
Personal Cost Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"The price we pay for inauthenticity is huge."
"I've been successful at damn near everything that I've done, but there's a price to be paid for that."
"You pay a very heavy price and it takes a lot of courage to do that."
"True heroism is not just about having the strongest powers but about making the right moral choices, even when they come at a great personal cost."
"When the status quo costs you, that's when you leave it."
"Your characters will make a difference, and it will cost them everything."
"We always teach our kids to do what's right, no matter what the personal cost is to them."
"You don't get out of life without paying the cost, and the tuition in life is not money, it is discomfort, it is confusion, sleepless nights, tear-stained pillowcases."
"It's going to cost you some friendships; it's going to cost you maybe a job. It's not the norm."
"He's offering me all this stuff he's like but at what cost? He's like I was he like you left me yeah that was powerful."
"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them."
"If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive. Don't spend your peace on tomfoolery."
"One's very sacrificial and one cost you something, and one's easy, and it's about me."
"It's simply not worth the soul sucking that it will do."
"The discipline equation: Discipline = (Value of the goal + Reward of the pursuit) - Cost of the pursuit."
"We push our needs aside for others, but it can cost us our life."
"Pride comes at a cost, and Dan decides to pay the price. And hell, he can probably afford it."
"Their reputation, career, assets, sleep, family, friends, everything hangs in the balance."
"If something costs you your peace, it's too expensive."
"I made a deal, okay? Made a deal to serve Mephisto."
"An unpopular one to say is that people will take what is for some of them a financial hit by entering politics."
"So it cost me billions of dollars to be president. And I am so happy I did it. Because who cares? I'm really happy with the job we're doing."
"When you bust through that glass ceiling, it's not without a heavy cost."
"Assimilation ultimately is a thankless task; it's about other people's comfort, not your own needs."
"Count the cost if you're not willing to pay the price then quit it don't even fool with it."
"You've got to forgive it, what you think it cost you, what you think it did to you."
"If that's the price I have to pay to make the impact I want to have then I would pay it every day of the week."
"Kathy Bernier stood up for the truth on Monday, the Republican chair of the state senate elections committee knows that it may lead to vile threats against her and almost certainly will come at a political cost. She did it anyway. That's courage."
"We have to stand up for what's right even if it costs us something."
"We need to value and promote people willing to endure social harm for truth."
"Standing for what's right in this day and age, it's not cost-free."
"In this struggle of good versus evil, we have to pay our dues. If it means you have to suffer, you have to suffer."
"If you want to be the best at anything, it's going to be hard to do it in the healthiest way. It's a price you got to pay man."
"Nobody knows the blood it costs to be who we are."
"Your education wasn't free; you paid for it with your mind."
"I paid a huge price for compromising my integrity."
"Loneliness is a kind of tax you have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind."
"It's worth it. It is worth it. It is a price, but it's worth it."
"How far would you go to have your greatest wish granted? How much would you destroy to get your way?"
"If someone is prepared to stand up for whatever their beliefs are, you can assume they're telling the truth, especially if they pay a high price for it."
"How much do you have to suffer for your art?"
"How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice for power?"
"Principles are everything, even at a personal cost."
"But that being free with all its costs and all its consequences is always going to be preferable to being costed to being safe..."
"Yes, we've all made our down payments. We've all been through fucked up relationships with women. But if you really want to live that life, guys, there is a price to be paid. This shit ain't easy."
"It's about being authentic and true to yourself, even if it costs you."
"You have to put your own dignity aside and suck up to the very people who might actually get you personally sued."
"I have to accept the fact that the pound of flesh that you give the audience or the reader or whoever it is just becomes a currency that translates into more people reading your stuff."
"That is a person that is paying a huge price for a political show."
"Pay attention to the red flags, the signs are costing you."
"His performances are always committed and the depths that Daniel Day-Lewis is willing to go to achieve these characters had taken their toll on him both physically and mentally."
"The case that gnaws at your guts and ruins your marriage, the case that keeps you propping up a bar as you relive the what-ifs."
"There's a soul tax that happens to me when the more I share myself with people."
"Courage requires the willingness to take action even if you have to pay a price personally."
"Celebrities don't just transform their careers, they transform themselves too, and it can come with an insane price tag."
"There's a new start coming, but it may come at a cost of letting go of something."
"Life will do that to you, the pursuit of fame, money, and grandeur will do that to you."
