
Compliance Quotes

There are 1665 quotes

"If you're told to do something by somebody...anything you can do to humanize yourself and comply with what the bad guys want increases your chance of survival."
"The international community must go further and ensure that all of the provisions of the Charter are respected."
"The biggest problem which is holding all of us back in the crypto industry right now is compliance at the institutional level."
"It's up to all of us to obey the guidance and to urge everybody in this country to obey the guidance."
"The notion that it's completely American to just sort of say, 'I'm not going to do whatever you tell me,' I think is wrong."
"Our compliance is necessary in this case, and if you have the ability to remove yourself or to just not comply with this, it's almost your duty and obligation to make things harder for these people."
"Forget about your rights or if you're innocent, just accept the fact that I am the law and you are subject to my whims."
"Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process."
"The capital markets of the United States... it's not a right, it's a privilege to be in the US capital markets. You have to obey the rules."
"Now, the reason that's a problem is because the point of the law is it requires your compliance with it, and that means that if you want to make a moral statement, you cannot comply with the law."
"Taxes is so nebulous that it almost nobody does a perfect tax return."
"George was lucid, cooperative, obeyed commands, and had situational awareness when he died."
"Unfortunately, all you had to do was follow the rules, and this could have gone a lot better."
"Compliance with International humanitarian law is not optional; it is an obligation."
"Any Chinese company of any appreciable size has by Chinese law embedded in them Chinese Communist Party cells or committees whose sole function is to ensure that that company stays in lockstep with the Chinese Communist Party's policies."
"I can't even get the kid to wear pants, you think he's gonna wear a mask in the classroom?"
"We need to do everything we possibly can to do the guidelines that the CDC puts up."
"It's just naive to think that Chinese companies will comply with the Democrats' mandatory SEC disclosure drafts proposed today."
"My brand is about compliance, my brand's about institutions, my brand's about allocation and diversification about investing."
"If a company receives a court order to hand over information, I fully expect you to do it. We are a nation of due process and laws."
"These executive orders are not a suggestion. They're not optional, they're not helpful hints."
"I expect people to follow the law. These executive orders are not a suggestion. They are not optional or not helpful hints."
"How likely it is that people will ever comply with a moral theory is independent from the truth of the moral theory."
"The position we find ourselves in is if you want to enjoy or participate in ordinary life you're going to have to take new measures."
"Silence is compliance gang, we're a threat and we have to be eliminated."
"They all feel like they have to get in line for various reasons because they are scared that their licenses are going to be revoked if they don't follow obscure rules."
"Compliance is one of the most powerful acts because the only way they can control you is through your compliance."
"Failure to comply with these requirements is at risk of granting microbes a chance to survive."
"The vaccine mandates are not about public health at this point, it's about making you bend the knee."
"Regulated brokers are good, they abide by all the rules, pay all the fees."
"People are pretty good about wearing their masks."
"Every major corporation must mirror whatever is the woke priority of the day."
"Listen to what your state and local authorities are asking you to do it will protect your health your family's health and it will save lives."
"Sadly, this is a classic move of an old dominant company that believes the rules don't apply to them."
"I'm actually fine with this. Let's go with that."
"We will be fine because we can handle one whose ego and narcissism prevents him from doing this and a bunch of cowards who will go along."
"Whether Donald Trump violated the gag order with his threats directed at my co-host, which I think is a clear violation of the gag order."
"We have the ability to collaboratively build a more peaceful, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable world. All we have to do is do everything they say and everything will work out."
"My guidance to you if you want to avoid the risk of a criminal prosecution and a fine levied against you which could be an unlimited fine on level five then you ought to comply with the warrant."
"People really have been following the guidelines to an amazing degree."
"Eighty percent of their marked units reported having executed commissars during Operation Barbarossa."
"People don't want to comply with what they view as an infringement."
"We are moving into Basel III compliance at the end of the year."
"I simply stated, 'But I am in the dress code.' I urge you to read the employee handbook."
