
Steadfastness Quotes

There are 1881 quotes

"God cannot unsettle you. If the Lord God Himself appears before you and says, 'I revise a new revised edition says that you are not Brahman,' you will laugh."
"Our true refuge and strength lie not in our abilities but in the steadfastness of the Lord."
"All I heard in my spirit is that there is a shaking that's going to happen in the church that is so strong that only those that have their eyes fixed on Jesus will stand."
"Your word says in Hebrews 10:23, 'Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.'"
"Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endureth forever."
"Don't let your morals flow away like the wind."
"Al-Aqeedah is the beliefs that we grab and hold onto, things we remain firm and strong upon, things we tie ourselves to."
"Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that only what can't be shaken will remain."
"Everybody else is making compromises... but we’re like the rock of ages. If we hold on to that which is fundamentally the mercy that is Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), he is the column that can never be demolished."
"Your word in Isaiah 54 verse 10 says, 'For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord who has mercy on you."
"Our God is able to deliver us, but even if He doesn't, we're not going to bow down."
"Staying steadfast is not easy, but because you want to stay steadfast for the sake of Allah, He will make it easy."
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free."
"It's an enormous thank you because I think the queen so epitomized steadfastness and that is what people so appreciate in a world that is so splintered and volatile."
"Hope is the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast."
"We just want love because then your love never fails."
"I can't be bought. You can't offer me a dollar to make me change this stand."
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
"She has shown the most remarkable steadfastness and fortitude, always remaining a figure of reassuring calm and dependability, an example to so many of service, duty, and devotion in a world of sometimes bewildering change and disorientation."
"May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ."
"Stand firm in the faith; do not let yourselves be confused."
"Sharon: Even if the whole world is telling you to move, plant yourself like a tree and say no, you move."
"Almighty God says, 'I want you to have the endurance, the strength, the courage, and the steadfastness to believe what you believe, to know what you believe, and stand strong in that belief no matter what anybody else is saying.'"
"I really love Moana and I don't think that's ever gonna change."
"Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf."
"We need to stand on the founding fathers' principles and not move, not budge, be like trees planted by the water."
"I know what scripture says... nothing that you're going to say unless you can show me in Scripture... is going to make me waver from the ultimate source of authority which is the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The right absolutely is steadfast and the left isn't."
"Once you understand, you can't stop understanding."
"My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips."
"Our job is to remain fast around moral imperatives that we do not compromise on."
"Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say no. You move." - Sharon Carter
"I've never acted differently ever under any circumstances."
"Just stand on your principles and don't pander to people and we'll be just fine. I promise you."
"It is so important to be solid in the Word of God and the God of the Word. You're immovable, you stand firm."
"Stick by your good old-fashioned King James Bible."
"This world is being prepped for a system, and the Bible helps us to not get messed up. It's going to help us to stay the course, not turn to the left or the right."
"Be steadfast, unmovable, and abound in the work of the Lord because your work will not be in vain."
"Stand strong as if your eternity depends on it, because it does."
"Allah will give firmness to those who believe with the firm word."
"The church needs to stand on God's word, never apologize for it."
"I don't want to turn our back on these values."
"This hope we have as an anchor of the Soul, both sure and steadfast."
"It shouldn't surprise us that Trump's approval hasn't diminished at all."
"They've lived through the time of trouble. The seal of God's been in their foreheads. They cannot be moved. They've been anchored in Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit."
"Remember Lot's wife... do not backslide, do not look back, do not turn around."
"You have to live your life by a certain set of immutable principles. You gotta live your life by your own immutable principles."
"Despite the modern tech, it remains as solid and uncompromising as it's always been."
"That Soul though all hell should Endeavor to shake I'll never no never no never forsake you."
"I stand by the decision and have no regrets."
"Katara's character is revealed as unyielding in mercy. Katara remains true to her own moral high-ground."
"When something challenges our first principles, we don't deviate."
"Don't take the mark... under any circumstances."
"I stand by everything that was said in both of them, a hundred percent."
"I told God nothing is going to get me to leave this place."
"Plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and you say no. You move."
"On matters of style, swim with the current. On matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson.
"There's nothing that anyone can ever say or do to sway you from your true path."
"May we always take the approach that no matter what happens in the world around us, we will hold to the Word of God."
"You're either with me or against me. Stick with the facts, stand your ground, and stay put."
"We don't fold, we don't break, we don't bend."
"Stand still, hold your position, do not run away and see the salvation of the Lord."
"I'm prepared to make a stand and die on my hill for what I believe."
