
Neglect Quotes

There are 797 quotes

"Neglect starts as an infection and, if you don't take care of it, becomes a disease."
"The greatest pain a human can face is not physical pain, it's neglect."
"Benign neglect was the idea that we've made enough progress for black people, so now we just go ahead and not do anything for black people anymore."
"It seems that there really wasn't one person in the world who took enough time to find these things out about this little girl."
"Ignoring your God self is the worst thing that you can do."
"No child should be subjected to neglect and physical abuse like Jamari was."
"I have family members who got kids who are not working and not showing up for those kids and that is so unfortunate."
"When you tell someone, 'This is how I need to be loved,' and they go out of their way to blatantly ignore that, he doesn't love you."
"A wound that isn't cared for festers. It deepens, spreads like a virus under the skin, eventually reaching the brain and suffocating it."
"Shining a light on just how neglectful the child welfare system can be is so, so important."
"Every child left behind because we just let them... like we kicked them all out of school."
"Nearly 150 suffering dogs were found in a big abandoned property in Dixie County, Florida."
"When you don't care enough to pay attention to the evidence, you're ignoring justice."
"I pulled every employee out of this bar I put about 22 customers in the bar they're not being served and Brad is sitting on his butt in a booth oblivious to all of this."
"This young bright worthy young woman was so neglected by those that were supposed to support and protect her in the military that she got so wrapped up in drugs to try to ease her pain that it killed her."
"Government, we almost forget that it has a proper role because it's decayed to the point where we sort of forget that there is a useful role for government as a problem-solving structure."
"If you ignore it, something bigger will happen."
"A lack of understanding about how to properly care for the wild animals often results in mistreatment and neglect."
"Odin just kind of pawned Loki off on Frigga instead of making sure his adopted son felt cared about by both of his parents."
"Just look at all that history turning it to dust right before your very eyes as if it doesn't matter."
"Birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations generally used to pass by without him being around."
"The Jehovah's Witness organization is a group wrestling with huge internal contradictions... neglecting and abusing its own members in the most callous heartless ways."
"Harry described his family's silence as neglect."
"In what world is it okay to leave somebody lying in their own feces and bodily fluids bleeding and bruised like in in what way is that caretaking in any way shape or form right?"
"Many people were left to die in horrific circumstances."
"If you posit that there was a conspiracy then it's possible that they said, 'Let's just leave him there for a while.'"
"Regardless of if this is true or not, Ruby and Jordy duct-taping their children, starving them, and doing all the other stuff that we've heard over the years, it's not okay."
"It's a month that people neglect, between Rajab and Ramadan."
"Yes, the cops arrived and the entitled mother of the kids found her severely dehydrated children on the floor unconscious."
"You shouldn't have to behave in a way to keep your partner faithful, yet at the same time, you need to understand that constant neglect increases vulnerability."
"He did nothing to offer aid to the people dying around him."
"They don't care about you, they don't care about your feelings."
"Chloe: 'Nobody waters the plant here.' Symbolic neglect."
"They had nothing around the age of 16... and now we don't care what happens to you."
"Neglecting your body, particularly through a lack of physical activity, can have profound effects on our vibrational energy."
"Nobody phoned them, not one person's phoned an ambulance."
"Ignoring them is how you end up with a Republican committee voting against protecting children."
"Helga reveals that she was severely neglected as a child."
"This room is like so empty like this is the one room we have not put any effort into since moving."
"It's like a dusty corner of the app with cobwebs and stuff like that, tumbleweed rolling across it."
"She went there begging for help... but instead, she was completely broken down and turned into a zombie."
"It's really not that complicated it's just that nobody takes the time to learn because nobody ever talks about what I talk about I don't know why it's never discussed."
"On this day, we shall act as one and we shall be ignored."
"Bad stuff always happens to kids whose parents don't love them."
"Steve literally said 'help me, help me from hurting myself' and he said they just left me, they just left me with nothing."