"Just listen whenever an officer, especially an officer, tells you to do something, listen to it."
"People are giving up their rights and their liberties so easily like dumb geese."
"That's why the president was very clear on these guidelines and how important they are that every American follows them."
"She earned Henry’s trust and gratitude not only for her conformity to his will but also for her continued devotion to his children."
"The federal government hadn't always been sticking to its own rule."
"Complying, giving in won't result in your life being secure, it'll just be a slow, you know, you're sinking in quicksand."
"It's just 15 days, it's just a mask, it's just a vaccine, it's just a booster, it's just your twice daily advisor pill."
"They brought that in you had to text the whereabouts."
"Wear the damn mask and follow the science. That's the key takeaway."
"Mississippi has taken that extra step of requiring people to do something, and that makes all the difference."
"I mean, it was like we asked him to do something, he did it, he worked hard, he ran, he was at the front or the back."
"When blue lights come on, you have to stop and yield to them."
"International law, including international humanitarian law, must be respected at all times."
"If you're just doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about."
"They just needed to be quiet about the whole thing."
"Some of the most beautiful malicious compliance stories are ones where they ask you for one hundred percent of something, and you give them 250 percent in return."
"Compliance is the goal, but we're fighting for your freedom."
"The extensive scheme was seemingly to illegally dodge detailed legal reporting requirements..."
"You don't question this. This is something you must do."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"This is without a doubt the best outcome possible from a bit of malicious compliance."
"We have to uphold our end of the bargain which is the non-compliance part."
"Howard Stern is the kind of guy that would immediately fall to his knees and offer anything to whoever."
"He's just bending the knee and doing whatever he's told."
"If Trump had just returned the documents without being chased down and denied, he would have been fine."
"I like to do things by the book when it comes to business things. I like to do them by the book."
"Everybody's compliance with them is reducing transmission."
"You have to know what the elements are to know which ones not to violate."
"Ensure brakes are within adjustment to avoid fines and ensure safety on the road."
"Everybody is being told not to do their job."
"The tragedy is how many people knuckled under."
"The guards do not care about your running box. Go on in front of them."
"Complicity is the worst part... we become enforcers of the very ideas we don't want."
"There are small elements of the rule of call that require no sacrifice at all."
"Being overly compliant can sometimes work against you."
"Exit, u-turn back, straightaway to tell your superior you found nothing."
"What they want from you is obedience compliance induced by fear."
"If you don't fit the culture and you don't adhere to the rules that are there good night and we'll move on."
"Put the mask over your [ __ ] nose like Rand Paul."
"Evil, as Hannah Arendt has shown us, is the banality often of just doing nothing, following the crowd, following your orders, being informed by outrage..."
"It has to be that because that's legal and that's the way you do it. I didn't just make this up. It's fucking rules of fucking wrestling that nobody listens to anymore."
"Public opinion, and business behaviour, is molded in order to make the public compliant to business interests."
"Why would any person of color ever comply with a police officer when there is a 50/50 shot of getting 'accidentally shot'? This is dangerous."
"Everyone out there knows it's as simple as that: you make the rules, you follow the rules."
"I have an ethics agreement that I signed that we carefully considered whether or not there could be conflicts of interest and I will religiously adhere to that agreement."
"This is not like we can't fault people for this right they want to they want to first of all adhere to what you're asking them to do but the ability to do that is not always a hundred percent right."
"There are more disturbing than the government's attempts are the people who are going along to support it."
"If you fail to take down the YouTube video or spread further content in relation thereto or take adverse actions against our client on the basis of your receipt of this letter we will advise our client to report your misconduct."
"The flip side is also within seven days, they have to notify TSA DHS and some other folks."
"Every business has a budget, everybody has to follow guidelines, everybody has to be able to follow rules."
"We hope that people will follow the rules and obey the stay-at-home order."
"These enhanced quarantine guidelines strengthen our quarantine guidance at a critical time in this pandemic by reducing the burden of quarantine to improve compliance."
