
Hedonism Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Pleasure is the only good, and the happy man is the one that has a great many pleasures but no corresponding pains."
"It's real important that you find another way to enjoy life that's not just hedonism."
"There's going to reach a point where people realize that hedonism is not going to make them happy."
"We are now living in the fully subjectivist, hedonistic, silly ideology of self-fulfillment."
"Hedonism is a black hole, and you can never fill it... you need to have some degree of self-restraint."
"Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure, sensual self-indulgence... Altruism, however, is the belief or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others."
"Enjoy your drink, enjoy your cigarettes, whatever you're doing, enjoy life. That's what matters at the end of the day."
"Higher pleasures that you need to work for are inherently worth more than simple hedonism."
"The meaning of life is have a good time all the time."
"Spirituality is really the most hedonistic way to live, but it's the exact opposite of hedonism, especially when you're trying to get it going."
"Trading truth for pleasure, knowledge for ignorance, a comatose youth addicted to angst and orgasm."
"Take your fill, unbridled hedonism, malignant self-worship in the guise of Liberty."
"Jupiter transiting your moksha houses... seek bad pleasures, more sex, more passionate love."
"If I don't get [expletive] up, then what's the point?"
"The cat is for him who does things not for empty duty but for power pleasure splendour romance and glamour."
"They're here for a good time, not a long time."
"When you live a rockstar lifestyle in your twenties, you enjoy all of the hedonistic allures that life has to offer."
"Also ditch hedonism, this obsession with feeling good and avoiding pain... Embrace pain."
"Have few desires but have great ones...maximize pleasure...occasional blowouts...really enjoy it."
"Pleasure is the ultimate human experience, would you agree?"
"Be strong, o man, lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture, fear not that any God shall deny thee."
"If their lives of pleasure then maybe we've maybe we've done something good."
"The hedonistic depression that is so prevalent."
"So give up your dreams - death is coming, let's party."
"Just go to the bars, go with your buddies, get an eight ball of coke, just have a [ __ ] great night, smoke cigs, do some coke, [ __ ] some girls, and just go on with your life."
"I'm living life like the f*** I might die in the morning, so let's f*** all night."
"But what I really wanted to be was 21 and high."
"We put a lot of value on pleasures of the moment... it's all about making yourself feel good on a physical level."
"Life is preferable to death, pleasure is generally preferable to pain."
"To me, if it feels good, do it. I feel like we need to move away from things that make us feel bad."
"Money is just a tool, people have this kind of hedonic value ego value associated with the number that they don't lose attachment with."
"The meaning of life is probably to reproduce and have more fun."
"Deprive him? You only live once!" - Indulgence justified by the joy it brings.
"Fuck you. Life is too short to deny yourself the pleasure of crisps."
"Far from noble knights defending a kingdom, these were over-educated hedonists of a superpowered variety."
"Vienna is a splendid laboratory of hedonism."
"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a ton of drugs."
"There's always time for a cocktail until there isn't."
"Life is one long party: wine, women, and song."
"Pleasure is the only thing worth having a theory about."
"Sex drugs rock and roll, the bimbos come to the party."
"Pleasure is not inherently negative, but it is the relationship with pleasure that demands careful consideration."
"The pursuit of pleasure and to try to reduce pain for oneself and others is the ultimate good."
"Smoke more cigarettes, drink more booze, [ __ ] my women, and have a good time."
"The great error is the people who confuse having a good time with leading a good life."
"I think the hedonist gets a lot of bad press and I want to talk about that. The hedoness represents you know the love of the good life and what we'll do what we are willing to do to get to the good life."
"It's like the worst form of hedonism."
"Hedonism is the idea that the end goal of all of our actions in life is to pursue pleasure and avoid pain."
"Do not seek pleasure for its own sake."
"The primary aim of life is to maximize pleasures and it's pleasures of a particular sort the pleasures primarily of instant gratification."
"Depression arises from the hedonic, not from an ability to take pleasure but from an inability to do anything else but take pleasure."
"The Starwood club quickly became synonymous with the era's excesses and the entertainment industry's hedonistic pursuits."
"The good life is when pleasure is best achieved by avoiding pain."
"Something wasn't a dream come true, something is very lackluster, somebody might have overindulged, been very hedonistic."
"Enjoyment, for there is nothing better than to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves, be merry."
"Eat, drink, and be merry, for this will go with them in their toil through the days of life that God gives them under the Sun."
"There exists in the world a puzzle box called the lament configuration sought after by hedonists looking for more extreme experiences."
"It's all of the bad results of hedonism without any of the satisfaction of the moment."
