
Benevolence Quotes

There are 812 quotes

"Think good of the other, and you are actually thinking good about yourself."
"If I were religious, I'd have to say God put you on this Earth to do good."
"Some spirits are much bigger and more present than others, some were absolutely benevolent and peaceful, and some are greedy, selfish, and evil."
"There's something uniquely human about wanting to do good."
"Warmth is about goodwill towards others... It's about being benevolent, altruistic, caring, kind."
"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!"
"In the end, light emerged victorious, not by might, but by benevolence."
"Is it wrong to ask God to bless you? No, it is not wrong to ask God to bless you so you can be a blessing."
"You want to be a benevolent force in the world... a force of good."
"You are a shaman, a magician; use your gifts for good."
"I trust that God still wants good for me and that God still wants good for you."
"Jin, which stands for benevolence or compassion, reminds us to balance strength with kindness towards those we serve and protect."
"No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
"Thank goodness. The reason that I was still alive was because of all the goodness - technological goodness, medical goodness, just good-hearted people."
"We are the benevolent overlord that the galaxy needed."
"Know how to give good gifts to your children; how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
"He feeds them and has them wash their feet...he treats them hospitably, and there's a blessing as a consequence of that."
"Hermes is depicted as the most human and despite his wolfish nature, the most benevolent towards man."
"Blessed is he who considers the poor, for the Lord will help him in his time of trouble."
"You really shouldn't be able to put a limit on benevolence."
"Any true religion, any true faith, any true spirituality is going to be about benevolent connection between people."
"With malice toward none with charity for all."
"The man Bruneians simply called 'HM' is a benevolent ruler who genuinely wants the best for his people."
"Let's just place in some water pipes for these lovely people."
"The first encounter between humanity and an E.T. presence is a benevolent one."
"By their fruits we will recognize the true natures of groups. The genuinely benevolent ones won't be found concealing abuse."
"What's the opposite of nefarious? All of his little plans are always like trying to help other people's lives, benevolent I guess."
"What you need are benevolent thinkers trying to determine how best to use it."
"The United States has been the greatest force for benevolence in world history, and I think the evidence for that is overwhelming."
"Benevolent though is pretty much by definition someone who does get into other people’s problems."
"When you pray for somebody, you're helping someone that can't help themselves."
"Charity is beneficial, helpful, and a universal concept."
"It's all about being a good person, doing good deeds."
"Wisdom is benevolent, compassionate, and selfless."
"The best of people are those who don't harm you."
"Let's not stop getting it twisted that there are some benevolent people that want to see the black race come up. Stop it."
"If your concept of a creator is someone who's all powerful and all good, that's not an uncommon pairing of powers."
"The benevolent machines are stronger together."
"Jesus came not to destroy men's lives but to save them."
"He's actually a good dude who cares about people and like wants to do right by people."
"He just took down hero marine 3-2! That's amazing!"
"Love means seeking what is good and right for people."
"The benevolence of government is that it can protect us."
"Among the many virtuous individuals Walter had encountered, Kylie stood out."
"The Legacy he wished to leave behind should be one of benevolence."
"The Andromedans are benevolent and friendly aliens from the Andromeda galaxy."
"Jesus wasn't too good for some he was good to all."
"Remember the good things, like this guy who I've been paying them a salary this whole time."
"Some of you are in this very benevolent mood."
"Allah will never disgrace you, and mention all the good He does for the people."
"If there's a compliment in your heart it's put there by God to bless someone else that day."
"Religions tend to have communities and they tend to have theological beliefs that involve a benevolent God."
"We can want what someone else has without wishing they lose it."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"A guy who extends a helping hand to the weak."
"From the perspective of giving dawah to non-Muslims, you want goodness for them, you want guidance for them."
"God honors those who honor Him. One way to honor God is by showing kindness to the poor."
"God is always present with us, watching all that we do, looking over us in a benevolent way."
"Just do you, challenge yourself every day, wish others well."
"Love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."
"He's done plenty of charity work in silence."
"May your joy become my Guiding Light, instilling unwavering trust that you are working all things together for my ultimate good."
"She shares the narrative of Mr. Jenkins, emphasizing how one person's act of benevolence can ripple outwards, creating waves of positive change."
"She's not a good person but she's capable of doing good things."
"Bless those that curse you, pray for those that despitefully use you."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you. Amen."
"Your spirit guides have the best interest at heart for you."
"God bless you. Aloha. Take care of one another."
"The person who is truly benevolent, that is a spiritual position."
"The aliens, they're good, they're benevolent, they want to help us."
"We should wish good for him and hope Allah uses him for good."
