
Biochemistry Quotes

There are 770 quotes

"Hello, angels, and welcome to the Glucose Goddess Show. I'm Jine Chusp. I'm a biochemist, and I'm obsessed with helping you feel better."
"The citric acid cycle is self-amplifying; it works from the environmental sources of carbon, it works from the Earth's sources of electrons, and everything in the biosphere is made from it."
"Biochemistry uses the chemicals it does because it's following those paths of least resistance."
"Each body is different...we are so biochemically individual and what works for you and me might be very different in terms of what causes the blood glucose spike."
"Enhanced fermentation is the signature metabolic malady of all or most cancer cells."
"There is no one chemical signature of happiness."
"You can regulate and change the biochemistry of your body and learn how to deal with physical pain by activating your own opioids using the power of your mind."
"The bacteria... they're producing chemicals... they're producing tons of them... the bacteria made a lot of the metabolites that are actually in your gut."
"AGES stands for Advanced Glycation End Products... a combination of a sugar molecule with a protein molecule... these can make you look really old."
"Humans make glutathione, the primary and the only antioxidant that really matters in humans, from amino acids."
"These two behaviors, gluttony and sloth, are actually secondary to a biochemical process, which is primary."
"The psychology of this is just as important as the biochemistry."
"Recent findings in biochemistry suggest that the generation of RNA requires the presence of water, the right chemicals, all percolating through volcanic glasses."
"Trochestron is just the rarer and slightly more anabolic version of ectostrone."
"Serotonin is the happy hormone, lifts our mood, makes us feel energized."
"Fungi are metabolically ingenious, chemical wizards."
"It's not science, it's true, amino acids have been created but you got a chirality problem."
"Phosphorus is essential to life as we know it."
"These sirtuins affect the epigenome and shape that they also affect inflammation that you know as an athlete is the basis of all kinds of challenges and they affect your mitochondria which is the energy source in every cell in your body."
"Magnesium is required for a process known as glycolysis."
"I've optimized my biochemistry after studying a bit of molecular biology."
"Leucine works by activating an enzyme called mTOR."
"Um, the nitty-gritty of it is the idea of setting up um gradients of protons uh um the molecules that are going to power um the Machinery of life um could potentially have been set up within these these physical structures."
"We can actually go down into the genetic code that makes all of these reactions, all this biochemistry, all this magic."
"Had I known that what was wrong with me was not some sort of spiritual stain or you know just black mark on me that I couldn't see, had I known that this was a matter of biochemistry, it would have framed everything differently."
"So the excess of Acyl-CoA, the ethanol and the ROS species activate an enzyme called JNK1 which is the bridge between metabolism and inflammation."
"Amino acids, which are in protein, are the building blocks for muscle."
"Glutathione is really the master antioxidant within mitochondria."
"Glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants."
"Forgiveness and spiritual energies may influence our biochemistry at the epigenetic level."
"Cholesterol is not really a fat, it's a waxy substance."
"LDL HDL VLD all these lipoprotein boats, they are energy trafficking."
"Billy Rubin is kind of a greenish yellow chemical colored chemical and when you have too much of it it creates a condition known as jaundice."
"Endocannabinoids produced upon exercise may contribute to feelings of well-being."
"The reason why carbon is thought to be like the best foundation for life because you can form so much complicated stuff with it."
"Depression was caused by a lack of serotonin."
"Structure equals function. So when the structure of this amino acid changes, it changes the function."
"The dopamine is what gives you that elation, the giddiness, euphoria, the sleeplessness, the loss of appetite, the focus, the motivation, the optimism of intense romantic love."
"Another key ingredient of the initial stages of attraction that's missing, is oxytocin."
"The moment that you deal with another frequency like blueberries which is very very alkaline have a very very uh negative ion charge which is truly positive of course"
"Saffron extract may interact with both MAOA and MAOB in the brain."
"Amino acids chains are also called polypeptides."
"Fluidity of membranes can be altered by temperature, cholesterol content, and fatty acid saturation."
"Methylene blue works at the molecular level in mitochondria, improving energy production."
"Remember, five carbon has a phosphate, three carbon has an OH group. Difference between oxyribose and deoxyribose is the OH on the second carbon."
"Simple done easy points so that's receptor tyrosine kinases the final signal transduction pathway that we need to talk about."
"Our findings suggest that L-carnitine stimulates human scalp hair growth by upregulation of the perifollicular ation and downregulation of the apoptosis."
"Histamine is often involved with inflammation."
"Nature is the master designer, engineer, and chemist, unlocking its deadly secrets can change lives the world over."
"Harnessing the insecticidal properties of spider venom has the potential to change farming practices the world over."
