
Childhood Memories Quotes

There are 982 quotes

"Forza Horizon 5 lets me inhabit for a moment the kid who would find a toy car in the mud, take it home, wash it off, and delude himself into thinking he had rescued it and given it a good home."
"I remember when I came here, and I was eight years old because I had lived in a big city, in Istanbul—lots of concrete, tall buildings—and then we moved to the suburbs of New Jersey, and I thought that was nirvana."
"It's very validating to hear someone like you say 'that was huge for me as a kid' because like that was huge for me as a kid to make something like that."
"I was in middle school when Super Smash Bros. came out on N64. To say that I loved this game would be an understatement."
"I don't remember myself in childhood, so I can't say whether it's always been like that, but from the age of five, I know for sure that on our dining table there was always hated meat, and that was the only thing I was allowed to eat."
"I really love the show The Proud Family growing up. It's definitely a staple in Black history."
"We all remember that day when we were a kid and that animal educator came to our zoo, or maybe you went to a birthday party and there was an animal educator... that was a day that I always looked forward to."
"What if the earliest memories I have from my childhood, at least when it comes to my love of gaming, was my ongoing quest, accompanied by my older brother and our neighbor friends, to completely beat from start to finish Super Mario Brothers 3?"
"When I was little, my mama used to bathe me in buttermilk and rose petals."
"I miss being a kid. I miss summer nights. I just miss not giving a [__] dude."
"Think about the attitude adjustment you needed when you were in elementary school and that one kid had the Crayola box of 64 different crayons with a sharpener in the back, remember how you used to get pissed off because your parents wouldn't get you one? Well, guess what, you could now make other people cry because you'll have 64 different colors of attitude adjustment lighting."
"This is so amazing. The statue of Bowser, it's just like my childhood has just come to life in front of me, which is incredible to see."
"I love Diablos... to me, that was the poster car as a kid."
"This just reminds me of going to Disneyland with my mom and dad."
"Life is all about building memories, and it's about, and with your kids...she will remember the things she did with her mom and dad."
"My son Harley was three years and three months old when I first heard him speak of something which indicates a prior life experience."
"Every little kid watched you guys drive around the moon."
"One of my earliest memories is actually of sitting on the sofa watching the opening to Cru sea with my mom when I must have been about 3 or four."
"Favorite cartoon growing up? Probably Dragon Ball Z."
"Have you forgotten what it's like to hold a balloon, to be a child?"
"The carne asada that really shines and will have you reminiscing about your childhood."
"I'm about to open this new, remastered version of one of my favorite childhood games that the developers have sent me. I have not played this yet."
"I miss like riding my bike with my friend that this movie kind of brought me back to that."
"There are some that say, 'Think back to when you were a baby,' how your guardian would stroke your hair."
"Anne Parish found her favorite childhood book with her name and address in it. Meant to be, right?"
"You did. Grandma had five nights. Grandma pressed that little five in your palm, man."
"This moment comes to us as a flashback to Reed's childhood."
"I remember belting that song at the top of my lungs as a little kid it just went that hard."
"Remember making that best friend that you would see once and then never again perhaps you both throw the tire swing together or played Beyblade in one of those big red plastic Arenas."
"Isn't that nice when you're a kid that thing that means a lot to you when you're a kid even if people don't get it now you're like you wouldn't when i was a kid it was so... oh yeah huge."
"Literally, people are gonna grow up, and I'm gonna be a part of their childhood. Like, a part of their lives."
"The biggest reason this film worked for me when I was a kid and stuck with me up until now is because the comedy never feels like there's a velvet rope barring us."
"He's the kids' best friend, so on Saturday I walked into the living room and I found my six-year-old curled up on the walrus with a blanket sleeping."
"By the time we were passing the city limits of the small coastal town nearest the little village where the beach house was, my brother and I were practically buzzing with excited energy."
"Nothing was as rewarding as a kid as the excitement of tasting the fruits of our labor when we'd rush back to the deck with full buckets to excitedly show our parents."
"I remember watching this video when I was a little kid and I had absolutely no idea what was going on."
"I remember as a kid being brought in to use the internet and my mom saying, 'This is going to be important.'"
"Ren and Stimpy was like the cartoon that defined my childhood."
"Five Nights at Freddy's had a huge impact on a lot of people's childhood."
"The reason why this topic matters so much to me is I grew up with Grand Theft Auto."
"Bread and butter is what my poor mother taught me was a meal growing up."
"I remember when I was a kid, you go to your friend's house, knock on the door, he's not here, do you know where he went? I don't. Guess I'm not going to see him today. That was life, man. Internet before internet."
"Video games are grown-up, man. Video games are cool. I just remember thinking that when I saw that as a kid."
