
Rescue Quotes

There are 5880 quotes

"Usad vows to save anyone he can and declares that it's because he is part of the rescue team."
"An excellent display of teamwork, which helped them lift the dog to safety."
"Thai Navy Seals, specialized British divers, and experts from around the world all took part in this rare example of a worldwide team effort that actually paid off."
"After 2 1/2 months of international teamwork, the miners were freed and were able to return home to their families."
"100 people lift a bus to save a cyclist trapped under a London bus."
"Heroic of Empire, remarkable feat: an unknown person in a bat costume rescued several people from a burning building."
"You've got to participate in your own rescue."
"I had to be willing to risk my relationship with her to get her out."
"Barely able to breathe, but he was determined to bring the wounded crew home safely."
"We should do everything we can to bring American citizens home."
"If you truly want to be saving a life and doing a good deed, always adopt horses from rescue shelters, which is way cheaper, and you're actually saving a life."
"Saving someone close to you from an obsessive psychopath will always be more tangible, emotional, and powerful."
"This went from a fishing trip to a rescue mission."
"A miraculous rescue just occurred of a little girl who was buried for 48 hours in the rubble that was once her home."
"When you're prepared, it allows you to be a rescuer."
"Be prepared not just for you, but also when you're prepared, what it does is allows you to be a rescuer."
"Rescue always comes to the faithful, whether during mortality or in the eternities."
"It's hard to save someone who doesn't want to be saved."
"This lone deer was left behind, struggling to cross the frozen river for survival, but luckily local workers rescued him just in time."
"The Coast Guard, they're a special breed. They put themselves in danger to help people like me."
"In the air and on the sea, brave men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard risk their own safety so that others may live."
"Nevertheless, it was important that we get an asset underway immediately to possibly pull people out of the water."
"The Coast Guard didn't just do it for me, they did it for me and my friends, and all their families. They saved our life, period."
"She stood opposed to the boy who was sitting on the ground, shock covering his face as he stared in disbelief and silence at the woman who had saved him."
"The whole world waited, crossed their fingers, and eventually, they did find him."
"These officers ran into the fire without any fear... if it wasn't for their brave and courageous actions, there is no doubt that more children would be dead right now."
"Inside were two little girls screaming for help at the top of their lungs."
"He always tries to save as many people as he can."
"The young boy who we are referring to as RF can be seen visibly thin...and can be heard asking the homeowner, 'Can you take me to the police station?'"
"Kakashi helps rescue spectators in the arena when the stadium is attacked by Kinshiki and Momoshiki Otsutsuki."
"With Golan's help, he takes the Lesser vampires out and returns the daughters to their fathers safely."
"A frail woman, nerved by necessity for saving life, can carry a person heavier than herself from danger."
"I just step on them to get out. Please, please, just let me go back in. Let me go back in. I have to save my girlfriend, she's still in there."
"I've got to save Melon. I've got to save Melon."
"Our sole purpose was to find Paulie and to bring her home."
"To date, 112 live hostages have been freed through a combination of strong military pressure and tough negotiations."
"The best loyal man or dog I ever had was found out on the interstate in the middle of winter."
"The IDF managed to rescue two hostages last night out of Rafa in Gaza after an amazing and very dramatic operation."
"The two hostages were hugged by the fighters who carried them out of the building Under Fire to a safe zone."
"Thankfully, Allan was able to call for help on his satellite phone."
"Rescues just take better care of the dogs. They have a better chance of survival and adoption."
"This guy encouraged all of it by telling me I'm not allowed to do that. We may have to go rescue it."
"A deadly night and, obviously, incredibly significant the rescue of these two hostages."
"Those fortunate groups of initial colonists are a start, but countless others are still trapped on a doomed homeworld. They must be saved."
"Yes, it's the incredible adventures of Jebediah and his crack team of Kerbonauts. They are the Blunderbirds, saving the Kerbin race one stranded explorer at a time."
"Shank's final battle with Blackbeard will result in him being rescued by Luffy and the Straw Hats, bringing the story full circle."