"God knows your heart, He knows it, and if you can be a blessing to others genuinely, genuinely be a blessing to others, then you can be where you're supposed to be."
"Your prayers and your alms to the poor have come up as a memorial before God."
"You are meant to show the world goodness, you were meant to deliver water to the world, to give them those mother Teresa vibes."
"Everybody's here, everybody's watching, and they're all benevolent. They want what's best for us."
"Trust God with your pain and keep trying to be a blessing to others."
"Maybe he was just an emperor who wanted to help his people as best he could."
"He's a benevolent king of the concrete jungle."
"Depending on where their heart is, if they're generally good people, the solar flash will neutralize the poison in their body so that they could Ascend."
"We live in a universe that is far more benevolent than we realize."
"What sort of a king would I be if I hadn't enough compassion to help you, my very own subjects?"
"Pray, even pray for your enemies. Because God blesses you for praying."
"It's useful, it makes you happier and is useful to believe that you live in this kind of benevolent world."
"Give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence."
"God watches over us because He is good."
"Something that benefits you, I think, is a benefit no matter how it reaches you, as long as it resonates and as long as it's good, benevolent."
"Super good guy, cared about people, went above and beyond."
"He decided that he wanted to live so as to make the world a better place."
"Is he willing to prevent evil but not able? Then is he impotent. Is he able but not willing? Then is he malevolent."
"I think it's very, very rare that people in your position are this benevolent."
"...generosity, that's a good one. Or sort of a beneficence or goodwill sometimes is one of its most positive or highest expressions."
"There's not a mean bone in this person's body."
"At the end of the day, it's about being nice."
"It doesn't cost anything to do something nice."
"The foundation of the universe is benevolent goodness, love. Oh, it's all love."
"I've always wanted the best for all fighters."
"I'm an angel chat. I'm an angel for real."
"To restrain evil is merciful, to restrain evil is beneficent."
"Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts."
"Do I want the best for them? Absolutely."
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men."
"They are very generous with money, they're very generous with their time, you know, things like that."
"The best of people is the one most beneficial to others."
"The best of the people is the one who is most beneficial to people."
"I want to be able to smile while doing something good for them."
"Being a friend to dogs and men is a good day's work."
"Whether you would call them gods would depend on whether we feel they are benign towards us."
"He came to help not cause more problems."
"The most beloved amongst you in the eyes of God is the one who benefits his family most."
"The soul is the immortal friend, working forever for our good."
"To his subordinates, Paus was a benevolent and always correct superior."
"I want to know what is going to be most beneficial to you."
"If you wish to be revenged, do good to your enemy."
"Unless you feed my hungry, give drink to the Thirsty, visit the sick, help the sick, visit those in prison, clothe the naked...well done, good and faithful servant."
"It's better to practice benevolence because doors are open for you when you practice benevolence."
"The Yellow Ajah probably does more for good than any member of any other Ajah."
"God is so good. He makes his rainfall on the just and the unjust. Everything good that happens in this world has a source and that source is God. If there were no God, there would be no goodness."
"Our intention is to only help people."
"You just want to give, like a fairy godmother spreading love."
"You'll focus on holistic healing. Be generous, be benevolent, help other people."
"You'll have the wisdom of the guru, the truthful nature of the sun, the benevolent nature of Jupiter."
"This was then the reward of my benevolence! I had saved a human being from destruction, and, as a recompense, I now writhed under the miserable pain of a wound, which shattered the flesh and bone."
"I believe there's a benevolence movement that will break the cycle of poverty."
"Believe it or not, it's that Gar kid. I don't know why or how, but he turned over a new leaf and has been ruling the nation with benevolence and love."
"Send your thoughts and your energies out there. Make them good, make them pure, and make them benevolent, for they will definitely land on the souls and the nature spots that need them."
"You have to have that shafaqah, that real, 'I care for the person, that you really want them to benefit and to achieve and to be good.'"
"Dragon is a service to those in need, his acts are benevolent and not self-serving. Dragon assists humans on their Journey towards Ascension."
"Benevolence is the active ongoing intentional use of ventral vagal energy in service of healing."
"It's nice to know a creature like this is out there fighting to protect humanity."
"God, Mark's a good guy. He really is. Maybe You could help him walk again? Could You do that, please?"
"If Allah uses you to guide one person, it is better for you than the most valuable conveyance. The most expensive conveyance you can have today, what's the conveyance? I will tell you, probably the most expensive conveyance we have today is an aircraft."
"Every creature that lives and breathes, in other words, if it benefits from your charity, it is a charity."
"His expanded Consciousness also afforded him a new perspective, abandoning the pursuit of Revenge he instead began plotting to usurp control of the universe and impose just order as a benevolent overseer."