"I remember running home from school with the money I saved up just to get a copy of Mario Galaxy."
"Blue's Clues and Steve I feel like again a staple a core memory of my childhood."
"I love these stories, I loved them when I was a kid and I love them now."
"It's a VR world where you can relive your childhood dream biking through a cityscape."
"So my first full memory is from being four years old and sitting in a Times Square movie theater watching Star Wars..."
"There's no way to accept it. But my point is that the story that they tell, it's always just, 'Oh, it was a boy and he liked to wear dresses when he was two years old.'"
"It's a young kid growing up. I used to watch Olympics on TV with my father and all he talked about was the star-spangled banner and the gold medal made him feel proud to be American."
"Fast food reminds us of a simpler time in our childhood when, like, calories didn't matter."
"This is the quilt that all of us kids played with as kids for our babies."
"It's funny how those things from elementary school stay with you. It's still in there, in your growth."
"Jackie Chan Adventures, the greatest show ever made."
"Butterflies are pretty fun to catch, calling you cutie, that's adorable."
"I want that joy, that excitement I had as a child. I want it to be felt by everyone. You will make that happen."
"The Polar Express is a classic and brings back so many memories."
"If not for the show, I probably would have never picked up a Spidey comic as a kid."
"I remember going when I was a kid to the Planetarium for the first time and seeing the stars in a way that I'd never seen before."
"They brought me back to a really beloved childhood pastime."
"Most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? And it's part of our experience growing up. It's part of, you know, nostalgia."
"But what do you think: will Philips continue in the tradition of oblique origins to preserve this philosophically compelling character or will he ruin all of our childhoods?"
"I would dig them this deep that I could barely get out but I had mercy I dug steps for them to get out but we dig these huge holes right by the beach where the waves are coming and we try to build it fast enough that the waves couldn't make it in."
"A lot of my best memories from childhood involve sitting with my brother listening to my mom or my dad read books to us."
"I like movies they give me that nostalgic feeling of being like a kid again."
"You never truly top those magical moments you had as a child that just stick with you."
"Every kid growing up at that time, you know, your first experiences with Pokémon..."
"Nothing in your house brings out better childhood memories than cooking or baking with a family member."
"I love Dragon Ball, I've been watching since I was a kid."
"For many people across the world, they will never forget the joy that Saturday morning cartoons brought to them and how important it was to their childhood."
"Video games to spend my childhood, like that's been my saving grace."
"I haven't been this happy since I rode my big wheel in 1974."
"The NES and the Mario were the first toy that I ever loved enough."
"I remember seeing trailers on TV for this brand new cartoon show and I was just really excited to see what it was."
"I almost feel like I did when I was a kid, when you never used to watch any of the teams, and Italy had turned up, and you'd be like, I only know two players."
"Watching Spain tonight, I almost feel like I did when I was a kid."
"I went to some houses as a kid and they gave us raisins, man."
"Hook is very much something that we need right now... it's about finding that joy that you felt when you were a child."
"Playing video games on a weekday back then was like... the best feeling of all time."
"Won't You Be My Neighbor for me was... that was my show every day."
"Jackie Chan adventures was big on his fast food tie-in Wendy's had licensed toys in their kids meals which a lot of you probably remember fondly."
"It was magical, the people are all the same, it's the same people you did theater with when you're a kid."
"Disney's influence on fond memories of the past truly has no limits."
"Holy crap he invented my freaking childhood."
"There's a made-for-TV movie from my childhood called Not Quite Human."
"My parents walked out in shock, came home, and bought me ice cream. All's well that ends well."
"I love subspace emissary, me and Chris have great memories playing this when we were kids."
"I was reading stuff like Goosebumps, Animorphs, you know, comic books, X-Men, all that."
"I remember being actively scared of him growing up which I don't think I can say about any of the other villains."
"One of the games was Kung Fu Master, and I always, always had like, maybe a quarter, so I had to make every life count."
"I love this game, this was another one of those SNES games that I rented all the time as a kid."
"You're confusing the movie being good with the sense of personal thrill you had from seeing a movie without being next to your parents for like one of the first few times in your life."
"In fact, I have tapes of being like 10 years old and making prank calls with my best friend Clito who's now my band leader on my show."
"When I was younger I just remember that I would get these gut punch feelings when I walked into a room."
"It's pretty cool how excited are you for this big we go back to my childhood playing"
"You're able to name your rival which of course if you play this game as a kid is the most powerful thing you've ever been able to do..."
"None of this mattered to Gene as he absolutely adored Robert and carried him everywhere."
"I'm not a person who remembers many things, but I do remember that I was in elementary school and thinking I want to draw but I couldn't draw it right so I cried."
