
Intimidation Quotes

There are 2224 quotes

"Usad can't help but think how terrifying Rose is as she carries him and the bear over her shoulder."
"She used 0.1% of her strength, which created waves of wind enough to scare her opponent."
"With his eyes shot blood red, he radiates an immense amount of power."
"Let nobody...intimidate you or make you afraid or make you question yourself."
"You think I'm playing. Even in your dreams, I'm going to be there."
"The judge did not mince words in his finding that the suit lacked merit and appeared to be a blatant attempt to intimidate researchers and critics."
"Adorned with stolen gold, this weapon is an intimidating display of wealth."
"Every once in a very long while, Lord Tywin Lannister would actually threaten to smile. He never did, but the threat alone was terrible to behold."
"Our strategy has to be a little bit different... we got to scare some people in purple districts otherwise we can't get their votes in Congress."
"A blank document with the little blinking line is intimidating to me, but a blank page in a journal is incredibly inviting."
"For all their arms and armour, the principal advantage of the Gallic army was their ability to utterly terrify their foe."
"We condemn any intimidation of judges... Peaceful protest should be allowed... It is the intimidation and the violence that we condemn."
"I've decided as a matter of principle I'm not going to take this. I'm not going to be intimidated and not going to be bullied."
"Don't let anybody intimidate you from discovering your superpower."
"Whoever steps in this cage has to duel me. If that don't scare you, that'll give you the heebie-jeebies."
"Swatting attacks have had deadly consequences in the past, a fact that the perpetrators probably knew well when they made their calls targeting politicians that they were attempting to intimidate."
"Voter intimidation is absolutely unacceptable."
"Vulkan was an intimidating being, stoic and Hardy in nature."
"I'd like to introduce you to your fate. Meet the powerhouse, Mr. Hobbs. Hangman, go ahead, put down the whiskey and ask yourself this question: Do you really think you can kick my ass?"
"This is what will happen if you go against us. We will take away every single right you have, we will destroy you."
"Kiss my head, yo! He is further recording himself with proof of him intimidating a witness."
"As you get closer this Alpha this giant this this lion you know this god-like figure per se starts to grow and grow and grow and grow"
"So I think it's time we get some new guard dogs loud, vicious, unstoppable forces of protection that will scare the [ __ ] out of these bigots."
"It's quite a creative way to display Kylo's power and maintain the aura of intimidation."
"Lord Dominator, one lady that nobody messes with."
"Sometimes I worry about that like do you feel like do you feel like I'm intimidating?"
"The Supreme Court has made quite clear that the word intimidation... directs a threat to a person with the intent of placing the victim in fear of bodily harm or death."
"I want a President who people are terrified of who's going to push people out of the way when he's walking up because he's the United States of freaking American."
"Number one reason people don't work out is because they're intimidated to walk in the door."
"It can be very intimidating when building your first solar power system if you do not have much electrical engineering experience."
"He's a fascinating character that makes him kind of scary."
"The true non-squirrel ears come through intimidation and resourcefulness."
"We're not going to stop doing what we do. We are what we are, and you know I think people are intimidated by it for some reason."
"Anthony Rumble Johnson spent the best part of three years terrifying the 205 weight class."
"The Finns were the most feared raiding target, not necessarily because of their battle abilities, but because of their magic."
"I am like a massive super scary steve, speed 10, strength 10, resistance 10."
"In this cryptic and frightening video, one of the most powerful people in the world was directly threatened."
"Violently trying to intimidate and use violence to shut someone down from being able to exercise their rights, their right to peaceful protest, their right to open carry."
"They feel very intimidated by the relationship."
"Self-censorship becomes hard censorship and this intimidation becomes self-censorship."
"The red balloons in the movie weren't scary, but you were certainly intimidated whenever they showed up."
"He was dropping NBA players off at 16. People were scared to play me, hear those stories."
"It looked very intimidating as Bellamy would describe for what they thought was an owl only this owl or whatever was posing as it was huge."
"You almost intimidate them, they don't know how to be enough for you."
"This type of behavior, what is the purpose of this? It is meant to silence you. It is meant to send a message to you that nobody is safe."
