
Randomness Quotes

There are 1529 quotes

"This fight is where 75% of all attempts ended because if you ever lose a battle, you randomize everything and start a new game."
"It's all procedurally generated; it should be random, it should be dynamic, it should be varied."
"Nature and nurture, and gene and environment, and gene/environment interactions-- what is becoming increasingly clear in the field is there's a third leg to all of this. There's a third leg that could be extremely powerful and is going to be the basis for the chaos and complexity lectures down the line, which is chance."
"Every single time someone tries to dismiss our reason for being as just being random, I don't even want to talk to that person."
"I don't want to see that random chance dictate lifetime convictions."
"The odds of our solar system falling together by the random collision of particles is around 10 to the 10 to the 60th."
"You get better leaders when you choose them randomly. That more people are involved, that they have much broader perspective on what issues they want to address."
"Ignore all the advice I give about writing books or creating online courses, because it's sort of like asking a lottery winner what numbers they picked."
"That's the Olympics I want. That'd be so cool."
"Of course, I always know about RNG. You can never be completely sure about getting a record."
"I think we like sports, and games in general, because they aren't like life, because they aren't as random and arbitrary as life often feels."
"Everything about this server is random, but will people be able to band together despite that, or will it just result in pure unmitigated chaos?"
"We don't deal well with random and we desperately want to give things meaning instead."
"Pseudo-random... If you don't say it's pseudo-random, someone absolutely feels the desire and urge to comment and say, 'But it is not real random.'"
"The world's pretty random. That's one thing I learned too, is a lot of religions, people trying to make themselves feel comfortable with death or fear or sadness."
"This is going to be a chaotic, terrifying, totally random universe in which absolutely anything can happen."
"If there are a lot of people trying to predict patterns, then you know what you get? You get no pattern. You get randomness."
"Nature does not have specific targets when evolution occurs."
"A random death lottery of half of everyone you know would be very traumatic, and grief is just so unfathomable."
"The world is governed by odds. It's not black and white."
"As designers, it's easy to go like, 'Wow, random is random.' I personally feel like that's when we need to put systems in place to sort of offset that a bit."
"It's logically impossible for people within a system to determine whether that system is ultimately random."
"Existence itself... it's random and it's just passionate and kind of dumb. And then it's over."
"I have so many questions, but that was random and funny."
"Sometimes things just happen, and it's not as though God has it out for us."
"I say some random weird nonsense and then people relate to that or like they have the same experience and you feel less alone."
"How much of your life is determined by events so disconnected from you that you couldn’t possibly trace back to it?"
"Has anything been normal since 2011? It's what I thought. Lottery exists too."
"One of my bigger complaints from a card design standpoint is the randomness in Artifact."
"The purpose of randomness in a video game is to make sure that every time the game is played, it plays in a different way."
"Procedural generation is fundamentally harnessing the properties of probability to generate interesting things."
"Fundamentally, the random component is at least guaranteed to be consistent."
"Generating high-quality and robust random numbers is a complete computer science and mathematics field in its own right."
"Knowing when to eliminate randomness entirely."
"The act of trying to control RNG in video games is usually equally complicated."
"Randomness is also a way to balance a multiplayer game."
"There's a certain element of randomness that you're going to have to deal with."
"Does anybody want to check out a tangent from a completely random TV show?"
"It's crazy! Lucky 44 Star, by the way, is a great word."
"It's completely possible... some people it just comes in, it lands in one spot, they fight it off."
"Evolution is random mutation by chance that is then selected for by natural selection."
"This is just weird... like what are the odds?"
"Wow, so I pulled a million Kai and 10 unit cards but no Kai or 10 selfie cards. Make it make sense."
"It's like I'm only like an hour in and it's a bit nonsensical like random things are just happening but I'm having fun with it."
"Life will throw you a random outcome if you don't consciously decide what you want out of your life."
"It's one of those days where I was just buying random [__] online and this finally came."
"Legendaries aren't fun when you need not just the gun to drop but the gun with the right anointment."
