
Equinox Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"At equinox, the sun illuminates the rings from the side so that their shadows on the planet below converge into a single pencil-thin line dividing Saturn evenly in half."
"Creeping feathered serpent shadow: During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun hits the Mayan temple of Kukulkan in just the right way."
"During the equinoxes, the play of light and shadow on this pyramid creates the illusion of a serpent slithering down its steps."
"The march or vernal equinox marks a time of new beginnings since at least 4,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia."
"Energetically speaking, the Equinox is a powerful moment in the Earth’s annual cycle."
"The equinox means equal, when the earth's energies are balanced."
"The equinox means equal, when day and night are balanced."
"The equinox marks when the two energies, male and female, are balanced."
"That goes to show you how sensitive this Equinox is."
"What is the vernal equinox? Oh that would be when you're chewing on food and it comes up a little bit you kind of burp up a little bit."
"Libra rules the fall equinox, the beauty of nature's transition."
"What is Solstice and Equinox? Equal amount of light and dark throughout pretty much all the world."
"The day and the night have the same amount of length on that particular day."
"It's getting light around 7:45 in the morning and getting dark around 7:45 at night, so we're at a perfect 12 and 12 hour split right now."
"The first quarter would be like the spring Equinox, which is when all the plants are growing and everything's coming back to life."
"On the spring and fall equinoxes, as the Sun hits the two boulders, they throw down two shadows across the concentric circles and put three of them tangent to the shadow line."
"The Spring Equinox is universally tied to the winter solstice due to both dates marking the rise of the sun over darkness."
"It's the spring equinox, so equal length of day, equal length of night; the days are getting longer, which always makes me really happy."
"You will be needed especially around the Spring Equinox when it gets dangerous up in the mountains."
"On the Equinox, we have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, and it is the same everywhere in the world on that day."
"Spring and autumn around the equinoxes are pretty good times for trans equatorial contacts."
"The reason why I've called this Equinox is... when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, making the time of day equivalent to the time of night."
"Michael Mass is said to be the Christian equivalent of the autumn equinox."
"I just got super excited because it's the spring equinox today."
"The Julian calendar drift and the Gregorian calendar drift out of alignment with the spring equinox and then jumps back."
"It's also seasonally the time of year where we have balance between light and dark, day and night, yin and yang, fire and water."
"On the equinoxes we have a period where the amount of light and the amount of darkness is equal."
"Twice a year during the spring and fall equinox, the Sun would come up and come straight across the eye of the eagle here."
"Around the equinoxes, there tends to be an amazing display of Aurora."
"The equinox marks the start of astronomical spring in the Northern Hemisphere."
"Have you ever seen the Sun travel in a straight line through the sky over the equator on an equinox?"
"Exactly at noon on March 21 and September 23, only at the equator, the sun is located clearly at right angles to the surface of the Earth."
"The sun crosses the celestial equator on the 20th, bringing us the first equinox of the year, where day and night have almost equal length all around the world."
"A day of equal light and equal dark all around the world."
"Day and night are equal during spring equinox."
"Equinox means just that: equi equal, nox is night."
"Clarity Autumn Equinox: nothing is whole without the acceptance and acknowledgement of all."
"This new moon coincides with the Sun moving into Aries, which is the astrological New Year, and it coincides with Equinox."
"The Equinox energy this year has been particularly strong, a lot stronger than what I anticipated."
"With the fall equinox just two short weeks away, I've been in full-on planning mode."
"Everything's equal, everything's balanced out, at least for that one minute as we're reaching that Equinox."
"Happy spring equinox to all of us."
"The autumnal equinox is a point of balance."
"The Equinox points are some of my favorite times of the year because they feel like a seasonal feeling of balance."