"The appeal is to benevolent say a universal natural feeling of benevolence literally wanting what is good for others."
"And from that kindness, be good to each other."
"Angels will make a difference in somebody else's life."
"Not all Spirits are malevolent, sometimes they just need help moving on."
"Angels always perform benevolent deeds, bringing radiance to humanity."
"...a willingness to sacrifice what i want for the good of the other is an indication of benevolence."
"The remorse you are feeling can be of great use for your future development if you can genuinely learn from your past experience and make a choice to act in a benevolent way."
"A personal being with far more knowledge and intelligence and creativity and power and care than we human beings."
"It is when love is poured out that the slums are purged and churches are built and schools and orphanages and the like. It is love poured out that's given bread to the hungry and clothed the naked."
"Men in no respect so nearly approach to the deity as when they confer benefits on men."
"He was more generous than an uncontrollable wind. You know when the wind blows, it does not leave anything in its path except that it touches."
"We say to him in the words of the great Roman men: 'In no respect so nearly approach to the deity as when they confer benefits on men.'"
"Doing no evil to anyone, the sage imitates heaven, acting for the good of all."
"Having a peaceful disposition and doing good deeds are the foundations of health and longevity."
"Despite his seemingly antagonistic actions, he genuinely wants the best for Ichigo."
"It is Mercy that makes us merciful."
"He was trying to do a good thing, his heart was in the right place."
"Some benevolent Force left this medicine."
"If when they look around the world, they feel exaltation, let it be tempered with benevolence to others, and gratitude to God who hath made of one blood all nations of men."
"God's will is never evil, His thoughts for you are thoughts of good."
"Loving kindness is an attitude, a frame of mind which also induces or inspires our words and actions. It is an attitude that is persistently benevolent."
"He's a man who strives to make the world a better place for others to live in."
"God doesn't skimp on grace. His benevolent kindness is lavish as He dispenses grace."
"You are not only concerned with your own well-being but also play the roles of guardian and benefactor, seeking to improve the lives of those around you."
"I pray for protection on every person under the sound of my voice."
"Surely an all-powerful, benevolent deity would eliminate suffering and remove evil."
"Practice kindness right. Say every opportunity you have, say something kind, every opportunity you have, do an act of kindness."
"Kindness will take you a long way."
"A person of integrity influences others because he wants to bring something to the table that will benefit them, not put them on the table to benefit himself."
"God just delights doing good things for you."
"Our desire to join with you in doing good."
"Prayer is the greatest thing you can do for someone else."
"The most beloved people to Allah are those most beneficial to others."
"He solves the problem for them. Imagine His kindness."
"He doeth nothing save it be good and for the benefit of the world because he loveth his children."
"At a certain level, you have to assume the universe is benevolent. It's the only way for anything else to make sense."
"That second story could have gone all sorts of bad. I'm glad that stranger was benevolent."
"Let the world be blessed because of you."
"Once again he's using his massive power talent and influence for good."
"You're essentially becoming an angel upon the Earth AKA Earth Angel."
"I am not here to curse you, I bless you."
"Agape love means unconquerable benevolence. It means that no matter what a man may do to us by way of insult or injury or humiliation, we will never seek anything else but his highest good."
"God saved us to lavish us with deeds of kindness."
"The highest good is like water, for water benefits the ten thousand things without striving."
"He didn't have the money or power to do it himself, but what he did have was a single genuine desire to improve the quality of life in his own domain."
"Magic was something that exercised power when it was used for someone's good."
"The power to give and take could have been the kindest in the whole world."
"With malice toward none and charity toward all."
"That he wanted the best for people, not the worst."
"Transhumanism promises omnibenevolence, doing away with all corruption."
"Do no harm, act in the highest interests of everybody concerned."
"We should do nothing but good to one another."
"The most beloved to Allah are those who are best to others."
"To love is to will the good of the other, for the sake of the other."
"It is very much for the benefit of others as well."
"Vince McMahon has done some pretty big things for people that others don't even know about."
"You can be kind. The world's better off."
"The goodness of God restores everything."
"Since God knows everything, he knows the best about us."
"The universe is a benevolent place that wants you to grow."
"Doing good actually makes you better."
"May all sentient beings live in peace and happiness."
"We are living in a good and benevolent universe that is designed to bring out the best in all of us."
"What you make happen for others, God will help happen for you."
"'He very much is... he just decided that he was too lazy to go after other people so he became a benevolent God.'"
"It's almost like fate when you're out here trying to do a bunch of good."
"Anyone who plants a tree will be rewarded for it, whether animals take benefit from it or humans take benefit from it."