
Surveillance Quotes

There are 2135 quotes

"The future has eyes. We know every move you're about to make."
"This Northrop Grumman-sourced platform is likely the most advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance asset ever to see flight."
"Giving every warfighter...the same God's eye view of the fight."
"Facial recognition technology... It's no longer just humans who can be the targets."
"If you want a sense of just how terrifying this technology could be if it becomes part of everyday life, just watch as a Russian TV presenter demonstrates an app called Find Face."
"China is embracing [facial recognition] in a big way... We can match every face with an ID card and trace all your movements back one week in time."
"Imagine the Eye of Sauron, but instead of scouring Middle-earth for the One Ring, he was just really into knowing where all his orcs like to go to dinner."
"Under Xi Jinping, China has built up a massive surveillance state unprecedented, that gives the government control and the ability to monitor the entire population."
"1984 is about a dystopian future where an entity called Big Brother controls everybody's lives."
"It should close the backdoor search loophole that underlies the FBI's batch queries and other warrantless searches of Americans' communications."
"Privacy is the way that people get found out, it's the way that people get outed, it's the way that they can be tracked."
"Smiling mouths full of teeth and meat, plastic, watching, and waiting patiently."
"Unbeknownst to him, his every move was captured on camera."
"For the first time in history, it's possible to monitor all the people all the time... and for the first time in history, it's becoming possible for an outside system to know me better than I know myself."
"Your privacy is constantly being invaded by the sites you visit, your ISP, your government, and even the services you use like Google or Facebook."
"This raises the unsettling possibility that there could be von Neumann probes in our own solar system, keeping us under observation."
"Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet. Above all, they want to know what is happening under our skin."
"The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin."
"Modern ISR tools have become so good that ordinary members of the public now arguably have access to better tools than many commanders throughout history."
"The use of things like social media and so on means that in the commercial surveillance means that there's an enormous amount more known about us by people other, you know businesses, government whatever then perhaps one ought to feel comfortable with."
"Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance continues to be king, because with modern weapon systems if you can see a target, you can probably hit it."
"The surveillance problem first and foremost is a political problem."
"Despite approaching 40 years old, V for Vendetta was unusually prescient in understanding not only what a powerful tool for authoritarianism a centralized computerized surveillance state would be but how the false allure of a computer's supposed objectivity can accelerate and self-justify the erosion of individual liberty."
"Following a strange and unexplained death in Oxford, creepy surveillance footage of a hooded figure began to appear all over the city."
"We need surveillance everywhere in the world, and that's why we don't want to have another outbreak like in West Africa with Ebola. You want to have a resilient health system in every country that reaches out to the periphery."
"It's like straight out of Orwell. We're living in it."
"Some departments are also considering drone surveillance and body cameras equipped with facial recognition technology."
"The CIA has been secretly conducting surveillance programs to capture Americans' private information."
"Mass surveillance, outside of the fear of certain at-home devices, is real."
"Utopia is very much in the Eye of the Beholder, and if that Beholder is Big Brother, Utopia is probably a society where everyone does what they are told."
"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake."
"The test was to see: Will you do the right thing if you think no one's watching you?"
"They can pinpoint exactly where you are and what you’re doing; they can actually direct an ad to you."
"Big government was colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans. Now it's Big Government colluding with Big Banks and Big Business to spy on everything Americans buy, every place they go, everything they do."
"The federal government is building profiles on the American people, and the profile isn't based on criminal conduct, it's based on political beliefs."
"There are now 700 million CCTVs in China under the rule of the Communist Party, the most complete state apparatus of surveillance yet imagined."
"Governments can and are colluding with these corporate agents to develop a picture not only of our actions but of our thoughts and words so deviation from the desired end can be mapped, rewarded, and punished."
"If you have nothing to hide, you will have nothing to fear will be the slogan commandeered by those most likely to turn to surveillance to protect and control."
"Once this capability exists, and it's being magnified now, it will be used in all directions."
"If the emerging collusion between government and giant Corporation continues, there won't be anything that you do that can't be used against you, and will be used against you, in very short order."
"The average westerner will say, 'Hey, this is like Black Mirror, this is horrifying,' right, but the average Chinese person in the village will say, 'Well, guess who won't commit crimes now?'"
"The powers that be wouldn't just be watching you on the outside; they'd be able to monitor everything inside, everything about you, down to what you think."
"However, a chilling detail emerges halfway through the video. A second male figure suddenly appears in the frame, the mailman appears oblivious to the presence of this individual. Then in a split second, the figure vanishes."
"The hazard of a CBDC is it could be used to surveil people, it could be used to denial service attack people, it could be used to debase people."
