
Exoplanets Quotes

There are 472 quotes

"By studying these distant galaxies, astronomers can gain insights into the formation of stars and galaxies, the evolution of cosmic structures, and the presence of potentially habitable exoplanets."
"Recent studies have found that some exoplanets, rather than orbit a star, are orbiting supermassive black holes."
"Every star has planets and probably more than one... there's probably more planets in the galaxy than there are stars."
"The hope is that once Webb is operational and looking at exoplanets, we'll be able to say that planet has an atmosphere very much like the Earth."
"These unusual planets might be some of the most numerous habitable worlds out there, which actually makes this really exciting."
"For some time, it was called the diamond planet because it was believed to be composed of diamonds and graphite."
"Discoveries like this remind us of the vastness of the universe and the potential for habitable worlds beyond our own."
"Imagine noon on Kepler-186f; it will be as light on the exoplanet as before the sunset on Earth or the Martian desert."
"Natalie Battaglia...suggests that the planet can be mostly made of ocean, with all conditions needed for life to emerge."
"There are plenty of planets in the galaxy, many with similarities to our own."
"I call them twin engines of discovery because now we know what genes we can use to understand them and keep us safe, potentially we know which planets we could eventually go to."
"One of the more interesting ideas that has come up in our exploration of exoplanets is the idea that Earth may not actually be the ideal world for life to exist and that there may be planets out there better than Earth."
"Over 30 years, humankind literally began to see clearly and discovered over 5,000 exoplanets in the sky."
"Astronomers now believe that in addition to the 100 billion regular exoplanets, there must be at least another 50 billion rogue planets in our galaxy."
"We now know that all of these stars will have planetary systems and then we look at our own solar system and we see that the range diversity of planets and many of them are habitable or have been habitable."
"We're talking about billions of potential Earth-size planets, and to believe that we're the only one is, I think, rather ridiculous given the odds."
"The number of known exoplanets seems to be increasing exponentially with time."
"Exoplanets and the search for life is an incredibly interdisciplinary topic and draws upon all those different fields."
"Let's find an Earth-like exoplanet and just go for it."
"It just goes to show how much of a game-changer JWST is going to be in the exoplanet field."
"One of the simplest questions we might ask in astronomy is how common are planetary systems like our own?"
"Planets are the rule rather than the exception."
"Imagining what exoplanets are really like on the ground is a difficult thing, at least if you keep within the confines of hard science."
"Super Saturn J1407b, with an equatorial diameter of about 75,000 miles and a complex ring system, is unlike anything in our own solar system."
"The search for alien worlds is always subject to the hope of one day tracking down a cosmic twin of Earth."
"Every few months, the press describes some recently discovered exoplanet as the closest thing yet to Earth's twin. But how much like Earth are these planets really?"
"But to make a more definitive assessment of habitability, actual habitability, for any of these exoplanets, you have to analyze their atmospheres."
"The search for the perfect ‘Goldilocks planet’ continues, and some of the best candidates are often found by chance."
"Super habitable planets are worlds that could sustain life more than five times longer than Earth."
"Astrobiologists will examine these exoplanets for signs of bio signatures, but at the SETI Institute we're going to carry forward the public's quest for techno signatures and the ultimate Earth analog."
"Finding biomarkers on exoplanets is certainly much more difficult than just looking for gases produced by biological processes on Earth."
"An exoplanet or extrasolar planet is any world that orbits a star outside of our solar system."
"There could be at least 300 million potentially habitable exoplanets in our Milky Way galaxy alone."
"Scientists now say they've discovered 24 super habitable planets or exomoons that could be better suited for the emergence and evolution of life."
"The recent past heralded a boom in discovering exoplanets."
"Gliese 832c is one of the most likely places where alien life forms will eventually be detected."
"The habitable zone of Trappist-1 may well be wider and allowing for volcanic hydrogen potentially acting as a greenhouse gas."