"Something that kills you in one instance might be able to save your life in another."
"What's happened since then is we now understand that ketones are not just a fuel."
"If we can understand the origin of nucleic acids and proteins without pre-existing life, it's a major step forward."
"Hydrogen cyanide, a key precursor for the synthesis of amino acids, might have been central for the origin of our distant ancestors."
"Working out releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine and that helps yourself feel good about yourself mentally."
"Vitamin E stops the lipid peroxidation process."
"Understanding the energy balance between glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation is crucial for grasping cellular metabolism."
"From glucose to pyruvate to acetyl CoA, each step involves intricate processes of decarboxylation and dehydrogenation, crucial for energy production."
"Oxygen's role in sustaining the Krebs cycle: essential for preventing NADH and FADH2 accumulation."
"Muscles can store glucose as glycogen, while fat cells convert glucose into glycerol for triglyceride formation."
"Having enough melatonin can actually help your body from free radical damage."
"These are local hormones that regulate inflammation, swelling, fever, clotting, and the immune system."
"Creatine creates a buffer for that system so creatine you put a phosphate onto it's called phosphocreatine and it's used to recycle ATP so it's kind of like the short-term energy buffer."
"It's made out of three amino acids and it's essentially well it does does a number of things but its main role is as an energy buffer."
"If you have a loose carbon floating around on the Earth where you want biological life to thrive it will find an oxygen and it'll make CO2."
"Dopamine is the molecule of pursuit, craving, motivation, drive."
"I'm a master herbalist, a biochemist, been doing this for many years, we know what we talking about."
"Odd chain fatty acids are essentially found only in animal fats."
"Magnesium is essential to make ATP, the form of energy that's made in mitochondria."
"Nutrients act as co-factors for enzymes in the human body."
"His brilliant career in biochemistry shaped the modern world."
"The fungal enzymes are some of the most chemically complex in the natural world. They make compounds the likes of which nothing else even approaches."
"What was the name of the enzyme that catalyzes this step and convert it from a ribonucleotide to a deoxyribonucleotide? Ribonucleotide reductase."
"What biochemical pathway is being perturbed that's causing these lasting deficits?"
"Magnesium competes with calcium for that binding spot."
"Life breaks down to biochemistry from your point of view, even consciousness."
"For cells to function and for biochemistry to move forward you have to have engines, machinery that produces energy and information to direct that energy in a way that's useful."
"FGF21 hormone is upregulated by gcn2 in response to reduced isoleucine and valine, methionine, tryptophan, and threonine."
"Carnitine is involved in transporting fatty acids across the inner membrane of our mitochondria."
"Once you start running out of glucose, the ketones will substitute in the brain."
"Glycolysis is taking glucose and breaking that glucose down into storable products that the body can use in other biochemical pathways."
"Phosphofructokinase 1 is the rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis."
"Insulin will promote PFK-2 because it will make fructose 2,6-bisphosphate which feeds back to PFK-1 and makes this happen faster."
"No one needs dietary fructose; there is no biochemical reaction in any vertebrate organism that requires it."
"Smiling triggers the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin in your brain."
"Ketone bodies, especially beta-hydroxybutyrate, are very powerful signaling molecules."
"The fact that the body decides to use energy in the process of glycolysis tells you how important glycolysis is to your well-being and survival."
"Hello everyone and welcome to our session on high yield biochemistry for the USMLE Step One."
"Life creates biochemistry. Biochemistry is a wonderful novelty, and it changes the pace, it changes what's possible. Since life got started, the adjacent possible has changed and changed and changed."
"It's actually the biochemistry not the weight that matters. It's whether or not you're insulin resistant."
"...the single most important biochemistry lesson you will ever sit through. So please do sit up straight, face the front, stop throwing paper darts at the back, and pay attention, because this is critical for you to understand."
"The third step in the pathway is also an irreversible enzymatic step involving the enzyme phosphofructokinase one."
"The tenth and last step in the pathway is an irreversible enzymatic step involving the enzyme pyruvate kinase."
"The net equation of glycolysis is as follows: one glucose plus two inorganic phosphate plus two ADP plus two NAD plus ends up being processed into two pyruvate, two ATP, two NADH, and two H+ or two protons."
"They are the only things that do not get transported to the liver via the bloodstream."
"...when you convert from glucose to lactate for example, there is a certain amount of energy or jewels that is released in this process."
"As this ratio becomes altered as there is deficiency of ATP, there is an enzyme called amp kinase... its function is to sense reduced ATP and then trigger activities to improve the energy in the cell."
"You can think of polyubiquitin as a garbage tag, and once it's polyubiquitinated, it's sent to the proteasome, which Professor Imperiali showed you, and this is the structure that degrades proteins, okay?"
