
Attention Economy Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Power in our modern world comes from attention."
"If the gig economy is king, then the attention economy is God. In this new era, content is everything."
"In the modern world, attention equals currency."
"Power in this modern world is determined by how much attention you hold over time."
"We should take some time to consider our attention economy and how it interplays with everything that's happened so far."
"Data and attention are the ultimate currency of the future."
"Modern media, of all forms, is an attention economy where in almost all cases no one cares if it's true or not, as long as it gets people's attention."
"Our attention and technology usage is kind of like a gas; it fills up whatever container we give it."
"Attention is really the currency now. It's very easy to turn attention into resources like community and money, but it's very hard to turn anything into attention."
"Facebook is designed to grab your attention and keep your attention, and Robinhood is very similar, I would describe it as gamified."
"Your attention's more valuable than extracting money from you."
"Life is the new currency, absolutely. It's beyond, it's uh, you know, it's attention."
"There are so many things vying for our attention and dopamine."
"Your ability to win other people's attention will be a direct reflection of your ability to earn significantly more money."
"We live in an attention economy after all which means that if Sam suck or any other bodybuilder for that matter can make you look longer than you might at someone else they are valuable from an economic perspective."
"In our short attention span age and on a short attention span app, a lull in production and you'll quickly be overtaken and forgotten."
"The currency of the future in economics is attention."
"Your potential income is proportional to the quantity of attention you can attract."
"The business model of these technology companies: changing your attention."
"A society of people who are adored and can't pay attention won't be able to achieve collective goals either."
"Cruel optimism is where you take something with really big causes like attention crisis and you offer a really small solution... it's so small it will almost certainly fail it might give them some boost but it won't solve the problem."
"Attention is the currency of the 21st century and ideas are how you capture attention."
"We need to make attention a coinage, the currency of the realm."
"We need to incentivize socially beneficial outcomes via attention and narcissistic supply."
"My career has been predicated on under priced attention."
"Hate is the easiest emotion... haters and celebrators pay the same price of admission in an attention economy."
"The number one asset in the world is other people's attention."
"I think we're in this [ ] up clout era where violence is essentially being rewarded by clout and attention."
"The attention economy the the wheels that make it go around are is rage I did a you know tweet the the the the problem with raging against the machine is that the machine has learned to feed off rage."
"We are moving to an attention economy, optimizing for attention rather than time well-spent."
"We live in an attention economy, so this attention economy we're in is in hyperdrive."
"Hypocrisy is The Hangover of an addiction to attention."
"Your attention has been stolen by some really big and powerful forces."
"Money is no longer the root of all evil, attention is."
"Money is not the root of all evil anymore, attention is."
"The biggest cost isn't your price, if people aren't willing to pay for it with their attention then it has other costs."
"Every time you're on a platform, it's essentially trying to hold your attention because your attention is a commodity to them."
"Attention is the only commodity that matters."
"Modern power comes from attention or mental real estate."
"Attention is the asset and the internet owns it."
"The attention economy is like a great bazaar."
"You can make your attention unique, rare, and valuable."
"I'm tired of corporations having access to my personal attention which is already fleeting and fractured and split between a million things."
"The game is very simple. Things emerge that have uncomfortable amounts of attention in comparison to how much output creatively is there, and those are incredible times to storytell and learn." - Gary Vaynerchuk
"Let's put out long form. Let's be the antidote to the attention compression."
"Attention is the new oil, and she definitely knows how to get it."
"The new Gold Rush is for people's attention."
"If you can capture somebody's attention, you can make money selling whatever it is that you want to sell."
"If you can grab somebody's attention, you will be able to make more money."
"The name of the game in this new economy: attention."
"If you can capture somebody's attention, you can make money."
"It all boils down to attention, that's their currency."
"In the world we're living in now, attention is the new currency. Just be real, that's how to win friends and influence people and create value."
"The attention economy has commoditized attention and built a Marketplace that uses your attention as its currency."
"Attention and revenue is the name of the game for them."
"Getting people's attention right now is the hardest part of marketing."
"Before you tell me how great your B2B SaaS social media product is or how great your fuck you're gonna t-shirt is, attention is what we're all trading."
