
Entropy Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"The universe is incredibly clever. Stars, the ubiquitous feature of the heavens, they are pockets of order that naturally form, but as they form, they increase the entropy in the surroundings."
"For most natural processes, the entropy tends to increase with the disorder."
"Entropy is very roughly speaking a measure of the disorderliness, the randomness in a collection of stuff."
"The second law of thermodynamics: Entropy tends to increase in closed systems; it doesn't go down."
"Life violates the second law of physics...using energy to deliberately counteract the growth of entropy and to build ordered structures."
"The low entropy of the Big Bang is the most valuable resource in the universe, and we're using it up."
"There's a huge puzzle why it was gravity in this very low entropy state, very highly organized state, everything else was all random."
"I was a star once, but now thanks to the effects of gravity and entropy, I seem to have collapsed into a big black hole."
"And if you try to restore order by gluing the plate back together, your actions release enough energy into the surrounding environment to create more disorder in the universe as a whole."
"Entropy can be considered as a measurement of the amount of hidden information in a system."
"The universe as we understand it... it's heading for that heat death, the ultimate high entropy version of the universe, no potential to do anything whatsoever."
"Entropy is why time seems to only be going in one direction."
"As the universe inches closer to maximum entropy, there will be no temperature difference to motivate a thermodynamic process to occur."
"The idea that you're fighting entropy, you're fighting inefficiencies, nothing is a hundred percent efficient."
"For any lossless compression method, the fundamental lower bound on the average length per symbol is the entropy of the source distribution."
"The more unpredictable a distribution is, the higher the information entropy is for the distribution."
"The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature."
"Shannon entropy can be thought of as the amount of hidden information in a system - or more precisely the amount of information we can hope to gain by making a measurement on the system."
"Entropy moves the universe from structure to chaos."
"Entropy is the randomness, the disorder, the chaoticness of some systems."
"The sun gives us energy in a low entropy form; we increase its entropy. That's what enables all of the marvelous activity that brings us to life here on earth."
"We can take advantage of the evolution caused by entropy increasing and make that into something interesting, important, and meaningful."
"The disorder of the universe increases with time and that is the single unique foundational thing that separates the past from the future."
"The arrow of time is not fundamental; it's a reflection of the fact that entropy is increasing."
"Entropy goes up, but complexity first goes up and then goes down."
"The existence of life is made possible by the growth of entropy."
"Boltzmann had shown that the journey from order to disorder was in fact a journey from the improbable to the probable."
"Cleaning your house, in fact, increased the overall disorder of the universe."
"Entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, dictates that the entropy of an isolated system left to evolve naturally can never decrease."
"That would be a weird group and I could see them getting collectively exhausted and just saying enough, we have people here who make Einstein look dumb and they’ve been researching ways to beat entropy for a billion years."
"Entropy can mean two things: one is a lack of order or predictability, gradual decline in disorder. That's the one I knew."
"Entropy is all-consuming, fed by all. Struggle against it. Thus even to hope is to despair. So despair, and in your desperation, find purpose."
"Nurgle teaches to accept entropy and persevere despite it with solace and happiness."
"Look at how amazing it is that entropy and evolution can combine together to yield these kinds of conjugating structures that only exist on the cosmic timeline for a mere moment. But we are that moment."
"The goal of the system itself is to lower entropy and increase love."
"I could design a universe that does not suffer heat death."
"Everything wears out, the second law of thermodynamics."
"For any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases."
"Entropy didn't need to be nearly that low in order for life to come into existence."
"Everything is degrading, everything is changing all the time."
"Everything in the universe tends towards disorder."
"The universe forgets and thanks to entropy we wash away into dust and dirt."
"The maxwell-boltzmann distribution is an astonishing, wonderful fact about statistical mechanics."
"This is the maximum entropy configuration that the gas can go into."
"Entropy was, in fact, a measure of the disorder of things."
"In the end, there is no escaping entropy, the ultimate move from order to decay and disorder that rules us all."
"It's precisely because of the second law that all this exists... it's possible to harness this natural flow from order to disorder..."