"To enter the realm of Slaanesh is to enter a place of eternal damnation."
"I don't care about the purpose of life, I just want to enjoy the moment."
"Stay true to yourself, be whoever you want to be, party hard, and [__] sleep when you're dead."
"Live a dope lifestyle and [ __ ] more baddies. That's pretty much the whole point of life."
"Pleasure without consequences, nudity without modesty, desire without boundaries."
"Vulgar they may have been at times, but they knew how to live."
"Life's a game, do whatever makes you happy and live every day like it could be your last."
"He wanted that life, he wanted like, 'Hey, you know, it's awesome to throw bottles of booze around too, hit the hippy shake by the beaters.'"
"When you worship the body, you focus on pleasure of all kinds, you focus on sexual pleasure."
"By trying to take it in our own way for what we think is our own enjoyment, we actually kill the joy and we destroy the purpose."
"Do not even waste time doing what does not feel good. What feels worse?"
"As long as there's sex and drugs, I could be happy doing anything."
"Why buy two bedroom when you could buy 10 bedroom you know it's like you only live once you don't know when you going to die like you can't take this money to the Grave with you so why not live it to the fullest and and be happy with it."
"The baseless notion that we should eat, drink, and be married for tomorrow we die and it shall all be well with us is one of the most absurd lies in the universe."
"If it feels good, do it. Isn't that Johnson's whole philosophy?"
"Hedonism is a black hole. You can pour endless things down it but you'll never fill it up."
"There's a reason they call it sex, drugs, and rock and roll, baby."
"The dead aren't raised, so let's eat and drink and tomorrow we can die."
"some people like to be challenged some people don't um I think for everybody though The Simple Pure Hedonism plan is probably not a good idea even on its own terms"
"There ain't no money that could replace something that feels good, man."
"For three days the group hung out, listened to music, took drugs, and drank copious amounts of alcohol."
"The people were created by God to do all the work, and you were created to reap all the benefits and party hard."
"All you need in life is some pleasure and excitement to keep you going."
"When you're on this earth, it's all about instant pleasure and just pleasure pleasure pleasure."
"The correct action is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain."
"If the world is pointless and your God is so weak, right now, I have a good time."
"Hedonism is the enemy of happiness."
"Bentham's version of hedonism is a version on which all pleasures count the same so long as they are of equal degree."
"House is a hedonist. He chases the highest possible highs and mitigates feelings of sadness and despair any way he can."
"Hedonism is more important for your well-being than people think."
"Why not hop on the god who's just that treadmill turned up to 11? Just ride that high till you die."
"Now I am existing as my own God, kinda not in like a delusional, scary way but like in a way where I'm like oh I'm like Stardust and I'm like 99.9% empty space and like none of this really actually exists once you're dead so like live it up Babes live it up."
"The idea of fame, money, drugs, and constant sex, but for Rivers Cuomo, all these encounters started to mean nothing."
"Ignorance in the highest degree is what leads to being overcome by pleasures."
"There is no more lamentable pursuit than a life of pleasure."
"There was to be, as Lord Henry had prophesied, a new Hedonism that was to recreate life and to save it from that harsh uncomely puritanism that is having, in our own day, its curious revival."
"Hedonism can doing something so wrong sound so right."
"His role has been, like Aaron said, to just enjoy yourself, go out, have sex, get drinks, party your life away, and maybe go on a suicide mission out in the step zones."
"In people's pursuit of physical pleasures, they are not going to be open to any rebuke. You're not allowed to tell anybody what you're doing is wrong. That's politically incorrect."
"The goal of human life consisted of minimizing pain and misery."
"Just go through the cycles of life, eat, drink, get all you can, be a Hedonist and die."
"Enjoy the world because there's nothing else."
"Eat, drink, tomorrow we die." Classical literature is full of this. This infected the Greek world, the Roman world. Herodotus the Greek historian tells of a custom among the Egyptians."
"Temporarily because you pull yourself out 'cause fun. I like partying, I like drinking, I like doing drugs, you know, it's fun."
"I feel like a lot of people want that kind of hedonistic music at the moment and uh colorful music."
"It was easy to be carefree and get caught up in revelry. In the moment, I felt great. Everyone always does. But when the lights got turned on and everyone had gone home, I felt empty, hollow."
"everything is basically around how much pleasure can I get out of things it has no serious purpose."
"Derive ultimate value from pleasure."
"Everything is meaningless and pleasure it's just chemicals in your brain."
"Pleasure is the aim of an Epicurean ethics. My pleasure, okay?"
"The true hedonist seeks, not so much for the maximum of pleasure as he seeks for the optimum of pleasure, that which will be the most pleasurable, all things being equal."
