
Disillusionment Quotes

There are 1782 quotes

"Just tell me the truth. I want to know the truth. I don't want to hear your fairy tales anymore."
"Let these institutions collapse. They're not doing anyone any favors. They've gotten so out of touch that even their out-of-touch donors feel like this is too out of touch to support anymore."
"People are hungry for truth and they're sick of being lied to."
"When you get what you want and you still feel the exact same, you feel the same as you always did, but now there's no hope."
"It's focused on the general experience of the soldier, united audiences across nations who, although they had fought on different sides of the war, witnessed similar traumas and sank into similar disillusionment."
"My experiences have made me so disillusioned with the idea that social media call-outs can lead to any kind of justice."
"I'm telling you now, the American dream is a fraud. You can come and get it if you want, but you are gonna work till you're dead."
"The tragedy of adulthood is that your romantic understanding of the world ultimately becomes a tragedy."
"I prefer the stillness here. I am tired of Earth and these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."
"Don't be afraid to be disillusioned. It's better to be disillusioned than to be illusioned."
"This salute is the moment you can just naturally infer that Big Boss became disillusioned with the United States of America."
"You laugh, you know. I once thought you were a hero. I really looked up to you. But then I realized behind all that stern and batarangs, you're just a little boy in a playsuit crying for mommy and daddy."
"Growing up and seeing the flaws in the people you used to look up to... is actually very healthy."
"This is getting way out of hand; I might just give up on Pokemon altogether because it's not worth getting beat up for cards."
"Master, master, where's the dreams that I've been after? Master, master, you promised only lies."
"We all have been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't."
"A lot of people are disenfranchised with the military, with the government."
"Corruption, greed, and power have taken a term that should have meant freedom to programmers and turned it into something that's one of the most hated terms on the internet."
"What shocked me the most is that how growing up, I always believed that America was Pure Clean."
"After spending four years in Trump World and seeing how crooked, how dirty, how underhanded, how corrupt they go, I realized it makes us no different than Russia."
"I would leave the country tomorrow and not come back. I never thought in my entire life that I would ever say anything like that."
"Rage against the machine is making me so sad because thinking about them, they are now the machine."
"Justice in this country is gone, and I mean the system just keeps falling apart."
"He puts others before himself and even if Soldier isn't everything he thought it was, he doesn't ever get discouraged."
"While they trade meaning for happiness, masks lips nothing is real, nothing really matters, nothing. This is power."
"This book came to give all of humanity hope. Today Muslims don't even find hope in it. That's a tragedy."
"When that thing turns sour on you, which it did for me over BFA and Shadowlands, then not eating that thing anymore is fine."
"The American dream has been dashed and broken for many people."
"It comes as a great shock to discover the flags which you have pledged allegiance along with everybody else has not pledged allegiance to you."
"When you see somebody turn on you so quickly, you start to see the organization for what it is."
"The heartbreak of soma is realizing that the schemes that Simon and Kathryn hatch are just as impossibly naive as they sounded in the first place."
"It's like finding out Santa Claus isn't real."
"It's all about I don't feel that my church represents the God I know so I'm ditching it."
"When it's obvious, it becomes fake. I quit watching it."
"Once you realize that, it's a disillusionment of all narrative in totality."
"I'm not a dream fan anymore, dream sucks, we all hate dream now."
"If anything I've just learned that you shouldn't idolize anyone no one's perfect everyone's going to disappoint you literally everyone human beings are disappointing."
"I'm disillusioned with the system, it needs to change."
"Gatsby believed in the green light and the American dream, it stood for his creator punished him for this belief."
"Either they'll just turn around and say oh I know I give you my word I'm going to vote for bill back better and that we'd get the details worked out but um I'm going back on it I'm not gonna do it sorry."
"People are hearing or tired of hearing politicians time after time after time say that they're going to do something and actually go to Washington DC and all of a sudden they get some type of amnesia."
"I had more money than I knew what to do with, and it was past the point of the money meaning anything because everything had become a little bit tasteless."
"Millions of human beings are living in dream palaces."
"You think you're free until they pick your president."
"I'm sick of America." - Frustration and disillusionment.
"Everpedia's claim to fame was having the entire repository of Wikipedia, but I've given up on them."
"The American Dream, we now know, is a lie." - Chris Hedges
"And then he goes and endorses Hillary and he just takes his weapon and this lays down like a sad dog."
