
Favoritism Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"Sometimes you're just God's favorite, and I feel like that's me today."
"When I became a psychologist, I began to notice favoritism of a different kind."
"You're genuinely one of my favorite people in the world."
"I think it was more a case that I was the favorite, and everybody likes the favorite to be beaten."
"Just remember to bring it to me, not Cindy. We're trying to make me look good here."
"You are one of my most favorite people ever."
"YouTube, you guys either play favorites, you are racist or it's a mix of the two. These are the three options YouTube, which one is it?" - Corey Kenshin
"Everyone wants to be heard that they're favorite but when Tyler tells you that you're the favorite then you know it's true."
"The Tiguan is definitely one of my favorite vehicles."
"Babies scooped in mouth: if your parents have never scooped you up in a similar manner you probably may not be the favorite Child."
"Ariana got pizza and tacos if she even hinted at wanting them. Basically, it was clear in everything they did that our parents loved my sister more than me."
"Ramos, the great, but for me personally, favoritism."
"I must not be picking favorites, but I like this girl."
"A lady for a Duke... Easily one of my favorite romance books I've read."
"Everything else is closed slash Griffin favored."
"Magnus is always gonna be the favorite no matter what."
"Eric ten Hag is still clearly the front runner for the job."
"You're amazing, Clowning, you're my favorite."
"If you want to fall into my favor, do something terrible to Pluto."
"He became what we call a champion of the overdog."
"I feel like we're supposed to be rooting for them."
"Bill is a highly altruistic character and one that the entity must favor."
"Ace is a character that I think the entity quite clearly likes."
"This new moon favors the Geminis over all the other signs."
"Jesus is a person who's already rigged in your favor."
"France looked focused, like favorites, they're on it."
"I trust Rosie now more than I trust you, okay? You three, me too."
"If it's a favorite let it be on merit... not unhealthy favoritism."
"Am I the jerk for exposing my parents' favoritism?"
"He's saying I'm not going to let you start off at the bottom and work your way up to the top because your mine."
"Favoritism isn't cool. It can ruin relationships."
"Each of you are my favorites in your own way."
"Barcelona are probably the favorites going into the game just because of how dominant they've been."
"He's got his Department of Justice working to jail his opposition... and get out of jail free card for himself and his son."
"You're God's favorite child, baby. He chose you."
"We're all God's favorites, every single one of you."
"I've seen it in different countries, referees favoring one specific team."
"If someone is doing something bad, you should not pretend those actions are good just because you favor that person, especially if you have a responsibility to teach them what's right and what's wrong."
"Just to sort of marvel at it and congratulate themselves on being so high up in Pharaoh's favor."
"Black Clover's power system is my favorite. It's complex, interesting, and makes power scaling entertaining."
"She assumed that if she elevated this young man and showed him favor to the point of bringing him great wealth and honor, he would completely and utterly be dedicated to her."
"Mewtwo is in my opinion the perfect pokemon."
"You guys are my favorite, you guys are the besties 100%."
"The golden child is the child that the narcissist puts on a pedestal."
"LeBron will be the sentimental favorite for MVP."
"G2 will be favorites to win the whole thing."
"They've got to be one of the favorites overall for the tournament."
"You're about to see an increase in finances, you're about to get favor from your boss."
"Favor enables you to enjoy that which you didn't have to labor for."
"Absolutely fantastic equipment and one of, if not my favorite."
"Leipzig have to be favorites. They've done so well in this competition."
"The favoritism that often exists in these families is really a problem."
"Favor makes you believe it even when you're not showing."
"They feel like you're their favorite and their priority."
"The proof of favor is access to the hearts of men."
"Meanwhile River is actually just the best character."
"Favor is what makes the scales balance over in your favor."
"June is about to be that month for you. About to see why I say June is the best month of the year."
"Pulse of Murasa: one of my favorite green cards in this entire set."
"I think that's a big gift because... you're my favorite because you're my first."
"The universe clearly has a soft spot for her."
"You may not be my favorite student, it does not mean that you are my least favorite son."
"Even gods have favorites, Jean-Luc, and you have always been one of mine."
"This Army is one of my all-time favorites."
"My Bretonnian Army is one of my favorites."
"He still treats us like we're his favorite."
"He has a way of making every man feel that he is enjoying his special favor."
"The Avatar would always favor humans in any rift between them and the spirits."
"That's why dad only cares about me."
"She's starting to understand why the former king showed so much favoritism towards Vanessa and now towards her."
"One of my favorite palettes for a very long time."
"His head is complicated and it would be great if Chester showed favor to him."
"You're the favorite, promotions coming your way."
