
Mistreatment Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"It was objectively verifiable that women were being mistreated and that they needed more sovereignty."
"He was another person that was treated badly, and uh, he was a patriot."
"You were just put in the wrong hands with so many people. It's like, if you give a Birkin to a crackhead, it's a very valuable thing, but if you give it to somebody who cannot recognize it, they're going to throw it around, beat it up, mistreat it. We're the Birkins sitting here left."
"Little did they know that treating a kid like garbage just moments after his father died would be the perfect villain origin story."
"I felt like I was a victim of certain mistreatments." - Selena Gomez about Justin Bieber
"The asylum's past is rife with tales of mistreatment, abuse, and neglect that cast a dark shadow over the building's legacy."
"If Mr. Chauvin saw my nephew as a human being, he wouldn't treat him that way."
"They didn't even treat Cassidy like a human after her death."
"A lack of understanding about how to properly care for the wild animals often results in mistreatment and neglect."
"They are treating you like dog crap yeah it's crazy it's crazy."
"What hurts worse, being alone or being mistreated?"
"Despite my issues, I don't deserve being mistreated so badly."
"You are somebody that would be everybody's ideal, but some people just don't know how to treat you."
"There's something that needs to be healed and I maybe it's because this person didn't treat you right."
"The mistreatment of employees: a big one right here."
"I'm sick of being treated like garbage. You don't treat candy like you treat me. Why do you have to treat me so poorly? What did I do wrong?"
"I've come to believe Scientology's crazy-ass beliefs have nothing to do with why they are a failure as an organization. Scientology fails as an organization because of how horribly it treats its members."
"I just can't understand anyone that would treat a dog like these dogs have been treated."
"You couldn't behave so badly to men, you couldn't behave so badly to sons of Adam or so you have to dehumanize the people you're behaving badly to."
"These are just a few of the countless examples of mistreatment."
"If you scared, they got something for you. They'll mistreat you till they kill you and leave your family in pain."
"If someone is mistreating you in any way, please speak up."
"Hate and mistreatment have no place here."
"It's absurd how they've treated her over the years when, like you said, she really is the talent. No one can be Britney."
"She is just a really misunderstood monster who's being subjugated to mistreatment for simply being born the way she is."
"They should leave Megan alone; she's been badly treated."
"They can mistreat you, but one thing they cannot control is your prayer life."
"He immediately mistreated Sarah the first night he became invisible."
"You don't ever deserve to be abused or mistreated."
"People that have been doing wrong, mistreating you, getting away with things for years at these companies and these families and love situations, mistreating people, lies, cheating, it's no more, people are have to pay."
"She doesn't deserve it in the slightest."
"Just because it's your family doesn't mean that you should accept mistreatment."
"Mistreatment is mistreatment even if you don't think the toddler can understand you."
"This is not something I would ignore. The way he's acting is super sketchy and you do not deserve this kind of treatment in the slightest."
"He's going through so much crap and being treated like crap, and you know what? I see it all the time, and it's not fair."
"The mistreatment of the Windrush generation and their families... was a clear violation of human rights."
"I don't deserve to be treated this way."
"I look like a princess and I do not deserve to be treated this way."
"I've never seen somebody just disregard me as a human being and just throw my [ __ ] away."
"He's been treating me like the trash that he left at the curb."
"Culture promotes mistreatment of girls and coercion."
"Their identity is based on how we are mistreated."
"Buttholes have been mistreated for a very long time."
"The true Humanity of any society is those who are treated the worst."
"Probably half of the carnage of the Vietnam veterans that we suffered after we come home was because of the way we were treated when we got home."
"They have been mistreated by people in positions of power."
"Anyway, that's the last thing Hyunjong is thinking of now, shocked at the sacrifices she's made for this company only to be treated this way."
"They treated you poorly just to meet their own needs."
"You were mistreated, undervalued, and put last."
"They're just treated like garbage, you know? Like nobody seems to respect them or anything."
"The way you're being treated is unacceptable."
"If you're made to feel less than human, you're in an abusive environment."