"Anytime you run an operation where the welfare of your animals is the top priority, you better have cameras."
"Propaganda, surveillance, disinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation and rewriting of the past are textbook characteristics of a totalitarian state."
"If they could control our choices, not just simply monitor our choices but determine our choices, then that becomes the most valuable thing imaginable."
"Each of these cogs were actually part of a larger machine, and this machine was not for the targeted surveillance... it spied on everyone."
"Bulk collection sounds like what a garbage man does... it is a euphemism in the same way enhanced interrogation is a euphemism for torture."
"The way technology has gone is actually it's reinforcing the surveillance state. It's actually shoring up their authoritarian power in a way that's almost unprecedented."
"The government's got a serious problem with you surveilling them, but they don't have a problem surveilling you."
"The iPhone is the most sophisticated surveillance device ever made."
"Even those who have never read it know the basic premise enough to use it in conversation as shorthand for the complexities of a 'surveillance state.'"
"There's no greater spy in the world than your cell phone."
"It is long been a widely accepted belief in the US political system that it is extremely dangerous to have the CIA and the NSA abuse those powers for political ends."
"It's all about control, it's all about how can we monitor and know what you're doing at all times and be able to track that, catalog that."
"I like my scores like I like my dates: across the street and unaware they're being watched."
"Imagine... listening to an audio version of the Bible and now you get taken away because that's more accurate to what's happening."
"This new system gives people a civilization score which ranks them into different levels and this level is then used by the government to judge who gets priority or who should be subjected to restrictions or punishments."
"Many hidden scores are being generated... we're not aware of the scoring that is occurring even here in the US and the rest of the world."
"Gathering data is a form of surveillance; in order to do it, you have to be in a position of power over the person whose data you are gathering."
"Your internet service provider knows every single website you visit, which is super creepy."
"Even Orwell never imagined an AI-powered Big Brother. The implications are staggering."
"But before the video abruptly cuts off, something unsettling is caught on camera. Watch. The ominous silhouette of a figure can be seen."
"Congratulations on the recent ruling...that what you exposed with the warrantless wiretapping was in fact illegal."
"In modern surveillance, it's the metadata that's most valuable."
"Ron Miscavige had tapes of these private investigators talking about following him for David."
"We have such great tools like DNA... facial recognition... camera systems all over the country."
"China is using technology to monitor all of its people. The world's first digital dictatorship."
"Sibers G05 is equipped with powerful scanning and steering surveillance sensors to protect our nation 24/7."
"90% of what the FBI does right now is politically driven investigations and surveillance."
"All kinds of scary things are out there on the internet: surveillance, web limitation, data mining. Lawn boxes happens all the time without you even knowing."
"Europe's biometric surveillance industry is out of control...the current EU export regulation system is broken and needs fixing fast."
"Elon Musk's secretive Star Shield Project... the vast constellation of low Earth orbit satellites will be able to track targets on the ground in real time, nearly anywhere worldwide."
"Abortion surveillance system is a really reassuring name."
"I don't think people are fully clued into that choice they're making... if a government was to surveil you in that way, they'd be like riots. But because they show you videos of people dancing, you accept it."
"Are we moving towards ID cards by stealth and further empowering massive centralized authorities?"
"It's incredibly dangerous if the police think it is their business to monitor what the general public say and think."
"I can't imagine the pressure as a child of feeling like God is watching you at all times right like I used to get stressed out on Christmas."
"This is the first point in history with extensive enough spying to reconstruct an ancestor simulation."
"That's a good example of like there's an instance where like that personal data of a lot of people is actually valuable to an adversarial State."
"The system is incentivized to provide the Chinese Communist Party with everything they need."
"The power of a video: if there was no video who knows if this would have happened."
"I'm absolutely convinced that Facebook is listening to me and Instagram is listening to me."
"I think two things can be true at once: some of the information we got from Edward Snowden was important for the public to know and Edward Snowden is not a hero."
"Surveillance capitalism is always searching for new supply routes."
"I mean this is about as 1984 as you can get and it's a real serious threat."
"That's the ultimate George Orwell 1984 scenario."
"Do you have Pool 3D, Beer Pong Trickshot, or Honey Quest downloaded on your phone? Then you, my friend, are under surveillance."
"Filming the police helps exonerate good cops, expose bad ones, and catch the bad guys."
"Stanley's always there watching, go away Stanley!"
"If you did it, it's possible that whoever's watching can also do it."
"Knowledge is power, but spying from Ivory Towers is rude."
"The digital dollar will just make it easier for America to enslave its own citizens."