"You just don't want him to look at my amazing beautiful slime that I did with my... No, I already know you're going to win because he always gives you special treatment."
"They all want to be on the good side of the new boss."
"Everybody thought he must have the inside track in the championship."
"My grandma, I was the only kid that got my ass whipped. She never hit my brother, never hit my cousin. Why?"
"We always project that onto somebody else or to the masses. No, you are highly favored."
"I didn't know anything about grooming, I didn't know anything about favoritism in that kind of a way."
"This executive saw Adam get special treatment again and again."
"If you're the underdog, they're all for you."
"they waived the rules for the special wizards in their lives all the time without ever considering that doing so is a potentially disastrous breach of ethics"
"James strolled around the court leaning on the younger man's arm, making no effort to hide that Carr was now his personal favorite."
"Despite his unfavorable position in the first novel, Sir Jorah really does go on to display an incredible level of loyalty to Daenerys Targaryen."
"Jake's definitely the favorite, huh?"
"Political cronyism has been plaguing the country for years."
"You're always gonna be her favorite daughter-in-law," he says.
"...if you don't work a job where it's easy to kind of quantify who is the better worker...everything is really run by favoritism..."
"The people that are known as the favorites, the players out there know they're the favorites for a reason."
"this is a real winner in my book I like this card a lot."
"You are his favorite son and daughter."
"The problem with being favored is, if you're favored, you're called to do the impossible."
"All the gods assembled together to give me eternal life. Who is going to call all the gods together for you?"
"It's like they really wanted to make sure she got to the end... they really loved her... they didn't want to lose that on their pride booking because she's already named, yeah."
"She's always been amazing and one of my absolute favorites."
"Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite."
"We all give special consideration to our own in-group that we wouldn't give to other groups."
"Everything this company does especially for the women, I'm talking about the women, everything this company does is for their favorites. Everything they do in the women's division is Charlotte. Everything."
"I honestly think she might be one of my favorites."
"He treats them way more better than he treats her."
"Nature knows no favoritism and refuses to deviate from its course of inevitability."
"Right now, Reiner is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show because from the beginning, he's never been the villain."
"Andy goes with the wind, he goes with whoever he feels like is the fan favorite, let's be honest."
"All the members of your family are favored in anything they do anywhere they go."
"He made him a favorite. Something became of interest to the chattering classes, so the very middle class crowd and boys were crowded. He doesn't like himself if the truth be told."
"Nepotism is when you get favored treatment because of a family member."
"There we go, win-win, I love being the chosen one."
"You spent lily's entire life punishing her for what her parents did can you imagine the hurt and pain she must have felt growing up watching her cousins get cool trips awesome gifts paid for college while her uncle refused to even look at her."
"His dedication to the monarchy and warm personality have made him a favored child amongst his parents and the general public."
"...everybody knows I'm dad's favorite."
"I had always been her Golden Boy never doing anything to disappoint her."
"...you're not the jerk at all. Your mom has clearly been playing favorites towards John and Terry, and it's obvious that she makes you do all this stuff when they could easily do it themselves."
"I had a favorite in that fight and it wasn't Iran."
"Granny treated me different than anybody in the family. I was the favorite, for sure."
"She'll still treat them like like she doesn't favor and that's why people don't see that but she doesn't favor anybody cuz to her all of you are class members."
"You might be more gifted than me, but you're not more preferred than me. You might be more talented than me, but He still prefers me."
"The master wasn't ever playing favorites. He liked both of us equally."
"I am the favorite, and I like that. It makes them all worried about me."
"It was just they put you there, or they take you down. It's all favor, not merit."
"At best, Kakashi is a subpar sensei. His teachings are poor, and he plays favorites."
"Nothing against any my other guest because I've loved everybody I've had here but this was probably one of my favorite ones."
"Out of all my children. He was the most creative."
"I'm his favorite. I keep him in his job."
"Sophia is our favorite babysitter."
"Black support black, ain't nothing wrong with a little bit of nepotism."
"...but it kept getting brought up and so he kind of like told me he was like, 'Oh you know, people think I favor you, right?' And I was just like, 'Well, that's on them, like I don't care.'"
"I can't believe that you, Kashina, would abandon one child for the other. This clearly shows me that you are playing favorites with your children." - Orochimaru
"These may be my favorite for a while."
"You show favoritism to the rich man. Many Christians have not understood that partiality is one of the biggest sins I have found among elders and pastors in churches."
"No, love doesn't have anything to do with a favorite."
"Everyone's got the favorite, everyone's got the one that might get the bigger piece of me."
"This is my favorite. It's weirdly like not very viral but I think it should be."