"These unusual exoplanets draw the attention of the entire scientific community."
"We are now discovering that the Universe has extraordinary worlds, exoplanets."
"The discovery of these new worlds is an extraordinary scientific Adventure."
"Even if just a fraction of star systems host potentially habitable worlds, that would still amount to millions of living worlds in the Milky Way alone."
"Seven earth-sized planets orbiting a star: NASA discovered seven exoplanets with a similar size and mass orbiting a star known as trappist-1."
"These 24 super habitable exoplanets were chosen because they have a star of the right size, lifespan, and lie in the habitable zone."
"Researchers... discovered not one but Five Star Wars style double Sun systems that could have one planet each that support life."
"With all these new discoveries we now have evidence that our own Galaxy is filled with other worlds and some of those worlds might host life."
"This is literally what we're doing here on earth: we're looking for these exoplanets and then trying to see if anyone is talking to us."
"Ice Giants like Neptune and Uranus are very common in the Universe."
"At least a half dozen planets beyond our solar system may be more suitable for life than Earth."
"The search for habitable exoplanets could benefit greatly."
"So if you find any concentration of it on a planet with an oxygen atmosphere, it would be a strong biosignature."
"Recent discoveries of numerous extra-solar planets."
"Given the vast size and age of the universe, it seems unlikely that Earth is the only planet with the conditions necessary for life to emerge."
"My name is Kepler 452 B, also known as Earth 2.0. I may support life within the Goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun-like star like yours at home."
"There are more planets in our galaxy than stars."
"We have identified thousands of planets around other stars."
"What's unexpected and remarkable is that we're finding planets that are a little bit larger than the Earth that as far as we can tell have the correct composition rock and water suitable for life as we know it."
"This might be the first Earth analogue around a sun-like star. That's ever been found."
"Kepler has shown us how commonplace planets outside our solar system are, suggesting our galaxy may have other places suitable for life."
"If we can find a planet that looks like what Earth looked like back then, this might mean that we might be able to find life there."
"We now know that half of a big fraction of all the sun-like stars have a planet the size of the earth roughly the same separation."
"James Webb is going to allow us to extensively research exoplanets and really characterize them in ways that we haven't been able to before."
"We didn't really know how often they had planets, but they actually appear to very often have planets around them."
"The Trappist-1 system is what we can call the rockstar of exoplanets."
"Nasa's Tess spacecraft has spotted 2200 new worlds. Nasa almost always appears to be at the forefront of space exploration and Tess has been another successful space mission giving us more information about what lies beyond our planet."
"Water on at least four of the seven planets."
"Capturing such clear and telling images to provide for direct observation of an exoplanet is an incredibly rare feat."
"Planet nine: another undiscovered planet in our solar system?"
"We've identified over 5,000 exoplanets in an array of different sizes and types."
"Methuselah is to date the oldest planet we've ever discovered."
"We've uncovered hundreds of these rocky exoplanets in the Milky Way."
"Understanding the atmospheres and formation conditions for planets could help scientists better predict if certain planets are habitable or not."
"The emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants."
"This is an important finding because it's the first confirmation of what's known as photochemistry happening around a very different planet."
"Most stars in our galaxy have potentially habitable planets."
"There's no doubt that there are other planets out there."
"It's almost our son's twin, but no exoplanets had been found near it yet. They may exist, but they're just invisible to terrestrial telescopes."
"We estimate there's 11 billion earth-like planets in the habitable zones in our galaxy alone."
"Kepler found over 2000 exoplanets. There are possibly 3000 more on the yet-to-be-verified list."
"Leaving this super-earth is extremely difficult."
"These super earths are far enough away from their stars to avoid tidal locking, making them quite special."
"There are billions of planets out there waiting to be discovered."
"The fact that we can even find exoplanets in other solar systems makes the chances of finding alien life much higher than ever."
"Earth 2.0: the very best candidate for human habitability."
