
Deadlines Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"I thrive on deadlines. If I don't have a deadline, I don't get things done."
"Late is just for a little while; suck is forever."
"A delayed game can be good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
"The best way out of a perfectionism spiral is a deadline."
"You knew you had to get another expert, and yet you missed a series of deadlines."
"There's nothing quite like a deadline to really get the creative juices flowing."
"Your best friends are deadlines and accountability."
"Respond as quickly as possible, journalists on hero will often give a tighter deadline to give themselves time to actually put together a good story."
"With the launch set for 2015, they didn't really have too much time to come up with something revolutionary, so they didn't."
"The second main thing you wanna be doing on a consistent basis is breaking your work down into manageable chunks and then setting deadlines for those chunks."
"In the United States, federal income taxes and most state income taxes are due on April 15th."
"If Boris wins, will he take us out on the 31st of October? No."
"The 10:00 p.m. deadline is arbitrary. Its sole purpose is to bully Dr. Ford and deprive her of the ability to make a considered decision that has life-altering implications for her and her family."
"Deadlines are the motivating factor for an enormous amount of the population."
"You'd be shocked at how motivating a looming deadline that everything is counting on is."
"Creativity expands or contracts to meet deadlines."
"You don't have a lack of ideas, you have a lack of deadlines."
"No in fact it's being said internally that the devs are being told to lock in their features get it fixed and ship it out."
"Deadlines have the word dead in them. Don't go near the line. Never. Period."
"Having deadlines is the thing that helps stay productive."
"We did our best work when we were under a deadline."
"It's beyond the time limit, but understanding is key."
"Voter registration is going to be opened until December 5th. It's November 6 right now, so we have a month to go back in hit the ground running and start registering voters."
"Adding a deadline to your proposal was a serious kicker for them to get moving."
"It's never too late and it doesn't matter if you haven't finished the homework in time."
"I've really been burning the midnight oil, trying to get 'Convoluted Three' to the printer."
"We will leave if we can get a working majority, if we can, then we will come out on January the 31st at the absolute latest."
"There's nothing more productivity enhancing than knowing there's a deadline creeping up on you."
"Mark those cancellation deadlines in sharpie in your planners."
"The government's goal: continue spending beyond the 1st of January."
"Procrastinators 30 minutes before an assignment is due."
"The end game is supposed to be 2030, so if they want it moved up to 2025..."
"You have an assignment due at midnight? Well, I don't know what time it is for you, hopefully you get that done."
"Creativity is what happens when skill meets a deadline."
"I love this: creativity is what happens when skill meets a deadline."
"Set a firm reading schedule... keep your deadline sacred."
"A rushed game is forever bad, a delayed game is eventually good."
"With no external deadlines or pressures, I will still write, and it's an amount that I am totally happy with."
"I think we're going to make the deadline...the Halloween deadline. The car just has to run and drive to my house and make it onto my lawn, that's the goal."
"It always feels like it's not done, it's not perfect, I haven't finished it, and the only thing that lets me put things out is having a deadline."
"So yes the clock is ticking axiom and collins have a few years to get their suits ready for lunar operations."
"Hitting June is going to be pretty much impossible...we're going to need help."
"Everybody saying, 'Oh, you're not gonna make that car done.' Well, two freckles past the hair says it's D-day and it's done."
"Applications for UCS are due November 1st through 30th."
"There's nothing an artist needs more, even more than excellent tools and stamina, than a deadline."
"The hermit's always holding the lantern here the the lantern is actually replaced by a an old-fashioned hourglass but but I would say the important thing here is that you could shine a light on how putting focus on a deadline for instance."
"Renewed optimism as new deadlines and dates are given."
"We're cutting it close... tomorrow is the last day."
"Let's just get it done. I don't care when they get it done, as long as it's not on the 12th of Never."
"We've never been able to really, really, really push hard in like the last week before the shipping cut off. So, yeah, that's going to be fun."
"The real drop dead date's not until January 20th."
"I feel like a certain part of what makes any amount of work happen is having a fixed deadline for when it's going to be in players' hands."
