
Expectations Vs Reality Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Almost every company now have promised that they will have full autonomous vehicles...this is a good example of the consequences of overhyping the capabilities of AI."
"The world was introduced to a thrilling Zombie Survival game that promised to define the genre and change the gaming landscape forever."
"It's so good, this is probably the biggest disparity that I see between people talking about it and how good it actually is."
"We were promised flying cars, and all we got was 140 characters."
"If you pay for something and you don't get what you paid for, you have been scammed."
"I had High Hopes, it looked really pretty, it's bad."
"This game's journey through the last eight years is simply a story of extreme hype to huge disappointment."
"You kind of imagine things to be one way but then you have a child and things could be completely different."
"Players were disappointed to find that the retail version of Watch Dogs didn't look quite as nice as the one shown at E3."
"I expected this movie in my mind to be awful it was like I was my favorite spider-man it's like no it's not and then we watched and she was like yeah Stefan that was like wow that was a lot better than I liked in my memory room."
"A groundbreaking series known for pushing the envelope got reduced to basking in its sterility."
"Revolution is never what it says on the tin."
"The cake is a lie. At the end of the game, the player sees the promised cake before a mechanical arm puts out the single candle."
"For all of Blizzard's efforts to make Diablo 4 a massive open world game with tons of replayability content and depth it ends up being no deeper than the puddle in my backyard."
"If we're going to share our lives with you guys and share what this is like that you should actually see what it's like and it's not always rainbows and butterflies."
"The theatrical cut was quite poor. It hardly all it could have been."
"Unfortunately for these people that attended this theme park on this day, that was not what went down."
"Like a mannequin, you see clothes on; you're like, 'Damn, that looks good.' You put it on; it sucks."
"Every Vegas trip is the same. You're like, 'Yeah, we're going to Vegas, we're going to make money, we're going to meet girls.' Eight hours into day one, 'Yo bro, give me the hell out of here right now.'"
"Desire and outcome are quite often two very different things."
"This Amanda's story has shown us that not everything that glitters is gold."
"When you get to where it is that you've been trying to manifest, it doesn't look like what you thought."
"I thought it was gonna be a lot worse. People said it feels like someone is tickling your brain."
"Things are never as pleasant as they seem on paper."
"But it was actually like opening your closet door and expecting Narnia but instead you got a bunch of wannabe alpha males, unseasoned chicken, and bargain bin Caitlyn Bennetts. Now that is what nightmares are made of."
"We should be reviewing these movies in terms of what they are, not what we hoped they would be."
"The Money in the Bank briefcase is supposed to contain a written contract but in reality the briefcase is completely empty."
"Expectations are where the difference between your expectation and reality is where the pain is."
"This is not the life that I wanted, right? I took all the right steps and I ended up in the wrong place."
"Sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side." - T
"Visually, this kind of under promises but when you bite in taste and texture wise it totally over delivers like way over."
"Be careful what you wish for because the reality can be so much harder than what you think your dream scenario is going to be."
"I had read all the books, I had romanticized about it a lot but in reality it was far different."
"You get online and everybody looks beautiful online and then you go there and everything changes."
"Amusement parks are supposed to be amusing, right? Well, not always. Sometimes even the places designed to be the happiest on earth can go wrong."
"Frustration in life tends to come when expectations don't meet with reality."
"I mean, when I actually go there, what is it? It's totally fine, you know, completely fine, just fine. And the food was good too."
"It's a brilliant trick except in the very specific circumstance where, despite your clear expectations that game never materializes, oops."
"What you thought gaming looked like, actual gaming."
"The mental image of the CEO / self-made man / business owner that you might have in your head is probably more glamorous than the actual reality."
"I definitely think the process of reconciling your preconceived notions and expectations with the reality of your situation is definitely a struggle to overcome."
"I have no shame in admitting when I'm wrong; this game turned out a lot better than I thought."
"Everyone thought I was going to beat him, I knew that I had no chance but that's the way it was portrayed and the hype was created and it sold great."
"Let's go ahead and dive into the Tesla 4680 battery expectations versus realities and do our best to figure out exactly what's going on here."
"Looking back with the dust settled, it was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be."
"Scott turned out to be a genius and became the most renowned mathematician in the country... just kidding, he became an athlete duh."
"I guess I had like the idea that everyone else had before the show really showed that what it what it really was."
"It's not all sunshine and roses on the other side of things."
"Life isn't as easy as they think it will be."
"That should be fun. It wasn't fun. Why would that not be? That should be fun."
"The turnout is impressive because it's double what they predicted. It was a big deal."
"Love can look so different and so much more beautiful than The Narrative of the expectation of the story that we might have of something that we want to get."
"This looked much more premium on the website."
"What's the difference between what we think a color is going to look like...and how it actually translates."
"I generally think the mode is okay. I actually thought it would be a little bit more exciting and a little bit more fun than it has been."
"Why did it happen? Super simple: Joe Biden, on the campaign trail, told us he was like Superman, then proceeded to jump off the garage."
"Not all tourist attractions are as charming as they may seem; some even seem like something out of a horror movie."
"To me, it's insane that the announcement of Jump Force was like a way bigger deal than the actual playing of this game."
"Most of the discontent that people experience is because their expectations are different than reality."
"This is the single greatest disappointment in LCS history as far as expectation of a roster and theme versus reality."
"On paper it may not look like a big deal, but in reality..."
"Success doesn't feel like you think it's gonna feel."
"Expectations were high for these teams and the output was just very low."
"Few things in life typically work the way we would expect."
"The reality would be very different from your expectation."
"Fame pretty much never lives up to the elusory promise."
"Someone thought they had special abilities, but it's not playing out that way."
"I thought this was going to be fun, staying inside, but I'm not having fun."
"EMV was supposed to abolish fraud or at least substantially reduce it, and it didn't."
"Before I left, I bought an exercise book which I was going to use as a diary, and on the front of it I wrote '50 weeks adventure by bus', and after the first week I crossed out 'adventure' and printed in great big letters 'nightmare'."
"You watch it on TV, these cobbles, and you think, 'I could ride that easily,' and then you try and ride them yourself, and you get thrown around so much more than what it looks like on TV."
"I would forgive you if you thought that the Hollywood sign was all glitz and glamour but the reality is it kind of isn't."
"I feel like the idea of a baby is so much different than an actual baby."
"It's not always what it's cracked up to be when people see the money coming in."
"Sometimes once you get something, you realize that actually it isn't all that it's cracked up to be."