"Surveying the most earth-like planets out to a distance of several thousand light-years may help us refine our search."
"Exoplanets or planets outside of our solar system have been discovered in about 5,000 instances."
"Using the wobble method, the Swiss team detected an entire solar system, with up to six rocky planets."
"There could be over a billion Earth-like planets in our own backyard."
"Continuing our trek through space, the next closest star to have confirmed exoplanets orbiting it would be Wolf 359 at just eight light years away."
"That would allow for dramatic increases in capability to do things like SETI or studying exoplanets at a level of detail that might be impractical or impossible otherwise."
"There must be billions of habitable planets, potentially habitable planets."
"There are an estimated 300 quintillion habitable planets."
"Planets are in Goldilocks zones everywhere."
"There probably are water worlds out there."
"Endless empty space, terrifying black holes able to practically erase matter and trillions of strange worlds exoplanets that are so distant and mysterious that they seem unattainable."
"We've discovered more than 5,000 planets outside of our solar system, called exoplanets."
"Could we find worlds where neither was a moon, but both were large and habitable, like Earth, and would life have evolved from one of those double sand spread to the other?"
"The search for exoplanets and the search for life in the universe is one of the most exciting subjects, not just in astronomy, but in all of science."
"We haven't explored the solar system fully, and we certainly haven't characterized the large number of exoplanets."
"One in six stars has an Earth-like planet, and one in three stars in the Milky Way has a habitable planet."
"To me, exoplanets seem like it's ridiculous that that would ever be a taboo subject."
"What's really exciting is that we can now characterize the atmospheres of these exoplanets much more precisely."
"The first worlds beyond our solar system had been found."
"The Pulsar planets were very interesting. They're actually very low in Mass and more similar to Earth's mass."
"These unusual worlds have a potential to sustain liquid oceans much much longer than planet Earth."
"...we're kind of entering a new golden age from finding even more exoplanets."
"We may come to live on planets with two or even three sunrises one day."
"...most planets we have found so far are actually in between these two brackets that we have in our solar system we call them super Earths if they're rocks but more massive than the earth and many Neptunes if they're gas balls but less massive than Neptune."
"Once we enter this era of being able to study these planets, be able to see the chemicals that are on their surfaces, that's when this whole quest to find out if there's life there..."
"Are there organisms that might be producing methane on exoplanets?"
"A picture of planets around Proxima Centauri close up, that would be life-changing."
"planets entirely covered in water could support alien life study reveals while you might think that a planet covered entirely in water would be uninhabitable a new study suggests that this may not be the case subnautica players"
"17 discovered exoplanets could house subsurface oceans buried below thick sheets of ice."
"By examining the light that passes through a planet's atmosphere, researchers can identify the fingerprints of specific molecules, such as oxygen, methane, and water vapor, which on Earth are closely associated with biological activity."
"The area around a star is habitable when it's not too cold or too hot for liquid water to exist on the planet surrounding it."
"The Milky Way contains around 400 billion stars and potentially over a trillion exoplanets."
"The existence of exoplanets... for the first time humanity could be sure that the solar system in which it lived was not alone."
"...astronomers are using the telescope to look for life on thousands of newly discovered planets."
"We're just about able now to use spectroscopy on the atmosphere of planets around other stars. If we see oxygen there, we think there are plants on that planet."
"One big reason these planets have no life is that there's no geochemical reactivity because there's no tectonic subduction."
"Blery 436b is a planet that would give you a vivid example. Being extremely close to its Sun, the Neptune-size exoplanet boasts temperatures hotter than a blazing oven and yet it's covered in ice, which burns incessantly."
"The future of exoplanet discoveries is looking brighter than ever."
"This discovery is more than just a spooky phenomenon; it could reveal information about the presence of asteroids and comets in these exoplanet systems."
"The very existence of exoplanets has gone from theory to reality only in the last decade."
"People actually being able to discover planets that could potentially be in the habitable zone around other stars."