"Everything is bumping around chaotically and just happens to create a random pattern that is, for instance, a big sentient supercomputer with a nice nuclear reactor attached to it to run it until components or fuel decays."
"The longer this animation plays for, the more random it will start to look. They'll stop lining up and it will just look more natural, more organic. Lovely."
"It's a tricky dice, it lands on 11 and seven."
"Reasons are irrelevant exactly good luck 47 oh yeah that's right a scalpel in an ice-cream truck here we go let's deliver mr. whippy justice sir yeah it's nice cream truck."
"The demands of the procedure to produce the correct character in the correct order, as the environment, the letters typed onto the pages, and the typewriters, are the genes of the monkeys."
"You can throw darts at a dartboard and pretty much hit a bullseye with anything in the short term."
"But it's a doable fight but I just gotta hope RNG is in my favor and I don't trigger too many poisons."
"In the midst of randomness, there is potential for order."
"Becoming Spider-Man is random chance, a roll of the dice, a freak accident."
"I'm just gonna see what it's like putting this thing in here so it's like random objects so like remotes certain fruits and veggies"
"One of which might at any moment change your life by passing through a tiny transistor and crash."
"We may just be a product of a series of unlikely events that just all happen to happen quicker than usual."
"The uncomfortable truth is that the universe is random and we don't have that much control."
"After looking back at spider-man's history it feels fitting to see such an ambitious triple-a spider-man game return to the traditions that fans have waited years to rediscover."
"Coincidences, plenty of coincidences, no consequences."
"These patterns and regularities are the opposite of randomness."
"I'm just I mean I'm in disbelief you know I like I I get it all your drops were around the drop rate but I'm just waiting for the RNG to balance out you know it's gotta balance."
"Sometimes you lose by RNG and there's nothing you can do about that."
"Can such a universe as ours really be simply a product of chance? Yes, it can, the end."
"It's all arbitrary; there's no bunch of shitty reasons to it."
"What the actual [__] we just got an elite clue out of an oak tree."
"Xbox exclusives have no rhyme or reason to them."
"Chemistry isn't random so no it's not at all like dropping toothpicks and randomly having them form letters."
"You pick a game because you like it. You stick with that game, become a pro in it, but it's kind of RNG what game you picked."
"Life is a gradual series of Revelations that occur over a period of time. It's not some carefully crafted story, it's a mess, and we're all gonna die."
"It's really a story about the randomness of life."
"Imagine seeing a weird coincidence imagine that happening bro."
"Randomness, accidents... a convenient label for... that which they don't understand."
"I played so much Warioware back in the day, they had the most random mini games."
"I don't think you can guarantee you know you'll you won't be able to be like one day I'll get to do it but maybe it'll show up at random."
"The progression system... there is an RNG aspect when it comes to this but there's also a guaranteed chance to get a specific skill."
"I'm just going to carry on opening clue scrolls and hope something else happens."
"We live in the universe that's set by random chance."
"This video might be random but it's going to be informational."
"Askin's hashen: molecular wings, a gift ball deluxe."
"Spawning enemies randomly across the canvas makes the game dynamic."
"We are accidental people occupying an accidental planet in an accidental universe, and that's okay."
"The probability is one in 9 trillion, and of course, like I said, this is just for any random outcome."
"This is garbage, magic 8 ball says Dan is funnier than Adam. I don't know, come on, Magic 8 ball says a lot of things."
"Adventure Time captures the random fun of the show."
"RNG will always be our greatest enemy and our bestest friend."
"The odds of this being random are billions to one."
"The journey is really just a series of small, sometimes random, chaotic steps."
"Winning is getting through with the least number of failed choices."
"Sometimes there's just randomness. Sometimes it just doesn't go your way. It's true, or all the time it doesn't go your way if you're me."
"If you randomly click, you're guaranteed something lit in your cart."
"I think it's just very flawed, very luck-based."
"For this to occur randomly would be the same as a hurricane going through a junkyard."
