
Borders Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"If you don't have a border, you don't have a country."
"The universe doesn't make lines on a planet and say, this is this country, and this is this country."
"Borders are just imaginary lines that don't exist in nature."
"It seems to me very strange that we get one life on this planet and then the area of space you can actually physically inhabit is limited to borders drawn by people who died ages ago."
"You don't see the borders. You don't see political borders, you hardly see geographical borders."
"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps."
"We want strong borders, without borders you don't have a country."
"Alaska is part of the United States, but actually has a land border with Canada and is very close to Russia."
"If you don't have borders, you don't have a union."
"Borders aren't a thing, then I could listen but I do believe in borders."
"A nation without laws without following its laws without borders isn't a nation at all."
"If you don't have borders, you don't have a country."
"Borders separate people, but nothing like natural borders."
"Borders fascinate me so much because I live on an island where there are no physical land borders."
"It's crazy that there's a tripoint border you can visit."
"We were so close to taking that first step of having secure borders."
"The magnificent nation is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the Northeast, and Syria to the north."
"Advocating for stronger borders is shooting yourself in the foot."
"Borders are just that, lines on a map that can be changed."
"Borders are just random lines in most circumstances."
"A nation without borders is not a nation at all."
"What separates a person in Mexico from a person in America? Nothing except a border."
"If you have a country, you have to have a border."
"I see the weather in the ocean currents and the mountains and the rivers but I can't see the borders between the countries."
"Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, spent forty-seven years outsourcing new jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure."
"The border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine was agreed upon by both parties in December of 1991."
"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries."
"With a little bit of putting a border around things, this can be really good for poets, writers, even songwriters."
"Without a border, there's no such thing as a country."
"Humanity could achieve so much more if it would simply cast aside the notion of borders and then operate as a singular cohesive unit."
"We awake just as we cross through the Bulgarian-Turkish border - in my semi-sleepy state, it truly feels like a dream."
"You don't have a border, you don't have a country."
"Sovereignty is an illusion that has to be put behind us. The days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone." - Peter Souland
"You can have open borders and a welfare state, but you can't really have both."
"Turkey has well-defined natural borders with its eight neighbors and surrounded by waters on three sides."
"China will not allow it. That's why China is not backing down from the borders."
"I just want to expose them to the reality of the French now which is just normal people who believe in borders, in sovereignty, and in controlled integration."
"National borders are just a weird line that someone drew one day usually hundreds of years ago."
"It is time to reclaim our future from the extreme voices who fear compromise and demand open borders."
"Millions of illegal aliens have trespassed across our borders."
"Borders are quite recent invention so they hardly existed at the end of the 19th century."
"There can be no lasting peace if there isn't sovereignty and a return to the internationally recognized borders."
"These borders and these nationalities that we hold so closely are slowly beginning to become less and less important."
"Freedom. You think that there is no border for him; in his mind, there is no border. Everywhere is for him, everywhere."
"International boundaries are established through treaties and agreements between neighboring states."
"What you really want to do is print borders, not gridlines."
"We're a Sovereign Nation; every single Sovereign Nation on the planet has borders."
"He didn't expand its borders anymore; he was happy to consolidate them."
"The one piece is a symbol of the world as it's supposed to be. A World Without Borders."
"He maketh peace in thy borders and filleth"
"Understanding the Schengen Zone is key: 'So a lot of people assume that in Europe it's all border free travel but that's actually not the case in all countries and the whole travel without borders thing only actually applies to a certain zone known as the Schengen Zone.'"
"There are no borders now that you could possibly impose in the majority of Europe."
"When people cross political borders, they're not violating anyone's rights. Given that they are simply exercising their natural, God-given rights."
"If somebody gets in charge of the country and said, 'Well, you know, things are dangerous out there in the world, we really don't think we're going to honor passports at our borders anymore,' it might be good if you had a passport from another country."
"Let's forget the borders, let's forget 'you're Nigerian, you're Ghanaian' and unite as Africa."
"Native tribes like the Blackfoot, which span both the United States and Canada, have clans on either side of the border."
"The state borders are a snapshot of the river's path as it was a little over 200 years ago."
"If you want no walls, then you have no country."
"Many people think that borders are really high in maintenance but I think if you get them right, they're certainly wonderful to live with and not too hard work."