"Sunny, I'm going to save you. Sunny, I'll enter your dreams and get you out of there."
"The skill of Commander Cedric Roberts and Flight Officer Lionel Soul saved the lives of their 16 passengers."
"He thanks them all for their bravery, heroism, and for saving him, his family, and quite possibly all of Emon."
"It's a rope thrown down to Hell and it says just grab it and I'll pull you up."
"I will save you, Nora. I'm nearly there. The next round of therapies. Don't you see? I don't want saving."
"Citizens, because you grow up with the idea that if you're an American citizen and something like this happens to you, your country will come to your rescue."
"I'm so happy that you're here. Hey, yo, hey, yo, Dog Day. I can't—I didn't think—we actually saved him. Here we are."
"Captain K knows he can't save himself, but he can save the little boy."
"I want to save my daughter, Wednesday Adams."
"We need to save this woman, she has a baby to take care of."
"Schindler's famed list... would ultimately save approximately 1,200 Jews."
"Number 11: Firefighters free deer wedged between bars of cemetery fence."
"Thanks so much for watching two of my favorite rescue stories."
"This guy found a dog that was so famished it could barely stand."
"This Ukrainian Soldier risked his life to evacuate a hamster left in a village that was hit with missiles."
"The shark didn't twitch, waited until it was helped, and when the rope was removed, it swam away from the fishermen. Told you the big animals are very calm."
"The duck came up to him, started quacking intensely, and led the way to the storm drain. Quacking was heard from there too. The cameraman immediately understood everything and called the rescue team on the spot."
"According to eyewitnesses, the manta ray didn't move while Wilton dived several times trying to get the hook out of its eye. As a result, the hook was successfully removed."
"Judging by the expression on the sloth's face, it liked the rescue operation and the trip."
"The bear pulled the crow out with its paw and teeth, then continued to eat as if nothing had happened."
"These guys came together to rescue a baby goat."
"Six ducklings were crying loudly as they fell through a storm drain."
"Dolphins can survive for a little while without water, but they need help to avoid dying if they are beached."
"This monkey realized that humans are its only chance, and it was right."
"He rescued them from a mockery of existence."
"Just imagine what could have happened if the man hadn't come to that landfill."
"Every time someone is coaxed to safety and guided down the piles of broken concrete which were once their homes, it inspires The Rescuers to keep on going."
"They still think that it is possible that they could find someone alive, and so the search goes on."
"Amidst the stories of loss, hope as a young girl in Syria covered in dust is lifted from the debris."
"This man noticed a cat that fell into a canal and couldn't get out."
"This man noticed a drowning baby fox and immediately jumped into the water without even taking his clothes off."
"If you want to be saved, I'll risk my life to save you. If you don't want to be saved, I'm not going to care more than you do about your own life."
"Saitama saves Snek from Bagazan and commands Sudi for holding his own against the monsters."
"Saitama saves a small boy's life by effortlessly moving a tree."
"We are thankful Daphne is safe and no longer being held by her father. It is especially gratifying to be able to tell her mom that Daphne is free."
"The sky opened and Swiss helicopter pilots risked their lives to save the trapped people."
"The reds and blues immediately jump into action and set off in a rescue mission to find where churches signal was coming from."
"I saved your dumb ass City and then you were pay me by throwing me into the desert without food!"
"We're on a rescue mission, not a search-and-destroy mission."
"You saved the dog and then the dog came back to save you. It's great."
"The fisherman then donned a survival suit and jumped in the water to help the poor whale."
"Pulled from the flames: bodycam footage capturing sheriff deputy in Florida rushing to save a boy trapped inside a burning home."
"The ultimate goal of any survival situation is to stay alive long enough to get rescued."
"The woman dangled there for a moment before a corrections officer grabbed hold of her and pulled her back down."
"A remarkable rescue operation for the stranded hikers."
"momo coordinates her teammates to rescue aid and assist the wounded heroes"
"He saves the day by attacking their monores, saving the day."
