
Self-promotion Quotes

There are 1182 quotes

"Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
"It's all about selling yourself, right? The best jobs are the ones that you don't apply to. The best jobs are the jobs that are created for you because they want you."
"It doesn't matter if anybody's watching it because ultimately, if you have a job opportunity come up and you say, 'Look at these videos I made,' that is going to go so much further."
"She created fake fangirls to promote her work, she created fake trolls and haters to attract sympathy and attention."
"If you aren't someone who's able to self-celebrate and self-promote, you are probably not going to be successful."
"If Sam goes to a car show and he shows the car and he says, 'Look at what a great restoration job I did on this,' he might even do himself a favor by including the phrase 'I am not affiliated with Domino's Pizza.'"
"Whenever you have an opportunity like this to showcase your talent and who you are on a bigger platform, take full advantage of it."
"Sometimes when you want other people to see you, you have to create your own platform first."
"We deserve better, and I am the right choice to improve it."
"I never hype up my own content no matter what I'm doing."
"The best products market and sell themselves."
"Making a movie, you understand me? I'm the main character."
"I'm the Floyd Mayweather of battle rap. The most money, the most fans, the most anticipated."
"Show Your Work by Austin Cleon single-handedly changed my life...it's really a guide to self-promotion for people who hate the idea of self-promotion."
"I'm Zach Scott. Subscribe if you have not. If you like this video and want to help this channel grow, all you got to do is click the like button below."
"Life doesn't change sitting on a sofa. Avoid being a secret, shout how good you are from the rooftops."
"Can I zoom in a little bit, please? How about that? I don't mean to brag, but I do have an associate's diploma in software engineering."
"I'm gonna show you live why I'm the king. I'm the king, all right?"
"Not only is it costing you business, not only is it costing you profit, it's hurting everybody in your company if you yourself don't figure out the proper way of self-promoting."
"Everybody started off not having anything to self-promote themselves with."
"Let your results speak louder than your voice."
"The new initiative in rap is not waiting outside the radio station, it's hustling to get your own video recorded and put it out."
"Claim your art, be bold, and put yourself out there."
"We need to be seen by others and not just promoting ourselves."
"Be a star today and link in the description."
"I got some new merch in case you didn't tell new mugs new shirts and of course there's always coffee check that out link below network chuck dot coffee."
"Elizabeth glorifies herself by making her own image bigger, brighter, and shinier than anything that's gone before."
"Put yourself out there... you have to be your biggest cheerleader."
"I'm gonna show absolutely everybody why I'm la mera mera in AEW..."
"This is my chance to get my brand out there."
"I'm the face of boxing, let's just see that."
"When you win celebrate share it with people brag a little bit right"
"Why would you want to hire me? I'm exuberant, I'm lively, I'm caring, I'm creative, I'm a very happy bubbly jolly person who's incredibly hard-working and driven."
"Put yourself out there when the right opportunities come along."
"That's why I'm me and you're you [ __ ] yep yep that's why you're that's why you're watching my [ __ ] and I'm not watching your [ __ ]."
"You gotta do everything possible to get your name out there."
"Follow my YouTube channel, just pearly things."
"We're the biggest meme factory in the entire world, okay?"
"But yeah, I am extremely biased in suggesting that you subscribe to my channel, so don't listen to me, but it's just an idea, just throwing it out there."
"Promoting yourself is saying look at me, look at how great I am. Idea promotion is saying I made something I'm proud of, I hope it's valuable to you."
"Drake was self-promoting...the greatest rapper alive."
"Ubisoft insists that their creativity is unmatched."
"That's what we will be doing, and of course, we're going to be starting with the most important YouTuber in the entire world: myself."
"You're wearing your own merch, is it a sign of narcissism to wear a shirt with one's own face on it?"
"Create a package, market a package, and then build value within yourself and around it."
"Jake Paul made himself the biggest opponent in boxing."
"Your audience is looking for you and waiting for you... don't wait on this you're going to regret it."
"It says a lot about women just trying to be humble and I think humility is a good thing but I also think it's good to be forward with your gifts."