"The ICO phase three will end in five days, so it will end on December fourth at 12:00 PM in Spain time."
"You have three months to do it and then we're moving on, right?"
"We all hoped and myself included that we would be leaving on the 31st of October with a deal but it didn't happen."
"The deadline for the homework is as long as you get it done before day five, that's when you're gonna go ahead and get the points."
"You're very focused when it comes to engaging with things and meeting deadlines."
"When you get nice and cozy and then you realize that the test that you thought was next week is tomorrow."
"I have eight assignments due. Panic. They're all due on September 30th at midnight. Calm. Today is September 30th. Mega panic."
"A task has an end date, so like the date I'm doing it is essentially the end date, the due date."
"I work best when I have a deadline. Basically, the tighter the deadline, the better."
"Working to a deadline does add a bit of stress but it's also useful for actually getting stuff done."
"Having a deadline, you might have created something you wouldn't have possibly been by having all the time in the world."
"I am so disappointed, the project that was supposed to be due next week is now going to be due tomorrow, how about that?"
"Deadlines suck, but that's no excuse for rushing a review which will ultimately create an uninformed assessment of the product being reviewed."
"I was working full-time on Jujutsu Kaisen because of the rapid deadlines I was getting."
"Time is an illusion made up by humans to enforce deadlines."
"By the time you do the stone setting, you're going to be pushing into."
"I think non-negotiables are the best deadlines are the best I wouldn't have a career for deadline I wouldn't have my degrees I wouldn't deadlines are the only thing that that work for me."
"Deadlines serve as a forcing system in your brain, just as you often get more done when you're under the pressure of a specific deadline."
"Set internal deadlines. Each person should have their research done by this day, we should have our slides done by this day so that we can all meet and rehearse the day before the presentation."
"So what's one thing that we all hate to do on projects? That's chase people up when things become overdue."
"That never happens. What happens is they call and go, 'Oh my God, we needed this thing yesterday.'"
"In any creative profession, not just mixing, deadlines are vital. They require commitment and commitment is an audio engineer's best friend."
"Once you have a deadline or you are in love, Allah will make it easy for you."
"The key for this system to work, of course, is that you have a good planning of the tasks and that you set realistic due dates."
"Promises are the downfall of every business. Every time we've made a promise to get something out in a certain period of time, we kind of inevitably seem to miss it."
"As long as I hit my deadlines and the editors are happy, then that's what really matters."
"We got a ton, a ton has been done and I don't know if we're gonna hit April 1st but it's gonna be very very very very very very very close."
"Set a deadline... to get started. You don't want to be stuck with it weighing on you, dreading it because it's sucking your energy."
"The magic of the deadline is that it forces you to focus."
"There is such a great feeling in getting through a deadline, showing to yourself that you can do it."
"We picked it up like 2 or 3 days before we were leaving for Australia, we still had a lot of stuff to get done before we could get on that plane for the 16-hour plane ride, so, uh, once we knew the car was actually going to run, we were kind of good with it."
"Finishing things and hitting deadlines...even though you've got a tiny task to do might take you as long as the whole rest of the project."
"But today we're not taking nothing easy because we are running on deadlines."
"The scariest thing for me today is my deadlines."
"The most effective trick, however, is to set deadlines."
"Make sure they're out before June 30, change the locks if you need to."
"We're just buried in work so I mean July 1st I think is the day you know that's by then you can kind of start to tell what they're working with and maybe Who's Who and yeah so July 1st I'll get most of mine out."
"A goal has been called a dream with a deadline. That's because without some kind of deadline, most goals never go from dream to reality."
"We have to finish the event by the cutoff, which is eight days."
"Number four: Submit your application by Friday."
"That's almost like, 'Oh, don't stop,' but, you know, have to do it for next week. To be continued."
"Operating on deadlines produces progress."
"I also just stopped putting pressure on myself to have something done by a certain deadline it just doesn't work like that and it makes it unenjoyable and like really stressful when a lot of things are just out of your control when it comes to production."
"Do not let deadlines pass. Better file something incorrectly than not file when an answer or action is expected of you."
"The great thing is there's an end date."
