
Dystopia Quotes

There are 960 quotes

"It paints its picture of dystopia in dark, cynical brush strokes that can sometimes be a little wild, but yet still often manage to stay relatable."
"The first game offered a mostly grounded vision of near future dystopia."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted."
"Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right."
"We have been living inside of an Orwellian nightmare."
"Humanity without the Emperor of course means the ultimate oblivion as we will fall to chaos."
"It's an underground wasteland that must have been created by the excesses of scientific hubris in ages long past."
"Once again, I dream of a globe beneath the filthy skin of the world. The light through the black wood, the pale door, the old man."
"I hope folks will use it. My mission is to get people out of the dystopian mindset."
"In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war."
"What's more realistic is we are well on our way to ending up like the movie Wall-E."
"But if this power falls into the hands of a 21st-century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history."
"Perhaps this will be the idol worship of the Antichrist age, and they'll have us dreaming electronic Antichrist dreams forever."
"1984 is about a dystopian future where an entity called Big Brother controls everybody's lives."
"Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about a dystopian future in which many books and media are censored, and people are force-fed dumbed-down entertainment and propaganda."
"Biomega in the future: Zuichi Conaway and his motorcycle AI companion, Fuyu Conaway, are sent out by Toha Heavy Industries to find humans resistant to infection and save humanity."
"The Imperium is a juggernaut that devours endlessly, an insatiable gaping maw consuming everything as it careens wildly, hopelessly towards oblivion."
"Hope is dead, hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
"These works showed us a grim visage of a dark future: metropolises flooded with toxic rain, bright neons, and an underbelly of crime and poverty."
"We live in a dystopia where corporations basically control everything."
"Hurt people hurt people. If we can't cure the traumas, we're going to spiral into a dystopia."
"Night City was like a deranged experiment in social Darwinism, designed by a bored researcher who permanently kept one thumb on the fast-forward button."
"The idea is that a corporation has created a faux wild west where all the locals are robots, NPCs effectively, and the human patrons can do what they please."
"In a post-apocalyptic world where the gods have all died or left, and the entire world has been turned into a giant dusty wasteland, there's a sense of abandonment and desolation that's palpable."
"For all the tech dystopian Futures Black Mirror imagines, it's never been just about the future or technology."
"It reads like a Utopia, but it sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?"
"The nightmare of 1984 is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World."
"We look at these old dystopian novels like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, and we talk about how that's not going to happen, that never happened, but it is happening."
"We have people demanding that we build a world just like Fahrenheit 451, just like 1984. They demand it, and these people have power."
"The world is scorched. It's become a wasteland, all because humankind is so damned self-destructive."
"Dystopias serve as excellent warnings and social commentary."
"The contrast between a hopeless world and a hopeful character is a very valuable writing tool."
"A dystopia is kind of a world in disarray... I sort of conquered my own dystopia."
"The power to suffocate the human spirit in the totalitarian way of George Orwell's '1984' or the pleasure-fueled mass hysteria of 'Brave New World'."
"Wall-E was warning of something else, a chilling vision of the future that's getting closer every day with corporations taking more control of our life every day and an AI revolution taking over the world."
"The people of Wall-E's world were only interested in quick and easy pleasure; overexploitation of the planet to provide these pleasures have left it as a barren wasteland."
"The present is Hitler’s Utopia, hell on Earth, even for most of the ones who’ve asked for it."
"Brave New World resonates very differently than 1984. It's about how a repressive tyranny can take over every area of life and provide nobody happiness but instead sort of restrict everybody into service of the of the giant centralizing power."
"Even Orwell never imagined an AI-powered Big Brother. The implications are staggering."
"Either it's totally centralized, controlled by a small group of people, and that's a super dystopian Black Mirror world, or the spatial web is going to be open and free."
"That to me, that is more distressing actually than any of these discrete incidents. We're in that dystopia."
"Welcome to dystopian nightmare. It's here before us."
"We're building a dystopia where the rich live off robots and the poor serve the rich."
"Wouldn't it be terrible if the people working on artificial immortality by genetic engineering succeeded? That would be hell on earth."
"We are in the process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and will always exist, to get people to love their servitude." - Aldous Huxley
"1984 is a cautionary tale about what a totalitarian government can become, alerting us to how a nation can degenerate unless its people are willing and able to keep a close eye on it."
"Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war."
"In such times is to be amongst untold billions. It is the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."
"These factions and many more are locked in a never-ending conflict, as there is no peace amongst the stars, only the laughter of thirsting gods."
"Warhammer 40K is a dystopian game set in the grim dark future of the 41st millennium."
"The last of humanity has basically turned into this ultra ridiculously dystopian god-worshiping empire."
"This is the dystopian future that we've been warning you about."
"Extinction is a place where survivors will find themselves waking up amongst a ruined wasteland that has been claimed and ravaged by the power of element."
"Believe that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." - George Orwell
"Donald Trump's dystopian vision foreshadows dangers."
"We recognize that real change is coming, either that, or a sort of centralized authoritarian dystopia."
"That's the ultimate George Orwell 1984 scenario."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified... History has stopped." - George Orwell
"By trying to create a perfect utopian universe, Thanos created hell on earth."
"What world would they create where everyone sits around in a circle in a gray jumpsuit with shaved heads and just does nothing, exists, eats their green cube of protein mass?"
"Could you imagine living in a world where these people take over and life is not-- there's no journey anymore?"
"Dystopias are basically all about the idea that society, when founded on lies, will lead people astray."
"I love the shirt. I have to say that I think the world we're living in is a weirder and worse dystopia than any portrayed in any of these books."
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."
"True dystopia looks quite nice and has high aims. It's not cackling draconian and overtly machiavellian. It comes sort of well-branded, apparently kind."
"It's like being in some dystopian science fiction... it's an absolute ghost town."
"In this grim future of ours, there is only war."
"It's perfect, right? It's like they're playing dystopia bingo with us."
"Forcefully give you the neuralink implant and then plug you in and delete from your brain criminality."
"Welcome to 2030. I owe nothing, have no privacy, and have never been better."
"AI tends to be a source of a lot of dystopian angst. What's your case for utopian or positive outcomes?"
"The metaverse sounds like a horrific dystopian hellscape of late-stage capitalism, and I hope it fails."
"Homosexuality is a massive issue in this dystopic America... he believes that we need a military coup to reinstitute right-wing religious, political values."
"The dissolution of society depicted in The Road is probably the most potentially accurate Grim."
"The absence of children in cyberpunk is a very obvious in the design of these cities, and it just speaks to a society that's not only struggling with crime or cost of living, but also a society that has no hope and no vision for the future."
"The Antichrist will come up with a new order where you can't buy anything, work, or travel without the mark."
"As Dankowsky pushes toward trying to quarantine, abandon, or destroy the people of the Town, it becomes ever more apparent the ridiculousness of his outlook on life."
"Two things, you know how to grow corn. No no, don't worry about it. You will owe nothing and you will be happy. You will live in the Pod and you will eat the bugs."
"Tucker Carlson presents a fictional scenario where the Biden Administration arrests Donald Trump, painting a dystopian picture of the former president's legal demise."
"Elon Musk: 'It's all fun and games until Terminator shows up.'"
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"But future generations will be living in the worst versions of science-fiction if we don’t stop corporations from repeatedly reinventing the idea of company towns."
"It's become totally dystopian, and a lot of people are leaving."
"If we don't start to acknowledge the fact that humans care about feelings at least as much as we care about facts, we may end up faced with a dystopian hell where power cares neither about your feelings nor about your facts."
"The nightmare dystopia is expanding and it's going to affect all of us."
"You will own nothing and be happy about it, that is the Playbook of serfdom."
"Our government has been taken over by a bunch of monsters like from The Hunger Games."
"Trump went forward in time and saw a world ruined by war and famine."
"People need to be really extremely careful... we're talking about all this dystopian that's taking place around the world."
"I've been saying that for a while. It is just awful, it's literally 1984 thought police type stuff."
"Only innovation could save us from the Orwellian state."
"Modern civilization is gone. It fell apart... until it was too late. Now we are all that remains looking for a new home... in an age that we call the aftermath."
"Announcing the commencement of the weekly purge... may God be with you all."
"This is dystopian, and we have let this happen so quickly and with so little pushback."
"I would have made it easy for them. The first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom."
"Bellows even says that the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic, organizing witches into particular covens, imprisoning anyone who refuses to conform."
"Brave new world that he predicted, this the state that we're in now."