"The universe could eventually reach a state referred to as maximum entropy."
"Even if I didn't know about the law of entropy, I would deduce there's something."
"The gist of that law is... the universe tends to go toward chaos."
"Providing your pushing energy through a system and since our sun is pumping energy into earth all the time, we can have high high order in our localized environment even though in the solar system as a whole we're moving towards disorder."
"There is a clear difference between going to the past and the future, and that difference comes from entropy."
"Black holes contain, by far, most of the entropy in the universe, and require most information to fully describe."
"Entropy of the universe always increases. Heat will flow from a hot coffee cup into the table."
"In real life, entropy can only increase overall."
"The universe used to be more organized lower in entropy the whole history of the universe is just entropy increasing disorder and Chaos developing all around."
"Even though humans seem like organized things, the universe favors disorder... Life is actually a great way of following entropy's orders."
"Entropy does not always produce chaos; it is needed because entropy is more like a marker, a measure of the number of different ways that a set of objects can be arranged."
"Can you have ordered chaos? I don't know, but the level of entropy is likely to increase."
"Everything that has unfolded since the formation of the universe has been a narrative of rising entropy."
"In that process of going from order to disorder, complexity emerges naturally for a brief period of time."
"We are Surfers riding the wave of increasing entropy we rely on increasing entropy to survive that is part of what makes us special."
"The entropy of a black hole is the largest amount of entropy that you can have in a region of SpaceTime."
"My room is perpetually a mess I'm just going to blame it on the dynamics the concept of entropy my room is just bound towards disorder naturally."
"All value creation is the source of reducing entropy in actually increasing information and therefore creating value."
"I am more likely to choose those actions that reduce the entropy of my beliefs or my measurements, namely reduce my uncertainty."
"We have a puzzle, how to increase the entropy of the early Earth, and life is the solution to that puzzle."
"We're here to lower entropy and make good choices."
"Entropy itself, in a sense, has no real meaning or existence. Only differences of entropy have a meaning."
"Information is really a mutual entropy, a shared entropy. It's a difference of entropies."
"Life feeds on negative entropy... the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment."
"Entropy is the quantity of hidden information."
"This concept is rooted in the idea that, within the Universe and other closed systems, entropy will continue to rise until it attains its peak value."
"...if things fall apart around you, to what degree is it the mere tendency of things to degenerate entropically because they do that of their own accord or have you sped the probability of decay by failing to pay attention?"
"Our universe is dying, consumed from within by a force we call the entropy plague."
"It's a mistake to think of that as the maximum entropy, because the physical system you're looking at is not just a bunch of photons and atoms in a certain spacetime. It's the photons, the atoms, and the spacetime itself."
"Entanglement can lead to an entropy of subsystems."
"That is entropy. That is the system dying."
"Negentropy is the principle of order and renewal."
"...entropy is the cause of what we call the arrow of time."
"...everything moves towards a state of disorder."
"There's an imperative as a driver to disorder the entropy will increase."
"There's no law that says entropy increases as fast as possible."
"If the early universe had higher entropy than it does now that means that all of its subsequent evolution into the state that we believe is around us right now was sort of very unlikely and accidental."
"Information gain is a measure of decrease in entropy after the data set is split."
"Maybe it's time to let good things die and stop pretending greatness can defy entropy."
"Black holes are the entropic champions in nature."
"Entropy is not a relational phenomenon there is for any given system you know for there's different systems of course but a given system in a given course screening is just at high entropy or low entropy full stop."
"The entropy of the universe is not fine-tuned at all."
"Anything that's positive for entropy is a good sign; it's a feasible reaction."
"He's going to reverse the entropy."
"If all you knew was the current macro state and the dynamical laws of physics, you would predict that both the future and the past had higher entropy than today. That is not correct."
"So, it's not that the Big Bang is the moment of lowest entropy, it's that there was a moment of lowest entropy."
"The low entropy past is the explanation of the arrow of time."
"Removing entropy from our lives allows us to stay in a state of flow and creativity."
"Boltzmann's great contribution was that he recognized that entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system."
"In the end, there is no escaping entropy."
"The universe itself, must one day die."
