
Self-praise Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"I don't wait for other people to give me praise. If you wait on that, you're gonna be disappointed."
"When you start praising yourself, you know your worth. When you start praising yourself, you know who you are and you're sure of who you are as a Black woman."
"We cannot praise you the way you deserve, only you can praise yourself the way you deserve."
"Words are very nourishing, and there is actually nothing on the planet that will raise your self-esteem like praise, but self-praise is better."
"We're high energy, we have conviction, we're geniuses, we're better looking, and we have Christ on our side."
"There's no one who writes prose like me. Nowhere, in no country, in no age group."
"Honestly, how beautiful is this look if I say so myself?"
"One of the greats once said, 'I'm the best there is, the best there ever was, and the best there ever will be.'"
"You're actually so good that year. It was crazy."
"I'm so [expletive] good actually, holy [expletive], I'm so insane."
"I'm the greatest president in the history of this nation."
"Can everyone just compliment me for a second for how great a job I did planning out this heist?"
"This is probably the best sounding of them all... Makes you think, 'Oh, I'm a legend.'"
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"So far, a masterpiece if I do say so myself."
"I'm goated, oh yeah, feels good to be the champ."
"What a freaking decision to go here, man! I am an absolute genius."
"I just saved the entire DCU. You're welcome, Warner Brothers."
"Isn't that right folks? Come on, who does it better than me, huh? Nobody, not anyone."
"Actually, the real hero in all this… Is me. I am the hero. Thank you."
"I'm the [expletive] best. I'm the hardest working [expletive] man in the business."
"I won the championship, I'm the best football manager player in the world right now."
"We accomplished more than any administration."
"Super clean, super elegant, even if I do say so myself."
"I know, right? Damn, I'm a playmaking beast!"
"It is a great show, a terrific show, a tremendous show, frankly the best. You can ask anyone about that."
"There's never been an administration that has done in the first three and a half years what we've done, never."
"I'm the greatest hero in the history of the world."
"I'm not gonna lie, I am super happy with how this turned out."
"You like yourself, you really like yourself. And because you like yourself, other people like you. You praise yourself, and other people praise you back."
"I don't think anyone's done as much in three and a half years as I've done."
"I think we've definitely outdone ourselves, bro. I think this is on another level, bro."
"I'm a legend. Oh, don't mess that up. I'm a God. Checkpoint!"
"Praising yourself would change your entire life."
"Someone get me out of this game, dude, I'm too good. It's literally unfair how good I am."
"I'm one of the most worldly Gamers that's ever existed."
"That is probably the best idea I think I've ever had."
"I'm an actual genius. I'm an actual genius. And it already says the catch combo is one in the top left. Let's go!"
"I am the best fighter in the world right now, thank you."
"We're the best bodyguard on the planet, ladies and gentlemen. We're the best bodyguard on the planet."
"In the book, he literally talks about how he's awesome."
"I'm so good at Minecraft, ladies and gentlemen."
"Love when you shout yourself out for all these intros. You really do a great job though, thank you."
"It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I."
"Thank God. How did I do that? I'm a god gamer!"
"Who would have guessed bro, holy moly who would have guessed I'm nice."
"Beautifully executed shadow person, if I do say so myself."
"I have outdone myself today... this is magnificent."
"Possibly the greatest woman of all time. I'm amazing."
"That's a really good Morgana if I do say so myself."
"My drawing skills are just undefeated right now. Hey yo, that's so lit. I'm a drawing genius bro."
"I was awesome right look at her that's impressive."
"Best cup of coffee in the state, if I may say so myself."
"Guys, we're flying through these, I'm a genius bro!"
"I'm the greatest in the division, I have everything what people are watching for, the knockouts, and the fighting heart."
"You praise God for how awesome you are. Yay you."
"It's all about the bear gear. It's all about us. We're awesome."
"I'm not just saying it 'cause I made it, but it is pretty good."
"I'm not blowing smoke in my ass, but that was [__] delicious."
"Project one for today is a success, good job me."
"Stop judging yourself all the time for everything you want. Start praising yourself everything you are."
"You're mighty, you're awesome, the miraculous, victorious new Pan-African rule."
"They've done it again! I am the best striker in the universe!"
"I'm not gonna try to toot my own horn, but I feel truly blessed."
"Well, to be fair, my first stab actually worked, I'm pretty proud of that, P on the back for that I reckon."