"Taylor's favorite child and I knew she was going to get some special treatment."
"...it's just a weird economy of favoritism and uh, you know, injustice."
"This movie is nothing short of a masterpiece it will go down as one of my favorite movies"
"He was definitely the crowd favorite."
"That was one of our bads, uh. So, who's the favorite? We'll close it out. Me, that, yeah, by far. Probably. People love to feed an ego."
"My kids would say how can you treat our kids so so much different than you treat us like well I love them only a father can say that and mean it."
"Chris Jericho the referee rang the bell when Kevin was obviously distracted so he's showing favoritism fired that referee."
"He makes the Harlequins a little grumpy. I think he's mentioned several times as being favored by the gods of the ruinous powers like they're like 'We like you,' but he's like, 'Yeah, cringe, go away.'"
"Nepotism is essentially a form of corruption."
"...if you sense favoritism if you scale it out over the course of your entire life it evens out you know..."
"If Harry liked you, he could make you a star."
"I've noticed that in families, there's one or two of the kids set aside, you know, from the rest. It's like God has a... I don't know, He just seems to look out for one or two of His kids, at least. It's pretty crazy."
"You're my favorite in this room right now"
"...Facebook will favor you and they will list your products more higher in the ranking search."
"The way you're mom acted when you were a child and how she basically pushed you to the Wayside all so she could send all her Focus towards your sister, that in my opinion is so uncalled for."
"The more someone is liked, the less likely that they're going to get as strict of treatment as someone who is disliked."
"I don't know why I'm his favorite child. I just feel that way."
"Walt took a liking to you immediately."
"Don't play favorites or make it even appear that you're playing favorites."
"There was once a king who had three sons and he loved them all so tenderly that each one was dearer to him than the others."
"My mom was everything to all of us and each boy would swear that they're my mom's favorite but that just gives credit to her."
"Angela doesn't deserve all the money and attention you give her."
"And I just want you to know that you are still my favorite."
"I just want her to acknowledge me just once and go boost to Peter, mine."
"Mark is my new favorite person, you know."
"If they get an unfair promotion and unfair pay, that's nepotism."
"There's 15 maybe riders who you could put on the favor at least."
"I love Martha; he loved them all, but Mary got it."
"I gotta say it's one of my favorites from today. Look how stunning this looks."
"You're definitely one of the front runners and one of the favorites."
"King Edward also showed great favor towards his queen Elizabeth Woodville and her family."
"She was my favorite in the acting challenge overall."
"I think they've got winners in the team staff that have won things they've got players that have one thing that's why for me they're their favorites over."
"Isn't it funny how people like that are protected?"
"This car has won me over big-time."
"You are my new favorite right now."
"Favoritism is based on your performance or another person's agenda, favor is the tangible blessing of God."
"This has just been my favorite microphone for as long as I've owned it now."
"We are all special to the Lord, we are all His favorite, each one is favorite."
"Treat your children equally, and avoid playing favorites to prevent future heartache."
"Rooting for Blake, I'm rooting for Blake, of that that's a no-brainer."
"Every parent has a favorite child, they're lying kids if they say they don't."
"You literally one of my favorite people."
"No favorites, everyone on this team is my favorite."
"You're my favorite 'cause you remind me of myself."
"I'll always be her favorite because I'm the first girl."
"I love her most of all out of the whole out of all our housemates I love Kelly the most of all."
"When you compare the talents of these two teams, there's a good reason why the Oilers on the road are favorites today."
"She deserves to be the favorite, but she's not stand out enough to just kind of lean on her."
"Dustin though continuing to be my favorite character."
"This is one of my favorite issues of Uncanny X-Men."
"She was completely the favorite of her grandmothers."
"My baby sister is the golden child."
"This is amazing, seriously it might be one of my favorite things that we've had at this event."
"She's been a favorite ever since."
"Let's be honest, there's people that we all love more than others."
"We're pretty sure I'm the favorite parent, a fact that keeps my ego well inflated."
"I love this face cream, I think it's really nice just for every day."
"I want the whole world to know you are our Go family's favorite little princess."
"Of all the cops I've ever known, you're my favorite."
"From a young age, I knew my parents doted on Bob because of his talents."
"I love you all equally, just some more than others."
"It is that good, has my highest recommendation and is without a doubt my favorite figure of 2022."
"This is The Four Horsemen. I consider this to be one of the best songs on the album."
"The Nets remain the consensus favorites to win the NBA title."
"We're treating QJ like the favorite kid, only because it's your birthday."
"These are still some of the well, they are my favorite pedals that I've ever bought."
"Favor will put you at odds with people you love."