"If you're wanting to create something that is more painterly and looks like the random effects of a brush, then using the randomized shape properties would be really quite useful."
"Mega random, it is the name of the game, it is the name of the map."
"The analogy that I'm trying to make is that random is like that sometimes. The game says I want to be Samson and then you end up being Samson."
"Is there a logic to love, or is it a random event of the universe?"
"I think if I can reroll my IVs for this guy, it will always be 31, 31, and then something random."
"It could have been someone else. It just happened to be me."
"The pack gods have nothing to do with EA. The pack gods are gods."
"That could have gone anywhere. That could have gone anywhere."
"Giving players a random chance of really boosting your power."
"Dating apps are like hitting a slot machine."
"We're at 51 already claim - come on dude oh please okay we had a bear something's got to pop up it's gotta be in here another bat I think that's seven now oh my gosh I almost lost count."
"It's a fascinating lesson about the random dimension of accidents."
"Welcome guys to Minecraft but crafts are gonna be random and modded."
"It's completely random, you never know who's coming."
"I'm so random... but sometimes I think it's... nice to be on a schedule."
"The scales of Ollie are like that: Ollie in, Ollie out, Ollie shake it all about."
"A horrifying crime appeared unmotivated, senseless, and random."
"The weakness was leaving the selection of the three letters to the operator at random, and human beings simply are not random."
"You know what, Mario Odyssey is a very random game."
"I have a toilet plunger on my head so what more do I need to say?"
"Fortune favors the bold they tell us in the ads actually fortune follows whoever the hell it damn well likes."
"Why is the Dune game so good? Because of its lack of randomness."
"It's very scary to think that can just happen."
"Games with randomness are interesting; you cannot predict what's going to happen."
"The one thing you can't say is that there is any kind of coherent pattern or purpose... This brilliant person doesn't seem to see."
"At a grand level when you're looking back on your life and you can do this those random events actually lead you to the best things in life."
"And all of a sudden a random song lyric gets stuck in my head, that's not weird for me at all."
"Everything in this game is kind of random, you never know what's going to occur."
"There's some nice pieces and there's bowling but there you go."
"Accepting actions taken by your ex and wanting to get back together is a sign of maturity and strength."
"High RNG and high skill can still be simultaneously really high RNG and high skill."
"Sometimes a random quote just hits the right way."
"It was just a random dude apparently, but it basically we just went to a random Craigslist dude."
"Every time there's a random pick it's like rolling a die."
"Life's a series of small, sometimes random, chaotic steps."
"Is it really just random or is there something behind?"
"Some of these might be interesting, some might not be, some might be coconut. Get that one out of there, coconut. No, I like coconut."
"The internet gets angry at the most random things."
"Why you were arrested? There could be a reason for it, or it could really be pretty arbitrary and random."
"This may have been a random moment where this individual decided that this is where he was going to carry out this particular attack."
"The genes for color blindness are the same for genes for a lot of diseases but like, there's nothing more closely correlated to a lottery than what diseases you happen to be born with."
"Perfect I love that we like that didn't feel so random huh."
"It really was the epitome of stuff just happens."
"Duels is very RNG focused and high-roll shenanigans. If you like something fun and easy-going, then duels will scratch an itch, I'm sure."
"This is a perfect mix of random stupidity, anime, and challenging Nuzlocke."
"Sometimes you get something awesome out of that, and sometimes you don't. Can't always get what you want, right?"
"They can happen anywhere believe it or not even though moments like these can be incredibly rare."
"Each new leaf that forms is random, I repeat, it is random."
"The enemies are the most random chaotic things I've ever seen in the game."
"His spawns are random, the first second and fifth spawns I believe."
"Life is just a series of vague trips out like vacations from the toilet."
"These battles play out like you suddenly gave your controller to a monkey and it started mashing random buttons."
"Of all the arbitrary things we do on this show, this has to be the most arbitrary."
"It's just chance that it turns out to be me, and I can't imagine anything more humbling than that feeling."
