
Multidimensional Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"You are a multi-dimensional spiritual being having a human experience."
"Trust me, no matter what dimension it's in, you're still a genius."
"Being multi-dimensional is easily understood from the fact that we're made up of atoms."
"Human beings are physical, psychosocial, Spiritual Beings."
"Human DNA is a vast multi-dimensional library of information."
"She's multifaceted, multi-talented, multi-dimensional."
"Lucky for us, we've got heroes from tons of other dimensions to help out if it does."
"The UFO phenomenon is really a multi-dimensional communication outreach in information terms."
"I think there's more than meets the eye, the heart, the mind, and the soul."
"Sans seems to be the most well studied on multiple realities."
"You feel this very powerful multi-dimensional connection."
"The light has made amazing progress, it's truth, it's multi-dimensional, it's a mandala."
"Fun, exciting, interesting on multiple levels."
"Hip-hop exists in multi-dimensions. It's not about objects, it's about energy."
"The Lemorians understood the multi-dimensional and electrical nature of crystals."
"The soul life is something like a multi-dimensional art class."
"There is actually nothing to fear. You really are a multi-dimensional being having a human experience. Our true nature is love and joy."
"History is a multidimensional phenomenon."
"It doesn't work like that in a multi-dimensional universe. There are all of these different things, and what we have to do is navigate our way to our resonance."
"She's a full multi-dimensional human being. This should not be so huge but it's huge."
"You're a multi-dimensional being with many avenues."
"I don't think you can be an artist and a creative and be one-dimensional."
"Those vortices are multi-dimensional."
"These accounts reveal multi-dimensional shades of The Man Behind Marshall Dylan."
"The new characters are interesting and multi-dimensional, but more importantly, the existing characters are faced with dilemmas which are believable and important to who they are."
"This was honestly extremely high quality and impressive on all fronts."
"It's about being able to be in multiple dimensions simultaneously, straddle them, and stay in a center at the same time."
"It's a little hard to really understand it all, it's so multi-dimensional."
"Having a multi-dimensional life is important, especially in today's world."
"Erasmus is an interesting figure at a number of levels."
"Wealth is but one dimension of success."
"You're always going to have this infinite bond that you are always connected on these multi-dimensional levels."
"It is important for you to understand your clients from many different dimensions."
"I express my gratitude for my body, for myself, for the opportunity to continue my evolution as a multi-dimensional being in this realm."
"The data is in the form of what is known as tensors, these are like multi-dimensional arrays."
"The universe operates within actually ten dimensions, which include all possible futures and all possible pasts, including realities with totally different physics than those in our known universe."
"Dan has emphasized to me the importance of being multi-dimensional."
"We've got to work on this problem in every dimension; it can't just begin in business school."
"It is multidimensional, it has seven levels."
"The only people who can relate to him are his fellow Spider-Man in other dimensions."
"Perhaps our consciousness is in a kind of superposition-like state where we're existing in a multi-dimensional form."
"Great storytelling, great characters, and they're not one-dimensional."
"All of us are playing a multi-dimensional game of chess, but the average person is only aware of two levels: the physical and the non-physical."
"The reason I love this work is that it works on an emotional, spiritual, and a physical level."
"By releasing old patterns and activating dormant strands in our DNA, we can unlock our full potential as multi-dimensional beings."
"The human heart functions as a multi-dimensional interface."
"The real value from interactivity comes only in understanding multi-dimensional patterns."
"Healing is a multi-dimensional process."
"An even darker power loomed beyond, one that would require the power of multiple dimensions to keep the Earth safe."
"...there might be a different more holographic multi-dimensional way of thinking of things."
"If you need multi-dimensional only features such as actions, data mining, or write-back, translations, this is when you want to consider a multi-dimensional solution."
"Learning is multifaceted, stating that we learn with more than just one sense."
"You build on this functionality of the single dimensional arrays and you can use that to do very powerful things with multi-dimensional arrays."
"Your energy is something that's extremely important on many different levels."
"A movie that works for me on all the different levels."
"It's just so brilliant on so many levels."
"The heart is a center that has three aspects: it is a natural, a supernatural, and a paranatural center."
"These two Souls are together in more than one Lifetime and more than one dimension currently."
"A physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual expression carried by the breath of life."
"A tuple in Python is a fixed compound grouping, ideal for representing multi-dimensional subscripts in an optimization model."
"The numpy and d-array provides us with some sort of fixed size dynamic shape higher dimensional structure."
"I've loved you across lifetimes; our love spans across dimensions and time."
"Every soul holds that potential; every soul has multi-dimensional aspects of who they are."
"All the characters in this are multi-dimensional."
"Tensor is a mathematical object represented as arrays of higher dimension."
"In multi-dimensional models, you can define and build many-to-many relationships directly in the data model."
"If you really have to have advanced security features, you're probably leaning more towards a multi-dimensional solution versus a tabular solution."
"Everything we're going to see today is all going to be represented as tensors, which you can just think of as multi-dimensional arrays."
"You're an energetic multi-dimensional being living for a short time in human form."
"We call it space-time metal surfaces and we also introduce this term four-dimensional photonics."
"Y'all are multi-dimensional beings, you not supposed to just be here, you can go to multiple different galaxies and multiple different universes."
"I'm not just a one-dimensional guy; I'm able to catch the ball, pass, protect, just everything, and that's what the league wants these days."
"I think we are all multi-dimensional, multifaceted, and within that, we all have the capacity to experience the full spectrum of our emotions and feelings."
"She has powers from both worlds, possessing super strength, speed, invulnerability, and the abilities to create multi-dimensional portals."
"It's like you are not only coming full circle on one level, you're coming full circle in every dimension."
"This is supposed to provide a seamless multi-dimensional color on the surface of the skin and it's supposed to deliver a natural radiant finish with a soft focus effect."
"Glue is a multidisciplinary Python package for multi-dimensional and linked data exploration."