"The Agariyas have faced a long history of mistreatment."
"Marie confessed she killed him with a hatchet due to his mistreatment of her."
"The treatment there was subhumane."
"If you’re being mistreated and taken for granted, it’s wrong."
"Who do you think was paying for this? That I'd pay for this after the way I've been treated?"
"Our own government has treated our own people like ships."
"Understanding doesn't justify accepting mistreatment."
"If you are doing all these things for her and she treats you like garbage and talks down to you and you never ever you get my point, this is the situation where you're not being treated well and still the guy keeps doing this."
"I wasn't even like a big Free Britney person. I'm not into pop stars that much or anything, but Britney Spears is one of the most mistreated celebrities that we have in modern times."
"Mistreating people and then avoiding communication with them is not protecting your peace, it's avoiding accountability."
"I didn't deserve that I didn't deserve to be spoken to that way treated that way"
"Because ain't nobody gonna do their best [ __ ] work if they're being overworked, underpaid, and mistreated."
"You didn't deserve the mistreatment you received."
"He treated me bad, he called me a [__] in a slot when he knew he was my first sexual partner."
"Sanji's story is like watching a Lifetime movie. To see him get treated like that with his peers, that's the worst thing you could do to a kid."
"You can't let somebody mistreat you while claiming you're worth more."
"You treated me like crap my entire life."
"If you're not up there in that school and you have a black boy, trust me, your black son is being mistreated."
"When people treat you badly, it can put you in a fog of confusion."
"Trust me, you don't want to go there. The list will be endless. You've treated me horribly the entire time I've been around you."
"You don't need to be at this job if this is how they're gonna treat you."
"Another actress spoke out about enduring verbal abuse from Lewis, recounting instances where he would belittle and demean her on set."
"We treat Mariners like crap worldwide."
"When you go through all the pain and all the rest to have 13 children and then treat them like that."
"We do not deserve to be treated like this."
"More than 800 people died as a result of mistreatment or experimentation and they were buried in unmarked graves at the far end of the Lynworth property."
"The first problem regarding the children of ISKCON after 1977 was that many of them were being molested or abused, mistreated or they were being deprived of food and medical equipment or just basic necessities."
"She's treated like [ __ ] man, she's taken for granted."
"It's not great when you're being treated this way, but it feels better for it to be on the outside than it for it to be on the inside."
"The Arab Spring had his vegetable cart taken away, he went to the police several times, they slapped him, absolutely denied his dignity as an individual."
"You're being mistreated, but at least you're doing something. At least you can say that you have some power in the equation."
"You shouldn't mistreat animals. Yeah, we're decent people, we don't want any part of animal mistreatment."
"Disney parks are being mistreated badly in order to subsidize the failures of Disney Plus, Hulu, ESPN, the box office, and so much more of Disney's Empire."
"Anna treats the girl in a humiliating Manner and kicks her out of the Villa."
"That's what you get for taking advantage of a good worker and always insulting them."
"You can't be right with God the Father if you're mistreating someone God loves."
"Because what runs through your mind is, is her trying to her being scared, her not wanting this to happen, her having no control, her just being taken advantage of, her just being mistreated, her just being, all these things, man."
"They did her so dirty by doing that."
"Remember ladies, you do not have to take the baby's treatment just because a man has good looks, he has a few dollars in his pocket. It doesn't give him the right to mistreat you."
"They did him so dirty in this series."
"Bettas are given away in raffles, left to die, used as centerpieces at wedding receptions— it's just not right."
"And during the pandemic, a lot of people felt convicted about how overworked and mistreated our essential workers are. And nurses were at the top of that list."
"That whole thing is just so humiliating like who thinks this is a proper way to treat anyone."
"Honestly, no one deserves to get treated like that in the slightest."
"Don't stay at a job if you're being severely mistreated. It's not worth the money."
"We haven't talked enough as a culture about the ways in which Monica Lewinsky was terribly mistreated."
"You can't mistreat people and expect things to go good for you."