"It's more likely that it's designed than that it was randomly done."
"The wheel in the Kenda the question randomizer is the great equalizer."
"It's the fickle finger of fate that decides these things."
"I don't recognize this poem, it seems very random."
"Your choices do matter a lot, this game is heavily dictated by rng sure, but there is still a lot of player agency."
"Abuse doesn't make sense and the abused victims are not chosen they just happen to be there conveniently."
"If you're one of those DMs that rolls your random encounter table before play... it's kind of like story dice noir."
"Just take as many cracks and swings as we can play oz and hopefully the sim gods go in our favor..."
"I actually played random, although I must say in terms of favorite race, I really liked Zerg."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"With near-perfect observation, we're not quite at the whim of randomness as we might have thought."
"Remember the variable on the pot or rmj hooligan."
"The point is there is no point as always just like whose line is it anyways everything's made up points don't matter."
"His decisions based on the flip of that coin and follows whatever outcome may be."
"The more random that you have here the more natural this is going to feel."
"Are you kidding me? I get to randomly toss boxes!"
"That was the most random... It was just odd."
"The ability for you to convert that randomness into success, that is your skill set."
"The existence of matter in the universe means that galaxies must not only be moving, they must be accelerating."
"Is our existence an accident? No, if it were truly just randomness, an accident and chance, we wouldn't be here for sure."
"Life is random, chaotic, and short but so beautiful." - Dave
"At this point, my voice is really tired so I'm just gonna think of a number between 1 through 4."
"The number I'm thinking of is 4 which is my favorite number."
"The world doesn't always give you what makes sense."
"Is Twitch chat actually using any strategy at all or is this basically just random inputs? That's a good question."
"These crimes are terrible any way you spin them but one of the most terrifying Parts is that they were all just random acts of violence that occurred completely unprovoked."
"This game's awesome! Why? There's literally no reason for that, I was in first."
"Love in every channel, you know what my um, my big goal by drunkenly ball one time ago that's got to be original scratch, it's the big doggy yes yes and two beasts two-piece buttermilk crispy tenders."
"You can literally just drop it open to any one of the Psalms with your eyes closed and put your finger down and start reading it randomly, and you're gonna have a good experience."
"it just seems to be completely arbitrary whether or not something gets banned"
"I like the random nonsense that hits my brain and satisfies it."
"The world does not unfold randomly, and if in some ways it does, consciousness, attention, and our memory do everything it can to fit things into a pattern."
"Having randomness work for gameplay is a whole lot more interesting for me than having an only serve as a potential loot drop that's something that I really liked about this game and I wish who is more common across the industry."
"There's no magic or trickery going on here it's just luck."
"I'm trying to decide which road to take. I throw the stick in the air and where it points I go."
"Sometimes life is so absurd, the things that come together. I love every now and then."
"Our nervous systems work best in a state of randomness."
"RNG pain is the best way I can describe this."
"A popular color try a student a mini money ah."
"We like the random gifts, random acts of love and affection."
"This system really does beat the hell out of the mad randomness of Legion's legendaries."
"I think the most worth it one would have been the super magical because you get a lot of gems with it and the super magical chest itself has a very high chance of getting a legendary."
"Purple is slow Celine, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, it's purple rainbow friend instead of slow Celine, that's nuts man."
"Listen, I heard a pizza get ordered one time, you can't win them all."
"Please be health money awesome someone else throwing bombs ouch no get your foot out how a bug died bear traps why is everyone out to get poor Leon."
"Your choices might seem random but they're all leading you somewhere."
"It's like we're talking about wind and then start hearing me, but there's sprinklers so all right."
"If there's ever been a case which feels random, it's this one."
"The real trick to the grass and any kind of vegetation is just a lot of randomness and variation."
"With bad energy, I can only get three coil stacks, but with good RNG, I can get four coil stacks."
"What you're about to see is that randomness, and indeed things related to Monte Carlo simulations, can be enormously useful, even when you're computing something that is inherently not random like the value of pi."