"Complies every step of the way, so we're good there."
"You either go with the program or the program will terminate you."
"Now is not the time to be complacent, now is the time to really, really lock down and hone down on what we've been asked to do."
"When in history has it ever been a good thing to be a coward and compliant?"
"Don't pay the tax, don't register it, and have fun. But don't do that."
"Nothing's ever going to change if we keep complying. It's gonna get worse."
"Reiner believed that if he did everything Marley said, he could one day earn a better life for himself and his family."
"Forced compliance will only make things worse for everyone."
"I'm not going to comply. There's a difference between being like, we've been censored on some issues, some things we can't talk about."
"Compliance does not work here. You cannot obey your way out of tyranny."
"Everything ends when you stop complying with a system."
"Hand over your driver's license and your car, yeah, please."
"Follow the instructions from the CDC and our government and actually do our part."
"He essentially did whatever Aaron told him to do."
"I said on the ground, what are you running at me for?"
"Paul let de Mayo and his crew do as they pleased as long as he got his cut on time."
"We are in the greatest revival numerically that planet earth has ever witnessed."
"Let's just say she's doing what we told her to do."
"If they can force you to do it, you don't know how to die."
"One thing the writers certainly did right was remaining calm and complying with the trooper's orders."
"Don't mess around with your taxes. The IRS is absolutely hip to crypto, and you better be hip to doing your taxes and telling them that you have it."
"Let's just follow the rules, be happy, and one day we're going to look back on this."
"Don't forget to introduce your laws if you forget to do that you're gonna get in trouble."
"The CDC and World Health Organization have indeed said you should wear masks indoors even if you're fully vaccinated. Why are we doing any of this then?"
"Executives have no choice but to bend the knee."
"It's not for me to decide, but if those are the rules I'll certainly abide by them."
"Just say yes so that the stream can move along. There's literally no reason for you not to say yes."
"Control leads to compliance. Autonomy leads to engagement."
"YouTube agreed to pay a hundred and seventy million dollar fine."
"This issue with Coppa is too big for you to ignore."
"People are kind of not following them... until you can get the public to be compliant."
"Be good little brothers, be good, play the system, keep your mouth shut, don't say anything. WWE doesn't value you."
"Twitter banned Trump because Trump violated community guidelines. That's what every platform has."
"You cannot shame people into willful compliance and support of a cause."
"If everybody follows the existing rules, that will help us to control it."
"If you charge, collect, and pay sales tax, you're 100% safe no matter what."
"Return her from where she came from safely and sound. And he did exactly as he was commanded."
"Jesus followed the Jewish law, and Muslims uphold the law."
"Once they said do masks, it is an easy lift to wear a mask. It sucks but it was the safest thing to do."
"The letter of the law always should dictate what we do as officers." - Jennifer
"I don't want to give you the impression that you shouldn't follow the advice of agencies or departments whose responsibility is our safety."
"We reviewed all of the documents provided by Maricopa County in response to our requests and the answer is that none of the documents that they created meet the requirements."
"Apple's Global business is increasingly being threatened by things they have to do to make sure they stay in China's good graces."
"Teach kids the opposite, which is just do what I told you to do. Shut up."
"We teach kids the opposite, which is just do what I told you to do. Shut up."
"Your compliance is why they'll never leave you alone."
"You might feel like it doesn't stick, why would I do this? I don't know, man, just go along with it, you know what I'm saying?"
"Not only has the board agreed to turn over all the relevant information we sought in our subpoena so that we perform an audit, but they also acknowledge that the legislature is a sovereign power of the state."
"The device was tested and confirmed safe before being implanted into Greaves to serve as an indisputable, impartial record of what was discovered for council records, in compliance with the o5 edict."
"You don't mess with traffic lights because you're convinced that's an authority higher than you."
"Players of all clubs competing in European competitions are more frequently required at random to give blood or urine samples."
