
Emotional Attachment Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"A big component of music is an attachment, an emotional attachment to nostalgia or to the past."
"Every time I even think about leaving Hawaii, I tear up and I get all sad."
"I will sob even if the ending is happy because I feel like I am losing all of those characters."
"It means that you could have feelings for a machine, and you know, people have feelings for their cars."
"These flowers are the only meaning left in my entire life."
"You might catch yourself thinking about the game and its characters, or even missing them when you haven't had time to play for a few days."
"You try not to make it this big, over-the-top emotional attachment, and then you try not to get it there, but at the same time, man, you know that you've dreamed your whole life to be in this moment, in this position."
"The memories are not in the objects, but the memories are in me."
"It's amazing how something as simple as decluttering can be so satisfying yet so challenging because of the memories and sentiments attached to objects."
"You don't grieve something you don't care about."
"When you have an emotional attachment or an emotional connection with somebody, it's like a puzzle piece...you're never gonna find that once in all."
"You had dreams of marriage with this connection. It's so hard to let go."
"I'm thankful for my family, for my best friend, and I'm thankful for my freedom."
"Memories can make it hard to let go, even when you know you should."
"Flaws and all, Final Fantasy 6 will always have a special place in my heart."
"I think this bike has tons of character and I have a lot of emotion attached to it."
"Nanelle loves her new name so much that she starts crying the moment the first tear Falls."
"Oh my god, she was such a good dog. She was just an excellent, excellent, excellent dog, man."
"Let me assure you that I did not kill Jon Benet, I did not have anything to do with it, I loved that child with my whole of my heart and soul."
"I genuinely think I might be in love with this man."
"If a circumstance can throw you off, then you are attached to circumstances."
"I can always buy another phone... it's just the texts mean a lot to me."
"I love this series with my whole heart and soul."
"It was more than just a phone, it was this... it was a friendship."
"Some people get really emotionally attached to the red, white, and blue American nationalism storyline."
"Losing my Animal Crossing save was devastating. It wasn't like losing any other file, it was like my town, my villagers, my house, my money."
"I love it so much I could just go on and on about how cute this story is."
"People get very personally attached to television. It means something to them."
"Every single item that you own has some weight or emotional baggage to it."
"This was a really well delivered ending to Marston's legacy."
"Sierra games, particularly the King’s Quest series, will always have a place in my heart."
"It only gets closer to my heart every passing day."
"It is hard to say goodbye to a plant that's just like this Lush and full."
"I watched about 100 hours... and at the end of it I felt like he was part of me."
"It's perfectly possible to be critical of something yet love it at the same time."
"They never got over you, they're not getting over you."
"Your feelings as you can't walk away and you think of them a lot."
"They're already feeling possessive of you, they already caught it, they're already feeling possessive."
"It's amazing to see that level of design and detail being put into this."
"What's it like when one of your friends on death row is led away to be executed? Well, you spend, you know, years and years and months and months and hours of every day with a person..."
"Some of you found out the truth about the situation or this person, but still can't walk away."
"I'm so attached to him... and I want him to save his brother."
"I love this thing so much, it is one of my favorites of all time."
"I never felt so attached to someone like I do with you."
"Why can't I quit you? Now that's why can't I resume you."
"This beautiful maple tree is the largest tree we have to take down now I'm a little bit sad because it's a beautiful tree but I can tell you if the homeowner lets me take it it'll make Beautiful Boards and it'll make a beautiful table someday."
"It's a bittersweet ending for me because this series holds a special place in my heart."
"It felt like a relationship, you know. I didn't want to just stop cold turkey on it."
"Sports dude it becomes part of their identity."
"It's like this person can't get out of your head or you can't get this person out of your head."
"He's more than a bird, more than a falcon, it's like he's part of me."
"Penguin falls in love with fictional character after being damaged in an earthquake. Grape, a 20-year-old penguin, fell in love instantly with a cardboard cutout of one of the anime characters put into the penguin enclosure."
"Hold on to the memories; they will hold on to you."
"It feels kind of like a meme is dying today so I am a little bit sad about it even if we have been asking for this for like, nine years."
"It's never so much that we missed the person we lost but instead it's more about the fact we are emotionally attached to the fantasy of who we thought they were or wanted them to be."
"It was sweet how much he loved Robert and he seemed really happy to have someone to talk to."
"Orlando will forever have a special place in my heart."
"Feelings aren't rational and so when people would criticize the series and criticize me for liking the series and try to prove me wrong it sort of felt like people were trying to prove that feeling wrong."
"The spirit of self-condemnation is a major engine in the perpetuation of certain soul tie relationships. Some are attached to particular individuals because they don't see themselves as worth more."
"I've tried to distract myself, but I just can't seem to get over you. That is how I know that this connection is something special."
"Strife will always hold a special place in my heart or my synthetic robot heart since I don't have a real one."
"Love you boys, really going to miss this show."
