."
"Parables are familiar to many people, but not always correctly understood."
"The parables were messages that would empower citizens to live a successful and empowered life."
"Parables aren't the truth, parables are fictions."
"It's ancient wisdom that has been encoded into parable. It's actually brilliant."
"Truth is being communicated through myth, and Jesus communicates truth through parable."
"Jesus was not talking these long discourses all the time; He was giving you parables that were short, sweet but powerful."
"These three parables have several things in common. They all represent different types of people. All are lost. All are worth finding. And all require different methods to reach."
"The parables among the rabbis from around the time of Jesus... none of the other rabbis can hold a candle to the types of stories that Jesus told."
"Parables aren't meant just to be read or heard, they're meant to be engaged, to be experienced."
"Jesus didn't invent the parable, he perfected the parable."
"The parable of the vineyard is in three places: Matthew 21, Mark 12, and Luke 20."
"You are not alone in your struggle. They were just taught the parable..."
"And God does not disdain from using any kind of parable, even if it is of an ant, to get his point across."
"Every time you read about the kingdom of God in the New Testament Jesus Compares it to what 11 and he Compares it to a mustard seed being planted that grows into a great Tree."
"Jesus teaches three parables to help us understand what it means to be ready for his return."
"A good Parable is not about just an analogy with a secret teaching, but about challenging our everyday common wisdom."
"I think that I think most Scholars of the historical Jesus do look at The Parables as being among the most you know authentic generally speaking among the most authentic."
"There's always blessings and curses, and so what you really saw and you also see articulated through the parables."
"Jesus often taught Timeless truths in his Parables. The messages were not obviously Christian or pro-Jesus."
"The power of parable. When Jesus wanted to say something very important about God, the kingdom of God, he tells a story. He makes up a story."
"As much as we're familiar with this parable, it's still a challenging truth."
"Imitate the teaching Jesus who spoke to multitudes in simple parables."
"Someone says, 'Don't say it's the kingdom of heaven, profound.' He said, 'If you think it's profound, the fish will get there before you.'"
"In that era when not everyone was literate, the story was powerful, and so Jesus spoke in parables, and he's getting his point across to a group of people, a nation, a leadership scheme that had rejected his authority over them."
"The parable tells us about ourselves. We are lost."
"When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus parables they realized, 'Oh, he was talking about them!'"
"It's hands down not only one of the greatest stories that Jesus told but arguably one of the greatest stories that has been told."
"Jesus tells parables because, in line with scripture, His message blinds, deafens, and hardens."
"But was obscured from the generations with parables and hidden understandings, just waiting for these last days to be unsealed."
"The point about The Parables is to get you into a place where you think you're in a story and you know who to identify with, and then it unwraps from you."
"Christ's parables are not factual stories. They're philosophy."
"There's a treasure hidden in the field."
"Parables are stories that are meant to give us insight into things related to reality and what the scripture teaches."
"The parables of the prodigal son, the unforgiving servant, the wedding feast, the house built on the rock, and many others are some of the most impactful and beloved sayings of Christ."
"Parables are short, poignant stories meant to communicate a truth that's either hard to understand or hard to accept."
"It's Jesus speaking using parables and what it does is bring the truth of God in what we said as technicolor revelation, technicolor truth."
"A parable is like a catalyst that digs deep into the thinking and the kaleidoscope of your mind in a pictorial way."
"Parables are stories. Jesus was a master storyteller."
"These parables I tell make sense to some, not to others. Be patient."
"For those who have an open heart and mind and want to receive what Jesus is saying, they'll be given more, and the parables will draw them in."
"I never go to sleep without reading at least one of his Parables."
"Dreams are basically a parable in the night."
"One of the things that I've noticed is I often use the parable of the elephant and the blind men of Hindustan."
"The key to the parables is the deity of Jesus."
"Parables were not fables, they weren't myths, they were actually couched in stories that were real, about real people, with real situations."
"A symbol is worth a thousand lessons. Why do you think Jesus taught in parables?"
"Jesus suffered, but when He got to Bethany, He could stop talking in parables; He could speak plainly there."
"There is no better place in all of the Bible that describes the gathering than in these eight parables of Matthew 13."
"Jesus Christ made parables about Samaritans because even amongst people of shared Jewish heritage, they hated the Samaritans."
"Knowing what a parable is, you cannot figure out none of this if you don't know the geometric or the mathematics."
"I have also spoken to the prophets, and I have multiplied visions; and by the ministry of the prophets, I have used parables."
"The Lord uses parables, allegory, symbols to get His word to reach more people."
"Jesus shares the secrets of the kingdom of God through parables."
"Parables are metaphors that Jesus taught to help us understand heavenly principles using stories that we can relate to as human beings."
"Every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of the house who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."
"I will speak to you in parables; I will explain mysteries hidden since the creation of the world."
"The best defense of this take on the Gospels... the Gospels are just extended parables."
"Hesed is in eight of the thirteen parables Jesus told."
"The Bible is written in parables and it means different things to different people."
"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a treasure hid in a field."
"Mercy, that's the basis of the kingdom of heaven and that's the meaning of this story that Jesus told."
"He would teach through the use of Parables."
"Never treat parables as literals, because in a parable there's a fact, there's a fiction, and there's a lesson."
"She had frequent symbolical visions which showed her in parables the object of her existence, the means of attaining it, and her future sufferings."
"If you don't understand this parable, you can't understand any of the parables."
"Each parable provides us with a new piece or pieces of the puzzle that helps us see a more complete picture."
"I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."
"Jesus's parables were simple stories with deep spiritual meanings."
"The time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs."
"Right in this area is where the Parables of the Kingdom were preached, Matthew Chapter 13, one of my favorite chapters in the Bible."
"That's part of what makes parables remarkable; they're easy to remember."
"Perhaps this is one reason why the Savior taught in parables, so that we could remember them."
"They have multiple meanings so we can apply them in different ways and continually learn from them."
"All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables... that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."
"Master the art of learning from parables."
"Jesus taught in Parables... because he wanted to teach his disciples principles."