"He possessed a great gift for self-promotion and could speak to people with great confidence."
"He will neither brag of them nor hide them away. The one is the part of a silly the other of a cowardly and poultry spirits which as it were muffles up a good thing in its lap."
"If YouTube is still around, if people are still watching my videos ten years from now, I will definitely still be making them. Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, if I'm still on the planet at that time."
"Put your own two cents out there and record it yourself and put it out there and build up your own fan base and show your visions."
"Keep it a buck. Row, you should get you some clout today."
"Welcome to the show. It's a great show, a terrific show, a tremendous show, frankly the best. You can ask anyone about that."
"For horse natives, kick up some dust and get the attention you deserve."
"Nobody has done this. Take a look at what we've done."
"It's gotten a bad reputation only because I'm promoting it."
"I've been one of their best goodwill ambassadors."
"I'm not complaining because at the end of the day, look at my brand, look at my brand, look at my brand."
"Leo season has a way of adding so much luck to your work life, but it's in a new way. You don't have to advertise anymore what you bring to the table."
"JoJo Siwa is a media genius. She knows how to market herself."
"You've got to market a product...you have to attract people to you." - "You have to adapt, you have to be willing...to put yourself out there a little bit more."
"If people like Dr. Oz can host this thing then why not an edutainment YouTuber like myself?"
"Exhibitionism is a drug, you have to self-promote, nobody's gonna knock your door down saying I'm gonna make you famous."
"I am next Contender for the voucher of the glory."
"It's time for them to be reacquainted. Go pick up a copy of my book 'How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps' right now."
"Thanks for including me. I'll make myself my own thumbnail for the first time in a long time thanks to you putting me in the news."
"You can create content without ever having to film yourself."
"Create your own concept and work really hard and spread the word."
"Make sure you're really strategic about your pictures, about how you promote yourself, the way you write the caption out, the way you speak back to your clients."
"Get your cards on the table: showcase your value."
"It's much cooler to say you're the founder of the company, 'Hey bro, what do you do?' 'Oh, I have my own brand. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm crushing it.'" - Gary Vaynerchuk
"We create our own attention, we can't take down the person who created it today."
"People who have actual talent don't need to talk like that."
"For a warrior and a king like me, I'm the most dangerous puncher in the history of this sport."
"Don't forget to check out me on patreon everything else is linked below for your convenience have a really great month and a really great night and I'll see you guys soon namaste."
"I do have a Patreon if you want to go over and see what I'm doing over there."
"We are the authorities on all things R&B, ladies and gentlemen."
"You want your face and whatever you're doing your creative work to be on as many screens as you can possibly have."
"Market yourself as a graphic designer. Don't sell yourself short."
"I've done everything on the show that shows why I should win."
"Here we are with the expert himself, Victor, high ticket closer, that's me."
"Isn't that right folks? Come on, who does it better than me, huh? Nobody, not anyone."
"How the [] secret is for this [] bro... chlorophyll bro if you didn't know this is the reason why I have a huge dick I have no acne I'm [__] jacked blah blah."
"If you make a good enough game, it won't need any promotion. It will sell itself."
"You've got to view yourself as a content creator also."
"It's a fantastic time to publish things...month for self-promotion."
"Saturday night, tune in for yourself. You can see firsthand. There's nothing I can say that will convince you guys." - Caleb Plant
"If you don’t champion your own film at your festival, no one will."
"This is why you come to me, this is why this channel exists."
"if your [ __ ] does have those things she didn't do it for herself you know it's me and my [ __ ] out here in these streets really working hard"
"Check out my YouTube channel Frankie Candles and smash that like button."
"Don't shy away from the spotlight because you were born to be known for your gifts and talents."
"We keep proving why we are the best."
"Shane McMahon wanted you to remember Shane McMahon."
"If you don't talk about you winning, who the hell am I going to emulate?"
"Reaching out to potential clients means putting yourself out there."
"You have to let people know who you are and why they should give you money."
"Smooth like butter, guys. I think I am gonna make a name."