"Attention is the new oil because it's progressively getting more expensive."
"Everybody lies, they lie with their mouth, they tell the truth with their wallet and their attention."
"Attention is the most valuable resource on earth. What we need is a way of making the truth fashionable and trendy."
"The biggest wealth hack in 2022 was understanding that we live in an attention economy."
"There is a war going on over your attention."
"In the attention economy of crypto, memes are truly the biggest attention sucks."
"Attention you know is the commodity so they want your attention so they're going to manipulate your attention your interest to keep your attention to keep those eyeballs on the screen."
"People these days will do anything to get clicks, to get views, you know?"
"Let me talk to you about something I call underpriced attention."
"We live in an attention-orientated world, everybody wants attention, it makes people very competitive."
"We're always in a war for people's attention."
"We talk about attention being currency in a marketplace of ideas."
"The next battleground for your attention, for your money, for your time, all of it will be focused around the metaverse."
"The philosophy of AI: it's no secret AI has taken the attention economy by storm."
"Attention. That's the main economy. That's the main currency of the moment: attention."
"Attention is the number one asset."
"Day trading attention. Influencer marketing is one of the greatest opportunities in marketing today. This is a skill of day trading all of pop culture distribution creative variables."
"Attention is a currency and you can turn attention to money."
"...the internet is run by multi-billion dollar tech companies that are on the profit motif which they have one commodity that they’re trying to get which is your attention; that’s it, that’s what translates into money."
"In a world of plentiful information, the scarce resource is actually attention."
"Attention is money when it's been converted 100 times."
"We're turning attention into cash."
"I think a lot about the kinds of stories I want to tell and I feel resistance to... all these tricks to keep attention instead of watch till the end."
"The only thing that is universal in our society is that whoever has the attention has the leverage."
"Attention is money. If you do not have the ability to attract attention, you have limited ability to attract money."
"Attention is the most precious commodity in the world today."
"We're living in an attention economy more than a money economy."
"Your attention didn't collapse; it has been stolen."
"Earn my attention, don't steal it. Give me something I value before you take something I value like my time."
"We are living in the attention economy."
"The commodity of the 21st century is attention; like money means nothing, attention is everything that you're bargaining for now."
"The scarce commodity that companies are harvesting you for is your attention."
"The real currency is not money, it's attention, views, eyeballs, people seeing your stuff."
"Fear sells, fear attracts attention, fear generates clicks, clicks generate ad revenue."
"Attention is the new oil, and your personal brand is the pipeline."
"We live in an attention economy, and attention equals power."
"The best AI engineers in the world are working on ads, figuring out how to maximize your attention."
"What the scarcity now is, is attention. What is it that we as humans are paying attention to? This huge crisis of attention effectively."
"The currency is time and attention. People spend time and they pay attention."
"The ultimate currency of the internet is attention."
"I figured out how to monetize attention, which is an incredible thing."
"What will survive is only that which gains attention and which is able to keep attention."
"Every time you click or you share, you're feeding it attention, which feeds it more dollars, which feeds it more resources, which feeds it more computing power."
"I just think we have these really big players in the technological world that are all in this evolutionary race with each other to capture human attention."
"The attention economy has put billions of dollars to steal your focus away."
"There's no such thing as a free lunch, there's no such thing as free information, there's no such thing as infinite attention."
"Let the people decide with their money, their time, their eyeballs."
"What does attention cost and what is attention worth?"
"The competition is tough and our attention is limited; there's only so many hours that we can spend consuming content."
"There are a million ways to capture attention, but only a handful of ways to actually convert that attention into impact."
"The truth is that you are living in a system that is pouring acid on your attention every day, and then you are being told to blame yourself and fiddle with your own habits while the world's attention burns."
"The new form of currency is attention, it's likes, it's hearts, it's shares."
"It feels more like a trap, like an attention trap that my brain slid into without really noticing it was actually happening."
"Attention equals income these days."
"Nowadays, it seems like the real difficulty comes in grabbing attention and then once you've grabbed it, actually maintaining that attention."
"The LIE is the new religion and attention is the new currency."
"These systems have been designed with intricacy so that companies can keep our attention indefinitely."
"Your attention is for sale in the world of internet technology and social media."