
Divine Provision Quotes

There are 533 quotes

"Whatever God has given you, He has already given you the ability to handle it."
"What God has for you is for you. You don't have to fight nobody."
"I pitied your groanings and gave you manna for food; you ate the bread of angels."
"Come to the waters and drink, that no money can buy wine and milk without money, without price, but the price is recognition, belief, conviction."
"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?"
"If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach."
"How much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!"
"Your father already knows your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need."
"The things I have prepared for you are better than you expected and way more than you asked for."
"Mortals, cease from toil and sorrow; God provided for the morrow."
"His divine power hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness."
"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
"Grace being God's infinite unmerited provision for every need... it is complete in itself without any additions from man."
"Grace is God's infinite provision in love for all of us who believe."
"When God is your source, there is no sorrow added to your success."
"God always seems to ask more from us when we have less to give, so that His great supply and loving-kindness might be revealed."
"Allah has opened the door of risk for them that he didn't open for you, and he opened other doors for you."
"Redemption is not complete without divine provision."
"There's no issue there, the Lord has provided wealth for us at all different levels."
"God's provision may come in unexpected forms."
"Miracles are God's Way of making provision for his people."
"God has already provided this because they had a meeting before."
"God has already given us everything we will ever need."
"I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."
"God always provides, financially and spiritually."
"When Jesus wanted money, did He go and get five jobs? He went to the ocean, picked up a fish, pulled the money out."
"Your obedience to prophetic insight is God's way of making provision for you."
"Worship is what opens up the floodgates of God's provision."
"I'm thirsty, I've got a need. He said if you're thirsty, come to me and believe that I'll meet the need."
"God gives you purpose, He gives you provision."
"Abraham answered, 'God will provide.' And God did."
"God's divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life."
"Trust God not our resources... Seek the Lord, seek His righteousness and His kingdom and then what all these things shall what be added unto you."
"When you pray for bread, God sends you with seed."
"God provides in miraculous ways, in 2017 Willie George started to like soft step down."
"God is not going to leave you with less, He is always going to leave you with more."
"When you tap into the kingdom of God, everything you've been searching for is already there."
"The world will always run out of wine, but the Lord's wine is never ending."
"If God can get it to us, he'll get it through us."
"Jesus also puts things in the earth and we use them."
"Home is where the heart is... your home is part of God's promise of provision to you and your family."
"God is going to give you the treasures of darkness."
"I trust not in my ability to receive from heaven I trust in God's ability to give from Heaven."
"Sometimes we need to remember sometimes God doesn't remove the wilderness but he will provide a well"
"We serve a mighty and living God, and so whatever you need can be found in His name and in His name alone."
"Allah sustains you on earth from the acceptable, lawful, pure food."
"God already knew how He would supply the lack."
"God has already provided for us way in advance."
"Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."
"I am what God says I am, I have what God says I have."
"God says, 'I got my treasure, I got my warehouse waiting for the day of trouble and war.'"
"I am a god of provision, healing, and wishes, and I want to bless you with the resources you need to fulfill your purpose and live a life of abundance."
"God supplies all your needs according to His riches in glory."
"I am here to bring healing and restoration to your body and provide for your financial needs."
"God is the one who prepares the table for His children in the presence of their enemy."
"God writing a prescription: 'I'm giving you a blank check.'"
"It's not us that's what you need, God has what you need."
"The door is open it's up to you to walk towards the door, it's up to you to ask, the duty of God is to set the table before you and to believe it."
"The provision of God has now been placed in the hands of the believer. God is saying, 'I'm putting it in your hands.'"
"You have don't have because you don't ask, the things you're missing, you're missing because you're not seeking from God."
"God is about to give someone a breakthrough of provision."
"Announce to your enemies in declaration that The Battle Belongs to the Lord."
"He's going to give you somebody to be gracious, kind, and forgiving to."
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"God responds to your need with a seed, not just a harvest."
"Thou shall remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth the power to get wealth."
"If God takes care of the flowers, will He not much more clothe you?"
"I've never asked God for anything that he did not give me."
"Everything God has for believers is in Christ."
"God has given you every single thing that you need to be who you need to be."
"God has the best for you; it has your name on it."
"God says, 'I'm the one that takes care of you, I'm the one that planted you, I'm the one that provides for you, I'm the one that protects you. And yet, you're looking for help from all these other nations and you don't even come to me.'"
"He is thy life and the length of thy days, no, He's your security."