"The good news is this that surveillance States can't operate without incredibly gifted, incredibly imaginative, incredibly smart people like Edward Snowden."
"We use cameras. We use metal detectors We use 3d sends us and we used all the near infrared sensors."
"The casino has a surveillance department that's very good... they don't care what you're doing but if you're a threat to them to their bottom line in any way, they want to get you out."
"It sees, it listens, and it knows our needs."
"You could imagine taking that data, such as, from that video tracking, and that data may be, here are the coordinates of where the person is."
"If it saves one life, it's not worth spying on me in my own yard."
"If we had a cam honest at all times, we could be millionaires."
"Behind door number two is the Chinese Communist AI and it's the big eye of Sauron that we're watching you at all times in all places."
"Pre-thought, pre-crime...that's Minority Report."
"The fine line between useful recommendations and invasive surveillance."
"The entire situation is caught in 4K high definition."
"Such a world where crimes are known before they're committed is disturbing. It sits in between the comforts of security and low crime but also complete government knowledge and control."
"The reason it worked in Russia and Soviet Germany was because everybody knew there was a secret police."
"The good of a surveillance system, if it's operating within ethical bounds, is that it could protect the populace."
"It's a larger virtue signal for the bigger police state that they're trying to boast about in everyone's face."
"Burglars spend several days walking or driving through neighborhoods identifying the behaviors of each house."
"Did Edward Snowden not happen? Did we not listen to the plain fact that the agencies that you fund through your taxes are spying on you all of the time?"
"The White House lawn has infrared motion sensors placed around the entirety of the property."
"Satellites are giving us eyes and ears on parts of Ukraine beyond the reach of TV cameras and civilians with mobile phones."
"The SCP Foundation has eyes and ears everywhere, ready to strike and suppress an emerging anomaly before any ripples of its existence can reach the wider world."
"Watching the Watchers is all about holding the system accountable."
"Hillary has a Nixonian sense of enemies list."
"Your data is definitely captured profiled and used against you in a mass way."
"What better way to critique the nanny state and the surveillance that goes on today by putting the viewer in the shoes of somebody who's spying on an entire family's personal life? It's brilliant, absolutely brilliant."
"The digital panopticon: Everyone is being monitored everywhere, all the time."
"Do you want any police force, any intelligence agency now having the kind of power where they report?"
"I turned off the GPS on my phone. It wasn't through GPS, so it was through cellular triangulation."
"By the numbers, the strategy of simply selling the criminals the surveillance devices that will be used to prosecute them appears to have been wildly successful."
"The new police radar is to concede inside homes."
"You don't have any privacy." - The issue with big tech and surveillance.
"My parents hired a private detective just so they could follow my every move and make sure that I'm still following their house rules despite the fact that I'm 25 years old."
"How do you know where I am? You got cameras or something?"
"Schovid is critical or was critical Schovid is critical because this is what gets the people to accept total biometric surveillance."
"It's difficult to evade surveillance in China if you're a subject of interest."
"There tends to be less street crime [in China], but the reality is that if there's any interest in you as a foreigner, then you're going to be subject to very intense surveillance."
"UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in... surveillance." - James McDonald
"From what I could see on the CCTV, the person was walking towards the main door when Missy entered."
"We're getting to now what we all suspected. The only thing we didn't understand was it was worse than we thought because they were spying on the sitting president of the U.S."
"The Internet of Things is the ultimate global panopticon; privacy as a concept onto the Internet of Things may become meaningless."
"If the public sees that the intelligence community can't be trusted... then there's going to be a very strong argument that these powers need to be either repealed or rolled back." - Chris Foster
"I think they're watching, Chuck. I do think they're watching."
"Investigators became sure that he'd been watching the house days maybe even weeks before the abduction."
"She admitted to tracking suspected defectors and monitoring usernames and passwords of suspected moles in the group."
"Everything they see, everything they hear, everything they experience, and everything they feel being recorded till the end of time."
"Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you're being watched and recorded."
"This is the truth. This is what's happening. You should decide whether we need to be doing this."
"People find the idea of embedded thought policing in the digital public square kind of funny, if not ironic."
"It's not big brother that's surveying us all the time, it's actual other content creators. But those vloggers that night did in fact save Kyle Rittenhouse's life."
"If I was really beating on a chick, would I set up a [__] video camera?"
"Passing this law will just make it harder for the intelligence services to keep a watch on serious criminals and terrorists."
"They lied, they cheated, they leaked, they got caught, they spied on my campaign."
"The president of the United States and a candidate was spied on. I really hope it aggravates people."
"Everybody not only should cops be wearing body cams everybody has a body cam everybody has a cell phone."
