
Deprivation Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"There is a difference between depriving somebody of a thing versus taking a thing."
"It deprives people of opportunities to have healthcare, education, security, justice, and essentially a fulfilling life."
"Stories like this are sadly nothing new for Grimsby and especially the East Marsh, the area is the most deprived across the whole of Northeast Lincolnshire."
"You're so deprived of, like I said, the touching and everything like that, that you kind of crave it a little bit too, you know?"
"Don't underestimate the utility of deprivation. What do we need to drive us forward to have the adventure of our life? Well, some deprivation, that's for sure."
"We deprive ourselves of all of that... and we live in a kind of sanitized world."
"Sometimes it's okay to temporarily deprive yourself so you can figure out what truly adds value to your life."
"When people are deprived of food, ethics and morality go out the window."
"Seventy-five percent of the prisoners there know they will never again experience the rapture of a woman's kiss. They will never again shake the hand of a true friend."
"Deprivation breeds desperation and for working-class kids throughout the world, football is viewed both as a joyous form of escapism from their everyday lives and as a ticket out of poverty for them and their families."
"Depriving more than 2 million Palestinians from food, water, and fuel is a war crime."
"People are angry because they've been deprived of so much."
"We forgot the taste of bread, the sound of trees, we even forgot our own name."
"If you deprive yourself and restrict yourself from certain things, are you going to be able to remain most consistent with that?"
"We are a dark-deprived society in this modern era."
"What little I had ran out a week ago."
"It had felt like we had been in this metal prison for weeks. We had enough food and only one single flashlight."
"Leadership will never give them a B7 to fly again."
"From my father when I was a kid, your father deprived you of life's simplest pleasures."
"The greatest punishment in Jahannam is being deprived of seeing and meeting Allah."
"We've been robbed of critical thinking."
"Poverty of the mind is the worst form of poverty, mental poverty."
"They were also given only one meal a day as punishment."
"Deciding to ban yourself from things you love does not work."
"Depriving people of privilege is something that's good for them from a psychological perspective."
"They had not had Bibles in seven years."
"They never wanted you to have anything."
"Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."
"Depriving yourself of the least, right to drink water because you can't find more water to bring to them, and you just leave this little amount of water for them, okay, is unbearable."
"You're just talking about water, having to drink salty water which you use to wash your hands because you can't find clean water, and you don't want your kids to drink from that water."
"You never feel like you can fully enjoy certain things even though you should be celebrating yourself."
"I'm probably losing a pound a day because they only give you 1200 calories. Like, you don't eat. There's no commissary. They just make it rough in craft."
"Depriving yourself is a very short term solution to what you actually want in the long term."
"You took the opportunity away from people reconciling."
"Take away all he's got and all he's ever going to have."
"No coffee, no pastries." - Colonel Parker
"After months of deprivation it tasted like the nectar of the Gods."
"I'm not depriving them of anything. They've got to know the value of money."
"We literally cut off their food and their medicine."
"The deprivation account says, what's bad about death is the fact that you're deprived of the good things in life."
"The shorter their life, the worse it is for them, the more they're deprived of the good things in life."
"Do all the teachers live like this? With no furniture and no kitchen stove and no bathroom?"
"And its concerns go go well beyond checking who has which capability into the causal influences that leads to capability deprivation in each particular case, giving some special importance to the tyranny of others."
"When at last his stomach was full, he was still hungry. Two days without food must have shrunk it, but the drive of hunger was still there."
"My son isn't allowed candy, so I'm going to stop 500 kids from getting candy and having fun."
"Starvation and exhaustion have clouded her judgment."
"There are men and women who don't need that, tells that those who never had it."
"There's no great man in history who had perfect sleep all the time. Not even great sleep all the time. Most of them, I am sure, would have been deeply sleep deprived."
"The immediate reward of seeing yourself save money feels a lot better than being deprived."
"I became much more aware of the kind of deprivation that I had as a young person."
"It was one of the most beautiful moments... deprivation can lead to creativity."
"The famine is not for bread but for starving to hear the true word of God."
"Poverty isn't just having too little."
"I miss having my music because some egomaniac wants to feel important and they keep my music away from me."