"This car is just so freaking important to me and special to me."
"The Nuzlocke forces you to give a nickname to each and every Pokémon you catch, forcing an emotional attachment to them all. So when Butterfree dies, you just murdered Jeremy and that blood is on your hands."
"Hold on to something that you truly cherish and truly want."
"I've become impossibly attached to this crew and story."
"Connie Corsos love like obsessed love like your first love that you love and they broke your heart and you're obsessed with after they broke your heart."
"Grammarly is more than just a writing assistant to me, it's like my friend."
"I genuinely think that the FD RX7 is probably the best '90s JDM car I don't want to say it for sure but like I love it I'm scared my Ferrari is not going to give me the same feeling."
"If there's one thing these games are good at, it's getting you attached to the plethora of characters they throw at you before finding manners to rip you to shreds."
"People are becoming emotionally attached to JPEGs. I've never seen anything like it."
"I was hooked. I had no desire to be around anyone other than him."
"There's a bit of her that gives me a little more."
"I feel like there's a ton of unexplored potential there."
"It's the house of my heart, I absolutely loved it."
"Altera you glorious bastard I'll miss you for all the wrong reasons."
"They're holding on very tightly to you and the idea of this relationship."
"You all are as important to me as the tortoises."
"Tesla's attachment to these pigeons likely arose from his growing social Detachment and loneliness during his last years."
"The delightful powder of joy that I have loved using so much."
"It's hard to let go and I guess in some ways you never really do let go."
"I can't believe how much this series has become so important to me."
"Characters you care about to your very core."
"It's always gonna hold such a special place in my heart... it's just gonna hold so many memories."
"I had a cat, but sadly he did pass away last year. His name was nugget and he was really sweet."
"These movies aren't just movies to some people. These movies are life to others. These are the movies they sat down with and saw with their parents. These are the movies that they hold special."
"That's the only car that I've sold as it went away on the truck. I cried as it left."
"Seriously, this show had it all from well-crafted characters delivering a narrative that you easily attach yourself to."
"We love them... we're obsessed with them so much."
"This book was so much more than I even wanted it to be... I didn't think that I was going to like it and be as attached to it as I am..."
"He's a happy puppy we love such a good boy I literally don't think you guys understand how much I love Archie he is my actual son I don't even know if I need babies because I'm like a little too obsessed with Archie."
"The only reason I'm still watching this anime is because I'm too emotionally invested already."
"I genuinely feel sad for a pixelated creature."
"I fell in love with this home like at first sight."
"They each get a piece of our heart, and it's almost instantly. So... Yeah. That's why it hurts so bad when they go home."
"Love attachment is something you should be interested in, that is the real deal."
"It's not so much that you miss her... you miss the feeling."
"So what was this show that stole my heart? What was this magical series that left me devastated when it was taken away?"
"The act of getting overly attached and overly emotional about any given experience is what prevents that experience from happening consistently."
"I'm going to get the dog, she's ours to keep forever."
"But what happens when someone can’t accept the death of their beloved animal companion? When the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life, how far will a person go to recapture that feeling?"
"All she wanted to do in that moment was hold the stuffed animal close."
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"It's extremely hard to see them suffering... I mean they're just like... I've raised some of them since they were babies, you know it's just hard."
"They fear that they could lose you to someone else."
"You're still thinking about them, you're still feeling for them."
"They want something to be there to hold on to... hopefully you won't move on."
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"You fall in love with the characters, you do not want them to die."
"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, you're not really gone."
"Your skin is holding on to that reminder and not letting go, kind of like when you break up with someone and you still have their pictures, you know?"
"You love this person, whoever this person is that's on your mind, you love them."
"Something about this cat has stolen my heart because this isn't normal, cats don't do this."
"Attachment leads to expectations and expectations lead to your feelings getting hurt."
"I hope I never lose you to the ultimate loss of all, and that's life itself."
"I hope I never lose you, not from a place of fear, but from a place of appreciation."
"Succrose has never done anything wrong in her entire life and I would protect her with my soul."
"That doghouse was heavier than any tombstone, and that dog was pretty much my best friend."
"SEO Jun clung to the bear gifted to him by saying, displaying no interest in the other toys."
"Man, it's hurting me right now to let it go because I grew a lot of love for this little truck."
"No, I it's funny you mentioned that because I was telling him last night that um I actually started crying because I said I can't imagine you not being in my life."
"The fans are hugely dedicated and very heavily emotionally attached."
"I think my favorite thing is just the feeling I get when I go there."
"So it was actually really hard to watch my car leave."
"And now have a really special place in my heart and in my displays."
"Super Mario Odyssey launches straight into my heart and there's no gravity strong enough to pull it out."
"Show me an emo boy and I'll show you my heart on my hand, that never changed."
"I would love to love you the way that I love my kids."
"Those are my trophies. I have them hanging on my wall. Rips my heart right out of my chest."
