
Vastness Quotes

There are 773 quotes

"The galaxy is absolutely massive... there are 400 billion star systems."
"Have this sense of vastness. You are vaster than the eternities of time and the immensities of space."
"Space is incredible, it's so vast, it's daunting, and yet it's so filled with dazzling sights."
"The nature of his imagery is so vast all we're doing is capturing what's already intrinsically cinematic."
"We live in an unfathomably vast world, and each of us has our own individual journey through it."
"The universe is vast vast in a way that we humans can't even begin to comprehend."
"Could it be that space is so unimaginably vast, it's the vastest of vastness that our odds of even detecting a sentient civilization are close to zero..."
"Space is far more vast than we can comprehend and filled with phenomenon we barely understand."
"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst Untold billions."
"Imagine the entire United States covered in a lumpy, uneven parking lot, like asphalt everywhere as far as the eye can see."
"The full experience of awe requires vastness."
"The vast emptiness of the Australian outback is like nowhere else on Earth."
"They're me six hundred thousand men, all full of unbelief."
"The world is the true star of the show... They just stretch endlessly."
"The universe is an incredibly vast and mysterious place."
"Mongolia does not disappoint, imagine a territory half as large as Europe but with only two and a half million inhabitants, the land of the eternal blue sky is ideal for those who hope to find in ever shrinking world remote in amazing places."
"The sea of stars, where every crevice is filled with light."
"The game is so vast and there's just so many things."
"Space is so big that it's almost the exact opposite."
"Imagine looking on the horizon and sunrise is half the sky."
"Space: it's big. Really big. Mind-bogglingly big."
"Earth is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark."
"Out there in space, there are more stars than grains of sand on the entire planet Earth."
"God's love for each one of us was that deep and that vast and that wide and that immeasurable."
"Space: there's a whole lot of it, it's the biggest something out of all the everything."
"The sense of vastness of space, sense of freedom, that you can go anywhere you want is the more important thing."
"The Imperium of the 41st Millennium is near to unimaginably vast."
"We're not even talking about a universe that stretches far and wide and is never ending..."
"The potential for manifestation is unlimited now revel in its vastness."
"It was a vast crazy insane world where you can spend up to a hundred and fifty hours just wandering around just doing whatever you want to do and yeah my god it was you know this is such a vast game to me that it kind of knocked me out."
"Using your eyes is important, especially in a world that is as vast as this."
"Old oceans were absolutely gigantic sometimes going up to 100,000 blocks in length."
"Like space itself, 2001 ultimately proves immense and impenetrable, feeling like something the mind wasn’t meant to fully encompass."
"Exploring the Amazon is like exploring space. It's just endless, you know? It's endless and it's dense."
"One thing that really struck me when I first started covering space stuff about a decade ago was just how big everything really is."
"We are just a drop in its vast ocean of mystery."
"We might be the individual spiders at the center of the web, but we are connected to and creators of something much more vast."
"Life is just so much bigger than us."
"Vast and lonely as the ocean, and even as all things came from it, so shall they return there too."
"Sometimes you'd stand out there and look in any direction, and it was just flat wild land and farmland that just stretched on and on."
"Space is like really, really big. I mean, you may think it's a long way to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space."
"Big country, big country. That's how vast it was, we were just a speck in the middle of it."
"The Milky Way stretched across the heavens like an oasis in a black desert."
"The universe is an unimaginably large place; it's so big it's really hard for human beings to actually comprehend."
"He LITERALLY travels the ENTIRE Grand Line."
"The knowledge is so enormous, it's just a drop in the ocean."
"Space is big, big and miraculous."
"In LA, it just felt endless, spider-webbing outward in all directions."
"Just one sensor of the 189 sensors on this camera when it's resolving the sky will capture tens of thousands of galaxies and stars."
"You can't trap the ocean in your fist; it leaks through your fingers."
"There are more stars in space than grains of sand in the world."
"It's beyond comprehension to calculate."
"This place is so big you can come with a small group of people and get lost."
"Just how vast this beautiful existence really is."
"The endless expanse of the ocean with its unchanging Horizon can sometimes feel like a Relentless unbroken cycle."
"There are trillions upon trillions of galaxies, nebulas, and stars and nearly infinite possibilities out there."
"The internet is like a bookshelf of the Gods."
"...just the vastness of it... it's breathtaking."
"Life is so much bigger, I think there is so so much more than we can comprehend."
"I just love being out in places like this where you can see in every direction forever."
