
Recursion Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"The easiest way to define recursion is to say it's where a function calls itself."
"This is really an amazing example of the power and beauty of recursive problem solving."
"All languages show recursion, which is a really important property."
"Recursion refers to functions that repeatedly call themselves."
"And the ability to make recursive definitions is a source of incredible power."
"If you can write as a recursive procedure but run as an iterative process, you get the best of both worlds."
"When learning about recursion, it can seem like you're always going back to the beginning."
"It's all checks and it's all checks all the way down."
"Recursion is a beautiful way to express decisions as you go towards your answer."
"Recursion is the act of a function calling itself."
"One of the most mysterious concepts in computer science, recursion leads to lots of really bad computer science jokes."
"Recursion is typically a program referring to itself in its body, so long as I have what I call a base case."
"Recursion is a function that calls itself until it can't anymore, that calls itself."
"Recursion is the answer. And this is pretty cool."
"This is a great example of recursion happening and is super satisfactory when it all works as intended."
"Recursive functions call themselves, like calculating factorial, where each step builds upon the previous one."
"Recursive code can be very powerful and immensely useful."
"The recursion that -- that the Fibonacci numbers satisfy is somehow showing up directly here for the eigenvalues when we set that to zero."
"You could produce a virtual infinity of sentences from a finite vocabulary using recursion."
"One of the things that you were doing there is actually exploring one of the most interesting things of all about lambda calculus and recursive functions and other things."
"Each level of recursion, each iteration, cutting things up slashes the volume in half."
"Recursion is not as complicated as you think it is; it's really kind of straightforward once you get a hang of it."
"So recursion doesn't just describe mathematical formulas."
"And the question is whether or not the lack of recursion actually creates any barriers."
"The recursive power of rationality is the key to its power."
"Rick and Morty as a show has an obsession with recursion."
"I may not remember all the details but I know that there is an iterative solution for every recursive form."
"How we would write this in a c program if we were trying to compute the Fibonacci sequence recursively."
"And we have successfully written the Fibonacci sequence calculator inside of assembly using recursion."
"So, this talk is about turtles. It's turtles all the way down."
"I always locate my recursive return values."
"What I want us to do is actually work through this one recursively. I think the iterative solution is pretty straightforward but I'm going to force us to solve this one recursively because it's going to help us learn some new topics along the way."
"Recursion: a function in Python can call itself."
"You've now applied a recursive function to the rock paper scissors game."
"Recursion in React simplifies mapping nested data structures."
"We have built the closed form of our recursively defined sequence, and it is exactly what we would like it to be."
"Let's do like a little bit of a manipulation on this uh strategy for performing this iteration that'll make it turn into a recursive process."
"So you have this kind of recursively nested systems of systems of systems of systems approach."
"You're recording me, recording inception, baby!"
"Loop solution to a problem has an equivalent recursion solution."
"Prefer recursion because you don't actually have to keep track of state as much."
"Recursion is going to occur anytime when a function is going to call itself."
"We're going to create a recursive CTE... this is going to allow us to write a subquery in here to generate a temporary table."
"They got it right. Part of what happened was that they needed tail recursion in order to allow you to keep calling things and never expect them to return without running out of memory."
"Recursion is a feature of human cognition; we think about concepts as being nested inside of other concepts."
"The common table expression provides the significant advantage of being able to reference itself, thereby creating a recursive CTE."
"The recursive property of titration: The N plus one titration of X is equal to X to the power of the nth titration of X."
"The Y Combinator... is the key to doing recursion in the lambda calculus."
"A recursive function is one that calls itself."
"When writing a recursive function, you always need a stopping condition."
"The number of times a recursive function calls itself is called recursive depth."
"Solving a problem by recursively breaking down the problem into subparts until it is easily solved is known as divide and conquer."
"All of algorithms is about recursive algorithm design at some level because we want to write constant size pieces of code that solve problems of arbitrary size."
"We have to write code that is recursive or uses loops or somehow reuses the instructions that we give the computer."
"Recursion lets you break up the problem into small, manageable pieces."
"Recursion is a fundamental concept in computer science and all it is, is a method that invokes itself."
"Every recursive program must have a condition that eventually causes the recursive call to stop."
"It's all recursive, and the more I realize how recursive this world is, I think the better our nets just get."
"Recursion is considered as one of the difficult topics while learning Java programming."