"If you put yourself last, you will pay a price."
"My life was not worth one cent in terms of my scientific credibility. I was finished."
"What will it profit you to get there if you lose them?"
"Doing the right thing is going to hurt, but it's the only way to make progress." - Andrew
"He sold his soul to the devil and the price was cheap."
"We sacrifice ourselves, we sacrifice time with our family, time in our careers just to serve for the greater good."
"Nothing costs more than what you don't pay for. You want to win like Nick the Greek, the price is you will become Nick the Greek."
"Dreams will take sacrifice, be it hard work, lost hours, failures, or missed opportunities along the way. But the sacrifice shouldn't be yourself or others."
"Considering everything that's happened, all the money might not be worth subjecting herself to this [ __ ] any longer."
"If you're not willing to pay that price, you don't deserve to be great."
"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it."
"His injury is merely the price that he has to pay for hurting her."
"They walk away but they pay a big price for it. They pay a big price for it."
"What price are you willing to pay to make the dream a reality?"
"He was unapologetically himself and that eventually cost him everything."
"It's necessary because especially if you're like me, man. I'm loyal to a fault, like to a fault that I done really went broke, I think, a lot of times. But I don't really give a lot up in the street."
"The temptation to conform to an ideal of beauty whatever the cost."
"A stiff price for being in love and willing to do anything for your boyfriend."
"The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving something or someone too much."
"Sacrifice is definite; you have to give up something."
"A closed mind is the most expensive thing to have on your body."
"Beauty is pain, but nobody talks about the price of being a goofy little girl."
"Scars are a cheaper price to pay than losing my life."
"Having money is not the be-all and end-all... it comes with a lot of personal cost, a lot of time."
"Success is defined by what you had to sacrifice."
"Even when it costs his personal life dearly, he lets friends."
"It costs a lot. You're going to trade a whole lot of your life to have that [__] life."
"Your integrity will give you every single thing you need to be happy, everything the wildest dreams, the deepest love, the joy, the most joyous experiences, but it will cost you absolutely everything else."
"He traded his wealth for the country, for the good of the country."
"Try the bravery that it takes to go for what you want despite feeling like you're gonna lose the people in your life because of it."
"The truth will really set you free, even if it's at the cost of your livelihood."
"When you read obituaries... they don't realize that niceness happened at the expense of themselves."
"The price of anything is the amount of life we exchange for it."
"That's character, doing the right thing even if it hurts you."
"‘‘I’ve sacrificed everything. What have you given?’’"
"Nobody wants to be the person who helps figure out the law at their own expense."
"He has sacrificed his life for telling the truth."
"If they want you they're going to have to give up something."
"It's just another reminder of how the business has a tendency to ruin lives if left unchecked."
"Lauren's experience is a stark reminder of the personal costs associated with maintaining artistic integrity and speaking truth to power in an industry that often prioritizes conformity and marketability over genuine expression and ethical considerations."
"I think being a warrior for a cause leaves you with battle scars and wounds and trauma that never necessarily allows you to heal and to grow."
"I'll sell my whole to you. What's my price? This is heartbreaking."
"But like people, I don't think realize like it takes a lot; it takes a lot out of you, a lot out of you."
"The price for intimacy with the Holy Spirit is obedience to the Holy Spirit."
"In life, we have to make decisions, and sometimes those decisions cost us, not someone else."
"It really feels as though it comes at a cost. Is it possible to achieve success without that inner pain and drive is something that I think about a lot."
"I burned my decency for someone else's future."
"Sometimes what we need to have the relationship that we want at a cost that we're comfortable with doesn't work with the other person."
"He has saved the world, but it is not saved for him."
"Instead, they explore the personal costs of September 11th."
"You have to give away too much of yourself for my liking to be famous."
"Life has required more out of me than I thought I had to pay."
"It's going to cost you early mornings, it's going to cost you difficult conversations, it's going to cost you late nights."
"I used to be out there trying to please everyone and trying to make everyone happy, even at my own expense."
"You have to decide what is the price you're going to pay to discover your true self."
"Linda's life, as revealed by her own accounts, serves as a sobering reminder of the personal costs that can accompany public notoriety."
"It's a small price to pay for me to be happy."
"I'm a rebel, that's the price you gotta pay."
"I value my privacy, and unsecured data can cost you plenty, not only money but in time to recover your identity, passwords, and contacts."