"These plasma lipoproteins are complex particles."
"Leucine is an allosteric activator of SIRT1 and SIRT3."
"Leucine synergy with NAD donors amplifies the effects of sirtuin activators."
"Fructose 2 6 bisphosphate: the biochemical switch that dictates glycolysis or gluconeogenesis."
"...from the breakdown products of acetyl-coa I can make phospholipids."
"Magnesium plays a big role in ATP."
"The chemistry of life is actually older than the genes that are supposed to encode the chemistry of life."
"Mitopure, which is something called Urolithin A, helps our mitochondria produce energy more efficiently."
"Da cap 2 binds both to r1 and r2 and it regulates ion transporters."
"PKA is targeted to the site by this mechanism."
"PKA is localized by kinase anchoring proteins."
"Just like the chaperonins, they use ATP binding and hydrolysis to cycle non-native proteins on and off of the chaperone."
"The big prize of the Krebs cycle is not the two molecules of ATP but all the NADH and FADH2 that was created."
"A simple biochemical reaction, but if it doesn't work, it leads to very drastic consequences, namely cancer."
"We can dramatically change again our biochemistry based on our thinking of things."
"Our biochemistry naturally indicates this person, this food, this relationship, you know, whatever, this work, this is right for me or no, this is wrong for me."
"By tuning the sequence of amino acids, the primary structure, synthetic polypeptides can adopt secondary tertiary and quaternary structures which have biomimetic functionality."
"I think the biggest fear that producers have is actually moving away from using those kinds of products because they are definitely going to interfere with all that biochemical signaling that I was talking about."
"It is one of the more striking generalizations of biochemistry that the 20 amino acids and the four bases are, with minor reservations, the same throughout nature." - Francis Crick
"...certain people have real difficulty losing weight...that's the biochemistry it can be more difficult for certain people than other people."
"Heymann and glucose are both inhibitors of ALA-S1 enzyme, so it leads to an inhibited ALA-S1 activity."
"Protein folding is a puzzle that can be solved computationally."
"It turns out that when fats in the liver are made into ketones you no longer have to worry about lipoproteins because these are water-soluble particles, and they float through the blood."
"Heme will come over here and turn off ALA synthase allosterically, which is the committed step in the whole pathway."
"How do you think the fine-tuning argument even works? Those calculations are about biochemistry, and that's the basis for evolutionary theory and biology."
"She's a biochemistry and molecular biology major who is busy all the time."
"If we could pause just a little and take it in, it actually changes our biochemistry."
"You can treat my food like a drug, but I have to adjust it for my biochemistry."
"It's pretty empowering that inside of seven days you can significantly change the biochemistry of your body you can significantly change your testosterone so there's a lot that you can do."
"Acetyl-CoA cannot turn into glucose but it can turn into something else."
"Proteins themselves form protein complexes as an example."
"Gluconeogenesis: creating glucose from non-carbohydrate stores in the liver."
"Anabolic reactions require energy."
"Enzymes can manipulate processes like orienting substrates ready to do chemistry."
"Epinephrine can bind two different isoforms of the various adrenergic receptors."
"Literally with every bite in real time, you're changing your biochemistry, your physiology, your genetics every single minute of the day."
"Nucleic acids consist of nucleotides: nitrogenous bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine/uracil), pentose sugars (ribose/deoxyribose), and phosphate groups. They carry genetic information."
"If you understand the biochemistry, you are far more likely to be able to troubleshoot when problems arise."
"The key to understanding what makes ATP such a special energy molecule lies in the two outermost phosphate groups which are held to the rest of the molecule by so-called phosphoanhydride bonds, high in energy and readily transferred."
"The ATP synthase is a molecular machine that works like a turbine to convert the energy stored in a proton gradient into chemical energy stored in the bond and generation of ATP."
"...light controls the boxcars of biochemistry."
"Increasing the enzyme concentration will increase the rate of reaction because they'll now be more enzyme substrate complexes."
"Competitive Inhibitors bind onto the enzyme at a position other than the active site and we call that the allosteric sites."
"An enzyme is activated by The Binding of a cofactor as this causes a change in the shape for the tertiary structure so that the act of sight now becomes complementary enough in shape to its substrate for it to bind."
"...these variants which you can see here already as shapes are quite different from the monomer and these are oligomers."
"The bacteria in our gut digest fiber and make short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed by the lining of the colon."
"This is not random in any way. This is a stable, particular structure that it obtains. And in this particular protein, there's this big cavity here and it is just the right size and shape, kind of lock and key like, to bind to some substrate molecule."
