
Surprise Element Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Develop characters off screen, off the page, so that when they show up, it's either a surprise or it's an interesting reveal."
"This is part of the rainbow unicorn surprise. Super cute."
"Yun uses water curtain, a giant one that surprises everyone. It was like a miniature waterfall."
"I'm always looking for ways I can sort of bring some more life into it or it'll surprise people or do something a bit unexpected."
"What have I done wrong? Now he appears. Yeah, no, I don't have a third one. Where's my third Scion?"
"It feels to me like this is a game that you can really easily spoil because the surprises happen in the moment."
"Songs in Hell of a Boss are amazing, another unexpected surprise."
"Pop goes the weasel, yay! Did you jump when I said pop?"
"There's no Terror like that of a forgotten monster like Braviary Unleashed."
"Who knew this ridiculous premise could be so beautifully crafted, immaculately paced and genuinely shocking?"
"Guys, this game is lit! Oh, another baby elephant, that's kinda unlucky."
"I'm just trying to teach you how the game's going to work. You eat the cake and you die. Surprise, my only weakness: sucrose!"
"It really was something else and I think people should definitely not don't write that one off that's a even even if you played Seven in VR and you were like all right cool like this one I was really Blown Away by."
"Hisoka of every character in Hunter x Hunter, he is the one who is always most likely to surprise you."
"To everyone's surprise, Wang's Force value is displayed as 99,999 on the screen."
"Sometimes, the truth can be stranger than fiction."
"I just want them to be shocked because they have no idea what I could do."
"Terry from 'King of Fighters': a surprise addition."
"Another end event we had no idea that the end of the chapter was coming yet again fortnite always spring it upon us."
"Create gross-looking, great-tasting snacks with a magical surprise."
"Can you imagine the look on the faces of these Congress people when they realize that they have been circumscribed once again in their power?"
"At that moment the alien bursts out of her chest."
"Surprises with martial arts skills, gains respect."
"A really good finisher should be something that ideally you can sort of hit or due to more or less anybody, hopefully out of nowhere."
"Games are constantly surprising and where they're going, what they're doing."
"Oh [ __ ] it's Panic! At The Disco, baby! They're back, they reunited just to kill this dude. Oh man, I wonder how all those people got through the door. This dude should have locked his door, shouldn't he?"
"Being completely silent and shift walking allows you to keep the element of surprise."
"He literally made this look like the freaking giant, my guy. What the heck?"
"Sugar Rush ride like oh my gosh nothing could have prepared me for that chorus drop I was not ready for that."
"Prepare for a twist that will make your jaw drop."
"I have intentionally avoided looking at them so this will be a surprise for me as well."
"This game is going to surprise a lot of people in a good way."
"The dogs save his life, and then in the very final scene of the film, they reveal that Santa is real."
"The surprise hero all along was actually Hayato."
"That shot at Levi is goaded, I guess I'm not the Armored Titan anymore."
"This kind of stuff it takes you by surprise, it's intriguing, pulls you in."
"The Revelation astonishes the surrounding players as high-level NPCs are exceedingly rare."
"You know, I actually doubted my officers when they said they'd captured a prime normal," says Lou. "It is so nice to see you."
"The thing I've always tried to do is surprise people to present them with something they didn't expect."
"Are you seeing them? They dangle at a far away glance. You're like, 'oh she's just wearing like little hanging glitz.' No, they're spiders."
"Just as he's ready to give up with the village the little child from earlier comes out from the crowd."
"And for our last pick, our wild card for these lists has got to be the Sacred Relic Sword."
"The train sequence at the end of the film, that entire sequence, I'm really surprised they never really showed any of it in much of the marketing."
"Leave your expectations behind because whatever you think you know about this world can and will be used against you."
"What an interesting way to start the story mode I did not see this coming."
"It's just so good, but guess what the gameplay is secretly even better."
"Well, that is absolutely hilarious... attacking at night turns out was the best possible thing."
"It was a pleasant surprise more fun than the sum of its parts suggests."
"Sunday Gold came in out of nowhere and immediately caught my eye with its gorgeous art style."
"Stealth in a Metroid game sounds like a beef chocolate sandwich, but it works surprisingly well."
"They have really the tools to catch people off-guard."
"That's a surprise tool that can help us later."
"I love the way they choreographed that whole sequence because you think okay there's two heart there's three there's the book oh there's a lot more."
"The reactions are based on something that we weren't expecting to see."
"Matthew Broderick really showed us something different, he surprised us all, and it was absolutely glorious."