"Literally, it tells you how much disorder there is in a system, indicating the number of possible states a system can be in."
"The engine of my car... it's turning order into disorder."
"So there’s just no reason to go out and colonize space. Not even to escape from entropy, since there should always be some other reality with less entropy or even the ability to run a heat engine through a gateway to lower entropy here and raise it there."
"The black hole was emitting particles at exactly the correct rate to prevent violations of the second law."
"Complexity is the entropy of an auxiliary system."
"In order to get around the god hypothesis you have to invent a field that essentially has powers of agency that allows reductions in entropy at just the right time and in just the right way to get another cycle of expansion of the universe."
"The second law says that entropy increases. But that does absolutely not equate to being more destructive. There's all sorts of things that can be built, created, brought into existence that have never existed before."
"Entropy is a way to measure how disordered a system is."
"The way to think about it is that increasing entropy allows for the possibility of natural selection, but it doesn't cause it, and it's not necessary in any way for entropy increase."
"Complexity is a kind of thing which can grow to vastly bigger size than entropy."
"We want to prove that relative entropy is monotonic under increasing the region considered in the sense that the relative entropy is bigger for the bigger region."
"In the world as we know it, you can slice the universe into moments of time, and the arrow of time has as one of its features that there's a function of those slices called the entropy, and it increases monotonically in a certain direction."
"The arrow of time in the cosmos points toward the future; the universe's expansion has led to an increase in entropy over billions of years."
"If you have a state of disorder at the start at the Big Bang, then you'd have disorder all the time. You need order in order to anchor the arrow of time."
"The second law of thermodynamics says that in a closed system everything must die."
"Entropy is a word that's free, they used, and the culture, we often use it to describe a certain amount of going from order to disorder, that's going from low entropy to high entropy."
"Low entropy, not a lot of information. High entropy takes a lot of information that's hidden in this configuration of particles."
"Entropy has been rising steadily, in some sense, since the Big Bang. We are partway along that trajectory. We are highly ordered beings existing within an environment headed toward ever greater disorder."
"Entropy is high for that circumstance. Now, the question was not only what is entropy but what's the opposite of entropy, and if you think about entropy is disorder, the opposite is order."
"The second law reveals what entropy really is and why over time it always must increase."
"Left to itself, the universe will always get messier, moving from order to disorder."
"Spontaneous processes tend to flow in a direction from low entropy to high entropy."
"Entropy always increases in the universe, never decreases."
"...things move from low entropy to high entropy."
"Nature likes to increase the entropy of the system."
"Entropy or Delta S is a measure of disorder in the system."
"If you can find the highest entropy state for a system you can reliably say the system is going to approach this state given enough temperature and enough time."
"Entropy is one of the hardest to understand Concepts in physics because there's nothing like it that we interact with in the macroscopic world."
"Entropy is commonly referred to as disorder or Randomness but these terms are pretty biased by our human intuition for what it means for something to be sorted or ordered."
"Entropy and grand narratives: themes in Pinchon's work."
"Life is quite good at extracting neg entropy or information from its hidden troves supplied by the sun."
"The universe will become cold and dark and empty."
"Life on Earth is about fighting back entropy."
"Black holes really have a huge amount of entropy."
"Entropy is as additive whenever there is no correlation."
"As you go back into the past, the entropy goes down."
"...the odds of our universe's initial low entropy condition existing by chance are on the order of one chance out of 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 123."
"The increase of disorder or entropy with time is one example of what is called an arrow of time."
"The universe would start in a state of high order and will become more disordered with time."
"Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases."
"Positive entropy is going to be thermodynamically favorable."
"There is only one case in the universe where the entropy laws are violated: we call that life."
"Evolutionary principles taken in their broadest sense... are as fundamental as the second law. In this sense, one can think of the second law as a demon favoring patterns of matter that favor increased entropy."
"The entropy of the auxiliary system is the quantum complexity of the original quantum system."
"The entropy of a system in exactly the same microstate is the same as the entropy of either box."
"The second law of Thermodynamics which basically says everything in the material universe is experiencing energy loss or heat death it's like a clock that has been wound up that is running down."