"Christ is all: He gives life, he gives food, he gives wealth."
"God is your source. Everything you need is supplied by the Infinite Source."
"I see your situation and I will never let scarcity reach your home. My touch upon your family will bring forth a reign of blessings that will nourish your home for many years to come."
"God has not left us vulnerable, he's given us his son Jesus."
"He will give you all the holy desires of your heart."
"The willingness of the Father to release supernatural provision to clear up a tax debt."
"Jesus suffered and died for your healing, deliverance, and provision."
"Ask, seek, knock, for our God is the God of more than enough."
"The place of refuge is where he brings us we meet him but he brings us to this place of safety that he has prepared for us and he furnishes all our needs our food water whatever else we need."
"God is faithful, man... He will give you the desires of your heart."
"Priesthood is a calling from God, and if it's coming from God, he'll give you what you need to sustain you."
"God is saying, 'I already know what you have need of before you ask.'"
"Abundant giving - we are not dealing with the Creator who is impoverished by granting our requests."
"Put down your sword, Jesus. It is a time to let go of striving. The simple is key. Now the walls will fall and the gates will open, and you will see summer and a blossoming will take place."
"I am God. I will supply. I am rest for your souls and will provide."
"Even if they take away the mass... Christ at his mercy can provide the means for you to be saved by him."
"Expect God to bless. David had a devastating situation, but he looked to God. God gave him the anointing to recover all, not just recover all, but bring back all the spoil of the enemy."
"Some change is better than no change at all."
"Let your peace and mercy and protection be upon them, supply every need according to your riches in glory."
"Trust the same God that provided for you yesterday."
"Every time you say, 'God's Word says that He will meet all of my needs,' something happens."
"God doesn't give you houses for houses, He gives you houses for cities."
"Thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ for providing everything for us."
"When you operate in the Kingdom, nothing you want can be withheld from you."
"If you have the kingdom, all these things will be added. Who is adding it? The owner of the Kingdom will give you everything."
"God is not giving you this increase to be irresponsible."
"It frees us from the grip of greed and ushers us into the abundance that you have for your people."
"Generosity releases the flow of God's provision for your life."
"He concluded, 'Faith did not receive what was promised... God provided something better for us.'"
"God has made a way for sinners to be right with him."
"God is your source, and he's gonna supply your every need."
"God always restores to you more than you lose and he resupplies to you so much more than you give away."
"The word of god says he'll meet every one of my need according to his riches in glory in and by christ jesus."
"God wants to prosper you in famine, heal you in sickness, love on you when there's hatred all around you."
"God's gonna provide, he's going to transfer the wealth."
"Permission and provision will always hold hands."
"We live in the place of need but we are also connected with the ultimate provider."
"God supplies all my needs, there is a divine surplus."
"Thank God in advance for His blessings, offered freely to all."
"You will have all sufficiency in all things."
"God has a myriad of ways to provide, he is our ultimate source for all things."
"Every promise of God that he's made to you in the past, every promise that's in the Bible, when God says this it's true: all things are yours."
"God wants you in heaven. He is a loving father who made provisions for when you sin."
"I will supply all of your needs, sustain you and your family, and favor you."
"He doesn't supply out of his riches. His love has no limit, his grace has no measure, his power no boundary known unto men."
"God provides for His children and as His child, you can expect your good heavenly Father to provide for the needs that you have."
"We come to you tonight just thankful, humbled, Lord God, at your provisions."
"Our gifts and our talents, in our god-given gifts, will make a way for us as long as we just use them."
"Those who walk in the supernatural walk in God's supernatural provision."
"Allah will provide for you in ways you never imagined. Your job is taqwa, fearing Allah, and staying away from haram."
"God is going to supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
"God wants us to fully depend upon him; whether or not he blesses us with material wealth, we must fully depend upon him."
"You matter to God - He's going to provide, protect, and watch over you."
"Your life matters to God - He's willing to provide the best if we're willing to trust Him."
"The church does not owe you anything... You're there to receive all that Jesus has freely paid for."
"The Lord says I'm about to give you the resources that you've been praying for."
"God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering."
"Where God guides, He always provides. He will make it happen, just be patient."
"The Lord is going to provide according to his riches, he is going to provide also the ministries that you are planning to start."
"Prepare to sit back in your brand new ride and gawk at your six-figure cash account, you may trust that God will take care of your financial obligations and your heart condition."
"He who provides you with the Spirit... by hearing with faith."