"Deadlines are magic. It doesn't matter if you have no idea what you're doing, you have a deadline."
"With this huge list of things that we still have to finish on the timeline of my biological clock."
"There's a difference between a dream and a plan. The difference is a deadline."
"If there's no provision under the contract that allows for that particular extension time to be made, then time would become at large."
"Time at large effectively means you've got to finish within a reasonable time."
"You're not under the pressure of 'you've got to get this done right now.'"
"VFX was completed 48 hours before the premiere."
"We try to do weekly uploads for y'all, but when we started this project, we were like, we don't want to put deadlines on our work. We don't want to rush this. We want to enjoy the process."
"...I'm kind of struggling and I'm kind of trying to figure out how I'm gonna get it done in July 12th my author illustrator debut that's not my name is finally coming out there's a lot to do to prepare for it."
"The only thing that I care about is making sure my project gets done on time and budget and gets finished."
"Having a go-to project management app will help you hit deadlines and reach new productivity peaks."
"If you don't give me a deadline to finish something like it's not gonna get done."
"Guess what? You don't have to pay that 50 grand until January 20th."
"If you have to drive three hours to the nearest dealer to pick up a part so you can urgently finish a job to meet a deadline, that's gonna be a make or break thing for you."
"Flexibility. I'm the type of person that loves school, but I don't like the deadlines."
"Don't compare yourself to someone else's deadline and don't compare yourself to others."
"You have your own pace and you have your own deadlines."
"Louisiana: The death benefit must be paid out within 60 days."
"28-day slater, he's guaranteed to have it done in exactly four weeks."
"Setting deadlines for smaller things and things will gradually get done."
"That was one of the most disheartening things about a creative, is when they're told to produce results and then it's like, 'No, no, you have deadlines.'"
"I'll make it an hour. Anyway, as soon as you're back on track, I want the outstanding reports on the Cowley burglaries, the Peterson case, and the warehouse raids by lunch if you can."
"I've got stuff to finish doing on the ute and I've got to get it packed and I'm going to send it to Cape this week."
"You'll notice there's a lot of sales that are ending on the 14th."
"You never know what obstacle you might run into at the last minute that will completely obliterate your deadline."
"Having a deadline can be so helpful. It's about creating a runway."
"Every goal you set needs to have a deadline so you can focus your efforts."
"You can't keep running up against the clock like that."
"Students will do things last minute, whether they're 10 or 25."
"It's definitely stressful to have a deadline and still so many things on the list."
"Structured concurrency makes task management compositional and makes things like deadlines, timeouts, error handling, just absolutely trivial."
"We've got a huge amount of work to deliver between now and Christmas, some amazing work to deliver."
"A goal is a dream with a deadline."
"It's an excuse for people that actually don't have a deadline."
"If you don't file your income tax by the deadline and if for whatever reason you owe the government money, you will be liable for hefty penalties and interest on any amounts owing for that tax year."
"Six days late, it's better than never."
"I found that knowing when something is technically due is not really helpful for figuring out when you're going to do that task."
"Project milestones assist project managers in tracking deadlines, critical dates, and potential bottlenecks."
"Focus on the results when delivering important projects under tight deadlines."
"Project managers are trying to answer how are we going to accomplish this and by when."
"The time for reflection was brief. Daytona was only 11 weeks away. The clock keeps ticking and it stops for No One."
"They moved up the deadline to submit your interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup, just kind of sneak it in under the radar."
"Deadlines keep you moving forward and not getting stuck. That is the point of fast drafting."
"Warp chroma is just so much faster and when you're on deadlines you're working on projects you want to be efficient."
"If you're really not doing well at creativity and creating, you need deadlines because you're allowing yourself to procrastinate. You're telling yourself a story that I'll get to it, it'll turn out great, I'll land on it."
"Life is all about deadlines, deadlines to pay a bill, catch a train... you know how it is."
"There is a better way to show that a task or a project has to finish by a particular date, and it's called using a deadline."
"Integrity is more important than the rush to get something done under a deadline."
"It's better to hand in immaculate work that you are proud of, even if it's a little late, versus something sloppy just to meet a deadline."