"Recursion is very helpful for many important things like iterating through different data structures."
"Recursion is referred to defining something in terms of itself."
"Many data structure problems can be easily solved with recursion but difficult to solve without recursion."
"There are two base components of recursion: the base case and the general case."
"When the function calls itself, it's known as a recursive function."
"Recursion is a programming technique where a function invokes itself from within."
"Recursion is a bit of a dirty word in programming, but I think it's the perfect solution and design pattern for implementations like this; it just keeps the code simple and elegant."
"Recursion is one of the very few features of grammar that seems to be universal across all languages."
"Recursion is the magic wand that lets us traverse trees with a touch of elegance."
"In programming, the beauty of recursion lies in its ability to simplify complex problems."
"The Bellman equation... it's a recursive definition in terms of itself."
"Loops can be translated into FP by using recursion."
"The Fibonacci numbers have seeds 0 and 1, and then our recursion takes over."
"Recursion is the determination of succession of elements by operating one or more preceding elements based on a rule or formula."
"Eval is the machine which takes as input a description of another machine."
"Yes, eval and apply each sort of draw each other and construct the real thing which can sit out and draw itself."
"This is a recursive definition, it's definition of the exponentiation procedure in terms of itself."
"So Y of F is F applied to Y of F, so Y is a magical thing which when applied to some function produces the object which is the fixed point of that function."
"A fractal is a recursive self-similar system where one organization at one scale begins to sponsor another iteration of that organization at another scale."
"Recursion is just a process, and when we're talking about code, it's a function that calls itself over and over again."
"There has to be this base case. The base case is where the recursion ends."
"All sorts of wonderful, beautiful, elegant things can arise out of recursive definitions."
"Whenever you're looking at a problem that seems to have a natural recursive solution, think about whether you can attack it with dynamic programming."
"We're going to have a decision tree meaning we're going to solve this problem recursively."
"Prove one, prove the next one, and if you prove the idea of the next one, you can always iterate that further, almost like recursion."
"The return itself can be defined recursively."
"I love the infinite recursion there, that's so cool."
"Recursion is where a procedure or a function calls itself."
"Recursion is a method of solving a problem where the solution depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem."
"Recursion occurs when a function calls itself."
"Recursion is a good way to reduce a complicated problem to a simpler problem."
"The power of recursion is in thinking."
"Some algorithms are easy to describe recursively."
"One of the reasons that we like recursion, is this idea of expressability."
"But the pattern is obvious if you think about it as a recursion."
"The recursion is saying the best thing you can do comes from two possibilities."
"So you need to basically take a pen and paper, draw the recursion tree, try to code it by yourself, and you will be able to understand it, that is guaranteed."
"If you follow this till the end, you will be able to master recursion."
"In order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion."
"Recursion is when you define an operation in terms of itself."
"It's extremely powerful for solving certain kinds of problems."
"This is a computer program that's run inside the game of life, namely it's running itself."
"If the tree is empty, then your base case is do nothing, you're done."
"So the way I tackle this one recursively is to consider the sum of the subtrees."
"Recursive algorithms have two parts: the base case and the recursive case."
"...recursion is a natural thing for describing human languages."
"This is the thing that's used to design the thing that's used to design the thing... it's just Turtles all the way down from there."
"Recursion occurs in nature a lot, so we can replicate that actually using Anemone if we code it properly."
"Recursion is a problem-solving technique for breaking larger problems into smaller problems of the same form."
"There's just this elegance, arguably, to recursion."
"A function can be the return value of another function."
"That's a recursive definition of just a physical object or a virtual object, whereby you can describe the structure of something in terms of itself."
"The process of ring movement is of recursive nature, and we can develop a solution to this problem using recursive programming paradigm."
"The recursive process is really important to show students how to use these technologies."
"It just follows this pattern where we exhaust possibilities and come back up the call stack."
"A subset coding problem is a typical coding puzzle to test candidates' skills using depth-first search and recursion."
"This could be very easily done using recursion."
"Recursion is a little different; it is that here there is a function which is supposed to deliver some output, now in order to do this, it is actually repeating itself."
"This is the principle of recursion."
"It is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly, either directly or cyclically in a chain."
"Factorial of n is n times factorial of n minus 1."
"Most of the interesting problems can be expressed in the recursive form."