"I'm alive today because these brave men and women searching for me found me."
"God knows how to rescue his people from Calamity."
"He made it his mission to save as many innocent lives as he could since he felt that he would never be able to live with himself if he ever gave up."
"Saving your father from the belly of the whale."
"It's a good night in Thailand. Four of the boys have been rescued from that cave complex."
"What we now know confirmed by the governor of Chiang Rai, four of the boys who went into the cave two weeks ago... are now out."
"I'm going to do everything I can in that moment to get in there and to save your life."
"General Milley does not play games... they got her out where she was seriously abused accosted and... we got her out and she's okay."
"Look how many strangers United to save a person stuck under a car."
"People United to help a paraglider who missed his landing and nearly fell off a cliff."
"The whole movie is based on this delivery guy's attempt to rescue his girlfriend."
"We're saving all the peasants and she's never gonna come back to Bedegar."
"Perhaps I have some rescuers to thank, and perhaps I beg your assistance."
"So somebody needs to break navalny out of prison right now he's in in a Russian prison and he is the guy to come in and Lead that country away from the current trajectory."
"You owe it to them to see this through, to save her."
"He runs straight towards the fire and tries to find the passed out girls inside the bathroom."
"He activates his magical ability to try and save them."
"At the end of the day, we're going to do everything we can. If we only successfully rescue one, it'll be a great operation."
"48 hours is really the Magic Window to bring home a missing person."
"It was a miracle that she was able to get out."
"I don't want to let those people burn. I'm Spider-Man. I'm gonna save people."
"Local villagers discovered the helpless animal... risking their own lives to rescue the large cat."
"Sebas felt himself unable to resist saving Soiree despite knowing she was a potential risk and liability."
"I won’t let you down, Forest Guardian! I’m gonna come and save you from that evil machine, no matter the risk!"
"The only thing that we could do was literally try and save as many people as possible at this point."
"Marcy displays immense bravery and goes right in to rescue him."
"Troopers in Eagle Pass recovered a 5-year-old unaccompanied child from Honduras."
"We are going to break the cycle, no matter what. We are going to save the universe, stop Dr. Monty, and save the children."
"No matter how deep, how dark the pit is, God can reach down and rescue out of that."
"Being rescued from a prison cell by a hot jungle chick with a lax dress code and then marrying her, man, that's like 90% of my fantasy!"
"Every second counts when you're saving someone's life."
"A driver in Georgia is lucky to be alive after being rescued from a burning vehicle."
"Yuki like swooped in and saved two different situations while the call with the crater was live which was awesome that was really cool."
"A British diplomat was spotted diving into a river to save a drowning Chinese woman."
"One of the best landings I ever did was landing on the side of the mountain and getting those guys, and actually they survived, everybody survived."
"The bond forged during a critical rescue operation had endured."
"The boys lived harmoniously for 15 months before they were rescued."
"Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down."
"For those we have not saved and those we can yet save, for our friends."
"We're trying so hard, we're not giving up Kylie. Just hang in there sweetie because we're going to bring you home."
"My rescue came in the form of something I never expected: Trigger came bounding out from the other side of the clearing, barking his head off."
"Saving a person is not only bounded by physical means, but also by saving them from their own mental shackles."
"Determined to save Sam from the Sun Queen’s spirit."
"Deku is the kind of character who will rush to save anyone who needs saving without a thought."
"All five of MSU's comrades from the past are now charging in to help their now evil savior. They work hand in hand to make sure that MSU will be saved no matter what."
"You cannot save people who do not want to be saved."
"Operation save people from their own inventions was a success."
"Rescue swimmers don't just save people from the water."
"There were surprisingly and thankfully 22 survivors of the crash."
"We would have moved heaven and earth, we would have burned down whatever town we had to get to, that man would have taken out whoever he had to get to in order to find you."
"We continued our search... we weren't about to give up on our friend."
"We could save them all. We get the best ending."