"Nostalgia brings you back to a point in time where the biggest problem you had was figuring out which friend's house you wanted to go over to on the weekends."
"I lit up, I felt like a kid, I was so happy, it felt like Halloween instantly."
"Wow, if I was nine, this game would be my [ __ ]!"
"I remember when I was a kid going to work with my dad and the jaguars had that as an actual hood ornament so much history with the jaguar name."
"This is my childhood right here... two big games for me on the N64."
"Beetlejuice doesn't honk his crotch and say nice [ __ ] model but even though it's made into something child friendly it was still a pretty twisted show, pure nightmare fuel."
"It's safe to say that this is one big nostalgic trip for '90s kids."
"Imagine your childhood Club, the team your dad took you to. Remember the smell of the air, the sound of the crowd."
"That's where this whole thing came from by the way we were little kids they used to give us stars but yeah so anyway now I'm still a little kid asking for stars there you go."
"He did these films that not only played a big part in childhood emotionally, but still hold up today."
"Kablam! Yeah, right, but one of the ones that haunts me to this day..."
"I stumbled across Ren and Stimpy... It was so terrifying to me."
"If you can see the world through the eyes of a kid yeah right you go back to when you were a kid and I can still remember the memories running around with my cousins at my grandmother's house"
"It's what captivated me about it when I was 11 years old."
"Remember that first time that you had ice cream? It was so sweet and beautiful and you enjoyed it so much."
"When I played Street Fighters a kid Chun Li was my main."
"I would love to see a new Splinter Cell at E3."
"When I was growing up as a kid, Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods were my two favorites."
"Ed, Edd, and Eddy feels like my childhood. Thanks for the nostalgia."
"I remember when I was like eight years old and firing desire with Tina Marie and it just gave me a different feeling in life."
"What about the joy? What about that when you were a little kid and you had Christmas?"
"I grew up in Dallas, Texas, and loved movies. I went to the movies with my dad as a kid, he would always let me see R-rated films even when I was a little kid, so I just became enamored with the industry."
"No one's called me a butthead since about the ninth grade."
"That feels great when the toys you had are in an antique store."
"Pokemon Pokemon I was in second or third grade whatever was Pokemon came out and I was like Pokemon that's me I'm ash I'm gonna catch em all Pokemon is my world"
"I wish that I'd seen it when I was a little kid when it first came out."
"Mine was Dear Dumb Diary. I never heard anyone else talking about it at my school, but I thought that was such a good series."
"Just another little inch, probably strangling everybody had always hated since childhood but just enough for me to get out."
"It literally still makes me sad to think about how far I've gotten from my little inner child who never wanted to be a competitor."
"Each serving has zero grams of sugar, four grams net carbs, and 13 grams of protein. That's absolutely crazy because this stuff is every bit as delicious as all of your favorite cereals from when you were a kid."
"This thing around I definitely loved it as a kid I had it on repeat I had the DVD but this time around I found myself like checking the run time way too much there's an effort to make this look bigger than the show in some ways."
"It's hard to say when the next few events happen but we know that Rusty meets Tara quim during his childhood at a Jonas Venture key party."
"Nothing better than picking up an old video game that you played when you're a kid, reliving those precious moments."
"I like Disney because...it just reminds me of happy times when I was a kid."
"Eliza's own father helps treat the elephant when she was younger."
"It's like I get to relive my childhood in an official game mode."
"Your sister called the cops when y'all were little on your boyfriend because she felt like your boyfriend, when y'all were kids, stole you from her. That's pure survival."
"Literally from the moment I remember having conscious thought maybe four and a half years old I believed that I could do anything."
"Combat Arms Reloaded edition instantly brought me back to my childhood. The feeling of the carpet under my feet, the ugly beige of my keyboard and monitor."
"I envy the children who have yet to see 'The Wizard of Oz' for the first time."
"This plushy monster doll was another one I was very fond of as a kid and another iconic 80s era toy that Hasbro developed in-house..."
"It's actually a really touching story, until of course they decide to crush your childhood by teaching a theater full of kids about their own mortality."
"I need this to work please, let's put peanut butter up, I liked my crust, I ate my crust on my sandwich but there were lots of kids in my class who did not like crust on their sandwich."
"There's no better feeling. I felt like that kid again."
"To this day yup yup, oh what a save to this day my mom because I made her watch it, you know, like a thousand times as a kid."
"I just love the FA Cup as you said, when as a kid growing up."
"I love Whitney Houston. Hearing a lot of her music reminds me of being a little boy, like just taking [ __ ] back to innocent pure times."
"Kind of like finding a home as a child and always thinking of it when you want to comfort it."