"We are at the tri-corner monument, it is at this point that the three states share a border."
"Borders are a sign of failure of the human species."
"The EU holds out hope for incubating a progressive politics that can cross borders."
"Bigfoot doesn't stop at the border. The sightings go all the way."
"Nobody's going to beat me arguing why our borders need to be and have to be closed. Nobody has been able to beat me, and I'm just getting it started."
"The closure of international borders has caused our circumnavigation of the world to pause."
"There’s an old sailor’s saying out here, that only the sea and love wash away the ink of borders, and I think it’s true."
"I think that nationalism as a thing is kind of wild that we've created these borders, these separations, these divisions between people."
"Your influence never ends with your borders."
"Borders become less relevant and more restrictive for pointless reasons."
"The pursuit of opportunity, empowerment, and self-determination knows no borders."
"The longest unprotected border in the world has defined North America."
"God gave us borders, He gave us the idea of countries, He gave us the idea of languages, He created human beings. But we are different and we need order. We don't function in chaos."
"Borders that are redefined after turbulent world events or physically creating new landmasses from underwater aren’t the only ways that countries can change locations."
"The Luck of the Irish may not be enough to cross the border."
"...the walls create the others, the end of the world, these borders, these barriers that you put up create others which you tell stories about and turn into monsters."
"Why do borders exist? That's a very interesting question."
"Another border that people comments on as really, really, really existing does everyone know what this one is? Korea. Yeah, so at nighttime, light pollution is not happening in North Korea."
"Sometimes I like to do these borders to it almost reminds me of like a holiday card."
"You don't need a border, if you want you can put a border on it, but you honestly don't really need one."
"I'm an absolute sucker for solid colors and thick borders... this is aesthetic."
"Bitcoin operates across borders seamlessly."
"France shares a land border with 10 different countries. If you had to guess the country’s longest shared border, you would likely assume Spain, or maybe Germany. But it is, in fact… Brazil."
"Canada's long border closure with America has finally ended."
"Point Roberts, Washington is surrounded by water on three sides and the Canadian border on the fourth."
"Michigan still bordered British land to the north and east in what is today Canada, and um, yeah the British didn’t respect those borders so much."
"Reminding us always of how much, or sometimes how little, thought can go into the borders of just a single US State."
"I suffer from a condition which I call frontierophilia, a love of land borders."
"Natural things don't matter, borders don't matter."
"Both in our own borders and also overseas."
"The border is more than just a line on a map. It's a place where people are living their lives, pursuing their dreams, and forming connections across cultures."
"Nice, you can have your feet in both countries, one foot in each country."
"Biodiversity does not recognize borders."
"People are dying to get to England for the right reasons and people are dying to get around the world. So in my mind, that means make it easier, bring down the borders, right?"
"Fearing that you cease to exist because you have a future temporal border is as silly as fearing you cease to exist because you have spatial borders or a temporal border in the past."
"If the Avatar was based, right? Well, I agree with that, in the fact that like, I don't think that borders should mean as much as people will put on them. I think maybe like, which, like, that's an idea that I can absolutely get behind."
"It's a book where borders eventually create solidarities as opposed to separations."
"...you see most of the U.S Canada border is defined by the 49th parallel but a surveying error led to this...the Northwest angle."
"Power achieves a certain order by establishing differences and borders, whereas violence dissolves borders."
"I don't believe in the concept of borders."
"AI doesn't respect traditional National borders, so we need Global cooperation between nations and labs."
"Britain has borders. Britain will keep its borders. We've got the best of both worlds."
"Despite the unsettled situation the boys are hopeful: if a border can be closed any time, it can also be opened again any time..."
"Walking Offa's Dyke today offers a sort of no-man's land, a chance to meditate about ancient warring nations and the nature of borders."
"It's about ensuring no border between Northern Ireland and the Republic."
"Brazil on the other hand basically built out midway into the continent and their borders are almost always rivers."
"The unique and somewhat puzzling borders in the southern stretch of the Mississippi River are a result of the river's dynamic nature and historic border agreements."
"Switzerland has some of the more messy borders in Europe, it's just, you know, they don't care about your rules about how borders should be, they just kind of exist."
"Make no mistake, China didn't want to have U.S. forces based on their border."