"This is about how far from reality we really are, how the world that we live in is almost nothing like what they have told us that it is."
"Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and illusions of modern society and welcome to [__] reality."
"Goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society."
"You're a fool, Donald. You always were. Principled? Idealistic? A champion for the people? What did you ever actually do? Nothing."
"What basic [__] the world is... you grow up thinking that politicians and leaders are somehow superior to us."
"My whole life's a lie, kids go and burn your sublime CDs."
"Tatum, you need to start a real conservative party. Walk away from these turncoat Republicans. I'm done with the program party. I'm not a Republican anymore."
"I joined the empire when they stood for something, and then I realized I was wrong."
"He doesn't give a damn about you... he will do nothing for you other than sell you a pipe dream."
"I was mad, I was pissed that I was lied to my entire life and I felt like an adult would still believe in Santa Claus."
"I see politics for what it really is, and everybody else, I'm not gonna say everybody, but a large portion of people, they think they're watching a Marvel movie."
"My vote is like bouncing around because it's like every time I start to like somebody more their campaign does something stupid to me or they prove that they're just as sold out as the other."
"Beauty and wonder...slowly but surely you realize how corrupt the whole system is."
"Millions of others like me have got a feeling that the world's gone wrong."
"There isn't no loyalty in this. Nothing but lies and fake promises over and over again. No one has your best interest at heart." - Tico
"Real friends don't exist in this, trust me, I've tried really hard to solve and fix these things for a long, long time, but no one cares." - Tico
"It's moments like these that quite frankly make me lose faith in the justice system."
"To think you know somebody, to think you know your people, kick rocks, please."
"I still love my project, I love my co-workers, but my love and respect for Blizzard is diminished."
"I hate [ __ ] like that because once you've exposed something as being not what you told it was it never has the same luster."
"They leverage that trust, that good faith, that reliance the film fan community has invested in them, and then what do they do with it? They screw them with it."
"As somebody who's been a champion of Rotten Tomatoes for a long time, I'm really disappointed."
"When deception and disillusion doesn't work anymore, the only thing left is force."
"This is like God looking down on Adam and Eve like y'all [__] thought y'all had it didn't you."
"We found out the dog isn't magical... we need to get rid of her as soon as possible."
"It sure did seem like there's got to be more than this okay he's an big deal a lot of people are I've worked for them they're not like um."
"I know people that I used to consider friends, and they've gone insane."
"I remember him playing this [expletive]. I was like, 'Oh, this is so alright, like I'm so done with it.'"
"I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican party left me."
"Government is not your friend...I learned that around the time that Obama didn't close Gitmo."
"But mama, that was not it, I'll say that much."
"People were sick of being lectured to, lied to, force-fed nonsense."
"I'm not friends with any politician anymore. That's a mistake."
"If you introduce something as symbolism and you don't follow through, it creates a sense of disillusionment."
"The people's moment is watching that Congressional Black Caucus sit on their hands and be like... Y'all really don't care. This is a game to y'all."
"Unreal! Let's get off, that's it, taking our support back."
"I stopped believing in love altogether. There's no point to hold faith in high feelings when the girl for whom I was ready to give my life for turned out to be just an opportunistic monster."
"It is not the fair and free America that I moved to."
"Charles Manson arrived to destroy the hippie dream."
"Donald Trump is not the Savior, he's not a hero, he's not going to come rescue you, there is nobody to rescue you but you."
"Be careful when you meet your Heroes because they often turn out to be a-holes or bastards."
"It destroyed me internally to see even noble outlets pushed Russiagate."
"What would it take for you to understand that like our votes don't mean anything?"
"Watching members of the Ottawa Police Service seize fuel from peaceful protesters took away a long-held belief that I thought to be a lasting truth."
"It's not just the dollars that these characters got away with. It's all the faith and trust in the good side of people and that the world is a safe and reliable place. I'm sorry, got it wrong this time."
"The bill of goods that I had been sold... was really just a lie."
"Let's not allow people to continue to believe that the whole thing is rigged against them."
"The man of ideological faith has started to realize that the CCP is not worth saving."
"What inspired me about this conversation is both Tucker Carlson and I are absolutely disenchanted with establishment power."
"Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" - Sam Cedar
"We have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, let astray, run a mock and flat out deceived."
"There is something wrong, there is something broken, and it does feel rigged."