"Is being reported that at 2 am local time on site that sonar detected potential tapping sounds at the location implying crew may be alive and signaling."
"She thanks dushi for saving them and then transforms for real this time and actually turns into a two-headed dragon."
"If you'll fight, I'll be with you to deliver you and to rescue you."
"The fact that the single most powerful AI in existence was deployed to contain the endless should tell you how much of a threat they pose."
"Miraculously, a portal just so happens to open up, saving the one who just put an end to the harbinger."
"When no one else could help, they saved a network."
"Jesus can return to rescue us from this world at any moment."
"They are willing to risk their lives to save those kids."
"Koby, the Hero of Rocky Port, saved countless lives during the famous incident."
"Leon is out to rescue the president's daughter, taking on all manner of weird and worrisome creatures."
"They're going to start from the off ramp and work their way back up they're going to try to find the kids and they're going to try to find her"
"Crawl control can get you out of situations you cannot drive out of."
"She saved our telescope and she saved the telescope before us."
"Harus realizes the danger he is in. He throws Tina over his shoulder and starts running as fast as he can."
"Luffy manages to save people and give them hope."
"A dramatic rescue caught on body cam video outside of Atlanta."
"The only way you can save everyone is to free them from this hell."
"What's that? She used to be just a normal girl. Please, you have to save her."
"She made the right decision. This was a bold and daring sortie which undoubtedly saved life."
"That's what's so special about that movie, Indy has to go to save his dad."
"Stops car with powers, saves from abduction."
"our queen that we were trying to rescue was the one and only Butt Stallion"
"You saved me, didn't you? Yes, the witch rests in hell now."
"Armageddon really is a rescue operation... rescuing Jehovah's Witnesses... from being oppressed."
"Oh my god, she covered them all, she saved them all!"
"Sharing these cases is so powerful. It can help bring someone home, save a life, potentially."
"Police said that Pamela was found as a direct result of public involvement and social media awareness."
"Every time the group gets into a bind, they swoop in to save them."
"Eric was a member of the caving club Son Valen Ducey. He had performed cave rescues on other divers and is recognized for always having a cool head even when presented with extreme underwater challenges."
"You came to rescue me. Please don't make me regret it."
"Stepping up with the aim to save their race, using everything in their power."
"However, we have things under control, the Dutch navy's gonna find him, we've got this."
"We are working around the clock to find people and bring them out safely."
"You only can help those that want help, you only can save those that want to be saved."
"As he emerged from the cave a wave of shouts he's alive spread down the banks of the river to the incident command post area and David's family it was a miraculous rescue in reunion."
"He's going slow at first because he just saved the crane."
"There's no pit so deep that God can't lift you out of it and dust you off."
"I feel so awful about the way that went, I am so glad we saved the little girl."
"Two statues come to life and swat the undead skeletons away before flying the group to California."
"I will come to their rescue in the day that I execute my justice."
"Audrey is Henry's daughter and manages to save her estranged father while trying to escape this Inky nightmare."
"We're in this together, and we're gonna pull this country out of this malaise like a fireman or cop pulls a drowning dog out of a frozen lake."
"We've saved everyone we could from the places we knew were still sheltering survivors, God help the rest."
"He said the assailant had convinced himself he was saving the girls and delivering them to Jesus."
"Grace realizes that Thomas changes his mind and comes to save her."
"You came to our rescue, literally thousands of you have come to our aid and support."
"Thanks for saving me guys, I've been out there for weeks."
"He works desperately not only to save his own son Tsurugi but to fully break the curse that has been haunting his family for years."
"The dark side is bringing the world to its knees so the light side can step in and save the day."
"God is rescuing you from trouble, suffering, and a lack of resources."
"Stranger rescues unconscious man from burning car."
"Strangers rescue 87-year-old woman, son, and dog from sinking car."
"He was so lucky I'm so lucky that a decent man saw that this boy was lost."
"By the time I get back it's them taking you out of the Catacombs."
"Without a moment's hesitation, he acted not as a minister but as a rescuer." - Andrei Gurovich