"In the end, like Rory, you know, had some beliefs that he wasn't willing to sort of compromise and he stood by him."
"I think Royce is someone you can trust, he's going to stand on his beliefs come hell or high water."
"You can't sit Ramondre who's been basically a top five running back since week three."
"The devil doesn't play fair; he'll go after your family if he can't silence you."
"Your identity in Christ will be challenged; know who you are and stand firm."
"Blessed are those who seek his face, who bend their knee and fix their gaze on Jesus. They won't be shaken."
"A person who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit stands by faith."
"It's done, it's done, it's done, it's gone, hallelujah!"
"I want you to stay true to God, no matter what your life story looks like."
"Your good must be built upon the rock. A Fearless faith ideals will be made real if held without wavering."
"The one who built his house on the rock was the one who not only heard the Word, but was a doer of the Word."
"I said what I said and guess what? I'm dying on that hill."
"The Galaxy burns, yet still we stand, the last bulwark against the terror."
"Sometimes you just gotta stand on your morals and just, yeah, you're right. And she's standing ten toes down."
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tells you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world, 'No, you move.'"
"My opinions are not for sale and they never will be."
"Stay on the narrow path, my child, at whatever cost."
"You just gotta stand your ground when it comes to the truth."
"Despite her struggles, Mary remained steadfast in her beliefs, facing adversity with grace and determination."
"If you're a Christian and you stand for the Lord, there's no way you can lose."
"There's no time to go wobbly here this is serious this remains our most significant Challenge and we've got to deal with the problem in front of us not push it off into the hope that this will go away over the next two to three years."
"In the face of adversity, they remained steadfast in their duty."
"Jesus Christ will never fail you, while man, money, and things may falter, Jesus Christ will remain steadfast."
"In matters of style swim with the current, but in matters of principles stand like a rock."
"You need to stand your ground and stay stuck on your position."
"Stand firm on the word because the word won't return void."
"This was not flares. This thing sat up there absolutely still."
"I have high respect for people like my husband who have never deviated."
"The promise is to be steadfast and unmovable."
"How easy would it have been for him to be like, 'You know what, it's all right, we can just agree to disagree on these issues.' But Paul's like, 'No, this is about the truth of the Gospel.'"
"I'm very grounded, my relationship with God, I just have like my values and they're never gonna change."
"If you stand for something, then you don't bend."
"You stand 10 toes down, you're not going to back off."
"Anchor yourself in the word of Allah that doesn't change, despite the shifting trends of the world."
"Keep trusting your intuition, don't waver on it."
"I respect myself as a man... wouldn't change nothing."
"We need a line of truth that we can literally stand on and that is the word of god."
"The purpose of the Lord alone be established."
"I gave you a favorable glowing review and I will not back down."
"We're politically mature and we're uncompromising, we're not backing up and we're not backing down."
"Let us be vigilant, hold fast to the truth of God's word, and not be swayed by societal norms."
"I'll just be myself. I'm not changing for nobody."
"Stand on the foundation of unshakable truth."
"As far as my love for Jordan, that don't change one bit."
"We're not as a board going to back down from something that means so much to this community."
"You're never backing away from your purpose, you're finding your life purpose."
"Inspired by the valor we have honored today, keep us resolute and steadfast as things that cannot be shaken."
"Help us to lift up our eyes to behold beyond the things which are seen and temporal the things which are unseen and eternal, that we may be steadfast and loyal always."
"We don't swerve from the standard to get along with nobody."
"My love for you knows no bounds, it is eternal, steadfast, and unchanging."
"He won't change the actions he believes or what he needs to do even when they threaten to kill him." - A decision made out of weakness, out of temptation to preserve his body instead of being affixed to his beliefs.
"May Allah count us amongst his supporters and may Allah subhanahu ta'ala keep our hearts pure, may Allah keep our cause pure, may Allah keep our feet firm."
"It's a pretty magical thing to doggedly hold on to one's integrity."
"Hold the line. Stand firm and watch the salvation of the Lord."
"Greatness and peace and happiness are simply not proper ends for any human soul to set for itself; they are the byproducts of a life that has held steady like a ship at sea to some true course worth sailing."
"God doesn't change our calling just because a component of it makes us uncomfortable."
"I promise you're only going to get me, and I'm not changing for nobody."
"We respect those who are willing to hold the line and stand up for what they believe in."
"These concepts are never wrong, they're never wrong."
"Marin represents the other side to this issue; he is steadfast and knows that it's a demon."
"He stood on his ground despite the pushback."
