
Plato Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"All of Western philosophy is consisting of a series of footnotes to Plato."
"Plato argued that beauty was an abstract form, meaning that it remains timeless, unchanging, and real."
"Humanity is still making its way out of Plato's cave."
"He interprets [Plato's] accounts of Atlantis as a factual report of a prehistoric advanced civilization."
"Plato thought that mathematical objects, shapes, numbers, and the relationships between them belong to their own ideal world, separate from ours."
"Human behavior flows from three sources: from desire, emotion, and knowledge." - Plato
"Plato shaped thousands of years of Western philosophy."
"Plato put forward the idea that we are not alone in the universe."
"Plato said Atlantis laid beyond the gates of Hercules."
"Plato said that extended from the Gibraltar East all the way to the Turanian Sea."
"The almost identical cyclopean megalithic ruins found in those regions both onshore and now submerged support and confirmed Plato's account."
"The failure of that experiment of communal service... proves the emptiness of the theory of Plato."
"The whole notion of a lost civilization goes back at least to Plato."
"Plato wrote about a landmass called Atlantis that disappeared approximately 12,000 years ago."
"Atlantis might seem like the figment of some fantasy crazed writer or director's imagination, but actually it was first mentioned by Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher."
"Plato writes: 'We may consequently State the following: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence, a single visible living entity containing all other living entities which by their nature are all related.'"
"Plato opens to maeus his first of the two dialogues on Atlantis with the myth of Phaeton."
"The idea is reality, the shadow it casts is our physical realm."
"Plato's philosophy: a rational force that permeates the entire universe."
"Plato conceived the world as of form and matter anything in the world that is a thing a substance it has both form and matter its form is it's is the the unchanging the essence of the thing if you will the soul of the thing."
"Take precautions lest this teaching ever be disclosed among untrained people. It is impossible for what is written not to be disclosed." - Plato
"Plato's revelation: the true Earth looks like a dodecahedron."
"Plato made room for divination, and especially inspired divination from oracles."
"There's different eras in which parts of Plato's philosophy may have been emphasized more or less."
"When you read Plato, it's not about Plato being right point by point by point. It's about Plato making us think."
"Plato defined man as the rational animal. Reason is what distinguishes man from the beasts, but what is reason? The typically modern answer is simply calculation, cleverness, but Plato's answer is wisdom, understanding, insight into the Forms."
"Plato thus invites us into the discovery of a whole new world, namely the world of objective ideas, forms, essences—the eternally real and unchangeable natures of things."
"What drew me to philosophy is the Platonic dialogues, a form of poetry, where the philosopher strives for some kind of integration and cohesion."
"Plato's descriptions of Atlantis are incredibly detailed."
"Plato does not believe in human equality neither did Aristotle neither did anybody else among the ancient Greeks the Romans didn't believe in equality either except in a very attenuated sense."
"All of Western thought is a footnote to Plato."
"Plato tells us that Atlantis abounded in both cold and hot springs."
"Plato knew that the form of the human being required a standard of excellence in mind and character and body and these were the very qualities he required for the guardian class."
"The Republic of Plato stands forth for all time as the source of the rationalist tradition, the tradition of reason in Western civilization."
"Is Plato asking us to regard Socrates as a man of high principle, standing up for what he believes in the face of death or as a kind of revolutionary agitator who cannot and should not be tolerated by a society whose basic laws and values he will not accept?"
"...there's something very contemporary to us isn't there about the fact that Plato's cosmology and Plato's Science is based on an essentially mathematical physics."
"Jesus is both transcendent and imminent, and so are Plato's ideas."
"What's amazing about the development of Christian theology is the way it actually goes back to a problem that Plato talks about with poets, right? It's the problem of making philosophical sense of narrative."
"Plato is sacred to me. That doesn't mean I think I can't question him. It means I read Plato, I get transformed, and the cycle continues."
"As the 4th century BC ends, Aristotle follows Plato in pointing to the value of the theoretical and celebrating the life of study that the philosopher and the scholar enjoy."
"We have platonized our eschatology."
"I think of imagination as just whatever it was that enabled Plato to think up the idea of another world containing the pure ideas of goodness and beauty."
"All of Western philosophy subsequently after Plato consists of a set of footnotes to Plato and his work footnotes, that's it."
"If Plato's prose was silver, Aristotle's was a flowing river of gold."
"Its defense of philosophic kingship is itself a direct repudiation of Athenian democracy."
"Plato's dialogues are a great place to start."
"Plato becomes the ancestor not of totalitarianism but of constitutional democracy."
"Plato plays end-dimensional chess."
"Plato's taking over tragedy and comedy too."
"Plato is like Shoots and Ladders, but on a continental scale."