"I swear I couldn't imagine leaving these people behind and not never seeing them again."
"They can't stand the thought of this being over."
"My Ferrari has legitimately brought me to tears before, absolutely."
"We all know pets can be an important part of the Minecraft experience."
"Goldfish are like water puppies, they have really big personalities."
"Memories are in our hearts, not in our storage units."
"Women sleep with men they like, women stick with men they love and trust."
"Obsessed with Ember. That series was so good."
"Champ was everything. I don't have kids, and so Champ, I got Champ when he was actually six weeks old. I spent every day with Champ. We ran in the Hills every day, and he was everything."
"To know Chad was to love Chad." - June McMurray
"This is Miss Annie, a very sentimental bag for me."
"He's like a member of the family already, and I've been hand-rearing him for the last eight days. I'm so in love with him already."
"He held a memorial service for a lock of hair yanked from his head."
"I got scared that I'm not going to be able to frame it."
"Jamie and Claire have infiltrated my body, my mind, and my heart."
"It's the little things, man. He knows they're my two favorite little things."
"I almost cried. I can't believe I was lucky enough to get the best dog."
"The variety you get in this and the quality can't be beat and the quality is amazing."
"I'm sorry, it's just that that creature means a great deal to me."
"It's definitely gonna become an heirloom piece for me."
"But what makes me LOVE the theme is the memories I associate with it."
"Never getting rid of any of the Hermès bags in my collection because they're just too precious to me."
"I gotta go with the pet thing, man. I can't [ __ ] that. I worry. I actually think about that all the time, really, I do."
"I love Fishel, my little meow meow. She's so stupid, I love her."
"You know, I love her though, of course I love her."
"Whenever you're not around, they get a little irritated and they want to talk to you."
"Can't stop looking at your pictures and rereading messages."
"I love you. I love that guy so much. I would have taken anything he gave me, I know."
"It does have more sentimental attachment to me than any other car would ever have."
"I loved loved loved Damon telling Emmy that he would be used instead of Will."
"Videos to me, they're super special. They hold like a crazy place in my heart."
"It's the one guitar of my collection that I couldn't live without."
"The club that lives in every fan's heart can never be bought or sold."
"Everywhere I look, memories are sparked by things, and, you know, we're not big on stuff, especially kind of collecting lots and lots of stuff I find quite overwhelming."
"This painting means the world to me to keep a piece of her creativity in my home."
"I just want to live here for a very long time, and I had my son, and he became the literal air that I breathe."
"That's so important sometimes we want something so bad that we end up putting so much resistance toward it that's why non-attachment is so important."
"Everybody loses people dear to them. It's never fair, and you never want to let go."
"Saying goodbye to these Innovative spacecraft won't be simple."
"This game always holds some kind of sentimental value to me."
"Money is just a tool, people have this kind of hedonic value ego value associated with the number that they don't lose attachment with."
"There's more to this character now that I care about than before."
"Judy is definitely one of my favorites. Love her so much."
"I'm already obsessed with her. She's so cute."
"I love this movie so much. No matter how many times I see it, I always tear up when he's reunited with his family."
"This video is particularly special, near and dear to my heart."
"These games will always have a special place in my heart."
"I would take Kirk Cousins back in a heartbeat."
"This always holds a special place in my heart."
"Something about Vice City just makes it a sentimental favorite."
"After two decades, Vice City feels like home."
"I absolutely loved it and got so immersed in it and so attached to the characters that I just cried so much by the time I got to the end of it."
"They're not gonna let you go without a fight baby, sorry, your person, they still have a lot of love for you."
"I love, not lust. It's why I'm attached to this rifle."
"I want to make it my own. Personalizing a book and making it your own is priceless."
"He soon learned to love what he knew he must lose."
"Don't get steamrolled by your attachments to where you hope you will land."
"She's just this innocent pure creature of love that you cannot help but become enamored with."
"Throwing away stuff from this house would be the same as somebody throwing away her pets or in extreme cases her children."
"It's like they want to believe the lie and they've embraced it and they fell in love with it. Now it's time to let go."
"It's finally over. The anime has finally come to an end. I'm gonna miss this series. I really am."
"It's impressive, the arc that Going Merry was given on a reread... all this for a ship, God, I love One Piece."
"Something being a favorite of mine can be due to the sheer brilliance of its execution, to the quality of its spill, but it can also be due to the importance it held in my life at the time I played it and the emotional attachment I have to it."
"Oh my god, start to get attached to these people who were just like just names."
"I loved the character. It's sad to say goodbye to the character but there was just so much potential in the character that wasn't realized."
"You get attached to your dog, why not to God?"
"They can't let go of this Queen of Cups, they can't." - Emphasizing the inability to release a significant emotional connection.
"When a man values a woman, he cleaves to her like glue."
"His attachment to his grandmother... the best thing he's got going."
"I will literally be heartbroken if crow dies."
"Some of you still in love with somebody you can't walk away from them."