"It's more goofy and funny than it is scary but nine-year-old me still had a blast and even a few frights."
"When I was young... I just remember seeing Aspen and thinking he was the greatest."
"Whether you love them or not, it's likely that Disney has been a big part of your childhood."
"Sometimes we don't need everything to be like this big epic crazy movie sometimes it's cute to just revisit your childhood in a fun new way."
"Portillos for me as a kid was always comfort food."
"Road to El Dorado is goated. Oh my childhood classic!"
"This is something that I remember as a kid I used and to actually have one I can't tell you how nostalgic I am feeling."
"The power of expectation grounded in faith and imagination is one of the most potent forces at your disposal."
"I knew who they were because after my sighting when I was 8 or 9 I had continuing contact with those occupants."
"Some of those core memories growing up as a Nintendo kid. A lot of my fondest memories were centered around Mario."
"Every time I come up this and go down it I feel like a little kid seriously like I just brings out my inner child and I just feel like I'm a monkeying around."
"We're just running into the living room row, burst out the back door... Little kids running with the flag... In that moment, I was basically feeling like James Bond."
"I mean I grew up on looney tunes and all of that kind of stuff in the brain pinky and the brain yes I grew up on that stuff."
"Feel free to share your childhood stories with me down below tell me something unusual tell me something different tell me if you guys have ever watched this show if you ever did like something weird when you were a kid."
"April is from my generations let's play and her and her twin brother were actually the first infants that I ever played with."
"Ever since I was six years old I have lived in eastern Virginia in a town called Williamsburg."
"We had only one bicycle, we're pushing it around."
"It's kind of how it was, you had a certain system, your friend had a system, and you guys kind of would go back and forth each other's houses and play the different games on them."
"It's those movies where our childhood, we grew up on those sets so it has incredible meaning to all of us, I think."
"I was only eight when it had happened but it felt like a defining moment."
"It's one of those obscure core memories that many kids resonate with."
"Wield the fire blade. It's cool man, it conjures up like you know images of when you were a kid."
"Big wheels were our way of getting around, it was just like you're part of the club."
"There's something about the way the music sticks in your brain as you grow up."
"90s nostalgia is real, I think long Furbies are some of my favorite 90s nostalgia brought back to life if I'd had to choose."
"Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream has been my favorite through my whole life."
"I taped The Shining off the television at age 9... absolutely terrified me... still the scariest movie I've ever watched."
"Bloody love choose your adventures, like when I was a kid I inhaled huge renovation on that."
"It may have been a failed attempt but it was still a movie made with heart and passion and sometimes when watching it now a part of me still finds the joy that it gave me as a kid."
"Opening a Pokemon pack was literally the coolest thing ever."
"Apple Jacks, it looks just like the Apple Jacks! Cool, these are something that when I used to be sick and have a cold, I used to like to eat."
"The library was the highlight of being a kid for me."
"Seriously, you made some of the best memories for me as a kid and I'm sure for many other people too."
"I remember as a kid just losing my mind when I first saw that scene, you know, such an iconic car."
"It's moments like that that took me back to being a kid and playing with Play-Doh."
"Milk bubbles coming out of his nose... it was so gross."
"Toontown was just a little blip in my life, a little piece of my childhood that I grew to love even more looking back on it decades later."
"Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes: the cereal icon we all wanted to be."
"But that’s okay. I always say this at the beginning of my retrospective’s and it’s true, nostalgia is a hell of a thing especially when it involves something from your childhood."
"I wish social media wasn't around back when I was a little kid. You should see some of my pictures."
"It's just the modern-day version of sort of burying your head in Tolkien as a child."
"Every single thing we say and do creates a memory for our young."
"It was really delicious and almost exactly like I remembered as a kid."
"Remember how exciting sugared cereal was when you were a kid? You knew it was bad for you and it felt like a little treat to get it."
"Recess was goaded man, it was fun, it was funny, it gave us relentlessly smart stories with unforgettable characters."
"I remember putting little note cards near lunch so I must have packed your lunch when you were in grade school."
"I saw this movie every year between 1986 and 1994."
"My mom got into a fist fight over Double Dutch in elementary out of a girl over a double dutch like I'm not gonna tell the story but I love that story."
"My dad was the hardest working person I know. I remember being five years old and seeing my dad work at the steel mill."
"It's been such a long time since I watched something that woke that pure childish sense of adventure."
"I can't wait to see more, I feel like I'm nine years old again."
"Are you ready for your childhood to be ruined because here Stitch the anime?"
"I think everyone from my generation remembers the first time that they heard the great Weird Al Yankovic as an 80s kid."
"One of the chapters in my book is going to be called 'Ghosts of Children Past.'"