"It's like it's been right in front of our faces, and maybe even we've seen it a little bit or it's been brought to our attention, but we've swept it under the rug."
"Even this detail as damning as it is, the fact that a mother would not report her daughter missing for 31 days, it's still not true, it's even worse."
"They didn't care, they refused me medical treatment, they wouldn't even open the door, they want to let you die."
"Truth is slowly getting abandoned, marginalized, neglected."
"This is a skeleton with skin. You're not taking care of yourself."
"Nobody cares about you anymore, you're going to fade into irrelevance."
"Around the globe, dogs are starving for both food and attention."
"All the things that do deserve attention... have received none."
"Neglect is something that, if you've had a child, you've experienced."
"You left your girlfriend hungry, that's what you did."
"I spent all my time on the church and now my house has fallen into ruins."
"Are we just going to pretend that these type of people don't exist? Are we going to pretend that we haven't broken a social contract with a certain group of people in this country and that there are ramifications of it?"
"Eric wasn't getting the same level of nurturing and discipline as his other siblings."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"Heavenly Father, people do not care about the pain I am going through, I need you to step into my situation and heal me instantly."
"The actual story has been ignored into obscurity."
"There's a total neglect of the working class in America."
"American society has given up on educating children... it's one of the most shameful and cowardly things I have ever seen."
"This man just ignored the biggest political story of the week."
"Unused ships often left to rot make for a jarring sight."
"Are you kidding me, someone left their dog out here while they went thrifting? I am just speechless."
"When you don't acknowledge it at all, that's a group of people that might find another way to hurt you more maliciously behind the scenes."
"The fact that perfect been lost is that this match takes place 10 years to the day when I was forced to retire. It's not mentioned, no video packages, no social media platforms, no touching videos with piano music as the bed. No nothing."
"I just get so tied up doing this and that that I don't take proper care of myself often."
"There's really no system that's really looking out for them."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"They have to come here I have blondes in the afternoon there is no one home me suddenly very sad realizing how much entitled mom does not care about her very wonderful kids."
"None of the teachers at the school appear to give half a [__] about the students."
"For 38 minutes, nobody goes to try to make contact with David, they don't try to help him, they don't check on him."
"Beatrice can be seen as a passive-aggressive, neglectful, bitter, verbally, and sickly abusive mother."
"The government wants them all to just disappear and go away."
"The real problems of mankind are not being dealt with."
"Antanimora Prison: a breeding ground for disease and malnutrition."
"There’s an argument that Marge becomes too cold toward Bart, not bothering to wake him up and making a snow family without him."
"2020, I put myself and my self-care like to the side to be honest."
"You have allowed someone else to take my place, and that is one reason why you have felt unwell in recent days."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about people like you, Arthur, and they really don't give a [ __ ] about people like me either."
"This is immunologically the most important, in my view, the most important piece of immunological information we need. No one is studying it and that is surprising."
"Sleep is sort of that neglected fourth leg of the table."
"Denji had never received treatment as a human, and the concept of self-worth or respect was far beyond him."
"Perseverance, like my pop plants in the studio, still thriving after many, many, many weeks of neglect."
"I wonder if they just left it on a shelf somewhere, you know? Just gathering dust."
"Deserted ships: a warning of the effects of human mismanagement."
"Neglect is one of the worst evils you can do to somebody."
"A part that a lot of people neglect is communications."
"He saw vulnerability in Kiki instead of protecting her."
"This sounds like the origin story for a severely developmentally stunted kid locked in a room deprived of parental affection."
"Three years is a long time to not really take care of your hygiene and stuff like that, and a lot can go wrong in three years."
"Nobody else to do it nobody doing anything Caswell."
"Acceptance is the part that we actually kind of put aside."
"They are expected to, outright told to neglect their children."
"Frankie and Hildebrandt are accused of tying up her children with duct tape and them being malnourished."
"Our society offers very little to address people's struggles."
"But even though it has more or less kind of been left to itself, there's just never been the flare and the value addition required."