"It is a you know an institution that can serve goodness and can serve good things but unfortunately they have seemed to become Ultra political in a way that might be Beyond repair."
"I don't do much political humor, 'cause the way I look at it is if you think either one of these jinky ass parties gives half a fuck about us, you've been misinformed."
"But then that day came and far too many of you decided to stop believing... what you were wasn't even close."
"These exaggerated hopes are liable to be disappointed and to leads to pessimism and perhaps equally unwarranted rejection of the idea that reason can you know make our thoughts clearer and that it can improve our social conditions."
"It's time for people across the country to lose faith in the system."
"I didn't leave the democrat party, the democrat party left me."
"You cannot scare a fanatic. The only threat to a fanatic is disillusionment."
"In your mind you're just saying where was that great person that I met who put me on a pedestal."
"Manifestation mode is going to go down the drain, I'm telling you."
"It's just dark and scummy and it makes me sometimes not want to be a part of it."
"My enthusiasm for American government may have waned, but my enthusiasm for this country burns brighter than ever."
"I want to believe that somebody that I had trusted... was who I thought they were."
"Our heroes reach the destination they've long been chasing but it's not hope or relief they feel in this moment; it's exhaustion and despair."
"Wouldn't that be just eureka but um I feel jaded."
"I just don't see how you can look at all the stuff that's happening here and be like alright screw it I'm just never gonna watch baseball yeah that seems like a group I no longer want to support."
"The people of Libya had grown disillusioned with Gaddafi's unfulfilled promises."
"The world of magic will has failed me and I will burn it out and create something new in its place."
"Even people on the left... beginning to turn."
"John Adams... even he would look at the situation now and probably vomit."
"They pass soon enough. In the end, all you're left with is the fruit of your imagination, only it will inevitably be twisted into something a bit more disturbing than you envisioned."
"The real America is not the corporate government-controlled America that we live in today."
"It's absolutely heartbreaking for anyone who believes in America because this is a situation where if there were true Americans and patriots in power in the United States..."
"Politicians supposedly working for the people but reality doesn't quite work that way."
"I used to look up to these YouTubers but it turns out that they're all racist pedophiles."
"Most fans believe that their favorite K-pop group shares a strong bond, but what happens when those expectations are shattered?"
"When the guy gets everything he wanted and the thing still doesn't get passed that's not an honest actor, Ro, that's not an honest actor at all. That's a guy who was playing you for a fool."
"Every Vegas trip is the same. You're like, 'Yeah, we're going to Vegas, we're going to make money, we're going to meet girls.' Eight hours into day one, 'Yo bro, give me the hell out of here right now.'"
"A whole lot of people have real good reason to believe the system is rigged against them."
"The revolt against our ruling elite is recognizing that the things that they've promised us have not panned out."
"This Amanda's story has shown us that not everything that glitters is gold."
"Nothing is like the movies. It doesn't look cool, you know?"
"People haven't had their great disillusionment yet so they're very radicalizable."
"People were disillusioned with the American dream, losing faith in a system that seemed to be failing them on every level."
"Everything you prayed for might end up [ __ ] up."
"I'd like to have more faith in people than that which is warranted by the behavior I see from conservatives."
"I've lost faith in society because when I look around, I see a society that's weak and weak to the point that while being beaten up, praises the bully."
"One of the only things that's worse than being insecure and not having confidence and not being happy is getting to the pot of gold and then realizing that what's in that pot of gold will not make you happy."
"Things are never as pleasant as they seem on paper."
"Happily ever after ends the spell of the fantasy."
"Those days, those fantasies, those dreams, they're never going to become a reality."
"AI has ruined art for me or there's no point in drawing or painting anymore because I can do it better and faster than me or anybody you know has beautiful illustrations at their fingertips now so why should I bother"
"There's no doubt in my mind or my heart... I cannot break her heart like that."
"Nobody's manipulating. As soon as you realize so much at the top manipulating it then it doesn't work anymore."
"Hope is an illusion, faith is an illusion, belief is an illusion."
"The American dream is dead, it was stolen from you."
"Let's trust the [] man, you know, let's trust in them, you know, and it's just me, this [] is sad, bro."
"The game has always been rigged but it feels more rigged than ever."
"There comes a time when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster."
"Not all that glitters is gold once the shine wears off sometimes it really just looks like a lot of stressful company policies drama broken promises and some brainwashing mixed in."