"Central Bank digital currencies will allow us to Monitor and see everything."
"American naval ships and aircraft are being very closely observed by someone or something."
"Cop watching is a symptom of a realization that government for and by the people is not a passive project."
"If it can happen to General Michael Flynn, if it can happen to President Donald Trump, if it can happen to Tucker Carlson, it can and it will happen to you."
"Rand Paul warned about mass surveillance and how American citizens are going to be spied on by our government."
"First, breaking into a house while the occupant is not at home burglary then possibly watching her in their home learning her behavior their patterns stalking."
"At this point, it’s probably just safe to assume that China is watching everything you do."
"DoJ issues a subpoena... then they got the surveillance."
"It's really how far these sorts of signals intelligence platforms have come."
"General Curtis LeMay: 'We have eyes in space. We can see into space to protect the Earth.'"
"The magic of a stingray is that it's basically a cell phone tower that claims to be unencrypted and claims to be the best for your phone."
"I think it's crazy how the government was spying on the whole world without permission. I think Edward Snowden did the right thing in reporting what the government was doing."
"Facial recognition is going to make it really hard to disappear."
"The intrusion very likely took place from a high-rise apartment near to the towers or even a rooftop."
"Travie knew something he shouldn't have, was followed by people he shouldn't have known, and he realized it."
"It is the most modern Russian radar system with a phased array antenna for reconnaissance of artillery firing positions."
"What the hell, bro, like literally it's boarded up all the way around, there's cameras everywhere, yeah, there's cameras, they're wired, they're probably watching us honestly."
"If you're coming across something that looks not to be right and I have a camera on my phone, do I record as a citizen? Absolutely."
"We're living in like 1984 which, you know, sounds extreme but that book was very prescient."
"Hick Vision cameras were being used in the genocide camps where they're basically rounding everyone up."
"Facebook is the most appalling spy machine ever invented."
"Turn your phone off and turn the TV off too because they might be listening."
"Your privacy is under attack: hackers, government, ad companies."
"I worry that we're sliding towards a state of total monitoring on the premise that we're all better off for it."
"Surveillance is not inevitable, and we need to stop normalizing it."
"Private internet access hides your online activity from your internet service provider, network administrator, and government sensors."
"Before Wikileaks, the way journalists worked was through text messaging, easily traceable by authorities. Julian understood how the internet works, how surveillance works, and was able to create an encrypted Dropbox."
"I was trying to figure out a back way to get through there and I know they got me on camera trying to break the door."
"The FBI had been engaging in massive unconstitutional surveillance."
"Eventually this would lead to 24 7 surveillance of us and our home including stalking trespassing videoing our house while we're inside of it and death threats."
"In addition to that people were doing surveillance on our property trying to get photos and videos of our child us playing with our child going on walks with our child making sure that you live in fear to literally step outside of your house."
"State order can only govern people down to the level they can monitor."
"Multiple objects and store products crashing down and a cabinet door slams against one of the CCTV cameras. Creepiest of all, a life-sized doll kept in the glass display case moves on its own toward the camera."
"It's dangerous to give the president that kind of power to decide what Americans can see on their phones and their computers."
"The government turned the cell phones into social control tools."
"They are headed right for the camera. They are looking right through it."
"They're collecting this data. It's not stopping at the commercial level."
"It's not Big Brother watching us. We, through the power of the web, and transparency, are now watching Big Brother."
"I've seen many freaky ring camera footages online, but nothing beats what I'm about to tell you."
"All we're trying to do is track the movements every man woman and child on earth in secret."
"Snowden's ultimate message is an optimistic one... it requires a kind of discipline from us."
"Kids today are tagged, surveilled, and tracked like endangered species."
"The government was so afraid of him that J Edgar Hoover actually listed him as the most dangerous man in America."
"They feel a strange sensation when they enter, like they're being watched constantly."
"One Chinese citizen discovers a hidden spy tool attached to the back end of his Android device. It reportedly scans and collects data from all connected devices in the household."
"Edward Snowden revealed several US telephone and Internet companies have been providing the NSA with virtually all of its customers' records."
"Guys, I don't know how this happened, but I'm going to try to get the security cameras."
"Where will all of this end, will someday potentially all of us be under the view of imperceptibly tiny surveillance devices by anyone, government or otherwise, with access to such miniaturized equipment?"
"This bill is not the first step to the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society."
"Creating this type of vigilante surveillance state is going to do absolutely nothing to help working people."
"If you've got nothing to hide, then there's nothing for them to find."
"He drove some people to madness by having them under surveillance 24/7."
"Big Brother, big business, the CNBC special contains a chilling look at the modern surveillance society."