"I am the fastest pen in the West on YouTube, hands down."
"Notice me flexing, fitting all of my fitness."
"I am your host, Matt Cordona, aka the Thousand Dollar Bros, aka the Michael Jordan of wrestling figure collecting."
"You're a really [__] good video editor; those are the skills you should be marketing right now."
"As long as you put yourself out there, that's the right time."
"Matter fact, I'm Steph Curry when I'm shootin' my shot."
"The interview is about selling yourself, you want to showcase all of your skills."
"Believing your own hype and tooting your own horn."
"It's time to put your production out online or get yourself out there if you don't like what you're doing and you want a different job or a different scenario work scenario then now it's time to get your job your resume out there."
"FTR and the Bucks talk about being the baddest and the best... let's pat ourselves on the back and tell everybody how great we are in the mirror."
"It's the baddest brand in the land. Follow us on Instagram at champ underscore side."
"That's enough [ __ ] talking. It's the baddest brand in the land. Follow us on Instagram at champ underscore side."
"I just appreciate everybody who support and like you all and even you know giving me an opportunity to platform to tell them who I am rich [ __ ] energy."
"You have to network, you have to speak up, you have to put yourself out there, you have to talk to people."
"Create your own business even and if you do let me know in the comments below."
"Sell yourself, you're highly qualified and motivated."
"She's a person who's totally destructive when it comes to promoting herself."
"Donald Trump identified problems in this country... He said, 'I fixed that, I fixed this, I succeeded here.' Let me be president."
"This full moon is asking you to be in the spotlight"
"It's one thing to say I'm the best but then when people echo it and say yeah no he is the best."
"Maintaining the balance of being extra rich and not, because I'm gonna keep it a hundred like, I haven't been an artist. Like, I'm working harder than you."
"If I'm going to be promoting something it might as well be my own stuff."
"The biggest artists in the world are self-promoters and marketers of their brand."
"You are your own PR. If you don't say what you've done, nobody will."
"Look at how amazing I am! This is the election weekend. Please vote for me because Russia is awesome when you've got an invasion into Russia."
"If you haven't gotten the hottest merch in the YouTube game, what are you waiting for? Click that, get that, that's my merch link is in the description."
"Ladies and gentlemen if you're new to my channel subscribe below."
"These are the moments that make me. This is the one where I get up for and really show that I'm a star."
"This habit will bring you to the favorable attention... promote yourself into a better circumstance."
"Check out my video which is now available on my streaming service Nebula."
"Learn the art of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading questions."
"Step into the higher visibility, nurture the new you, and boldly shine."
"My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country."
"Force the world to acknowledge your existence with an awesome looking website from Squarespace."
"I shot my own sizzle reels and chased every door in Hollywood for 10 years."
"He wants the world to know he's the best player."
"We're just Raw and Uncut, no one has to pick us to be to land anything. You can be the star every time and my ego loves that."
"Big moves, big moves, man, big moves. We here."
"This is a star. I'm a star. And this is why I'm a star."
"Try to find some elements of yourself or your channel that you think is different, special, and play it up a little bit in a cool way."
"You're getting premium dating from a premium guy."
"I respect his grind. I respect him using me in the thumbnail because, you know, I'm just quite literally the best."
"Look at IMDB, I've been on it 60. Um, kinda person scroll before his fingers hurt, you see this?"
"Thank you so much for watching today; please don't get into debt, please don't get involved in MLM, and also buy my stuff."
"I am the perfect candidate for your District."
"Super killer is a hilarious dark comedy written by one of the greatest comedic talents of the 21st century me i wrote it."
"Who's the jobber now? New WWE Champion, you're looking at him, baby." - Video narrator
"Building a personal brand is built around your story your journey it's not built around your education."
"Value yourself enough to put yourself out there."
"Be clear, be direct, be assertive in your communication. Don't be afraid to share your viewpoints and share your achievements, to talk yourself up."
"Promote yourself in a very honest, genuine way."
"If you like what you see then please do follow me on my social media."