"The man you fear isn't the man that tells you how tough they are, the man you fear is the one that doesn't say anything."
"There is a phenomenon where the pressure on an idea becomes so great that people feel intimidated out of questioning it."
"That guy's big and he looks at you with intent, like those eyes, those are the eyes that have seen some [] and that wanna see some []."
"I think it's a way big Plus that he showed his face and explained why he did it because I think it will put fear into the modernist to realize that this is what we're up against and it's going to grow."
"Goldberg has put the fear of god into the lives of more than one wrestler."
"Dante himself, what more can be said? One of the only characters that when I decided to do some light research... intimidated me."
"Censorship is done by intimidation, character smears... very harmful."
"We've got to just say no, do not accept this, do not just say we are not doing this, we will not be intimidated."
"The honey badger is the only thing alive that can make a bowl cut intimidating."
"You're gonna have much more success against teams that are afraid of you."
"An awakened melanated man who knows who he is is the most intimidating thing."
"Just know when they see me, I'm nothing to play with."
"The goal of a narcissist is to dominate and be perceived as right at all costs, resorting to provoking, bullying, and intimidating tactics."
"Intimidation is about perception. The perception of hurting someone."
"The huntress mainly gets her fear factor from her tool and imposing stature."
"You look like the Unabomber who was too afraid to send the bombs."
"The giant raw power surges of Broly make him scary."
"They gave you so much power and realization. They are intimidated by you. If they thought what they were doing was breaking you, oh no, it wasn't. It was strengthening you."
"Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
"Your light hurts their eyes, you are blinding them with your blessings."
"He's intimidating and preying on the weaknesses of others isn't strength."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"So, there's going to be player ID for Harland, as you can see. He's got that signature running style, it's very intimidating."
"Colt then materialized out of the shadows like a beast from hell, growling with his teeth bared."
"Sometimes just looking scary as hell out there could really elevate your position fast." - Vitor Belfort vs. Marvin Eastman
"Tyranitar, an utter nightmare to deal with and kind of pretty damn scary."
"I knew I had done something good... just be scared."
"King approaches monsters, and the monsters, out of sheer terror seeing the legendary hero King, they're so scared of him, he will stare them to submission. One of the biggest flexes of all time."
"Each beating, each burn, each chilling use of the ice pick or baseball bat was a clear signal to anyone who dared to defy Capone's rule."
"He had to lead by example as much as intimidation."
"Another victory for the one and only Orange Cassidy."
"We're gonna give you one more thing to actually cry about."
"Don't be too intimidated by the massive amount of basic collections here."
"Abaddon's got to be voted pro wrestling's most intimidating. I would agree."
"Together they embarked on a campaign deliberately to create buildings that would intimidate and overwhelm."
"It's fancy geopolitical speak for bro, I can [ __ ] you up anywhere on this earth."
"Your confidence is scarier than any cookie you could bake."
"The only man who puts fear my heart on stage, Dave's mother [ __ ] repeal."
"This is a pathetic sad little weak attempt at intimidating me, which has decisively failed."
"People really think you're very attractive... it's at the point where people don't even want to approach you anymore because they're scared."
"We live in fear and intimidation and it's like we are bullied in a way."
"Why are they so desperate in recruiting drivers the answer is there uber and lyft are struggling to recruit drivers right and riders yes they flooding back to the apps but not the drivers."
"This is what power does. It intimidates people."
"It's embarrassing oh my God Faye is definitely the scary boss here she's the one who pushes people screams at people."
"Make this character, make Master Dragunov absolutely terrifying."
"This is scary to me. I have screenshots where there are people that have said I work for the police, tell me what you need."
"I think what we saw in the finals first broken blade is like terrifying."
"Federal agents in unmarked cars detained protesters in Portland... It's a form of intimidation, it's absolutely horrifying."
"Mewtwo has a lot of good stuff, very fast, very scary."
"The Vikings were warriors, there's no doubt, but they lived by intimidation, about fear and terrorism. They were Raiders, they weren't soldiers."
"When you refuse to bow to their intimidation, it just makes them so mad. That's what they want."
"A person shouldn't enable that much fear into someone."