"You are standing firm against any challenge."
"We will never stop for them. So never. We will never change, we will always evolve, but we will always be Twisted. That's always, man. Gotta be, man. That's the only thing that we really have, that we'll always have."
"We're not gonna backtrack on our convictions."
"You should not be making accommodations with evil. It's as simple as that."
"He that doeth these things shall never be moved."
"We didn't bend, we didn't break, and we didn't compromise."
"Hold your light and be that beacon, do not waver under the sphere-based energy."
"I'm not budging one foot. I am staying put here."
"If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton
"They're still stubborn enough to sit there by your side and to stay there with you."
"I will die on my sword before I lie on the lord."
"The most dangerous part about him is he's actually like steadfast and unmovable."
"Continue making dua to Allah and do not lose hope, and continue remaining as steadfast as possible."
"Do not concede ground. Do not let your morals fall by the wayside."
"We believe in democracy, we always have and we always will."
"Always think, remember, never deviate, the Constitution."
"Don't allow yourself to be tossed around, but stand your ground in the strength that comes from God."
"Fear not, remain steadfast in your faith. You can stand amidst the tumult and command it to subside with authority, and it will listen."
"We must man our appointed posts, refusing to yield to the fading of the light."
"Amidst the storm of rumors, she stood firm in her truth."
"Many will stand for the right though the heavens fall."
"The truth is still the truth, even if you're a minority of one."
"Stand firm and strong in what matters to you."
"Compassion and empathy: much louder than any border."
"What faith is this? What unshakable, steadfast faith this woman had."
"True faith does not waver even under the most extreme pressure."
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain."
"My faith stands sure, it doesn't waver, it doesn't back up."
"Praise Him because He's good. Praise Him because He'll never leave you nor forsake you."
"An unwavering commitment to God followed by making that commitment part of who we are."
"We're the only ones that stand 10 toes down in front of it, we don't run."
"The big thing here is that Saints would not bow to it, they would stay true in their faith in Christ no matter what the consequences are."
"It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken."
"My strategy is certainly a lot different, but it's not going to change."
"I had a point to prove and I was sticking to my guns."
"Unfazed, the barber stands his ground and insists on receiving payment."
"My job is to be a rock for my family, my friends, potentially significant other at all times."
"He who knows his own worth should be unwavering."
"We obtain a hope and our faith becometh unshaken."
"God is not a god of compromise. He's going to bring a miracle into your life. Don't accept second best."
"You don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
"Once you have decided to turn your heart towards Him, you have to anchor it there."
"Stay true to your values and always choose the path of integrity."
"We need to stand firm on the truth of God's word."
"Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."
"Be true to your core truths and values."
"The older you get, the less likely you are to compromise."
"86 years I have served my Lord, and not once has He failed me; I will not deny Him now."
"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
"I've got my boots up; they're planted firmly."
"When everybody else crumbled, Abu Bakr remained firm."
"Stand firm behind your convictions."
"That will build within you endurance and steadfastness so that you will be a complete human being, lacking nothing."
"I'm a man who stands anytime, anywhere."
"Be like the rocky headland on which the waves continually break. It stands firm and rounded; the seething waters are laid to rest."
"A warrior who personified high ideals and upheld moral principles, his was a soul steadfast."
"Don't let nobody trick you out your position, man."
"We need stability, we need a foundation that's going to keep us firm."
"The word of our God shall stand forever."
"You can sense what people need from you, and yet you don't let this sway you."
"Great faith has focus on God and it doesn't waver."
"She won't back down from her position as the rose princess."
"Stannis is a man that will fight to the bitter end and then some. Stannis never gives up, Stannis never surrenders. Stannis is the true steel, and he will continue to fight for the realm that is rightfully his to his dying breath."
"Stand firm in the truth, don't compromise with error."
"His valour was as a fire and yet as steadfast as the hills of stone."
"As long as my thesis remains intact, then I'm not going to sell no matter what happens to the price."
"I'll stand my ground and I won't back down."
"You have never been one to stray away from anybody."
"I haven't changed my choice, my opinion, one iota."
"Thank you for always being steadfast."
"He who walks with integrity will never be shaken."
"Prepare yourself. Be steady, be faithful, be rooted and grounded."
"Your word is steadfast and eternal."
"Remain steadfast upon your faith until your death."
"There must be a place that God wants us to stay that will allow us to be able to withstand, to be able to withhold, to be able to be in the same place no matter what comes or what goes."
"If he delivers us if he shows us that his steadfast love will never run out on us."