"Fibonacci of n is Fibonacci of n minus 1 plus Fibonacci of n minus 2."
"Recursion is whenever you're solving a big problem by cheating and using the solution to a slightly smaller problem."
"How do you solve a problem by using the solution to a slightly smaller version of the same problem?"
"If you don't have that base case and a function calls itself forever, you have what's actually called a stack overflow."
"I want to take this purely functional and recursive approach to everything we implement."
"We're doing a bunch of recursion in some sense, we're solving smaller subproblems and then you put the subproblems together."
"Pip stands for 'Pip Installs Packages' with sort of a recursive definition of pip, which is kind of funny."
"Developing recursive solutions to the problems that you're trying to solve isn't a skill that comes naturally to many people."
"The really neat thing about recursion is that you'll realize that many times the recursive solution to a problem can be very simple and beautiful."
"This is a list of lists of lists."
"Asynchronous recursion, it just works."
"The recursive approach may be complex for people who are not familiar with recursion, but in fact, if you can follow such code flow, then it's not a problem for you."
"Please practice with the recursion because it's essential for implementing DFS."
"Divide and conquer is a class of algorithm that usually involves recursion."
"Recursion is really important to understand because it can be a neat and elegant little trick to solve complex problems."
"A recursive function is a function that calls itself."
"The Towers of Hanoi is a problem that can be solved using recursion."
"That's really how you can mess around with fractals and recursion in Python using the turtle module."
"What a lovely puzzle the way it keeps feeding back on itself."
"So functions we've defined can call other functions we've defined."
"This is just showing recursion, and this would be the correct answer if it was the explicit form."
"There's going to be some recursion going on, but I don't know how it's going to play out, and I'm really fascinated."
"Recursive patterns are in fact recursive; they can be nested."
"The idea of recursion is, if you have a problem, try to express the problem in a simpler version of the same problem."
"There's nothing like making sure you understand recursion is to try and explain it to someone else who doesn't understand it."
"And now that we got the bubble sort out of the way, I'm going to talk a little bit about recursion and how we can calculate factorials."
"Whenever Dreadhorde Arcanist attacks, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with converted mana cost less than or equal to its power from your graveyard without paying its mana cost."
"There are some problems that you need to use recursion or iteration to solve."
"The deeper you delve into a Julia set, the more you see the same structure over and over again."
"If you're wondering what recursion is, you can Google it, and then the computer scientists at Google... there you go."
"What recursion allows us to do, in this case, is take a bite out of the problem, and then defer to someone else to figure out the rest of the problem."
"All recursive equations mean is you're going to use the previous one to find the next one."
"This is a program that prints itself out. Let's see how it works."
"The idea is this thing reaches around the next guy, which reaches around the next guy, and recursively, it just works."
"Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself in order to solve a problem."
"The main trick of DP is we're going to be solving problems recursively via the recursive method of breaking down the large problems into smaller subproblems."
"What's up folks, today we'll be reversing linked lists recursively."
"Having a recursive solution means that we look at this problem and break it down into smaller and smaller pieces until it's just right; it's bite-size."
"The goal of recursion and Loops is exactly the same, you want to define something in terms of itself."
"We will define a single higher-order function that captures exactly that pattern, which now allows us to easily define recursive functions over lists or over any other recursive data structure without having to use recursion."
"Recursion is taking a problem and thinking about it top-down, splitting it into its sub pieces, solving the sub pieces, combining the solutions for those sub pieces."
"Every time a function calls itself it takes a smaller byte of the problem."
"One good thing to take away from quicksort... is when you think of an algorithm and you're thinking about using recursion as a technique."
"If we're just using components, we can recurse infinitely without even thinking about it."
"When you think this problem sounds recursive, give yourself some base cases and then build from there."
"Recursion is highly used in many of the data structure and algorithm related problems."
"If you organize your thoughts recursively, this becomes a three-line program, and all the details are behind the scenes in the recursive stack that your program does for you."
"The most beautiful part of this puzzle is that there's a recursive solution to this puzzle that happens to generate gray codes on its way down."
"That's why recursion is such a powerful tool because you can describe such a complicated activity with so few words."
"Every recursive algorithm you write has a recurrence equation associated with it that says how much time it takes."
"The chapter was about recursion and the underlying connection in all sorts of different things: language, music, mathematics."