"For all intents and purposes, you are their doom. The only thing they fear is you."
"The rainbow flag had become a common decoration in many overtly gay spaces by this point but to me that always made it a little bit intimidating."
"The Iowas absolutely scared the pants off of the Soviet Union."
"Computers seem very scary when you think about it. It's all these little tiny pieces."
"Every woman on that show would beat the living [__] out of me."
"Human Rights Watch criticized Singapore's decision stating publicly punishing a youthful dissident who dared besmirch the image of the recently passed leader and intimidating anyone else who might think of doing the same in the future."
"Would you dare to arm wrestle him? I don't think so."
"People have had enough of being menaced and threatened by those who claim to have God on their side."
"He's like a nightmare on the battlefield, just a nightmare."
"Where does this confidence come from? Whoever's going to be playing Liverpool should be fearful."
"He is honestly the definition of tough and intimidating." - "He is honestly the definition of tough and intimidating."
"Assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing."
"Sometimes I dress not to impress men, but to terrify them, to confuse and challenge and alarm and destabilize them."
"Ignore shows of intimidation which includes both death threats and suicide threats. Say nothing to them ever. Turn the other cheek. Walk away."
"When a person is queen-conscious, the world is usually intimidated by her because a queen-conscious woman can see through the disguise."
"He made it clear to her that she was going to be his next victim."
"There's a threatening presence about me, and it's actually somewhat real."
"Stay out of the Bagwell case or you and your family will face the wrath of God."
"Angron will be a seriously spooky model for enemy armies to fight against."
"The imposing facade of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia may once have struck fear into the hearts of some America's most violent and dangerous criminals."
"Manchester City are a big, big, big fear factor when it comes to this Premier League title."
"If you look dangerous, people will be afraid to cross you."
"Don't let anybody ever try to dull your shine in that Arena because if anyone is trying to like um you know slow you down or even reject your ideas in a career environment is because they feel intimidated in some way."
"America needs something like that to scare the crap out of everybody else out there."
"He has to be the scariest guy in the planet."
"Vega the man who sees himself as the physical embodiment of male beauty is quite frankly terrifying."
"At 14th level you gain 'Terrifying Vis,' now you can assume a terrifying form and frighten all of the targets around you."
"I'm the guy that's going to kill your kids. Okay, I don't know what that was, that sound."
"Enemies would shiver when they hear a name like that, even the Torrid."
"Johan was indeed a monster, a demon with ethereal claws who could squeeze the very soul out of any person he encountered."
"Get those scary-looking demons on your side, because when you do, nobody can mess with you."
"This is going to scare weird strict dad away."
"They do know your value, that's exactly why they're feeling intimidated."
"Your presence rattles others; you emit a powerful energy."
"Don't let them intimidate you. I guess first off, don't let them do it. That's what they're trying to do to me right now."
"The Ice Dragon is a cut creature with such a size and design so intimidating that it lives up to its mythical namesake."
"I was very much uncomfortable, intimidated by the process."
"they have the fire power they've got the pace and Pace really um frightens defenses"
"Few people can be both funny and utterly terrifying."
"His lack of movement and cold gaze give him a dark, creepy presence."
"With its powerful and huge astounding physique, the Neapolitan Mastiff has been intimidating intruders since the ancient times of the Roman Empire."
"You messed with the daughter of a Yakuza boss."
"There's a name for the type of organization that tries to prevent people from leaving by threats of violence, by silencing, and by intimidation and it is the [ __ ] mafia."
"He's been the Boogeyman in the heavyweight division for a while, a lot of people wouldn't even go in the ring with him, a lot of respect."
"This should be a pass rush that's gonna absolutely terrify other teams."
"Ghosts wouldn't dare disturb a witcher, others will stay away out of fear."
"Having a viking riding a polar bear towards you is no fun."
"I've been watching rocks since I was a kid... there's not too many that came in the game that made me feel threatened, made me feel worried."
"Come on, have you ever looked a goddamn Hawk in the eyes? It's like the grim reaper staring into your soul."
"This goose is a stone-cold badass who will stare anyone down."
"Michael is definitely the scariest he's been in a long time."