"I have already opened up the storehouses of Heaven."
"God will take care of you. Your future is secure in Him."
"Live righteously, seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will provide everything that you need."
"God is preparing to lavish you with provisions that will surpass your wildest imaginings."
"What has God put in your hands? Those are some of the most phenomenal prosperous organizations."
"You're going to see the hand of the Lord bringing resources in your life more now than what you ever saw when you were in the world."
"I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges, my God will see me through. My God will supply all of my needs."
"Your word says Lord that you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
"A rich life consists of just having the Lord in your life, and He provides that richness."
"God loves a cheerful giver and God will generously provide all your need."
"You deserve the best because Jesus Christ made it available for you."
"Opportunities for me surround my life, Lord Jesus, with every good thing I need to succeed in life."
"Divine love always has met and will always meet every human need."
"When you come to me, you will find sustenance that satisfies the deepest hunger within your soul."
"Prayer is the channel through which God supplies."
"God has given to us everything that's necessary for life and godliness and ministry."
"His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him."
"I have given you everything, it is already yours in the Heavenly Realms. Now believe and receive."
"If you understand how much God loves you, it won't be hard to believe that He will supply for you."
"God's not gonna meet your needs independently of you; He's gonna meet your needs through your willingness to meet someone else's."
"They need no candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God gives them light."
"When we make abiding in Christ the most important thing in our lives, Jesus takes care of the rest."
"Be thankful to God for the provision and for the people He used."
"Your bank is not your source your money is not your source your job is not your source your sugar daddy is not your source you only have one source and that source is god."
"Lord, I thank you because you're a God who will never leave us empty."
"God is a God who prepares tables for us in the presence of our enemies."
"It's such an exciting year for aew and we're not even halfway through yet."
"Every time I've worried about money, God has always come through."
"Our loving father promised that he will meet all our needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus."
"My grace is sufficient, you know what that means? He says my grace is adequate provision for whatever you're going through."
"Everything you and I do in life is God's provision for us because you and I are the inheritors of eternal life."
"All these blessings shall come upon thee and overtake thee."
"God equips us with all we need to do His will."
"God has made it so that you don't have to struggle any more."
"As you put your trust in God right now, there's going to be a supernatural provision."
"Everything you need will be granted to you: courage, wisdom, protection, provision, direction."
"I saw the heavens open... bread rained down... golden Wafers... supernatural abundance of food for the people of God."
"I saw a gold coin in the mouth of a fish... surprise provision from unique sources... specific instruction brings forth provision."
"You will never have any need that God cannot meet in a day."
"God's provision isn't dependent on our Hustle but on his goodness."
"God I repent that all that water and all of that quail and all that bread that you gave me in spite of me and it's been weeks since I prayed years since I fasted months since I said thank you Lord I come back because I need that Mercy."
"God gives every believer a promise, a principle, a problem, and a provision."
"God don't give you nothing that's just frivolous."
"The reality of what he paid a price to give you to eat."
"God made provision not only for our needs but also for what we want."
"You will never desire something that God did not already provide."
"Won't He also give us everything else?"
"God demonstrated I will take care of you."
"God only accepts what he has provided."
"For behold are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same being, even God, for all the substance which we have?"
"God has set the table for blessing in front of you, you don't need to pray for it, it's on the table, you just have to reach out and grab it."
"And why do you worry about clothes? Observe how the wildflowers of the fields grow; they don't labor or spin thread."
"If you knew who was asking you for water, you would ask him for water and he'll give you Waters that you will not thirst again."
"Jesus encouraged people to engage with the source, to address the source as father and to expect the source to provide them with things."
"God brought it to me. I didn't go out searching for it."
"Whatever you need from the Lord, he will supply it because he will never leave you."
"God doesn't have a limited bank account. God can sponsor His vision."
"God can sponsor His vision. He doesn't need to go anywhere else for money."
"How big your cup is of hunger for God and hunger for His presence is how much God is going to give you."
"Allah used 'Rizq' at the end of the surah. Why? Because one of them covers the spiritual rizq of Allah and the other covers the material rizq of Allah."
"When you got born again, you are a new creation. God has anticipated everything you will ever need."
"God can take the 20 bucks as the fish and the bread and multiply them and bless 5,000 people praise the Lord for the 20 bucks."
"God, I just want to thank you for everything, every victory, every breakthrough, every mountain you brought me over."
"God said, 'Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.'"
"God has nine powerful gifts and he will not leave me holding the bag."