"I'm imagining Spider-Man just coming out of nowhere."
"Royal Crackers. There's some fuckin' change inside."
"Just when you think we're done, dude, what's with the glass?"
"Only one of them Rose from the water was this man in the suit."
"What sort of wretched abomination do I bring to you today, you may be asking? Well, you saw the thumbnail and, uh, what even is this thing?"
"In a movie full of unexpected cameos, this one might just be the greatest."
"I was actually corporate, you never guessed."
"You can teleport a squad of Terminators right into the center of an enemy force."
"So you come back and what do you say or do? The father's holding my 20 tickets in his hand spread out like a day."
"The initial plan for the raid was to take the Branch Davidians by surprise."
"Surprising them with the bastion's positioning was probably the best call."
"Batman is also a ninja, oh my god where do you go, where I go, I'm right here still."
"A figure collector's dream: 'Oh, it's magnets!'"
"You never realize how big the game is until something like that happens."
"I think a lot of us were a little surprised by Elon Musk and his investment in Twitter. That passive investment, 9.2 percent."
"Let them be out! Alright? Nice are brothers, actually surprised usually I feel like the last expansion pack didn't have this amount."
"Events suck, nobody wants them... Give them something that surprises them."
"This heartwarming reunion is a real tearjerker but not for the reason you might think."
"You can stealth grab from any angle even if someone reacts..."
"What else do I need to say other than it's an evolution of ditto? I don't even think anyone thought that could ever be possible."
"Every time they figure me out, I do something that's gonna shock them. Like I don't spend the block with another [ __ ], you do that."
"Are we living in a spiritual war? So what do military personnels do? They use the element of surprise."
"Just when you thought you've seen it all, nope, yeah you didn't."
"This is one of those games that has just not stopped surprising me from start to where i am right now."
"What a joy and what a surprise when I opened up my eyes and see an indie city past me."
"Honestly, this ending was crazy and certainly not something I was expecting to see in this game."
"I love watching it, I love the shockers when they start pinging around."
"I'm gonna break out something that you have never seen on a YouTube show before."
"I saw this, and I was like, 'Wow, that is some nostalgia.'"
"If they can maintain this air of mystery, every announcement in that presentation will be a surprise and a fun surprise at that."
"Sora from Kingdom Hearts is the final fighter coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It's... the unthinkable thing, the impossible act."
"Oh, Luca, you little sneak! You got him so good! How did you do that?"
"Narrative should always be plausible, but surprising."
"What's in the bag? Got to be something good in that bag."
"I pick a topic that's long into the future, the details are usually far and few between and hopefully they come off as a bit of a surprise when I pop up with the news."
"Oh my god, the tank turret, it's moving! Tanks charge! What are you doing, tank turrets?"
"Batman knows that they'll immediately check the elevator when it arrives so he cleverly decides to hide on top of it instead so that he can easily sneak up on whoever. Oh, nice of you to drop in."
"I grabbed the tablecloth and flipped it back in one go."
"Be creative, come up with something. Try to catch them off guard."
"I'm specifically not reading the synopsis because I've heard that this book is very weird and I kind of just want to jump in without any impression about what the story is"
"I built this system for my daughter and surprised her with it."
"I literally have no idea what look I'm gonna create, so it's super surprising for me just as much as it is for you to see how the look looks."
"The bigger the prank the bigger the surprise."
"PlayStation 5 is officially being called the PlayStation 5, to everyone's surprise I'm sure."
"This is such a special person that first of all is going to surprise you."
"Give them what they want but never what they expect."
"The guardians just took out six of them! How many was--no, what! I'm blown away, the guardians, they just--they have so much, like, untapped power inside of them. That was insane."
"How many tables are out there? Three. Tell those three tables this is the luckiest day of their [__] life."
"That's incredible and then just see what happens."
"Oh, that's actually really cool, what? You can swim? You can't even do that in the regular game."
"You've got to be kidding me! So that's Byakuya's true identity!"
"It's like, okay yeah, like double blade dance this and then hey guess what, you got a whole board of clowns, deal with that."
"Believe the hype - it surprised me a little bit when I got it."
"I think when you could capture the spirit but show them something new and surprising, it's sort of the best combo."
"Just one of the all-time greatest fake outs."
"Poison dark, so a skunk tank already looked at it and I got surprised I mean this has to be one of the most powerful typings in the game."
"Leo surprises the arch fiend with his out-of-this-world magic power."
"What an intro! Ah, Producer Michael jump scare."