"This is a way to shut you up. They're trying to drive you from office."
"Getting the ball rolling with creating can be really intimidating, especially whenever there's fear of failure or we're feeling art block."
"He's younger than me, he's stronger than me, bigger than me, but he's still scared of me."
"Scourge is sinister, scary, and absolutely menacing."
"When the nice guy loses his patience, the devil shivers."
"You have to make the power elite frightened of you."
"We have to begin to make the power elite terrified of us."
"You're a little scary, you know, brilliant but scary."
"I'm outraged that the vast majority of the media doesn't realize seems to ignore the fact that the reason this is being done is to intimidate me and my role as a lawyer."
"Do you think that when you get up and start running at them to hit them again that they're just gonna be like so terrified of the fact that you pooped your pants?"
"The Tyson effect: when his opponents entered the ring already defeated."
"Don't let anything or anyone intimidate you."
"Making everybody afraid of speaking to me before we start."
"The Boerboel: Intimidating breed with an ingrained ability to defend homes from terrifying predators."
"The Rottweiler... known to be scary-looking, fierce, and pack a mean bark and bite combination."
"Persuade, lie, and intimidate, all make various types of enemies cower before you."
"Symbolic annihilation: destroy symbols of social justice, scare people to not want to be public."
"Grusch claimed that when he briefed the US Senate about the UFO recovery program, he was immediately harassed and intimidated by members of the intelligence community."
"Ganondorf's new smash attacks put fear into you."
"If our Master wants you dead, you die." - A chilling display of power dynamics.
"You push another mid wave, you disappear into their jungle, this time on the pink they are so scared they don't know what the [ __ ] to do."
"I want your heart, I want to eat his children."
"He's extremely intimidating, maintaining over 85% win rate."
"There's a fine line between wanting to be protected and wanting to intimidate others. It's all in the title. Assault weapons don't protect, they harm."
"They constantly try to make you be afraid, so they intimidate you in all sorts of ways."
"Man, the eyes are so intimidating. Everything that I have learned has been through the mistakes of what I've learned."
"I am scary I am I am threatening I'm Darth Vader."
"I am a firm believer that the dog man is a demonic entity that appears to be very physical when people see it."
"It's almost like dog man enjoys seeing you in fear and seeing you terrified."
"Why something wants to put such a frickin massive dose of terror into us?"
"You can't just scare people like that. That's low, dude."
"You're beautiful. You are beautiful. Scary but beautiful."
"This Vilgax is both intimidating and has a personality and is probably the best version of Vilgax we've ever had."
"Fox's neutral is so scary because he's so fast, he's so powerful."
"Prosperity Gospel is honestly just bullying and fear-mongering."
"I'm gonna be a nightmare for people to fight."
"Hello my victims, hello my prisoners, hello my torture pals. I got a fresh idea, try not to give in to fear."
"Intimidation and threats we're seeing across the country are wrong, they're unacceptable."
"You want people to know your name and tremble whenever it is spoken."
"I thought for sure Vader would just give him a stare and just be like, 'Don't you ever talk to me like that again.'"
"Following somebody is harassing and intimidating them."
"You deserve the best. They see you as this queen of ones. They may feel intimidated by your success or the fact that you're a powerful lady. You're the leader of your own life."
"It's gonna freeze them and freak them out, bro."
"The freakiest dude I think I've ever seen, his speed just scared the hell out of people."
"Intimidating to drive on a small road, I tell you."
"I walk through the weirdness forest shirtless, I've got a wolf on my shoulder, cousin, you understand? You don't want the smoke."
"Cronoa was here... making her look quite intimidating."
"Whenever we used to play the Colts, quarterbacks wouldn't sleep at night, offensive line wouldn't sleep at night because they knew 98, 93 are coming and coming and coming."
"Never allow people to, you know, what they think of you, what you know their opinions or because they see you when you're dark or you don't fit a certain mode never allow them to intimidate you make your own way."
"Jones's proficiency with his elbows is a scary thing."
"You're scared of Young Miami, I bet you won't get on the mic."
"If you see somebody wearing the Ray Lewis custom jacket, run. Yes, run. They will f*** you up."