"Entropy is kind of a measure of how uncertain you are about those states."
"Entropy and information are behind things like the existence of life in the universe."
"Entropy increasing underlies all of the interestingness of our lives."
"The universe must have originated in a very special non-random state of extremely low entropy."
"Life as being a sort of temporary reversal of entropy."
"The second law of thermodynamics: by this natural law, order tends to degenerate."
"You'll get the amazing miracle that for these high energies... the number of states grows exponentially."
"It's just this entropic drive to destroy, uh, that is manifest in the machines that are built, yeah."
"So, we see scientific proof of the universe supported by the law of entropy. Second thing, God is using that law of entropy where he's going to truly wear it out. Sometime in the future, in Revelation, he's going to get rid of it, his old clothing, and put on new clothing."
"Other limitation is based on entropy. Entropy, just think about this as the randomness."
"Entropy is not just a property of a system... it's a property of a system together with your state of knowledge about the system."
"Entropy which is good for this situation."
"The entropy is the amount of information available to you."
"Entropy is the information which is unavailable to you."
"Surely we say that towards the past memories are erased, but that there is not an accompanying increase in entropy."
"If you erase a memory, you've increased the entropy of the universe."
"Entropy is essentially synonymous with information. Entropy means information and surprisal."
"More molecules in general, as long as they're all in the same phase, mean more entropy."
"Because passwords typically have so little entropy, it's really important to prevent the attacker from just trying to cycle through that low entropy space very, very quickly."
"The longest possible game is to keep entropy at bay as long as possible by doing interesting stuff."
"This reality is a Schoolhouse. It's an entropy reduction trainer."
"The entropy of a system is a measure of the volume in Phase space that the system occupies."
"Entropy typically increases when a solute dissolves."
"The change in the area of a region is proportional to the change in entropy in the region."
"Entropy helps explain the origin, development, and evolution of the universe."
"The heat death of the universe is the last thing that we think will ever happen in the universe."
"It doesn't feel as sterile, kind of has like this entropy and this chaos to it that is really pleasing."
"The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum."
"Entropy was creeping over the eastern horizon."
"The third law of thermodynamics states that at absolute zero, the entropy of the system will reach its minimum value."
"The entropy S becomes now a function of E."
"Temperature is a derived quantity and it tells you how much you have to change the energy in order to change the entropy by a certain amount."
"The cycle from fire to gods to rage to annihilation leads to entropy, and with that chaos and uncertainty, it flows into eternity."
"Ordered things go towards disorder."
"Entropy is just a word which means the amount of running down of the universe."
"Our universe behaves in a way where we live in remarkably low entropy, remarkably low."
"The Beckenstein-Hawking formula shows that the surface area of a black hole's event horizon is linearly proportional to its entropy."
"The most important principle in physics is entropy, which is constant change."
"The mind tends toward disorder because it is a system; systems tend toward disorder because of entropy."
"Understand the concept of entropy, think of it as disorder."
"Nature tends from order to disorder in isolated systems."
"Information theory is about entropy, mutual information, entropy maximization, and how this relates to neuron spiking."
"Entropy the arrow of time, right, how entropy increases over time in the language of statistical mechanics and why that draws a distinction between the past and the future."
"I will never blame him for The Simpsons' decline, just because I blame the second law of thermodynamics."
"By having the one particle decay into three, it increases the entropy of the universe."
"You want to maximize the entropy of the box subject to the constraint that the average energy is given by a fixed number."
"There is no strict relationship between entropy and complexity."
"Complexity can get big when entropy is medium-sized."
"You need for entropy to be increasing if you want to make complex structures."
"In the process of entropy increasing in the universe, complex structures arise."
"The laws of physics and the fact that the early universe had low entropy show that complex structures happen very naturally without any planning."
"The disorder of the universe is always increasing, no matter what the heck you do."
"Even if you do something to make something more ordered... it causes a bunch of other things to increase in entropy."
"This hidden information has a name; it's called entropy."
"The black hole hides information, must give rise to entropy."
"Gases have far more entropy than liquids or solids."