"Your parents mistreat you, they are in the wrong, not you. Talk to someone you can trust."
"Honestly, the way Kim had downright abused Rhett and his sister Rosie was horrible."
"There's no point of us just treating people badly like this."
"What WWE did to Zack Ryder was pretty messed up."
"Even after foot binding became less popular, the poor women whose feet were already bound were often subjected to horrible treatment."
"The mistreatment of her in season one could be quite funny at points, genuinely because it was part of the comedy of the show, but it went from that to just horrible in season two."
"People are being abused, getting injured, living with pesticides, rats are eating their food, they're being mistreated by their bosses."
"He treats his employees really badly."
"If you guys ever feel mistreated, make sure you speak up."
"Nobody deserves this kind of treatment, bro."
"You should never be afraid of being ridiculed, ignored, abused, or punished by someone you say you love."
"I'm so sorry for how you were treated by him; you didn't deserve that."
"Deny it all you want, little engine, but heed my warning: even something as humble as a coach does not take kindly to being mistreated."
"Anybody who didn't do right by you, it's their loss."
"This is just no way to treat man's best friend."
"A sincere person like you shouldn't be subjected to such treatment."
"It's not normal to be mistreated."
"Abuse refers to the intentional harming, mistreatment, neglect, or exploitation of a child or elder by a parent or caregiver."
"He could tell that she hadn't been treated well by the Lokoko tribe."
"The building is haunted from the souls of the mistreated patients."
"No one should ever be treated this way."
"...it kind of briefly examines people who are mistreated in the past and how that plays a role in these future generations."
"Do not let nobody mistreat your children."
"No one deserves to be treated the way Tristan treated her."
"I've been maligned and I've been mistreated and I don't think you understand."
"They never apologized for treating me like garbage and like a mistake they made."
"I don't think I've met one single person who's treated me as badly as almost everybody I worked with treated me for 15 years."
"Oh, that a lady, of one man refused, should of another therefore be abused!"
"I treat them nice even though they have done me wrong."
"If you completely sell yourself out just to get fame, then use it as a power trip to mistreat others in order to continue getting what you want, that is wrong."
"As we grow older, we do become more vulnerable to mistreatment."
"I just wanted to say sorry for the way I treated you; you didn't deserve that."
"The way that you're being treated is wrong, you do not deserve it, and it's not okay."
"You're not crazy, the way that you're being treated is wrong, you do not deserve it."
"He may be handicapped, but he is totally clear-headed. Can't you imagine how hurt he must be from being mistreated by you two?"
"Continue to pray for those that despitefully mistreat you and use you."
"Remember your strength lies not in how loudly you can shout back, but in how you treat them despite their mistreatment."
"Humans abused cetaceans for many centuries."
"You were mistreated, and that was not okay, and you need to stop finding excuses and trying to make what happened to you be okay because it wasn't okay."
"Do not allow people to Gaslight you, manipulate your emotions, try to manipulate your thoughts when you know deep down that you were mistreated."
"If someone treats you bad, just remember that there's something wrong with them, not you."
"God is looking not just are you keeping quiet instead of speaking against them, but will you forgive them because they did mistreat you."
"Never to settle, learning to recognize red flags early on, never allow a man to mistreat me ever again."
"Remember those being mistreated as if you felt their pain in your own body."
"Many people will regret mistreating you."
"We are so compatible... do you realize how shitty the dating pool is, and yet you want to treat me this way?"
"You have received solid vindication from the very moments someone mistreated you, from the very moment they judged you, from the very moment they did you wrong."
"These types of adult actions can be as damaging to a child's development as other currently recognized and forensically established subtypes of mistreatment."
"I think she was isolated in her family, I think Cody was mistreating her, I think she's been neglected."
"You didn't deserve to be treated that way."
"You can't disrespect me, mistreat me if I'm not even there."
"How could you mistreat the Queen of Cups? That's everything they ever wanted and wished for."
"Believe them when somebody treats you that badly; take them at their word that that's what it means to them: nothing."
"It's okay to stand up for yourself when you're being mistreated."