"As good as organic chemists are, there are still lots of molecules that are just impossible or impractical to make in the lab but organisms can make them."
"You need magnesium to run all these ATP reactions."
"The proteins do it okay but again the resolution is that uh um you know proteins are actually specifically uh evolved over you know billions of years so that the minimum energy configuration will be easy to find okay."
"Our genomes encode a variety of functional molecules, predominantly proteins and RNA species, that interact together to mediate biochemical processes and create biological structures."
"Now what I want to do is tell you what the major mechanisms are that the enzyme uses to enhance the rates of these reactions."
"Anandamide is released in the body, a person experiences Joy, Bliss, effortlessness, and happiness wherever they are."
"By having methylene cholesterols, we're providing building blocks for those complex biomolecules for that long-term health and longevity."
"Cold exposure can increase norepinephrine levels by 200 to 300 percent."
"The bacteria produce these other metabolites called short chain fatty acids... they help lower cholesterol in our bloodstream, lower inflammation, and help our body use blood sugar better."
"The enzyme doesn't change the thermodynamics, it only changes the kinetics."
"It's an exhilarating feeling and it creates like there's chemical stuff that happens."
"NAD acts like a taxi for hydrogen."
"Only two molecules of ATP are created, but the main prize from the Krebs cycle is all the creation of NADH and FADH2."
"I'm a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of California San Francisco."
"The proteins are indeed more stable when you optimize for this joint function."
"RNR does not stand for rest and relaxation; this is one hardworking enzyme."
"The enzyme converts ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides."
"A DNA molecule is made up of two strands... forming this helix."
"If you know the structure of a protein, you can learn a lot about its function in vivo."
"You can design drugs or substrates that bind to the protein if you know what the active site looks like."
"Combine amino acids together, you have peptides; combine peptides together, you have polypeptides and proteins."
"Post-translational modification is easy; you could add lipid, we call this prenylation; you can add a phosphate group, we call this phosphorylation."
"Microbes are responsible for fermentation, the microbial conversion of sugar to alcohol in the absence of oxygen."
"The ability to gain or lose an electron allows iron to bind and release oxygen molecules with remarkable efficiency."
"The calic acid axis of immune modulation is quite significant for a number of tumors."
"This is really an enzyme that's designed to grab on to DNA, disrupt the helix probably in part by changing the shape of the enzyme."
"Gaba is our major calming neurotransmitter."
"Knowing that a protein has at least one transmembrane helix is very useful in terms of predicting its function."
"This enzyme needs to shake, rattle, and roll to be able to carry out this function."
"Firefly luciferase requires ATP to be oxidized into its luminescent product."
"Enzymes are catalysts; indeed, they speed the rate of the reaction by lowering the activation energy."
"The enzyme is like a shortcut; it increases the rate or the speed of the reaction."
"Enzymes are specific, one enzyme for one reaction or one type of reactions."
"Enzymes do indeed love their substrate, and this love relationship is known as Affinity."
"Enzymes are specific for the substrate; they really love substrate."
"Most of the universe is too cold for liquid water and the biochemistry that supports life as we know it."
"Starch and glycogen are storage polysaccharides, whereas cellulose and chitin are structural."
"Based on the d score, if you have d score value more than one, then definitely you need to choose this as a best binding pocket."
"Protein preparation is a must do step."
"How to identify which protein-protein interaction is the good one is based on the binding free energy between two proteins."
"For an apo enzyme where there are no active sites present and no crystallized ligand, is it possible to get an active site predicted using site map? Yes."
"Antibody does not see peptide MHC complexes; it actually sees 3-dimensional shapes, kind of like a lock-and-key system."
"Plants are really biochemical factories."
"You need a balance of choline with folate and B12 to achieve a healthy methylation pattern."
"It's all about the capacity to do work; a SNP just alters the speed in which that gene or the enzyme works."
"Dihydrofolate is a potent inhibitor of MTHFR, and high intake of folic acid may exert an antagonistic effect towards natural folates."
"The most biologically available and active form of folate is called methylfolate."
"Zinc plays a role in 700 different biochemical reactions inside the body."
"The protein kinase CDC2 or CDK1 in humans binds to a cyclin, which creates the MPF that was first biochemically purified in frogs."
"Vitamin C helps slow the release of histamine; it doesn't metabolize it, it slows the release of it."
"After you eat a meal, your body will convert the glucose into NADH, and it'll take that NADH and will help produce ATP."
"Methyl folate should account for 80% or more of the circulating type of folate in your blood."
"Our stomach produces a lot of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to help us break down the food so that we can get the energy to go on with the rest of our day."
"Chemiosmosis and the electron transport chain produce ATP."
"The amino acids join by condensation to form peptide bonds."