"Plato's myths are a way of preventing the feeble interlocutor from hurting himself and other people."
"Plato's idea of the good has hardly anything to do with the way in which we are supposed to look for what is right and avoid what is evil."
"Plato wrote of a devastating cataclysm that destroyed the great civilization of Atlantis."
"For Plato, the soul is everlasting, even after your body dies your soul would go into this state of reincarnation."
"Plato describes Atlantis as concentric circles of land, like a bullseye target. This looks exactly like the ricotta structure in the northern Sahara."
"Plato records that the outer circle is 14 and a half miles in diameter, coinciding exactly with the ricotta structure. It's to the tee, if you take an average diameter."
"Another way of looking at it is through the lens of the language Plato uses in the Sophist, that something that's real is something with the potential both to act and be acted on, to be part of the causal system of the world."
"N wanted to play Plato to his own Socrates, to invent himself as such a character."
"When we embrace storytelling and stories, we realize how wrong Plato was."
"Plato is perhaps the greatest metaphysician of the Western tradition. Alfred North Whitehead once said that all Western philosophy is really a series of footnotes to Plato."
"You of all people know you're an expert. What is Plato's first thing? Harm no one, live honestly, and give each person their rightful due. All law is built on those three things."
"Plato's realism: imperfect participation in perfect ideas."
"Plato's ideas are from the immediate context of Socrates and the pre-Socratic philosophers."
"Plato's philosophy is highly spiritualized."
"Plato's theory of forms provides a realm of ideals with significance in epistemology, cosmology, ethics, aesthetics, and more."
"The overarching theme of Plato's Republic is dikaiosine or justice."
"The soul, when perfect, can have a splendid vision of the outer, or what's beyond the heavens, which in Plato's view is pure being."
"His conversations in prison during that delay are the setting of a number of dramatic dialogues by Plato."
"The method of division is Plato's method to distinguish the true from the false participants. But every time Plato talks about the forms, he goes to some form of myth."
"There's resonance as of Plato for sure, returning to the same ideas as Rousseau."
"My book is an examination of the two dialogues written by Plato which he devoted to a study of the Sophists."
"Plato's Republic has a vast and intricate structure which plays on levels of meaning in a very magnificent, beautiful way."
"Plato is undoubtedly one of the two most influential philosophers of all time."
"All philosophy is Plato restated."
"Plato's Republic is the most important book of the western tradition and it certainly deserves consideration as the greatest example of putting ink on paper."
"Plato's Republic is an extraordinary intellectual achievement and also an extraordinary work of art."
"Plato's Symposium is a dialogue; it's the second greatest dialogue ever written."
"Plato said that true knowledge comes from philosophical reasoning."
"Plato's Republic is arguably the greatest achievement in Western philosophy."
"Is it possible that Plato's story is actual historical fact?"
"Plato wrote a book on this... and at the end of the day, he's like 'I don't know'."
"Its sole chronicler was a revered philosopher, Plato, who in the fourth century BC described it as a prosperous and idyllic island paradise."
"That coin could have actually been used or touched by Plato."
"After Socrates's death, Plato devoted himself to a life of learning."
"The form of the good occupies a special place in Plato's philosophy."
"Plato is very explicit about where it is, it seems like it's spread out past the Pillars of Heracles."
"Nearly 2,400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato posed a riddle which has baffled scholars ever since."
"The improbability of Plato perpetrating a complete fraud... has led many to assume that there must be some substance to these claims."
"We were talking about whether Plato's account of Atlantis was fact or fiction."
"Plato's central conception of the world is that the one that we perceive with our senses is faulty and changeable, but there is another perfect realm where eternal unchanging entities called forms or ideas reside."
"False words are not only evil in themselves, they infect the soul with evil." - Plato
"Later Plato would describe the Greeks as frogs around a pond, the pond of course being the Mediterranean."
"The first written account of the legend came from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato."
"The lost city of Atlantis was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato."
"We're really much more like the people in Plato's cave... trying to get glimpses of this idealized world of ideal objects."
"The ancient Greek philosopher Plato is credited with bringing the idea of Atlantis into the imaginations of the people."
"This goes back to Plato in the classical expression."
"When Plato, he's most famous for this idealism, this idea of route reality behind the sights, and sounds, and smells, and tastes and touches."
"Socrates left no writings; Plato wrote for him, his pupil."
"All philosophies are a footnote to Plato."
"Everything in philosophy is a footnote to Plato."
"Plato's metaphysics proposes higher realms of existence or the forms, an ideational realm."
"Plato has this really interesting statement in Critias."
"It's like how Plato believed in ideal forms, like there's an ideal rabbit out there and every rabbit is an imperfect copy."