"If someone doesn't come to visit you, if someone doesn't care to be in your life, believe them. Their actions know."
"Scant attention given to the Grand Challenge of our age."
"People who have never been listened to are often driven to desperate measures."
"They were injured, they really neglected Edgy like some of those really dull people they built up from the beginning."
"It's forcing your fish to almost forget about the others."
"What the hell is going on? Must've forgot to get the oil change or something."
"They're happy to see it empty it's a disgrace."
"Our generation has spent too little time with the younger generation."
"He left me and sod and went upstairs with Maddie and Antonio in our room and then I went up there and he didn't care about me."
"Police initially just dismissed her, they told Carol that it sounded like Jill was just a runaway."
"When human beings made me, they entered into a contract which they have always chosen to ignore."
"WWE did not give a [ __ ] about Sting. Nobody in that company gave a [ __ ] about Sting."
"It will cause you to get into and stay in relationships where in fact you're not cared for."
"It is important to understand that unlike physical neglect, emotional neglect is not always abusive."
"Ignoring our intuition and our emotions creates a state of indecision."
"When we neglect them in the first few years, they learn to isolate and don't trust people."
"The stuff dreams are made of wasn't dead but merely neglected and forgotten."
"The topics that I cover are topics that have been neglected by our education system."
"London didn’t even attempt to enforce he mercantilist Navigation Acts. This period, known as salutary neglect, lasted 70 years."
"The sport of MMA has forgotten about me."
"He didn't get the help that he needed when he needed it the most."
"The idea of a toy who didn't sell well and is essentially trapped inside his box because no one ever opened him to ever play with him is simply perfect."
"One could say that people were more caring about Karen after her death than they had been during her life."
"If my needs are ignored, then the world I'm living in is a real damage."
"Everyone knows about the house they have entered at some time during their lifetime, a house of a friend; the yard is beautifully kept up, the house is well painted, but inside of the house there is neglect."
"My golf clubs were starting to collect a lot of dust."
"He almost seems like nobody cared about him."
"It's going to be dangerous if we neglect what we're seeing right here on these graphs."
"We really don't take care of this beautiful island we have."
"They realize they stopped nurturing the relationship."
"He also throws in some high kicks and some high-pitched yes sending us off in style all the while ignoring the patient that's flatlining in the foreground."
"So surprisingly, it looks like nobody had rebuilt this."
"I hated my parents, they ignored me 24/7 because they were famous actors."
"Nobody really talks about what's going on with her anymore and that's a shame."
"Imagine feeling like you're not a priority even on your birthday."
"Humans aren't taking care of their environment."
"Love doesn't die a natural death; love has to be killed either by neglect or narcissism."
"The chipping paint and warped windows, the doors with rusted hinges and the floorboards that squeal with each step."
"The fundamental problem that we have within the black community is that there is nobody paying attention."
"He's just been getting screwed over the whole time. Nobody's actually trying to help him."
"There are communities that are in dire need that are not getting any of the resources that we have."
"He refuses to take me to the doctor."
"Trauma is perhaps the most avoided belittled denied misunderstood and untreated cause of human suffering."
"Trauma occurs when a child doesn't feel seen, known, or connected."
"He didn't treat the wound either, he just went back to watching TV afterwards like he didn't get third degree burns."
"The worst possible thing is to be ignored. It's a terribly dark place."
"They didn't get no rent. They didn't fix the damn door."
"You let me go, you let me wander off. That's what you did."
"When you understand that the person that you've been neglecting, the person that you've been restricting, the person that you haven't been loving, the person that you have been self-sabotaging is yourself."
"Childhood emotional neglect is not a form of child abuse because it's subtle and usually unintentional rather than a direct act. It's the absence of action. It's essentially inaction."
"Chad is on this list not because he's treated awfully or anything but because he doesn't receive any treatment at all."
"Neglecting any muscle group is probably going to bite you in the future."
"So many of us are just super quick to neglect the importance of keeping our brains as healthy as possible."