"The universe is a mind-boggling place."
"Count the stars in the sky; you mean it's infinite."
"Ah, the Internet really does have everything."
"The universe we live in is mind-numbingly vast."
"The world is bigger than what any of us can imagine."
"There is an ocean of media just waiting to be delved into."
"Wow, this whole place is about 12,200 feet, and I can tell like this place is big. Like, I don't even know when it's going to end."
"The universe wants you to know that it's big."
"However big you think the universe is, it's bigger."
"The universe contains billions of galaxies."
"It is much deeper and much wider than you've ever dreamt or imagined."
"The universe's vastness is almost beyond comprehension, stretching over billions of light-years across."
"Journey into the Sahara Desert where golden Dunes stretch endlessly."
"I don't have any knowledge of the field as a whole. It's a whole huge world, right?"
"It's bigger than you think. I know the word awesome is overused but it's like wow."
"Looking out at such a vast expanse, I feel incredibly privileged."
"The universe went from being just a couple thousand light years across to billions."
"Look at all that space, fam. That's a lot of space."
"The universe is too big to contain itself."
"Antarctica: vast, silent, frozen, empty, and irresistible."
"The vastness of the polished table gleaming in the soft light."
"It's incredibly diverse. It has amazing different landscapes, and it actually feels a lot bigger than it is."
"Even if you have a single universe, if it's infinite you already have as much vastness as you could possibly hope for and more."
"This massive land stretched from pole to pole with vast deserts in the center."
"The cosmos is a vast and pitiless void."
"Gosh, it is just absolutely endless fields on fields on fields of sunflowers."
"The world of spirituality is so vast that it's virtually impossible to fathom it in one lifetime."
"The ocean is the vast nothing, yeah, that's terrifying."
"This beach just looks like it goes on forever."
"You just want to fill a whole lot of that sky."
"In our galaxy alone there are countless Stars really you can't count on them near each one of them may be a planet."
"Seeing so many stars just reminds me of how small we really are, how insignificant is our existence."
"Space is big. Space is quite really big."
"Space is immensely vast, and our exploration has just begun."
"It's a show that's given us huge universes to explore, massive stories to get lost in."
"The sky is high and the sea is wide."
"As far as you can see, there are mountains."
"The horizon is the place where things are infinitely stretched."
"The thing that has ruined me is the fact that there's so much more than even... Like, we will never know. Like, in the observable universe, let alone beyond the observable universe."
"A monolith of human Dominion spanning a million Worlds."
"There are some hundred billion galaxies, each with on average a hundred billion stars."
"Our galaxy is beyond immense, containing more stars than every human who has ever lived, and even more planets than that."
"If the 93 million miles between Earth and the Sun were reduced to the thickness of a piece of paper, the distance to the nearest star would be a stack of paper 70 feet high."
"Nothing but Stars scattered across the Blackness."
"We're so incredibly vast. Those countries are no bigger than half of a state here in the United States."
"The immense size of the Anza Borrego Desert State Park fills the mind and eye."
"The caves were Timeless, vast, silent."
"Every hunt, we're really in the middle of nowhere. There's 11,000 square miles of territory here as part of Canol. You don't really realize how vast it is until you're flying in here."
"2 times 10 to the 67 years to evaporate away."
"There's a vastness a boundlessness its continuous space interior and through your body and through all space beyond the through the Stars continuous space filled with the light of awareness."
"Incredibly vast and ridiculously up and down."
"The Universe first of all is much bigger than we thought."
"Now I will say that we've only touched a very small amount of what's actually here."
"This place is huge, dude. Like, you could make a hundred spin-off movies about everything in this warehouse."
"To say that you have the entire galaxy to explore would simply be an understatement."
"There's so much space in between stars."
"The Canadian wilderness is vast. It just seems to go on forever."
"Awe is an emotion we experience when we're in the presence of something vast and indescribable."
"The vacuum of space, it is insane."
"that love could encapsulate not only the world but the whole universe"
"...fields stretching out for miles and miles."
"Think of a library just like a library in real life, just a massive place that contains thousands and thousands of books."
"The universe is unimaginably vast."
"The world is minute and vast both which is seems very Bishop."
"BLM land on the other hand, it's just wide open."
"the serenity you could find in the fresh air was eternal as was its sheer size"
"Only then did I begin to comprehend how big China really was, looking down upon this vastness the sentiment expressed by the line, 'Cramped Japan is no place for me,' was easy to understand."