"You can make anything familiar... the most important thing to make familiar is praising yourself."
"Nobody's doing it better than me. Sorry not sorry, nobody's doing it better than me."
"Criticism breaks down the inner spirit and praise builds it up. So praise yourself as much as you can."
"It's a lot happening in between that obviously, I skipped a bunch, but you know. I'm super awesome, how about that?" - T-Pain
"I think I deserve an award for maybe the safest driver in GTA 5."
"Chard meat, baby. You're welcome. I'm a genius."
"A vain man will break his arm patting himself on the back."
"That's pretty good, pat on the back to myself, thank you very much."
"I'm not trying to toot my own horn but like the chest looks full."
"It's hard to be humble, it's the best, it's so funny."
"Honestly guys I think I outdid myself with this one."
"There is nothing that will raise your self-esteem like praise, but your own praise is better."
"Make it a habit to praise yourself every day... and then your habits turn right around and make you."
"It's not the praise of someone else... it is your praise. When you praise yourself, your self-esteem goes up."
"Not to toot my own horn, but I feel I do as well now that chapter is concluded."
"This is impeccable, not to toot my own horn or anything but toot toot."
"We are fantastic, y'all are bullheaded, we don't listen to nobody."
"I'm the greatest welterweight of all time."
"Praise yourself, you're doing a great job, you're doing great here, you're making amazing headway, I'm really proud of you."
"There's nobody that's done so much for equality as I have."
"So to grow in confidence, praise yourself a lot. You don't have to go over the top. Just keep saying those things: 'I matter. I'm a good person. I'm smart. People like me.'"
"I think I deserve a round of applause for this I actually can't believe I did this I'm so proud of myself I'm actually so happy right now."
"Isn't that cool? Isn't that just like so fun? I can't believe I made that myself."
"I am the greatest Green Lantern of them all, but in purple, I'm stunning."
"I'm not about to praise you for myself, I'm about to praise you for the one I'm holding in my hand."
"You did what you had to do at the time, and now you're doing what you have to do for yourself. You should be so proud of yourself. You're amazing."
"Look at me, I'm so smart right now."
"I'm very impressed with us. Very proud of us."
"Oh man, good if you do say so yourself. Fresh mountain pancake!"
"Absolutely drilled it right in the middle, that is class if I do say so myself."
"This is the best joke I've ever made."
"The antidote for shame is self-love and self-praise."
"I'm the man. I did that. I saved the world. You're welcome, humanity."
"Because I'm awesome so in your face."
"Are you all totally impressed with me right now because I'm impressed with myself? Yay me!"
"Sometimes even I amaze myself at how good the creations are that I make and this is one of them so I'm going back again."
"Nothing in the world will grow your self-esteem like self-praise."
"I'm a champion look at this look at this."
"I think I did a really good job here."
"I don't mean to brag but I make a mean weed rat stew."
"I'm the greatest woman of all time."
"Owning my accomplishments, like owning access, there's absolutely nothing wrong with praising yourself."
"I'm very proud of myself for getting all this done after I got back, like 24 hours after I got back."
"I played this hand so good, I'm so proud of myself."
"I feel proud of myself so I'm going to give myself a little pat on the back."
"None of you can say that I'm not a generous Queen."
"So, these are from May heaven Mayhem. But also, I think we are amazing."
"I finished the wom and words book club pick I read one of the books for the Vlog that I have to film I write a book on my 2024 TBR I think I'm just kind of killing it to be honest like I'm pretty proud of myself"
"I'm a genius, here's how much effort I put into my show."
"Think of how you can praise yourself every single day."
"I'm so up my own ass and high on my own Supply about these incredible bronzers."
"Wow, I'm kind of impressed with myself right now, honestly."
"I give myself props tonight, actually I give the cooks and the chef, I give myself"
"Praise yourself first; recognize your growth and accomplishments."
"That was awesome man. That was Green. I did that."
"Pippen ain't easy, by the way. Best he's ever performed at golf because I'm around, better teammate than Jordan. People forgot."
"Maybe I need to praise her and I need to praise myself."
"That's a gorgeous orange, I am a genius."
"I'm a responsible praiser, I bring my own praise."
"Tia is in the building. The only team y'all know. The only tear you need to know is in the building."
"He thinks of how exceptional and amazing he is, embraced by luck and blessed by the Divine since his birth."