"Riley feels something on his shoulder after the doctor exits the room and oh yeah, this is a Riley movie by the way."
"Are you even surprised anymore? Like genuinely every time, it's a Multiverse."
"Lan Z Prodigy did not expect to encounter the Demonic Tree up close and personal."
"Mario Kart Live, what? Wait a minute, is that... wait, is that in this?"
"I stumbled upon this unexpectedly. I will take it."
"Wait a second, wait, first of all, I'm not sure we're supposed to be revealing this, but wait, you mean two people and I'm not one of those two people?"
"the fact that the most historical osoo barrier had been broken twice in one day completely shocked the OSI community"
"Tendrils is so good cuz they don't see it coming until it's already over."
"Clearly this is an example of where it has worked really well and it's really uncanny."
"Just as in the days of Noah, when people were caught off guard."
"Make a freaking wish and you will so be surprised that it will come true."
"Luffy's Awakening, Gear Fifth: Surprise Blackbeard."
"It made so much sense of course it's that way yeah I love that I didn't see that."
"You might have had it laid out in your mind, but the universe has something so much bigger planned."
"To decolonize and to deconstruct the hegemonic power structure that CRT says is white supremacy, you must also advocate for the policies that activists tell you you must advocate for."
"Check it out, an End Portal just spawned in, oh my gosh."
"I don't know a lot of what's coming up. It'll be a big surprise for me."
"Tony Stark will be the cameo. It would be a powerful and emotional surprise that no one is expecting."
"Personally, I find it surprising that we don't celebrate these."
"Suffice it to say, this surprise-released lead single falls into the latter category."
"Sometimes there are products that I'm just like, 'Oh, I never even thought to try.'"
"The black mass is the new version of the RKO because it literally comes out of nowhere."
"A complete surprise, pushing the boundaries of design."
"A secret tunnel found under the house leads to a ridiculous surprise."
"There's a big twist that happens in this film with your character that I didn't see coming."
"In a street fight there's no referee that says go. It's the element of surprise."
"...just like McDonald's, everybody that gets something ends up leading with the toy. And you wouldn't believe some of the stuff that I put in my mystery bag."
"That twist I was not anticipating."
"It's doing enough, you gotta build a moment of surprise and shock."
"Who said this was my ultimate move? I have as many Ton Gang Bombs as I want."
"These guys here burst open to reveal a full-sized set of pliers within."
"I think it's fun and unexpected and makes the card extra special."
"Daenerys Targaryen has discovered the hidden immunity idol."
"Here's the completed card, you can see through the outside edge which is a fun surprise."
"He's got this, he's got tricks up his sleeve."
"Speed, surprise, violence of action but use of natural man-made cover, that is huge."
"You're giving your client more for the actual show, even if you don't use it a lot, you just bring it in to surprise them and give them a little something extra."
"It's not what you expect, but it's a fun activity."
"If you have moments you know are coming, it makes the other moments that are unpredictable much better."
"Look at that, we do get an unintentional ab crunch."
"He's always nice, and then it's like when you see him mad, it's like, oh God, he's terrifying."
"It flattens to fit into a regular envelope and it kind of pops up a little bit on its own as soon as you take it out of the envelope."
"It is a beautiful day to combine two of my favorite things into one super fun craft with a very surprising twist."
"When you open it, the inside slides up to reveal the gift card."
"The beautiful thing about Octomore is that it surprises you; it doesn't always do what you would think it would do."
"I'm about to tell you a story all about a rat, yeah, this rat he will probably leave you shook."
"Card to wallet, it's a crowd pleaser, everybody loves card to wallet."
"You're giving away your greatest weapon; you're advertising your attack. Surprise is one of the most key components in a battle."
"This is a very spooky process, and I'm surprised that I managed to pull it off."
"I think for me the fun part about the cameos is not being involved in a scene... just being like a little pepper, you know, just a little Easter egg."
"Baby Yoda's always the ace up the sleeve."
"Rayquaza gold card out of nowhere, oh my God, they have the gold cards again in the Trainer Gallery, and it's a Rayquaza, dude."
"I think we should watch out for Serena, she might surprise us."
"You find some hiding there, like little treasures."
"This is a way of playing outside the key, creating things that make people go, 'Whoa, what was that?'"
"It's going to be a hell of a story, and hey, you never know who might show up."
"If you're gonna play a gambit, you're usually playing it because it's going to be fun or you're really trying to catch your opponent off guard."
"It comes with attachments, is an amazing surprise, it looks incredible."