"The woods seemed to stretch endlessly, a maze of trees and secrets."
"I think this is honestly the best way to do it you get to build some appreciation for the scale of how far it is from America end of respect and appreciation for just how vast this landscape is out here with pretty much nothing."
"The internet's vast, almost as big as the real world."
"When you begin to see the details, the points or the structure of the details, even if you just get little glimmers, it shows you the vastness of the ocean."
"The sky is big, five million times the earth's oceans."
"Space is vast and the possibilities are endless."
"The stars are in space, all of them."
"The differences between alien intelligence and humans is going to be vast."
"If you want to feel humbled, look up at the sky. Yeah, and then because it's so vast, the universe is so huge."
"Space is immense, and its future will run unnumbered trillions of years."
"The universe is a vast expanse of infinite abundance."
"We'd be exploring just a tiny, tiny fraction of the system of caverns that lies hidden beneath the jungle."
"There's just this huge sort of world of data out there."
"This ominous expanse literally knows no bounds."
"My love is deeper than the deepest ocean, vaster than the expanse of the sky."
"Nothing except what is nearly a point in space that contained everything in the known universe."
"The Honeycomb Buttes offer solitude and vastness."
"You are vast and infinite, all-pervading, eternal, and non-dual."
"Give me oceans. Oceans are huge, literally. Oceans are the body of water I like."
"The vastness of space between the stars is enough to make your mind explode."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is so vast, it's so incredible."
"You could find the one here? Population's like over a billion people."
"The fact is you can't measure a billion."
"There are more yet to be revealed galaxies than there are galaxies in the visible universe."
"The great voids have profound implications for cosmology."
"The universe is way bigger than you think."
"Space is huge and it is as infinite as it is beautiful."
"There's so much variety, such an expansive universe."
"You begin to understand how vast the universe is."
"...representing the incredibly large and cosmic."
"The sky's big and you can lay it down."
"And by extension, the whole Multiverse."
"The possibilities are absolutely immense."
"The universe is bigger than anything you can imagine."
"The universe contains an incomprehensible amount of objects."
"Large open spaces with views as far as the eye can see."
"There's enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America in a foot of water."
"Nobody hunts here, that's 300 acres of crop fields."
"We're at the center the very center of this ridiculously huge remote country."
"Alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide, wide sea."
"The vastness of this place is incredible, the biggest place some of them will ever fish in their lives."
"There's a billion, billion zillion solar systems. Of course, there's gotta be."
"It's mind-blowing, yeah, to think how many things you can just fit down into the ocean and it wouldn't even like be a speck."
"The deep black star-studded sky seemed a hint at something mysterious just out of reach."
"There is over 5,200 acres of skiable area. Are you kidding me? It's huge!"
"The vast sea of sand stretched out in every direction."
"And where does the newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite."
"Siberia a place so vast that it makes everywhere else look like a backyard."
"No bounds, no limits in the size."
"The universe is a vast and mysterious place."
"A random Cubic Light Year of space would contain around a billion-billion-billion such pockets."
"The universe is an enormous object."
"It's an artificial world with more surface area than 30 million earths all laid flat end to end."
"The vast Bitterroot Mountain Range, named after the state flower of Montana, is a subrange of the Rockies, and span nearly 62,000 square kilometers."
"We were camped on the banks of the river that night. There were campfires as far as your eye could see."
"Energy fields people talk about... the electromagnetic field of the Sun goes past Pluto."
"The national parks, the variety of national parks... it's just absolutely gargantuan."
"I was quite absorbed in the immense plain of wheat fields against the hills, boundless as a sea."
"The internet is practically limitless."
"The Galaxy is an unforgiving and dangerous place."
"Space is big, really big, really really big."
"Space is huge compared to humanity."
"Space, space for a trillion worlds and more."
"Yosemite National Park is absolutely huge, I mean it covers, I think, over roughly 800,000 acres."
"The cosmos is extraordinarily large, and we're just a tiny little thing inside it."
"The black sky was underpinned with long, silver streaks that looked like scaffolding and depth on depth behind it were thousands of stars that all seemed to be moving very slowly."
"Every patch of sky that you see here became some whole universe."
"Space, in other words, is immense. There is no means to reduce it to a human scale."
"The vastness of the information available to us is completely incredible."
"It's a vast area and it's amazing, you don't have to go far, you're just on your own, there's no one here."
"Unconditional love is so large, it's immeasurable."
"I jumped into another scene entirely... I was floating through vastness."