"Australian officials say tennis players should get their covid vaccines or risk missing January's Australian Open."
"If you do not do what we have instructed you to do, then next time you will be the one who loses."
"We can prevail, but only if we follow the rules together."
"They will demand your compliance by all means."
"The judge said whatever Scientology says are the rules are the rules."
"Basically, I'm just doing what the people with 10-year medical degrees say to do."
"Now we will obey the giant oppressive arrow of tutorials."
"We were late and upon arrival we found that the ramp installed by the venue to comply with accessibility regulations was nowhere close to code."
"Finding projects that have strong products already set up and are SEC compliant will mean they will capture a lot of early movers from traditional finance."
"There's no culture of compliance this is an organization that from the very top was sanctioning criminal activity."
"You get told what to do and then you do it, it's the military."
"If you join Ambit and you don't want to do it the right way, you won't last very long. It doesn't take Jere or I to find those people now. We have an army who love what we're doing and love our company, they'll police it."
"Alright, sir, you under arrest. Put your hands up, get on the ground, get on the ground now."
"The suffering is the point, not only are they saying they're going to remove you from your job unless you comply but you're not going to get any of the benefits that you paid into with your taxes."
"Next time the team gives you an instruction, follow it. It is not a request."
"They're gonna make us comply they're gonna trick us one way or the next they're either gonna scare us into it or they're gonna pay us to do it."
"He's been very compliant... He's been extremely quiet."
"Following the doctor's orders is always best."
"The solution must comply with federal regulations and consider a multitude of stakeholders."
"Ensure answers match the instructions - use no more than two words and/or a number."
"Policy needs to be accepted by people. You cannot come up with policy if more than 50% of the population is not going to obey it."
"There's no excuse for not complying with the law and releasing the records."
"Compliance is the science; one of the biggest impediments is the friction around doing the thing."
"He has also failed to submit income statements."
"Sir, your medical paperwork is not up to code. Could you please bring me your paperwork? I knew they would find me. I'll get that paperwork right away for you."
"You just gotta let them put that mask on you and then go on with your day grateful that you came out of it relatively unscathed."
"You gentlemen have been very compliant. Thank you very much."
"The World Health Organization could have governing powers over pandemics, even punishing countries if they don't comply."
"It's very hard for me to tell you what you need to do, but you need to know the local rules."
"He simply paid the fines and just kept it moving."
"One day you will wake up and say, 'I kept my mouth shut, I was good, wasn't I?'"
"Filing taxes is like being a part of the system, playing by the rules... it'll set you free."
"As long as you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, I'm cool with it."
"You can't actually pass a law that says Don't Do Anything wacky with banks again so the feds will stay within the lines that Congress has drawn."
"Standing up on a ride vehicle will likely cause the ride to stop."
"It's a violation of the Terms of Service or the EULA."
"It's a pretty smooth and compliant vehicle, especially daily driving around town."
"The question is not Putin anymore, the question is whether he will have enough people to carry his criminal crazy orders."
"I'm fully vaxxed and of course we are willing to respect all the rules."
"If all of society has an opinion... who's got the power to force everyone else to comply?" - Jimmy Carr
"This man wants the government to just simply abide by its agreements."
"If Trump had just given back the documents when they were asked for it, then none of this would be going on."
"So long as they keep smashing this in your face eventually you just give up and say fine please I'll take whatever you make me take."
"Regulatory compliance is at the center of everything that we do."
"Everyone else has been mandated at this point why are you special? That's how it happened."
"Are we following the letter of the law or the spirit of the law? What was the purpose of this law?"
"I'll allow it, I'll allow it, yep okay thank you."
"Financial fair play is very complex, gray areas."
"Thank you to everyone who's been following the clear rules that we set out on Monday."
"There's a reason that they're international treaties."
"The vault moves up and down on the pole so it's always ADA compliant." - Describing a unique feature of charger design that ensures accessibility.
"In first grade, I finished a test and flipped my paper over."