"The brain systems that generate hedonic states are there but they're not operating at their fullest all the time."
"Cognitive and hedonic adaptation: we quickly adapt to new stimuli until they become our baseline norm."
"For the Culture to continue without terminal decadence, the point needs to be made regularly that its easy hedonism is not some ground state of nature but something desirable, assiduously worked for in the past."
"He was the living embodiment of hedonism."
"If you're gonna blow up the planet, seems kind of stupid not to live well for the last couple of months."
"Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die."
"The full delight in your senses will give you the best life of all."
"I will say to my soul, 'Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.'"
"I love the theme, just the self-destructiveness and the 'you only live once' mentality."
"Life is potentially quite short, and it's certainly too short to smoke poor cigars."
"We here for a good time, not a long time."
"Live life to the fullest, find love even if that means being with multiple persons, and protect that which you hold dear."
"A man who doesn't have a purpose will drown himself in pleasure."
"Enjoy all the pleasures of the world with an attitude of sacrifice."
"One who takes pleasure in eating and drinking."
"It's an empty shell; what you're left with is Hedonism, and that's a bottomless pit."
"The fact that we pursue pleasure is actually what makes it good, and the fact that we avoid pain is actually what makes it bad."
"Pleasure and pain are good or bad because of the feeling, not because of how we're disposed to respond to it."
"Indie sleaze was ultimately about seeking pleasure, approaching life as a giant mashup, making the most out of a moment at a time when life was getting darker."
"Eat, drink, and be merry, that's my motto."
"We are entering a strange era where hedonism is more and more the ruling ideology."
"There is a world out there waiting to yield to us. So much flesh, so many different pleasures."
"For a good time, not a long time."
"Life is a pursuit of pleasure and an attempt to avoid pain; in that sense, we are machines and respond entirely automatically and appetitively to the prospect of increasing pleasure or avoiding pain."
"For there is nothing good for a man under the sun except to eat and to drink and to be merry."
"You can be a hedonist who wants to eat all the things, have all the wine... but you also realize that at one day you're going to stop being able to do all the things if you ruin all the things."
"Get as much pleasure as you can in the meantime."
"Money's for fun and life's for fun. I'm young, my father's got plenty of what it takes, so starting right now, the devil with sculptures and paintings and all your culture. This is Paris, Paris, and I'm gonna have fun, fun, and I'm starting right now."
"I'm not going getting into Nirvana anyway, so let me enjoy my things while I'm alive."
"Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so why not get wasted all the time and have the time of your life."
"To be completely committed to materialism, to be completely committed to a hedonistic lifestyle, you must deny the possibility of something greater."
"Let us have the party spirit, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
"We are all present hedonists at birth."
"If you would not feel the horrible burden of time weighing on your shoulders and crushing you to the earth, be drunk and continually drunken."
"If you're doing everything in your day based on pleasure, then what greater career can you have?"
"The more pleasure you seek, the more miserable you get."
"Nero was essentially a Bohemian Emperor; he liked drinking, poetry, and music."
"Live your life, why worry about philosophy and all of that, just have fun, one doesn't live too long, you live only once."
"Life should be enjoyed. If you get enjoyment from fashion, jewelry, eating good food, traveling, whatever it is that lights your fire, you should go out and do it because life is too short."
"Go fulfill all of your hedonistic desires, then look at your life and assess what is important to you."
"I believe in maximizing pleasure, not containing it."
"The highest purpose of humanity is to experience pleasure."
"Pleasure was not the absence of pain... but that positive pleasure experienced through drinking, eating, and sex should be the goal of life."
"Life without pleasure is a meaningless life."
"Indulgence of the senses, a feeling of total satisfaction and pleasure, is the highest form of existence."
"The point of life is Hedonism, to make the most of it, to experience and savor the divine nectars of existence."
"It's all about pleasure, about the joy of the moment."
"Drinking is like borrowing the joy of tomorrow."
"Pleasure alone makes life worth living."
"He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich."
"If you're a real pleasure seeker, a real hedonist, you will often find yourself denying your own selfish desires for greater ultimate beauty and payoff of doing things His way."
"Can you really measure pleasure? Can you put a number to the intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, fecundity, purity, extent of pleasure outcomes from different actions?"
"Life is about indulging in pleasures."
"I'm not trying to honor you, I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom while I eat, drink, and [__] my way to an early grave."
"What's great about present hedonism is they join everything, they're full of joy, pleasure in life, they're very sensual, they're very sexual, they have energy, activity, they're exciting."
"It's better to feel pleasure than to suffer."
"Our purpose on earth is to put stuff in our mouths that we like."