"Life's good. I have this new appreciation for food now because I was deprived of a lot of it for so long."
"You're robbing yourself of money."
"The first sip of tomato soup I had after not only having water was the greatest tomato soup I ever had."
"I'm a celebrity, no food, I'm a celebrity, no booze, I'm a celebrity, no nookie."
"The mind plays tricks when deprived of sight."
"They already took all the money, they took everything."
"It's not deprivation because you're not actually hungry."
"Prison is the ultimate absence of everything that somebody wants."
"I'm in isolation, they took my mat, blanket, and pillow."
"The best way to feel grateful for something is to be deprived of it for a while."
"When our basic needs aren't met, our attention and our desires get narrow and they fixate on certain substitutes."
"The diet is also extremely poor, limited to a single bag of white rice per day and a few vegetables, perhaps sprinkled with maggots."
"Sleep is super important, you're probably not getting enough."
"Born in a small Bavarian village in 1942, Herzog grew up without running water, functioning toilet, and a telephone, never mind a television."
"And by way of that nutrient deprivation of REM sleep, it had built up this increasing hunger and desire for REM, where as soon as you stopped the blocking agent, which is the THC, it comes back with a vengeance."
"No water, you ain't drinking [__]!"
"Being genuinely deprived of food is tough, physically and mentally."
"Everybodys been stripped of personal effects."
"You are just as deprived as anyone else."
"You're not getting no real sodas."
"What happens if you strip man of all luxuries and conveniences of modern living?"
"My eyes were good though, no voice, no smile, no eyes, no dreams. Just food."
"...they create a notion of a sanctuary where you're not subject to the deprivations and the anxieties or the prospects of those deprivations."
"To really appreciate things, you have to be denied them sometimes."
"You really gonna take all that away from me?"
"There's more to the fundamental badness of death. The central bad thing about the fact that I'm going to die is the fact that because I'll be dead I'll be deprived of the good things in life."
"Deprivation is never a good policy."
"Who could be more touch starved than prisoners?"
"Brief periods of not having what your body is screaming at you that you need will make you profoundly stronger."
"Millions of people are denied normal life."
"Can you imagine how much we'd be deprived from were it not for Aisha?"
"Dance is what you love, and we deprived you of it for too long."
"I was like, 'All right, you know, no problem, I'm smart, I'm in control, I'm like super successful... I'll just cut back.' And I did, and every time I did, I felt really deprived."
"You don't realize the joy of something as simple as a cup of tea till you're deprived of the water for making it."
"The temporary deprivation will help you learn what's truly adding value to your life."
"Whoever is deprived of its good is truly deprived."
"What happens to human beings when we're deprived of touch from other people?"
"I grew up overseas, so I was deprived of a lot of American culture as a child."
"I was thirsty but I couldn't drink."
"We are being cheated from greatness, and I think not seeing Joe Burrow on football is cheating us."
"The American people were deprived of something. It's very sad he was basically the only person on cable television saying anything right."
"A life deprived of beauty is an impoverished life."
"But if he had stayed, he would have starved in other ways. He would have lived a life hungry for feelings, for color, for love."
"It's tantamount to going to a starving man, giving him a sandwich, letting him have one bite, and then taking the sandwich away."
"Through this temporary deprivation, they renew their awareness of and gratitude for everything God has provided."
"Deprivation of liberty means to take someone's freedom away."
"Gypsy's mother basically took any chance of normal life away from her daughter."
"But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."
"When you're experiencing starvation and sensory deprivation, you have amazing dreams."
"When you have nothing, and that's what you have when you're in prison, nothing, you got to find some type of way to comfort you."
"It's amazing how a little touch of color means something after you've been deprived of it."
"Deprivation of goods is bad, and death is the worst deprivation that a person can possibly suffer."
"Freedom only mattered to those who didn't have it."
"When we rob ourselves of our emotional experience of life, we're robbing ourselves of life itself."
"Deprivation is for me what daffodils are to Wordsworth."
"The greater the deprivation, the more powerful the yearning."
"...the terrible deprivation of books in the south of the world in parts of the world like the Indian subcontinent it's just extraordinary..."