
Seeking God Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"God says in His word, 'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'"
"Though poor souls through the weakness of their faith cannot see that they are friends of God, yet they should never stop asking, seeking, and knocking at God's door for mercy."
"Your father already knows your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need."
"The key to finding the will of God, finding the direction and path and plan that God has for your life... you'll only get it if you seek me."
"For there will be no manifestation of God to his people apart from earnest seeking."
"God loves a heart that wants to chase after Him, a heart that wants to seek His presence."
"He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
"Seek God with a contrite heart, and He will come close to you."
"Let our first response be to seek your presence because there is none who can stand against you, Lord Jesus."
"Having a Godly desire means that you find yourself passionately seeking the Lord."
"When you get desperate before God, you set your heart to seek Him, then you can hold God to His covenant promises."
"Out of everything I could ask for, I want to know Him."
"God is looking for people who will seek him where he spends time."
"The banished night's greatsword is the king of early game greatswords and is worth farming if you want to be as strong as you possibly can early on."
"God makes exceptions when we cry out to him and stretch on him and seek Him."
"I seek the Lord with all of my heart and places ways at the center of my thoughts. He has become my refuge and deliverance from every fear."
"Waiting on the Lord is doing whatever you can to seek first God's kingdom and righteousness right now."
"It is time to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord while He may be found."
"It is not fasting that releases rewards from God, but seeking the Lord."
"How many of you want to make it the priority, the focus, the reason for life every day in every situation to seek God before seeking help?"
You may be saying, "I want to feel Your presence in my life God." But if you want to feel beloved, His presence in your life consistently you gotta maybe make some hard decisions.
"So what we can do is be the people of God. Seek the Lord. Don't presume upon your faith. Don't tell me when you were born again or saved or converted. Don't show me your Sunday school attendance pins. The relevant question is, how are you seeking God today?"
"The more you seek out the Lord, the more peace you get, the more you seek out quality time with him in the secret place, the more peace you get."
"You see God will give you what you ask for. You want money, He will give you money. You want power, He will give you power. You want a husband, He will arrange one. But wise men, they seek God."
"No one seeks for God. God is the initial seeker."
"...the purpose of our lives and the purpose of every event that occurs in our lives is to cause us to seek God more."
"God says that if we seek him, we will find him."
"Lord, whatever you say when I'm seeking you and I wish to find you, whatever you give me, however you reveal yourself, whatever that entails, whatever instruction comes, not my will but your will be done."
"Jehoshaphat wisely insisted on seeking God's will in the matter so Ahab gathered 400 false prophets all of whom assured him that God would grant them victory."
"If God is as big as He says He is, He shouldn't be that hard to find."
"Set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God, arise then and build."
"If you're going to find God you must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
"When thou saidest, seek ye my face, my heart said unto thee, thy face, Lord, will I seek."
"He sought God in the days of Zechariah who had understanding in the visions of God."
"Let's give ourselves to seek the Lord. Let's give ourselves to cry out unto Him."
"When we seek Him, we will find Him over and over and over."
"Even when you don't come to God on your own, he will allow the right hell to break loose in your life, and then you come looking for Jesus."
"It's not about being perfect, but about having a heart that seeks God, especially when we fall short."
"The Lord God pardons everyone who prepares his heart to seek God."
"God is found when we seek him as a person and when we obey what he tells us to do, and he manifests his presence."
"For as it was your mind to go astray from God, so being returned, seek Him ten times more."
"Revival happens where there is an honest desire to seek and find God and His will."
"Everything grass was greener, I wanted to look for God more."
"The first step back to God is hunger."
"No man can come to God unless he first believes that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him."
"If you seek the Lord and seeking right, you'll find it."
"You wouldn't even have the desire to seek and find God if the desire was not already there."
"If you will seek Him with your whole heart, you will find Him."
"Adam and Eve stepped away from God, He came after them, came seeking to ensure that they are back in the fold."
"Show me your glory, God. Show us your glory."
"Now is the time of fasting, now is the time of seeking the Lord, focusing our attention, denying the demands of the flesh that we might focus on the needs of the Spirit."
"God is faithful; it's not so much dependent upon you as it is you seeking God, and He is faithful to be your teacher."
"When you start to seek the Lord joyfully, then He'll reach out His hand and lift you up where you belong."
"If we do not seek His face, we are going to miss the purpose that He has for our life, altogether."
"Don't be afraid to ask God if he exists, and don't be afraid especially to ask who he is."
"When we seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, then all those other things will be added unto you."
"God gives us Himself, and the question that we need to ask ourselves is: Are we trusting Him? Is He enough for us? Are we seeking Him?"
"We are God seekers, we're gonna seek out on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday."
"We came here to see God, to hear God."
"I sought my God, he eluded me, and then I sought my brother and I found all three."
"God may we never seek the gifts of the Spirit without seeking you."
"We were just humbly seeking the face of God."
"God promises to uphold those who seek His face and court the presence of God."
"The Lord is good to them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him."
"If you seek Him, you'll find Him; if you seek Him, He'll be good to you."
"We pray because we want God; we want to see Him; we want to know Him."
"You will seek for me and you'll find me when you search for me with all your heart."
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteous cause."
"If you cannot find God when your schedule is tight, if you have time, you will not seek Him."
"There was a sweet melody and a sweet harmony between God who speaks, saying 'Seek me,' and him that responds, 'Yes, my God, I will seek Thy face.'"
"Religion has done a bad job. Lord willing, you will hear me or see me again, but to those who are listening, seek God."
"We put our mind on spiritual things; that's why we seek God, that's why we walk with Him, we pray without ceasing."
"Let them therefore turn back and seek thee because even if they have abandoned thee, their creator, thou hast not abandoned their creatures."
"Oh God, you are my God; with deepest longing, I will seek you."
"I believe if you truly seek Him, you shall find him."
"Those who seek the Lord will praise Him."
"When everything is going well in our lives, our hearts are going in ten different directions. When you're going through trials, you're more inclined to seek the Lord with all your heart."
"Don't only pray to ask for things; pray also to ask for more of God."
"Then start spending time in the Word, in prayer, with those who know God more than you do, and in fastings."
"Raise your desire to a higher level; seeking God is desiring Him."