"The borders have to be controlled."
"Turkey shares borders with eight countries: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Greece, and Bulgaria."
"We are absolutely committed to bring these figures down and take back control of our borders."
"It's incredible that these borders have remained constant over the last 75 years."
"If you're born five miles below the border versus five miles above the border, your life chances are incredibly different."
"It's absurd, frankly, to pretend that all these boundaries existed. All through the ages, people moved and traveled across so all these artificial borders that exist today... it's a crazy world."
"Decaying Empires often don't feel their own borders."
"In cases where no fundamental problems exist, the border is no longer a dividing line between two worlds."
"The Treaty of York established the border between England and Scotland down to the present day."
"When goods don't cross borders, soldiers will."
"Borders caused difficulties... but of course the real border was always in people's minds."
"I believe in basic law and order, and I believe in borders."
"Borders have the power to bring people together, to evoke passion and war, to divide, conquer, and solidify power."
"How we draw borders matters; it helps signal who is a part of the group, who should have representation, who doesn't, and what social norms are legitimized at the time the map was drawn."
"Borders often have current consequences for past decisions."
"This is the point at which two countries converge."
"Schengen, balanced at the TriPoint of Luxembourg, France, and Germany, is an appropriate place to cross a border on this journey."
"I think that denotes the border, that is Scotland."
"I want to go to the Switzerland, Austria, and Italy border, the three-way border."
"Borders are responsible for the biggest discrimination that's going on. Like 60% of your income is dependent on the fact of where you were born."
"We are at the Wagah border where they do this big parade between the Indian border and the Pakistani border."
"If Capital can cross borders, why can't humans cross borders?"
"All borders in Europe are artificial. Everywhere in Europe, you have people of different cultures or languages living across an international boundary."
"The borders can erode, it's actually beginning to happen in many parts of the world."
"You could travel freely to anywhere and just didn't pretend that these imaginary borders were there."
"Can you believe that just down there is the Turkish border? It's crazy you can see so much from up here."
"The Waga border is the only open land border between India and Pakistan."
"How many countries does Sweden share a land border with? It is two: Norway and Finland."
"The border crossed them, they didn't cross the border."
"Nation states have the right to decide what they do with their borders."
"It's a whole new world. Like, national borders are no longer control points, choke points for communication."
"We should be opening our borders to help the world, not closing them down."
"Borders are imaginary in the sense that all borders that exist within this planet exist within human minds and human customs."
"Rub out the border, you know? We're all people, they're imaginary lines."
"The border between Canada and the United States holds the title of world's longest undefended border."
"The history of all borders is a history of conquest."
"Both Poland and the United States understand that strong nations must have very strong borders."
"This border was drawn without much thought for the communities it would divide; it was arbitrary, lacking any consideration for the lives it would shape and the generations it would impact."
"Your DNA doesn't care about borders. Borders change all the time."
"It's amazing what a border can do."
"The borders determine the nation, and the nation then becomes where your dedication is."
"What kind of world that we want to live in is it one where borders can be changed by force?"
"Nature doesn't recognize borders; it's something we will all feel the impact of."
"If you don't have borders, you do not have a country."
"It's perfect timing because as the borders open up, more and more people are going to be traveling."
"We need to understand that frontiers are false; they create divisions, and we're all one human species."
"Every country has the sovereign right and responsibility to control its borders."
"There is no borders, the world's biggest lie, but your world is really just this small community."
"We're just making these artificial borders, you know."
"It's been great so we're right on the border between the Netherlands and Germany this morning."
"I'm North Korea's North Pyongan Province, here I border the South Pyongan Province to the north here."
"Welcome to Ontario. I like this border crossing; they're always so friendly here."
"Countries that did try to use borders as a way of containing COVID really didn't succeed."
"Ethnic conflict as a result of colonial borders."
"We're all the same people, there's just an imaginary line drawn between us."
"Without borders, we are not a nation."
"While a border defines two peoples, it need not divide them."
"We're becoming more humanitarian, erasing these borders and things that are keeping us separate."
"Globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across borders."
"The US-Canada border is essentially the line that the British were able to hold through guile and cunning to keep the Americans out without an occupying force."
"It's all about migration and war and fleeing and the pointlessness of borders."