"Super Earth class planets are even better suited for the origin of life than planet Earth itself."
"I'm hoping we make the big launch towards another solar system really driven by the fact that we now actually have exoplanets that we know we might be able to get to and survive on."
"With these new tools and technologies, it is only a matter of time before we are able to detect Earth-like worlds capable of supporting life."
"Exoplanets were not easy to detect. They are tiny, light smothered by the light of their star, and they are so far away."
"We've gone from finding exoplanets to detecting the atmospheres of exoplanets and now we're moving into detecting the weather in the atmosphere on exoplanets."
"The Habitable Worlds Observatory, specifically designed to search for Earth-sized worlds orbiting around sun-like stars."
"You really want the Earth-sized world orbiting around a sun-like star."
"The Taman spacecraft will be able to find Earth-sized worlds orbiting around Alpha Centauri."
"There are literally thousands of planets in our universe that are in the temperate zone that will support life."
"Just statistically extrapolating from what we know in terms of exoplanet candidates we reckon that about one in five sun-like stars probably has an earth-like planet around it within the habitable zone of its star"
"Every second or third star could have a planet where there could be intelligent life."
"This planet is located in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, it means that there can be water and even some microorganisms there."
"Every second or third star has at least one planet more or less the same size as our own in the Goldilocks zone."
"If we go further afield, there's been a real drive to discover exoplanets."
"One out of five out of these alien suns that... actually have a planet that could potentially be like ours."
"It's now clear that most stars are orbited by their own planets, something that Giordano Bruno speculated about in the 16th century."
"But there are probably around a billion planets in the Milky Way that are Earth-like in the sense that they are about the size of the Earth and at a distance from their parent star such that water can exist, neither boiling away nor staying permanently frozen."
"The potential of these exoplanets to support life is ranked using an index that includes their distance from the center of the habitable or goldilocks zone."
"Who knows, maybe one of them will be the next Earth 2.0."
"Imagine a planet so massive and mysterious it's like a hidden Jupiter in our galaxy."
"Studying these worlds could give us valuable insights into the evolution of our own solar system."
"WASP-76b: Where it rains iron on the night side."
"Gliese 436b: Both scorching hot and eternally icy at the same time."
"20,000 light years away from Earth, there's an exoplanet that might be one enormous diamond."
"The hot Jupiter Paradox has stimulated extensive research leading to advancements in our understanding of Planet formation, migration mechanisms, and the overall architectural diversity of planetary systems."
"While we have identified exoplanets that could potentially support life, confirming such a possibility remains one of the foremost challenges and objectives in the field of astronomy."
"Virtually every star in our Milky Way has a reasonably high chance of having at least one planet."
"Trappist-1d is the most similar to Earth. It's only 30 percent smaller and three times lighter. It has a rocky surface, and the temperature here is 48 degrees Fahrenheit."
"LT 9779 B is five times as large as Earth, which makes it the largest space mirror ever discovered."
"Astronomers expected a planet like that to have its atmosphere destroyed by its star, which would leave behind a lifeless rocky world."
"Plinimos are planets without a star, they're just drifting through the galaxy indefinitely."
"The discovery of pulsar planets shows how new worlds can form in the wake of a star's destruction."
"And do all of them really have liquid water oceans? And if so, are they in fact habitable for life as we know it?"
"There may be a hundred billion planetary systems in the Galaxy awaiting exploration. Not one of those worlds will be identical to Earth."
"...those 1500 and counting exoplanets of more than 1 but less than 10 times Earth’s mass that we call Super Earths, virtually none would be even as promising as Mars or Venus for terraforming."
"It's a very exciting time to be in exoplanet imaging because NASA's decided to prioritize development of this EXO Earth Imaging Habitable Worlds Observatory as its next big flagship."
"The study of exoplanets has transformed the field of astronomy, and it's driving the pace of development of new optical technologies for imaging or for spectroscopic studies of exoplanet atmospheres at an incredible pace."