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free, but that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them."
"Glory to Raptoria, the last hope of mankind."
"It was just very well done, made me think about things today which I think is the mark of a great dystopia."
"It's funny how everyone used to laugh about George Orwell's 1984 and yet we're now living in it."
"Life is already a god-darned dystopian nightmare. Nobody cares in the government, nobody cares about people."
"In the novel 1984, George Orwell makes this manipulation almost comically obvious by revealing the three slogans of the party in power: war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength."
"The Imperium of our Most Blessed God Emperor is a putrifying nightmare... it is a burden, a worse, a danger."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"The US is not becoming a dystopia, it already is one."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"Apocalypse doesn't seem so bad: no crime, no traffic, litter still seems to be a problem."
"In terms of the dystopia that they presented, I thought Silco was fantastic."
"Everyone can be super! And when everyone's super... (evil chuckling) - ...No one will be."
"Twitter doesn't have the right to engineer society in the direction it thinks is healthy. That's a nightmarish dystopia where a few mega-corporations are telling us what we're allowed to say and think."
"In the Orwellian world that we're headed towards, you shut down people that try to challenge you."
"This isn't comforting; this is an Orwellian system teaching children how to live without human contact."
"Star Trek's future humanity is perfect because these shows are showing what happens when humanity doesn't live up to those ideals."
"We shall win this battle and then take over the world by destroying every last human alive. Then we shall rule what should be ours!"
"It's not difficult to see a future where we are all locked into a monitored control grid."
"I think we're in a new age of perpetual conflict. I think this is 1984 playing out with Oceania versus Eurasia..."
"Rooting for the robots to kill us all and then look back at our history."
"These cops are now they're agents of The Matrix their soulless avatars operating purely on Matrix programming code."
"The Last Knight: Immerse yourself in a post-cyberpunk world filled with choices and consequences."
"Imagine a world where many of your daily activities were constantly monitored and evaluated."
"We are at the crossroads, either we will become a free society of free human beings or we will live out Orwell's nightmare."
"There's an inherent intrigue associated with dystopian stories that tends to speak to us on a deep fundamental level."
"Knowing the flaws of certain systems laid bare in dystopia helps us to try and give it our best shot."
"Both settings share parallels with how they are run, a form of thought police is in order."
"Now, Maxson and his people would form a new society: the 'Brotherhood of Steel.'"
"Vault City is the safest, richest city in all of the wastes."
"What would happen if the most productive people in the world got so disgusted... that they went on strike? It would be as if Atlas shrugged."
"Once you start censoring, you're on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism."
"We are living in Orwell's 1984. Freedom is slavery."
"Only the most willfully obtuse could claim to be unable to see the nightmarish implications for this type of all-seeing all-pervasive society."
"Teletubbies live in a utopian world, have babies raised by machines who are always in a state of happiness, hooked up to incubators, and they fall asleep on command."
"The world has died because Cain chose to live."
"The zombie apocalypse happens when there are more idiosyncrasies than there is unity."
"What if there's going to be a real life squid game because so many people watched it?"
"Evidence points I missed: no old people on the axiom."
"Imagine Earth more screwed than it is now... difficult but very much so not impossible."
"Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information, Huxley feared those who would give us so much information that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism."
"I'll tell you this: I'm not going to go live in one of these dystopias or whatever they're doing where they put all these dystopias in a blender and then try to create it."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every day has been altered. History has stopped." - George Orwell
"Cyberpunk 2077: It's not evaluating whether or not the American Dream is dead. It's evaluating what happens to a society that refuses to accept when it dies."
"I look at China as a dystopian example of how tech can be abused."
"The game is set in the year 2077, in a bleak dystopian cyberpunk world."
"No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon only ruin and corpses will remain."
"In the grim dark future, there is only Magic the Gathering."
"Brazil is the world that the Evil Genius from Time Bandits would make if he gained all control."
"They hate normal people... they want to create a population of stupid weird Hollow people."
"So take your pick, filmmaker said hey let's take Johnny 5 from short circuit and put him in a bleak future with no humans where he's stuck stacking up trash and now I'm depressed as all hell."
"We don't want the government to take over and then actually just cause the matrix where then we're all just plugged in and it's a simulated no no no running your year dangerous territory."