"It's a very misunderstood part of childhood emotional neglect that people would think this is a sign that they didn't experience it when in fact it's proof that they did."
"What it requires for our child to not feel emotionally neglected is they need focused emotional attention."
"Frank neglected this, resulting in the brutal killing of his wife and daughter by the monsters who devoured all their organs."
"I haven't worn it in like several years."
"The spiritual life is not at variance with the natural life; it is rather that the natural life, having for a long time continued without leadership, presents the same situation to us as a neglected child."
"Our objective life has gradually drifted away from our spiritual purpose; it has done so because the objective life has been continuously cultivated and the spiritual purpose has been consistently ignored."
"If anything, the story of Jason Vorhees shows us that even a small amount of neglect can result in a Stupify amount of evil."
"We don't... They don't care about us."
"Everything you've neglected for yourself, you're finally doing."
"We've got American citizens that are suffering from mental illness, from drug addiction, and we're not doing anything about it."
"Deep wounds may happen quickly, but failing to properly tend them causes them to fester and impact all aspects of your life."
"Nobody cares to know me. Nobody cares about me," it trailed off, mumbling nonsense and whimpering under its breath, no longer paying me much attention.
"You could be financially in a great space but the family is not. Everybody in this house has needs and wants. If these needs and wants get neglected because you're chasing success, then you still failed right there."
"Oh, right, we didn't speak to you."
"Maybe they feel neglected, not your first priority."
"He is a forgotten man. By his family, by the corporate world he inhabits, by the audience, and even intentionally by the show at times."
"The concrete ground was littered with waste and the walls smudged with caked dirt."
"If they don't take care of it, it'll become a stronghold and it will destroy."
"Home? Where to? A mother who doesn't care about you."
"She would rather leave them to die."
"It's one of the biggest issues that no one's paying attention to."
"He didn't attempt to hold his wife who had fallen down the stairs and had died subsequently."
"These are the two inconvenient truths we've thrown in the garbage can."
"When it becomes toxic is when somebody with intention begins to neglect you."
"It's like they could care less about the kids seeing this."
"It's like a car that sit in the garage too long, it ain't going to start after a while."
"If you let it go, it's gonna get worse and worse."
"As soon as they get a new helmet, first thing they do is they drop it on the ground."
"An entire Library that's completely abandoned."
"When we starve our relationships, is when we stop doing them."
"This child was never loved, never cared for, couldn't attach to anyone emotionally."
"Don't leave your family out of that blood protection by neglect."
"The only thing worse than this is being ignored."
"We forgot about the case back entirely."
"I felt worthless probably, but then I think not having a dad... it's interesting this dynamic between Sean talking about abuse and Theo talking about neglect and how it manifested in both of their lives. It's a really profound conversation and this is just a profound moment."
"The sad truth for Olga is when she went to police for help, she was let down by people who did not believe her, and the officers didn't record her allegations properly, which meant John Edwards wasn't flagged as dangerous when he applied for his gun license."
"Abandoned places tell stories of past glories and present neglect."
"I still didn't do that effing shirt until the whites were done and no one even cared because it doesn't matter, bees."
"Neglect isn't just by you not getting the things that you need when you were younger, like if your emotional needs weren't met, that's also neglect."
"It's just not using all of the good ideas we've had in the meantime. It's a disavowal of the presence and the near present."
"This person is just trying to work with you despite feeling neglected or despite feeling like you're not really supporting them."
"It doesn't look like you'd want to look after them, and that's just tragic for those kids."
"Whatever you neglect will give you pain."
"with every day that passes more and more balls are neglected balls that could bring so much Joy to the World are tossed aside"
"Since they didn't bother to acknowledge God, He quit bothering them and let them run loose, and then all hell broke loose."
"Disney neglected themselves clearly in this case."
"Marlo is a byproduct of the game. His brutality and lust for the crown are consequences of society's neglect."
"Honestly, I have always neglected because it just looks boring."