"I wanted to find a Goldilocks planet that was real but obviously is so far away that we really don't have a good idea as to what it really looks like."
"Life on Kepler 22b? Scientists think it's a possibility. It's the first planet located in the habitable zone found by the Kepler telescope. There may be water on this planet, and if there's water, there may be life."
"...hopefully will find evidence for atmospheres and vegetation on distant exoplanets..."
"Kepler 10B provides a unique laboratory for studying the compositions and atmospheres of rocky exoplanets as well as the conditions under which they form and evolve."
"The discovery of GJ 436b has significantly expanded our understanding of the diversity of exoplanets and the range of conditions under which they can exist."
"The discovery of Kepler 16b challenges previous assumptions about planet formation, indicating that planets can form and maintain stable orbits even in the complex gravitational fields generated by two stars."
"The rapid loss of atmosphere on GJ 3470b raises questions about the planet's future and what it might tell us about the life cycles of similar exoplanets over time."
"The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere of K218b suggests that under the right conditions, this planet could potentially have liquid water, a crucial ingredient for life as we know it."
"When we're looking for planets around other stars, we're looking for planets in something called the habitable zone, the distance from a parent star where liquid water could be stable on the surface."
"So if we want to find lots of exoplanets, and hopefully find one that's similar to Earth, we need to try some new methods."
"So if the goal is to find Earth 2.0, a small rocky world orbiting in the star's habitable zone, we're going to need to try something new, and that is where the transit method comes in."
"This method has been by far the most useful and has been responsible for detecting over 80% of all the exoplanets we have detected thus far."
"This could be the first planet that was actually detected, this one is real."
"This was one of the interesting results from Kepler, is most of the planets we're finding, there's no counterpart in our solar system."
"We're seeing a lot of the so-called super-Earths and mini-Neptunes."
"High metallicity will very likely result in planets like Earth."
"Could there be maybe similar double Earth orbiting somewhere else as well?"
"It's a very important moment in the history of science to be sure that there are other systems of planets out there."
"...which is to look at the atmospheres of extrasolar planets to look for biomarkers and potentially evidence for life elsewhere in the universe."
"With this discovery, we've made a giant accelerated leap forward in the search for habitable worlds and life on other worlds."
"Taken as a whole, these twilight worlds with their thin habitable bands might be a lot wider than we used to think."
"Twilight worlds get the stamp of ‘plausible’ for possible home worlds of intelligent life."
"If you find a planet with oxygen, it's evidence of something generating that oxygen."
"Kepler's success: Kepler discovered 2662 planets beyond the solar system."
"Euclid's image is more than a pretty picture—it's a data set being analyzed to find rogue planets and brown dwarfs."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will provide detailed spectroscopic analysis of the atmospheres of thousands of known exoplanets for the first time."
"We suspect that there are billions of planets in our own galaxy, perhaps as many as 50 billion."
"...result is a list of only the most habitable and most earth-like planets discovered to date."
"So yes, we can nail down that first factor, stars having planets, as being very high, and we can probably nail down the second factor of planets with the right size and temperature as being decently common."
"That factor, the average number of life-potential planets per star that has planets, is a total wild card."
"Tidally locked planets are the most common type in the universe, theoretically."
"Now we're on the brink of discovering Earth's twin sisters."
"Making it the second closest potentially habitable world to our own."
"To imagine trillions of planets, each a unique cauldron of chemicals undergoing their own complex evolution."
"It's one of the best shots ever proposed to directly image earth-sized worlds orbiting around sunlike stars in the habitable zone."
"That's really one of the biggest advances made since then in exoplanet science."
"We are going through a very significant period in the history of astronomy, because for the last 20 years, we witness and a significant number of exoplanets discovered by modern techniques."
"It's entirely possible that we may see exoplanets that present biosignatures but no techno signatures."
"Everywhere we point our telescopes, we find planets."