"I am really impressed with myself. I'm not gonna lie to you, that went pretty decently."
"I'm thoroughly impressed with myself I am so happy I made this totally worth all that time."
"If you're not gonna praise me, I'm gonna praise myself."
"I'm the cream of the crop, I'm On Top, I'm ice cold, this Muslim just served you Allah Mo."
"Who's better than me? A pretty bird and a little nest. I'm better than the best."
"Let's show Duffy who's the real genius, it's me, right? I'm the real genius."
"I've gotten pretty good at FaceTune if I do say so myself."
"Oh come on, am I perfect or what?"
"I got a good habit and I'm gonna praise it."
"It's a poor frog that does not praise his own pond."
"Good for you with your mental toughness."
"Best makeup, of course, has to go to Moi, honey."
"The recipe is really good, we're really good. Honestly, we're kind of really good bakers."
"I just slapped it out of the park."
"It's pretty awesome if you do say so myself, that's very clever."
"10 out of 10. Not because I made it, but because it's fire."
"I always bragged how good I am, so they say, 'Yeah, you are the Maestro, you are great, you're the Maestro.'"
"I know, I know, I'm awesome. Let's not make a big deal out of it."
"The old me sucked, but this me, he just is amazing."
"Writer, gamer, host, awesome person."
"Congratulations, no one's better than me."
"That's incredible, if I do say so myself, that is absolutely delicious."
"Give yourself a big hug and a pat on the back because oh my goodness, what a good job you did today."
"I did a great job, look at this, this is awesome."
"I wouldn't like to toot my own horn, but yes, I'm awesome."
"I tricked you, oh what a genius I am."
"Yes, yes, yes, I did a good job today."
"The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did."
"I really am the genius of our times, aren't I?"
"I'm a genius, god damn it, am I good."
"Future me is congratulating present me for doing such a good job."
"Praise yourself and like yourself. That's all you need to do to massively grow in confidence and self-esteem."
"This is actually quite yummy, I must say so myself."
"My multitasking skills are phenomenal."
"This shows the fortitude, this shows your determination, this shows how awesome you are because you got through that."
"I think I detailed this fantastically, shout out to me as the host."
"It's looking amazing, even if I say so myself."
"You've made it this far, you are an American, and you are a survivor, and you are awesome."
"Focus on the positives, praise yourself for even the smallest of success."
"I am the single greatest artist of my time, if I do say so myself."
"It's a really great little winter meal if I do say so myself."
"I'm such a parkour god, I mean look at me."
"I'm just such an amazing friend, to be honest."
"Big pat on the back to me because literally from scratch, I'm gonna make a soup and it came out so good."
"That was genuinely the greatest shot I've hit today."
"Big brain moves right here, big brain."
"Start congratulating yourself, feeling awesome for spending 30 minutes here with me to work on your shoulder strength, muscle, and gains."
"You can pat yourself on the back because that means you just made this wonderful bread."
"This was the best idea I've ever had."
"This is pretty freaking good if I do say so myself."
"We are great at talking amongst ourselves, we excel."
"You know I like to think that all of my crafts are just great, but today's, I think it's just extraordinary."
"Oh my god, this is so good, I did a good job."
"Sometimes, I amaze myself with my genius."
"My hands are gifted, they are so gifted."
"I am so awesome," Apollo announced.
"I'm amazing. I'm wonderful. I'm marvelous."
"Oh my genius is unparalleled again."
"Focus on the next smallest action you can control; don't look too far ahead, praise yourself for the effort regardless of the outcome."
"When I cook something so delicious, I tap my shoulder and say, 'Good job, Sima, good job.'"
"How clever was that? And the answer is exceptionally clever, exceptionally clever."
"I'm totally tooting my own horn, but this felt like such an accomplishment to complete."
"Snack time, excellent! I'm a genius."
"It's feminine, feminine, phenomenal."
"Oh, I am such an awesome teacher."
"I don't want to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good at the banjo."
"This might be the best thing I made in a long time."
"I'm the greatest radio personality who ever lived."
"And so, the day has been saved yet again, thanks to me, man of the people."
"Oh, what a great spin. Wow, I'm amazing."
"That's outstanding from there, if I do say so myself."
"One of the greatest to ever sit in a chair, not only in this room but in a venue."
"Oh man, my singing skills are excellent!"
"I genuinely felt a sense within myself, my inner monologue went, 'Well done, Shaba, well done.'"