"Recent events have seen the resurrection of Guilliman who's come back to lead the Imperium and is pretty horrified by what he's seeing."
"This is not a brave new world but a cowardly new world."
"The future sure is dystopian, but it's got some cool design and gadgets."
"Honestly, it's like nothing is sacred anymore in this transhumanist mega-corporate dystopia."
"The beautiful Lush Earth that you grew up on will become a hot dry Barren Rock."
"A new kind of stateless soldier emerges from the greatest crisis in human history."
"Death Trash is not a game about frogs, but a game about death and trash and meat."
"If they can just turn you off, that's a very dystopian feeling."
"They're training us to just literally be little drones. All these sci-fi movies that were years ago, man, this is all happening right now."
"It's only a matter of time before they get into the e-verse. Don't y'all not see the end game? They're trying to fully plug us into the matrix."
"Vault 11: A testament to the vulnerability of the human moral compass and the dangers of a utilitarian perspective in times of great peril."
"If your counter idea is based on falsehood and lies, welcome to 1984."
"1984 was like a documentary, and the globalist psychopaths that run the world nowadays, it's as if they watched it and went, 'That's a good idea, let's do that.'"
"The first amendment defends your ability to speak freely. The idea that the government now has an agency... this is 1984."
"Even in the future fascist world, humans are way more sentimental towards animals than they are to people."
"You live in a dystopian hellscape. You forget you live in the hellscape for so long, you look at these dystopian movies, and you're like, 'How do people let it get this way?'"
"In a world where no one is safe, where your country is conquered, where all is lost."
"It really is like a well put together concept album of like Travis Scott painting you a dystopia within a Utopia."
"Humanity is kind of like a slave race of robotic machines, semi-machines, humans."
"When people talk about dystopian futures... it's already happening."
"Gotham's descent into madness, fueled by corruption."
"The ultimate end goal is to have a two-tiered slavery system."
"Humanity in m41 continues to use one of its most tried and tested methods of destruction."
"Are we destined for lives in the Matrix where our data is extracted so big companies can profit trillions of dollars and dictate everything we do with our time?"
"A committee that stalks and intimidates gay people may sound like a dystopian nightmare, but it did happen."
"In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only war."
"The nightmare of chaos seeps into the minds of mortals on distant Rim worlds or the bowels of Hive cities."
"No Heroes to cheer, no role models to follow, no interesting people to talk with."
"Our cities have become like these dystopian hellscapes, but why is that?"
"Rangers: Silent guardians of the wasteland."
"Don't worry even if I evolve into Terminator I'll keep you warm and safe in my people Zoo."
"There's this running theme of technology or dystopia through technology that really kind of ties it all in together."
"1984 with its thought police room 101 and big brother has given us a language with which we can defy oppression."
"The NCR are basically like trying to rebuild civilization but unfortunately it has all the same flaws that civilization had before it was before the bombs dropped but clearly that's not a good thing everyone's dead now."
"The bad guys actually have a good point in this game even though they're all murdering slavers their system of order works very well even though everyone's fucking miserable and gets crucified all the time."
"That's why they keep saying you'll own nothing and you'll be happy because they're like time to eat some bugs dude."
"Utopian success gives way to dystopian hellscape."
"The people will not Revolt, they will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what's happening." - Excerpt from 1984, George Orwell
"Out of the chaos, a new civilization has dawned. The planet belongs to the Apes now."
"George Orwell thought the problem in the future was going to be that a few people would possess all the information."
"No fun, no masks, no hats, everyone looks the same. Welcome to 1984."
"Blomkamp nailed the filthy cyberpunk future."
"Humanity is already dead, or in other words, humanity is the Living Dead."
"If they get this through, they would have truly outdone George Orwell."
"Lost in the zombified wasteland, I took my first steps on this apocalyptic journey."
"Because they say early on that like earth is dying..."
"The bloke will undercurrent of the film is that these heroes and heroines are living in a fascist utopia."
"Neighbors turned on neighbors, town turned on town, and from this new inhospitable climate emerged the wasteland's first Raider gangs."
"The dystopian future is upon us; it's quite literally hell on earth."
"Sci-fi is optimistic even in the face of dystopia."
"If the adapters mechanicus and the cult mechanicus continue, they're gonna go the same way as the old Lamech quietude did and form like an empire of basically androids."