"Try your best to submit your college applications at least 48 hours before the deadline."
"This leaves us no choice but to meet the deadline, period, end of story."
"We got to leave by noon, the truck's got to be in the booth by 4:00 so we have to get the truck running and driving."
"It's going to be close to the wire, but we're going to make it."
"My objective is to get both of these volumes done by the end of the year."
"Stick to your deadlines, guys, don't forget, it's super important."
"It helps to constantly have projects or deadlines and assignments."
"So where the Finish date is past the Baseline finish date."
"We have to have this thing running today."
"There ain't no excuse for missing a deadline, so don't even try it."
"...the 31st of March, that's a deadline for the stamp duty incentive."
"We're running out of time. I think we need to follow the clock."
"I'm sorry, Catherine, I don't mean to pressure you, it's just that the Publishing House gets a little nervous when a star writer hasn't turned in a page in six months."
"There just isn't time to worry about whether or not this painting is gonna be good when you have to just turn that painting in."
"We got till tomorrow afternoon anyway, so if we don't, we got tomorrow morning."
"Any remaining work will have been achieved in good time before hearing dates are set for the criminal case studies work."
"Projects are things that have a due date and a clear goal or outcome."
"Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your application. So many, so many people miss deadlines because they procrastinate and they wait."
"Show business is still business. You cannot turn in your project whenever you like."
"Set deadlines for uploading your videos and hold yourself to it."
"Submit early! When we say 'early' we mean days, not hours or minutes ahead of the deadline."
"That was just me trying to do it for a YouTube video, trying to like finish it by deadline, you know?"
"A task is automatically flagged as overdue if the status is not complete or canceled and the end date is in the past."
"The other thing to do at the beginning of every semester for every course when you get that syllabus is transfer over all of the due dates from the course schedule to your own personal calendar."
"The best form of creativity for me personally is a deadline is pressure."
"What deadlines are coming up, what are the things that have to get done that are on a specific time schedule."
"Deadlines can kick procrastination's butt."
"I don't want it to feel instead like a painful exhausting job by giving myself deadlines."
"The difference between a goal and a dream is that the goal has a date."
"When I got a mad deadline, I feel like the office gives me a bit of... I feel like my boss is around."
"If you keep waiting and waiting and waiting, you're never going to have a product. At a certain point, you've got to cut it off and say, this is the best we have right now."
"The tax is due to be paid on the 31st of January following the end of the tax year in which the gain takes place."
"Sometimes you just need to like bite the bullet and do it, and give yourself a deadline because you won't do it otherwise."
"If something is not finished by a particular trade show, then the company is going to lose half of its income next year."
"The deadline is the biggest motivator."
"There is no such a thing as an unrealistic goal, only unrealistic deadlines."
"I handle tight deadlines by making sure I have the necessary skills and competency levels to complete my work to the right standard."
"Deadlines and the fear of missing those deadlines is a shockingly potent bit of inspiration."
"Having these deadlines is really helpful."
"The plan is simple: to finish the course, only this time I'm giving myself a deadline."
"When you don't set a firm date in the future... two problems arise."
"I'm going to make a mini vision board and a mini goals list, and most importantly, I'm going to make a set deadline for when I want to achieve these things by."
"You can add a due date to your overall task... very cool to keep everyone accountable."
"Working under tight deadlines is about focus."
"Creating many goals and many deadlines is important; it's immediate, something you can take action on and achieve right away."
"A visualization is done when it's clear, when I am satisfied with the result, and also when it meets the deadlines."
"It's amazing how the world keeps spinning when the reports your boss needs gets turned in on Wednesday morning instead of Tuesday night."
"You need to have deadlines for each step."
"Deadlines are never the focus; the goals and the vision are."
"Be honest with yourself, then you budget your time in a way that is reasonable and is within the scope of certain deadlines."
"Nothing happens without a deadline."
"Hopefully we can finish this before Christmas; we'll see if miracles happen."
"We love a deadline to get something done."
"It's hard work, but someone's got to do it, and it would be much better if it was someone who could do it in line with the deadlines that I've given myself, 'cause God knows that ain't me."