"What's gonna make you stand out? What's gonna make you better than the next one? What's gonna make anybody want to pay for a ticket to come and see? Why would anybody even care?"
"Crown me the queen of rap because I'm coming with these bars."
"Name it one more time: DavidHernandezMinistries.com."
"Trump emerged from his cocoon from time to time to advertise himself, cut taxes for the rich, and placate his supporters."
"Put yourself out there a little bit more and really sing your own praises."
"I think boxing is the only one where you could really make the counter-intuitive argument that in this one case maybe it's the exception that proves the rule."
"The world has their eyes on me, and they should."
"Tree in the pots, treatingapott.com - keep your eyes open for my new merch coming to you soon."
"I'm Jay Washington, you saw me in the energy convey doorway. Yes, I may have come up short but guess what, that doesn't mean I can't beat people."
"Create art, sell it on various platforms, and let them do the marketing for you."
"We're your favorite movie trivia person's favorite movie trivia people."
"I'm the star of Driving with Goldbridge, I ain't paying people thousands of pounds to sit in a car and be driven up by me."
"The interview is so much more intricate than just a Q&A. It's an opportunity for you to persuade, convince, and sell yourself."
"You have the ability to showcase... that you are the top candidate for the position."
"Hit that like button if you think this Channel or this show or even like one second of what I do is the best ever."
"Make sure people know who you are. Don't forget your crown."
"No one really paid attention to 'Priest' until I started my YouTube channel." - Promoting work.
"You need to be promoting yourself." - Marketing advice.
"You're not going to be able to build your brand on being a humanitarian saving the world giving people a voice if all you do is use your voice to talk about yourself."
"I'm the best fighter here, and you're not going to let me go unless it's off somebody. I've got to make somebody for you all. You're welcome."
"I'm about to change the game truly, they never knew me, I'm out here stacking up my rules."
"They're just gonna make a show about me, bro."
"Clout chasing is real and they feel no shame and their goal is to continue to promote themselves."
"We are back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us!"
"Faking until you make it, that's how we're here now."
"If I'm an artist and I have this charisma, then I need to sell myself for more."
"I'm an 8-bit Castlevania too so where do I go to show off what I've got?"
"Lead with your achievements. That's what makes you stand out."
"I made a whole video about this, and it turned out pretty good, so you should consider watching it."
"Lastly again I do go live on twitch a few days a week at twitch.tv/braxton. Okay, bye!"
"Don't forget to check out my new t-shirt versions, right here! Link in the description below."
"Your time is coming you got to just put yourself out there."
"It's impossible to take hold of the world's Spotlight overnight. Create your own uniform, be a cover model, or a powerful athlete."
"Nobody hires resumes. They hire people. Let me tell you who I am. Let me tell you what I've done. Let me tell you most importantly why I'm exceptional."
"Your job is to get a job. This is about selling yourself. You're going in to present yourself as a valuable, extraordinary product that no matter what they offer you in money, you're worth a hundred times that."
"You're not going in to do an interview. You're going in to sell yourself. You want to control that interview and make it a sales presentation."
"I'm one of the best in the world. I did 50 million dollars in sales the past three years, not to brag."
"A big part of what got me to where I am today is my ability to market myself, manage a budget, understand travel logistics..."
"I'm not very good about leveraging and promoting and pushing that stuff out but there's some good ones out there if people are interested."
"Keep updating your portfolio often just like your social media accounts and keep pushing, always do that, and you should eventually have a career that you absolutely love."
"The struggle of making people believe that you have what it takes."
"No one can be us, no one can be our voice, no one can be who we are and you are what sells, you are your brand."
"We're the best bodyguard on the planet, ladies and gentlemen. We're the best bodyguard on the planet."
"I was not going to promote it or talk about it."
"I said I was the greatest before I was the greatest."
"In the book, he literally talks about how he's awesome."
"I'm the hardest dude to ever rap from YouTube. That is a fact, a true fact."
"I wrote it, I designed it, and I Illustrated it and now you can take it."
"I'm so good at Minecraft, ladies and gentlemen."