"Hope is overrated. Can we talk about how unfun it is to have hope?"
"There is no point losing your mind over Arsenal because when do they ever really do what we want them to do?"
"Gold has 3,000 years history as being a trusted store of value, it's never ever ever failed in 3,000 years."
"Once you realize that this is all a sham, this is enormously liberating."
"When these burst it's going to unleash an enormous amount of anger. People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"The system has failed and the American dream has died."
"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions without becoming disillusioned."
"Isn't it sad that you guys are already bored? Screw that, whoopee bored, people are saying screw the duel."
"Expectations are illusions, it's just a change in perspective."
"It's just absolute [ __ ] just words on paper that mean nothing to nobody."
"God did not come through if god's not going to come through the rapture should have took him place several decades ago."
"We're stuck wandering endlessly around a fake Potemkin village of democracy."
"Everything secular and doesn't really have God's true power lets you down in the end."
"No, I don't want to fight for this country anymore because they've betrayed me. That makes sense."
"So long as people keep blindly just believing Democrats are going to save you your cities and your States will fall apart and you'll be forced to flee."
"You're literally just looking at in fact after fact of holy crap how did I believe in any of this at any point when it is so clearly a fabrication thought up by a convicted charlatan."
"This isn't a revolution, it's a rebranding of the same old shit to sucker in the support of people who are abandoning the Democratic Party en masse."
"The US is garbage, man... it's just ridiculous to me."
"The past, the black community has been promised everything from the Democrats and they've got nothing."
"Their customers revolt en masse to the growing disparity between reality and Ubisoft's rose-colored but bullshit-smelling version of events."
"If you try to make an idol the source of your magic, things will fall apart once you learn the messy reality that is their true self."
"The reality doesn't match up with what's in our minds."
"All you hear is fear, it's amazing why we keep loving this country and this country does not love us back."
"I think the reason that I'm honestly like so not excited is just like the things I've heard."
"A lot of people are wondering why people are straying from the church. It's because of all the people doing religion wrong are pushing people away from the church."
"What is the point of risking half my assets, my kids, my sanity for an illusion?"
"The once glorious California Dream is starting to erode."
"They've got nothing to offer they've got literally nothing to offer they got no ideas they got no values oh man it's over."
"It's an anthem of the disillusioned messy lives we all lead today."
"I don't believe in this system... it's becoming untenable."
"When empirical data breaks that faith, it's no longer magical."
"How bad does it have to get? You know yet now you got black boys waving passports, you know the hell with us. I'm gonna take my passport and take my talents outside of this United States because it doesn't serve me anymore."
"I pursued money and success, my twisted version of the American dream. It brought me emptiness."
"Society is all over the place man I don't know what does I really don't anymore I don't know I got nothing."
"That land which belongs to you doesn't belong to you... I think that does leave a bitter taste in your mouth."
"You just can't trust, it's sad because it kind of makes you feel like nobody out there is trying to do the right thing."
"I wish more people realized that the dream of fang is really just a nightmare in disguise."
"I actually am free and wish that all those years that I believed in fairy tales was used more productively."
"The idea that again that is easy to just get money particularly from someone who is now disgruntled with fraught with you is is not based in the current reality."
"Many people got increasingly disgusted with corporate media and just the slavish Devotion to the proxy war narrative."
"It's unbelievable how much a person for whom I had great admiration has completely fallen off the edge."
"The real world sucks, just like in the cyberpunk books from the 80s and 90s."
"We can never go back. They've ruined everything. The left and the right. The Establishment needs to be pulled out of root and stem and then rebuilt."
"What if you've hired a load of people who hate what they were condemned to die the day I realize you weren't a man of your word."
"I'm not gonna give up on wanting to see Man United win the biggest prizes I'm just gonna have to accept that football's lost its morals it's all about greed and money."
"The thing that I thought would make my life perfect didn't."
"You'd be so infatuated with somebody that whack-ass sex feels good and you don't realize it's whack-ass sex until your your relationship starts to fall apart."
"Here at the end of it all, I can't bring myself to believe that Gabby is a fraud or that Francis is... well, I suppose it's Canon that Francis is a liar."
"There's a Remnant inside the body of Christ walking out of church, saying this isn't it."
"I've done what every alchemist has wanted to do for centuries and now it's worse, it's useless and worthless."